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Bill Nibbelink Papers
DA 12 · Papers · 1978-2015

The collection is primarily composed of publications and materials related to the development and promotion of alcohol fuels in South Dakota, assorted campaign memorabilia as well as the Moody County recount handbook for the contested congressional election in 1978. Constituent robo letters, South Dakota trip schedules, and a number of photographs are also included.

Nibbelink, Bill
Alumni Association Records
UA 017 · Records · 1892-2022 undated

This collection is composed mainly of publications and promotional material produced by the Office of the Director of the Alumni Association. Folders include newsletters, flyers, invitation to gatherings, and State magazine. Also included is material dealing with reunions, mainly invitations in the form of postcards.

South Dakota State University. Alumni Association
MA 016 · Records · 1956-2017

This collection is composed of the records of Altrusa International District Seven. Included are minutes, reports, treasurers records, committee records, photographs and conference proceedings. The conference proceedings are for conference and president's workshops held between 1956 and 1995. Folders contents consist of programs, reports, banquet menus, and minutes, including pre-conference, conference and post-conference.

Altrusa International
Donald D. Johnson Papers
MA 018 · Papers · 1918

Composed of a short narrative composed around 1918 and relates the experience of John P. Johnson, a Swedish immigrant and grandfather of the donor, between 1871 and 1879. This narrative was translated by Alma N. Lundin and read around 1918 at the Benton Lutheran Church in South Dakota. This narrative is a photocopy; the original was not included with the donation.

Also included is a publication called The Quill published by the students of Marion High School, Marion, South Dakota. A note is included with this publication indicating that it was published by Donald D. Johnson in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson of Hartford, South Dakota. It is assumed that Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson are the parents of Donald D. Johnson.

Johnson, Donald D. (Donald Dale)
MA 020 · Collection · 1918-1987

"The Incredible Gladys Pyle" Collection consists of clippings, correspondence, financial records, manuscripts, research, transcripts and audio cassettes.

The clippings include advertisements for the published book and clippings of Gladys Pyle on her 96th birthday. The correspondence includes letters on the publication of the book and letters from Gladys Pyle noting corrections for the book. Included is a handwritten letter from Governor Sigurd Anderson praising Gladys Pyle and her contributions to South Dakota politics.

The financial records are minimal and include itemized lists of expenses. There are two manuscripts for the book, one is with the published title "The Incredible Gladys Pyle", and the other with an alternative title "Gladys Pyle: Always a Pioneer". The transcripts appear to accompany only one set of audiocassettes. Included with the transcripts are notebooks with interview questions for Miss Pyle.

Pyle, Gladys, 1890-1989
MA 021 · Records · 1985-1990

The Women Artists in Collaboration Records consist of various items collected by Marilyn Richardson, a co-founder of Women Artists in Collaboration. The bulk of material is correspondence, financial records and projects that the group worked on. The projects material is interesting because it deals with ideas for performances and the collaboration process. Included in the material are clippings, guest books, meeting notes, member biographies, and programs. Also included are two scrapbooks that contain pictures of performances presented by the group and other memorabilia.

Women Artists in Collaboration
MA 023 · Collection · 1914-1916

Composed of correspondence between Henry Langford Loucks and Richard F. Pettigrew during the years 1914-1916. The content of the letters is mainly political in nature, dealing with issues of the progressive movement in the United States in the early 1900's. The collection also contains photographs, and published editorials and a pamphlet written by Loucks.

Loucks, Henry L. (Henry Langford) 1846-1928
MA 024 · Papers · 1949, 1975, 1997

Composed of a manuscript titled "In the Blizzard," newspaper accounts, photos and other background information. Included are versions printed by the "Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt," a Lutheran church bulletin written in German from Madison, Wisconsin, and by the Watertown Public Opinion, which features a translation of that article by Reverend Elwood Habermann and other useful information. Frederick's role as editor and copier of the original document is omitted in Reverend Habermann's translation as well as several other significant details presumably unknown to him.

Grewing, Frederick 1867-1937
MA 026 · Records · 1914-1995

This collection is composed of records of the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation and associated groups.
The County series consists of a small amount of material from the Brookings County, Codington County and Hamlin County Farm Bureaus. Included are reports and minutes.
The Federation records are composed of committee files, minutes, publications, clippings, bylaws, financial records and historical information. The Committees material is composed mainly of minutes of the various committees within the Farm Bureau Federation. Included are minutes of the Executive Committee, Women's Committee, and Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. The General files include bylaws of the Federation, clippings, financial material, and histories of several county Farm Bureaus throughout South Dakota. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. The Meeting minutes are composed of meeting minutes of the Farm Bureau Federation dating from 1964-1995. Minutes from several smaller committees are also included. The Publications are composed of Ag Leader, a monthly periodical published by the Farm Bureau that reports on activities of the Bureau.
The Mutual Insurance Company series consists of minutes for a meeting held in 1968, bylaws and agreements. The General files are composed of bylaws and agreements between the South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, Rural Security Life Insurance Company and the South Dakota Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company. The minutes are composed of minutes from a meeting held in 1968.
The Service Company series consists of meeting minutes.

South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation
MA 029 · Records · 1923-1973, 2000, undated

Consists mainly of minutes and agendas from meetings of the SDCIA, along with the programs, letters, reports and pamphlets that were dealt with in each meeting. The minutes include minutes from the annual meetings, board of directors meetings, committee meetings and district meetings. There are programs for the annual meetings, crop shows and banquets. The letters include correspondence with members of the Crop Improvement Associations of other states and with the national Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, as well as between SDCIA members. The reports include financial reports and statements, and also reports on the activities of the organization. The pamphlets include the SDCIA newsletter (The Crop Improvement Reporter), CIA newsletters from the surrounding states, booklets of weed laws, and seed certification manuals. In addition there is a history article that was prepared for the agency’s 75th anniversary in the year 2000.

The collection also contains photographs. These are primarily photos of the various crop shows and field days held by the SDCIA.

South Dakota Crop Improvement Association
MA 031 · Records · 1920-1999

The Brookings Rotary Club Records consist of newsletters, reports to the district governor, photographs, clippings, minutes, and several other miscellaneous items.

The newsletters span the years 1920 to 1998 but some years from 1963 to 1981 are missing. These are very informative and include information on meetings, club officers, attendance, meeting guests, and other miscellaneous items.

The reports to the district governor span the years 1977 to 1999 but are missing years from 1985 to 1993. There are some items that appeared to have been part of these reports but were not bound together as a report. These include committee reports, president's plans and comments, and summary of club plans and objectives.

Also included are minutes, but these only cover the years 1980 to 1984. Some of the general items include attendance reports, certificates and awards, by-laws, constitution, some correspondence, directories, a history of Brookings Rotary, information on the book project, and district conference planning and programs.

Brookings Rotary Club (Brookings, S.D.)
MA 032 · Papers · 1924-1995

Composed of 71 journals kept by Henry and Inez Johnson that document rural life near Baltic, S.D.

Johnson, Henry
MA 033 · Collection · 1913-1918

This collection originated from the Madison, S.D. Railway Depot and was then donated to Prairie Village of Madison. The barn in which Prairie Village kept the records burned down but the records were salvaged. The collection provides a variety of different communications and report information, and is an excellent source to view original documentation. However, the collection is not a complete record of all communications and so is not an effective source for researching specific transactions, etc. It is organized into folders each containing a different form of communication used by the railroad company. The beginning of the collection contains all photocopied material. The middle of the collection contains the encapsulated material, and the end of the collection contains the samples of original records.

Because this collection was damaged in a fire all records received were photocopied with only a few original samples retained from each category of the collection. Some unique samples were encapsulated for easier handling and display.

Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company
MA 034 · Collection · 1937-1949

Consists of chapbooks of Graber's poetry and does not contain larger collections of verse, which may be found in the South Dakota Collection.

Graber, Edwin C.
Dakota Farmer Collection
MA 038 · Collection · 1906-1946

This collection is composed mainly of plates, publications, reports, a small amount of correspondence, and photographs. The plates consist of frames, cover mast-heads, article mast-heads, frames for photographs, and other artwork used for the publication. A more detailed description of these plates is found in the container list. The publications are mainly specialty publications aimed at advertisers and marketers. The reports are surveys conducted on farmers, bankers, merchants.

An item of note is the contracting for a new cover file. This material contains several examples of other publication covers with critiques of what works and what does not. Also included in this material is three sample covers for the Dakota Farmer and correspondence between the contractor and the Dakota Farmer staff.

Dakota Farmer (Aberdeen, S.D.)
Marcus S. Zuber Papers
MA 040 · Papers · 1937-1986

This collection is composed of scrapbooks documenting his years of corn breeding research. They consist mainly of newspaper clippings, certificates, photographs, news releases and correspondence. Also included is a BS diploma from South Dakota State College, MS and Ph. D diploma from Iowa State College, an honorary degree from South Dakota State University and a citation from the Army Service Forces for the Army Commendation Ribbon.

Zuber, Marcus S., 1912
Dan W. Johnson Papers
MA 041 · Papers · 1855-2002

This collection is composed of material relating mainly Dan W. Johnson and to the city of Marshall in Lyon County, Minn. Included are files relating his military and professional career, his family, collected research and files dealing with Jeanne Johnson & Antiques Ltd., Marshall, Minn., Lyon County, Minn., Southwest State University, and Schwan's Home Service, Inc.

Johnson, Dan W. 1917-2001
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn Papers
MA 042 · Papers · 1932-2016

This collection consists of biographical material about Cook-Lynn; correspondence; writings by Cook-Lynn including articles, books, editorials, essays, novels, novellas, poetry, and book reviews; material related to her teaching career as well as research project and other activities in which she was involved; material related to the Wicazo Sa Review: a Journal of Native Studies for which she was editor; and material related to Native American issues and topics.

Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth
Carol Hepper Collection
MA 043 · Collection · 1982-2006

Composed mainly of gallery invitations, exhibition catalogs, reviews and some press material related to the career of Carol Hepper.

Hepper, Carol 1953-
MA 044 · Papers · 1863-1870, 2006

Transcription of the Susan A. Jones diaries was performed by Virginia Vander Wal, great-granddaughter of Susan, in March 2006. The diaries appear to have been written while Susan resided in Massachusetts and Wisconsin. The entries provide insight into her daily activities from 1863-1870. Topics include various social activities, mention of the weather, work activities, and important events, such as funerals, first communion, engagement to be married, etc.

The 1863 transcription was from a very small diary that was written before Susan married Henry. There are several entries concerning the Civil War in this diary.

Some of the original diaries were written on loose pages and were very old and fragile. Others were written in 3 x 4 inch diary books with three days to one side of each page. The writing on these pages was very small and faded, especially those entries written in pencil, making is difficult to read.

Blanks in the text indicate words that could not be read due to illegible handwriting or damaged areas on the paper. Words typed in brackets, { }, are words which a guess was made at some of the letters. The spelling of words in the original diary was maintained.
Virginia Vander Wal includes an account of the transcribing of the diaries as well as some genealogical background of Susan A. Jones. Virginia's personal notations are indicated in bold-faced font in the transcription. Also included is a photocopied photograph of Susan A. Jones and discharge papers for Henry R. Jones.

The diaries are not complete in that some years may not have entries for each day or month.

Jones, Susan A. 1844-1925
MA 045 · Records · 1936-1978

This collection is composed of correspondence, clippings, programs, treasurer's reports, publications, abstracts and reports, meeting minutes, and meeting planning material, including arrangements for speakers at annual meeting.

Each meeting was held at a different South Dakota college or university. Folders indicate the dates of the annual meeting, the venue where the meeting was held, and may list the topic for the meeting.

South Dakota Social Science Association
MA 046 · Records · 1979-2018

This collection is composed of certificates and awards, convention programs, meeting minutes, and assorted materials documenting the National Association of Retired Federal Employees – Big Sioux chapter. Notable items include the chapter’s foundation certificate and banner.

National Association of Retired Federal Employees
Kathleen Norris Papers
MA 047 · Papers · 1919-2020

The collection is composed of manuscripts, correspondence, galley proofs, research, books and publications related to her published works of fiction and nonfiction.
The general material is composed of Norris' juvenilia from Bennington College, instructors' mid-term and final reports of her course work from college, and biographies and interviews of Norris conducted by various media organizations. Also included is a collection of notebooks from the early 1970's to 2009. These notebooks are spiral bound and appear to be daily journals with notes and drafts of poems and essays. They also contain postcards, clippings, business cards, prayer cards, photographs, recipes, etc. Of note is the manuscript for “Elizabeth Kray’s Letters, Memos, and Notes to Marie Bullock: Two Great Ladies of American Poetry”. A 1937 edition of “Conversation at Midnight” by Edna St. Vincent Millay and signed by John H. Norris is also included.
Poetry is composed of Norris' poetry in anthologies, books, catalogs, chapbooks, contributions, and periodicals. These publications all include Norris' poetry, and some also include works by her husband, David Dwyer, (this will be noted on the front of the folder).
Nonfiction books consist of draft and annotated manuscript pages, galley proofs, cover art and typeface layout, book jackets, book notes, correspondence, research, reviews, audio books, international editions, promotional material, book tour information, advance proofs, hard cover and paperback books. Material varies with each book title. This material is arranged alphabetically by publication title.
Other writings consist mainly of essays, reviews, and sermons published in journals, anthologies, books, textbooks, etc. Also included are scripture reflections for daily devotions, Afterword’s, Forewords, Introductions, Prefaces, and Symposia to which Norris has contributed.
Works mentioning Norris are also included. They are composed of publications with articles mention Kathleen Norris.

Norris, Kathleen, 1947-
MA 049 · Collection · 1884-2000

Richards was an admirer of Dr. Hansen and often stopped to visit him in his office. After Dr. Hansen's death in 1950, David asked for and received, permission to keep a few souvenirs and then dug through the trash filling several boxes with papers of historical value.

This collection is composed writings for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the form of bulletins and circulars, manuscripts for articles and publications that include Hansen's notations and corrections, correspondence with friends, colleagues, and customers interested in ordering seeds or rootstocks. Also included are catalog descriptions of plants to be included in seed catalogs, transplanting cards on which researchers will find records of planting and transplanting of plant hybrids, and research projects and reports to the Agricultural Experiment Station and material related to the South Dakota Horticultural Society.

Some items of note are collected Russian publications, seed catalogs and Seeds and Plants Imported published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture which list the plants and seeds imported by Hansen. Researchers will also find some material related to Hansen's travels.

The publications and manuscripts by Hansen related to many different horticultural topics: apples, crab apples, apricots, cherries, currants, grapes, pears, plums, plums, roses, roses, alfalfa, trees, plant genetics and breeding.
Researchers will also find clippings related to Hansen and photographs.

Richards, David
MA 050 · Records · 1941-2004

The Sokota Hybrid Producers, Inc. records are composed mainly of Board of Directors minutes from its incorporation in 1944 to its dissolution in 1986. Most of the minutes include an agenda and the minutes. Some may include newsletters, correspondence, and reports. The collection also includes articles of incorporation, by-laws, purchase agreement, financial material, and trademark information.

The financial material is composed of corn payments, revolving fund certificates, grower and producer ledger sheets, and other certificates related to the financial portion of Sokota.

Also included are newspapers clippings on the history of Sokota, South Dakota codified laws in relation to cooperatives, and a photocopy of the first check written.

Sokota Hybrid Producers
MA 051 · Records · 1938-2003

This collection is composed of club records, yearbooks, scrapbooks, a manual, reports and sheet music.

The club records are in a variety of forms, from ledgers to notebooks. They include membership lists, officer lists, minutes from meetings and treasury reports. Included in some is correspondence, programs from events, and newspaper clippings.

The club yearbooks are composed of officer information, schedule meeting dates, hostess and theme information, and membership lists. The earlier yearbooks are handmade, usually of colored construction paper and are colored either with crayons or markers.
The scrapbooks include programs, certificates, newspaper clippings, and historical information.

Also included are financial records, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, and various pamphlets from the National Federation of Music Clubs.

National Federation of Music Club
MA 054 · Records · 1949-1994

This collection contains: minutes from the Zeta chapters meetings, Delta Kappa Gamma Handbooks, Zeta Chapter membership lists, Budgets for the Zeta Chapter, and rules and bylaws for the Alpha Pi State (South Dakota) Delta Kappa Gamma Society.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society
Ward B. Bates Scrapbook
MA 055 · Papers · 1915-1919

This collection consists of a leather-bound scrapbook belonging to 2nd Lt. Ward B. Bates and contains 139 documents, seventy-two maps, 263 photographs, and eighty-one picture postcards. The photographs cover Bates' time in training at his various duty stations. Some of the photographs include Bates and other officers enjoying their time on liberty before heading to the battlefield. Battlefield images are those taken by Bates as well as the personal pictures of Major Joseph Mills Hansen who was the Chief Historian of the A.E.F. Some photographs depict those dead after an assault. Documents include an assortment of U.S. Service Club membership cards and also Officer Club membership cards. The scrapbook holds Bates' honorable discharge paper from the Army National Guard. There are also numerous copies of various orders passed down to the many officers of field artillery. All orders pertained to the movement of the newly commissioned officers, including Bates. Orders came down from the War Department and would give time and place of the new duty station. Bates traveled from Ft. Dodge, Iowa, to Ft. Snelling, Minnesota. Other duty stations included Camp Logan of Houston, Texas and Camp Jackson of Columbia, South Carolina. General Order No. 23 in particular deals with Bates division once they reached Paris, France and how they were to go about setting up camp, care of personnel and supplies, and interaction with locals. There are also many newspaper clippings that document the events of World War I.

Bates, Ward B. (Ward Bradley) 1895-1946
MA 057 · Collection · 1933-2001

The collection consists of collected materials relating to the life of Captain Willibald C. Bianchi. The materials were used by the Tom Beattie and the Willibald Bianchi Memorial and Scholarship Committee to create a memorial to Bianchi at South Dakota State University. Files contain information regarding the scholarship, ceremony, and plaque. These materials also include news clippings, remembrances, and a photocopy of the Congressional Medal of Honor certificate. Items of significance comprise photocopies of letters from Bianchi to his family while he was stationed in the Philippines and as a prisoner of war.

Bianchi, Willibald C.
MA 059 · Collection · 13th century, 1440-1496

The H.M. Briggs Library holds four illuminated manuscript leaves, or single pages. The pages consist of religious texts. One leaf is the Biblia Sacra Latina, which is a page from the Latin Bible and dates to the 13th century. The leaves were purchased from the estate of Morris Elmer Nellermoe, Jr. (1926-2004).

The Hours of the Virgin, a section of the Book of Hours, which are devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages. These pages date from the middle of the 15th century.

The Biblia Sacra Latina chapter numerals in red and blue with much pen work ornamentation. The work contained a number of historiated and illuminated initials, remarkable for the extremely wide margins.

Nellermoe, Morris Elmer, Jr.
MA 061 · Collection · 1998, 2003, undated

Collection contains 11 Betacam video tapes and 5 DVDs documenting events and scenery in South Dakota. The footage is taken of Lake Andes, the Ft. Randall Casino, Aberdeen, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Tribe in South Dakota. The footage was taken by TLN Productions for their Discover America series, which promoted travel throughout the United States.

TLN Productions
Hawley-Lothrop Family Papers
MA 065 · Papers · 1879-2002, undated

Collection consists of historical documents relating to the Hawley-Lothrop Families and William Walters. The collection documents the families during the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth centuries. The collection includes scrapbooks and photo albums. Of interest are the materials relating to William H. Walters' time at South Dakota State.

Lothrop, Eugene 1920-2014
MA 067 · Collection · 1998-2002

The collection contains the constitution and bylaws of the Unified Encampment of South Dakota and the proceedings of the Grand Encampment of South Dakota.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Encampment of South Dakota
Verl Thomson Papers
MA 068 · Papers · 1987-1989

The collection contains a copy of Virginia Thomson's theses about Verl Thomson and memorials and tributes to Thomson.

Thomson, Verl
MA 071 · Collection · 1912-1986

The collection contains materials Johnston collected during her time at South Dakota State College, including 103 photographs and a booklet about campus life. Also in the collection is a 1917 booklet of letters from the class of 1916 telling each other what they have been doing since they graduated. There is also a news clipping from the Brookings Register about Johnston and her memories of the first Hobo Day at South Dakota State.

Johnston, Blanche Avery 1895-1986
MA 072 · Records · 1926-2015

The materials in this collection were gathered by various officers and members of South Dakota State Poetry Society. The collection consists of historical information, board meeting notes and minutes, correspondence, publications by the organization, publications by South Dakota poets, and the 2015 Poet Laureate recommendation to the Governor.

South Dakota State Poetry Society
MA 073 · Papers · 1937-1945

This collection consists of a notebook of Clark S. Thomas, a student at South Dakota State College from 1937 to 1941. The notebook records all of his personal expenses while attending college, as well as expenses while serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1941 to 1945. Entries in the notebook include meals, entertainment, income, and other expenses for clothes, school supplies, etc. Also included are receipts for tuition and fees for Thomas for 1937-1941.

Thomas, Clark S. 1917-2012
MA 075 · Papers · 1941-1979

The collection consists of completed Farm Family Record Books compiled by Alice and Oscar Simonson from June 1, 1941 thru December 31, 1979 for their farm in Day County, South Dakota. In these workbooks, issued by the US Department of Agriculture's Farmers Home Administration, farmers recorded monthly all money taken in and paid out, as well as farm-furnished food, an annual summary, and a five year inventory. Alice made detailed entries in the farm ledgers. She accounted for all incomes and expenses for their farm; everything was noted down to every nail purchased.

The collection also includes information about the Simonson family, images of the family and farm, and an oral history interview conducted with Alice Simonson in 2016.

Simonson, Oscar and Alice
MA 079 · Papers · 1911-2002

This memorabilia collected by Barbara Bates Gunderson is comprised chiefly of scrapbooks, which document her public, political and governmental career. The contents of these scrapbooks are mostly newspaper and magazine clippings and black and white photographs, as well as some business correspondence, invitations, badges, programs, etc. In folders are additional unorganized loose clippings, black and white photographs, correspondence, speeches, publications, etc. Also included are the contents taken from hanging picture frames, a plaque, and a silver presentation box.

Gunderson, Barbara Bates
Reed G. Hart, Jr. Scrapbooks
MA 080 · Papers · 1968-1982

The collection is comprised of five scrapbooks, each pasted full with black-and-white and color photographs, news clippings, and scorecards of the jogging clubs Reed Hart started in Kwajalein (part of the Pacific Marshall Islands Republic) and in Saudi Arabia. These clubs included all ethnicities, genders, and ages.

The first scrapbook, entitled Kwajalein Jogging Program, 1968, 1969, 1970 includes photographs and news clippings of individual members and racing events for the seven Kwajalein Jogging League teams (Cardinals, Hawks, Falcons, Roadrunners, Gooney Birds, and Eagles).

The second scrapbook, Kwajalein Jogging Program, 1971 and 1972, includes photographs and news clippings of individual members and racing events for the Kwajalein (also called Kwaj) Jogging League. Events such as the 6-mile and 1,000 mile competitions are documented. The scrapbook also contains a few autographed cards and letters.

The third scrapbook (its cover and title are missing) covers the 1973 and 1974 participants and activities of the Kwajalein Jogging Program, including photographs and news clippings of individual members and racing events. It also describes the world record for 12-year-old girls set at the Nike Oregon Track Club Marathon by Lili Ledbetter, who started running in 1970 with the Kwaj Running Club.

The fourth scrapbook, entitled 1975 Kwajalein Jogging Program, includes photographs and news clippings of individual members and racing events for the Kwajalein Jogging Program, including its 10-mile runners, 1-mile champions, and Biathlon, which was a 3-mile run and half-mile swim.

The fifth scrapbook, entitled, Saudi Arabian Joggers, covers the 1982 and 1983 participants and activities of Saudi Arabian Jogging Association and Road Runners of Saudi Arabia, including photographs and news clippings of individual members and racing events, including marathons. Unlike the Kwaj clubs, it included few, if any, children. The scrapbook also has approximately 10 non-running color photos of Saudi interiors and exteriors.

Hart, Reed F., Jr.
Daktronics Collection
MA 081 · Collection

Materials from 1978 to 2007 related to Daktronics, Inc., collected by Charles R. Peterson, long-time employee (hired in 1978) of Daktronics, including internal publications, news stories, press releases, annual reports (1995-2006), stockholder reports, promotional brochures and a few research reports/case studies.

Lotto Underwood Papers
MA 083 · Scrapbooks · 1905-1913

This collection consists primary of the scrapbook "The Girl Graduate, Her Own Book" as completed by Loto Rollinstahl Underwood documenting her life in college. Topics include programs, social events and miscellaneous. Items in the scrapbook include invitations, class listings, programs, dance cards, commencement publications, and newspaper clippings. The scrapbook includes no photographs and very few drawings. Within the scrapbooks 176 numbered pages, there are very few written entries but many pasted and loosely interleaved items.

Underwood, Lotto Rollinstahl
MA 087 · Papers · 1943

This collection is composed of one file folder of correspondence between W. Sigurd Opdahl and his wife, Goldie Opdahl while W. Sigurd worked at an airplane factory in California during World War II. It details his journey to Long Beach, California and his work in the airplane factory. She writes about the daily activities in Hayti, S.D. Also included is a letter from his daughter Lou Ellen Johnson. The letters are photocopies of the originals.

Opdahl, W.S. (William Sigurd) 1894-1975
MA 094 · Records · 1992-2005

This collection includes the organization's mission and goals statements and views on censorship. Information about Educational Telecommunication including mission, goals, policies, and board minutes. Correspondence, newspaper articles, and other organizations responses to potential censorship issues in South Dakota especially within Public Broadcasting.

Vigil of South Dakota
Anthony S. Dylla Papers
MA 095 · Papers · 1959-1983, undated

The collection is composed mainly of publications by Anthony S. Dylla in collaboration with others during his career as an agricultural Engineer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Dylla, Anthony S., 1924-2006
Grace Wangberg Collection
MA 098 · Collection · circa 1940s

In this collection there are many samples of different sewing styles from the 1940’s. There is also a small notebook that contains recipes that was written by Grace during the 1940’s.

Wangberg, Grace
Lawrence Alvin Hunt Papers
MA 099 · Papers · 1989, 2019

This collection was compiled by Lawrence Hunt’s daughter, Gayle (Hunt) Matz. Gayle’s daughter, Erin, recorded her “’Grandy” (granddaddy), Lawrence, for a school assignment. Hunt talks about life during the Depression and his service in World War II.

Material consists of a short biography of Lawrence Hunt, written by his daughter, Gayle Matz; an audiocassette; and seven digital images of Lawrence Hunt.

Hunt, Lawrence A. (Lawrence Alvin)
Hofer/Loewen Family Papers
MA 101 · Papers · 1940-2018

This collection consists of farm accounting records, material related to Hofer's 1996 campaign for the South Dakota State Senate, biographical material, calendars, and acreage measurements for Milford Township in Beadle County, South Dakota.

The accounting records contain detailed information on farm operations for each year recorded on South Dakota State College Extension Farm and Ranch Record Books (1947-1949), National Farmers' Income Tax Record Books, Mitchell (South Dakota) Publishing Company (1950-1956, 1959), South Dakota State College Agricultural Extension Service Farm and Ranch Business Record Books (1957-1958, 1962-1966, 1968-1980), Doane Agricultural Digest Income and Expenditure Record Book (1960), Blackbourn's farm and Ranch Bookkeeping Record Books (1961, 1967), South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service Account Books (1997-1999), and a Farm Credit Services Farm and Ranch Record Book (2000). Information includes an inventory of land, improvements, buildings and livestock; livestock fees and sales; machinery, equipment and automobile inventory and operating expenses; map of the farm and crop-system summary; crops raised and sold; inventory of feed, grain and supplies; cash receipts and expenses; summary of expenses including taxes and labor; capital purchases and sales; products used on the farm and a financial business analysis summary.

Other material in the collection is campaign material, consisting of advertising, newspaper clippings, posters, pamphlets, and a photograph; biographical material of Ben Hofer and his father, Josua; calendars noting daily appointments and events; and, acreage measurements for Milford Township in Beadle County, South Dakota compiled by Josua Hofer in 1940

Hofer, Ben Frank 1926-2018
MA 104 · Collection · 1978

This collection contains transcripts of 144 interviews with American Indians from across the United States. The interviews were all conducted in the 1970s.

Meyers, Samuel I.
Dona Brown Papers
MA 105 · Papers · 1940-1995

This collection consists of material donated to the Archives by Dr. April Brooks and Dr. Ruth Ann Alexander, professors at South Dakota State University in 2004.

The material donated by Dr. Brooks consists of research gathered for a humanities grant. Included are articles, obituaries, and correspondence.

The material donated by Dr. Alexander are composed of records created by Dona Brown for a South Dakota poets and writers project. Included is correspondence, biographies, and questionnaires.

Brown, Dona 1909-1996
MA 109 · Records · 1999-2020

This collection includes a brief history of the South Dakota Nurses Foundation and the Board of Directors meeting minutes from 1999-2019. The foundation did not meet in 2001 and no minutes exist for that year. The minutes of these meetings cover issues such as membership, financial matters, funding, community engagement, and research grants and scholarships, among other topics.

South Dakota Nurses Foundation
David J. Law Papers
MA 122 · Papers · 1985

This collection is composed of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, and audiovisual material related to the farm crisis in 1985.

Law, David J.
UA 004 · Records · 1957-2011

This collection is composed of material related to the Academic Senate and other university committees that perform the bulk of the Senate functions. While some of the committees are permanent, most change from year to year, depending on the needs and desires of the Senate and the university community. For a description of duties for individual committees consult the Faculty/Faculty-Student Committees Handbook.
Material consist of minutes, clippings, correspondence, research, membership files, reports, handbooks, subject files and publications directly related to each committee. The bulk of the material deals with academic affairs, academic freedom and tenure, academic improvements, the Committee on Elections, the Conference of Senates, and the constitution of the Senate.
Also included are files of collected material on various subjects relating to or of importance to the Academic Senate. It is believed that the various committees reporting to it sent much of this material to the Academic Senate. The bulk of the material deals with faculty and students at South Dakota State University. The faculty material deals with many topics, but some items of note are professional staff and teacher evaluations, the relationship between the faculty and the Senate, material from faculty meetings, faculty representatives, faculty rules and regulations, and the Faculty Senate. The student material also deals with many topics, and includes a proposal for career development, student activities, and material from the Student Senate and the Student Association. Also included is material dealing with academic appeals and faculty controversies. This material deals with many topics, a few covered in this material are curriculum, tuition and fees, collective bargaining groups, accreditation, classified employees, the Resources Allocation Model (RAM), various projects and programs which the senate sponsored or participated in, clippings, and material dealing with Resolution 21.

South Dakota State University. Faculty Senate
UA 005.05 · Records · 1926-2019

Composed mainly of publications produced by the Department of Animal Science. Folders consist of programs, reports, proceedings, and newsletters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Animal Sciences
UA 005.06 · Records · circa 1977-2003, undated

This collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and Microbiology
UA 005.10 · Records · 1969-2007

This collection is composed of material published by the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department. Folders contain brochures, programs, newsletters and announcements. The Buffalo Banquet was an awards banquet featuring buffalo as the main course. This event was sponsored by the student chapter of the Wildlife Society known as the Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Club at South Dakota State University.

The Habitat Management Guides are publications of the Soil Conservation Service in Huron, S.D. and cover topics on pronghorn antelope, wild turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, rainbow trout, ring-necked pheasant, and mourning dove.

South Dakota State University. Department of Natural Resources Management
UA 005.13 · Records · 1928-2019

This collection is composed of material published by the Veterinary Science Department. Folders contain reports, photographs, and booklets from conferences, symposiums and workshops sponsored by the Department of Veterinary Science at South Dakota State University and the Cooperative Extension Service. Some materials produced by the Veterinary Science are distinctly marked as published by the Cooperative Extension Service. The photographs consist of images of diseases cows, horses, poultry, swine, rats, and dogs in various stages of selenium or alkali poisoning. Also included are photographs of faculty (specifically Moxon, Olson, and Franke), students, and various geographic locations in South Dakota, including the Palisades, the Badlands, and Devils Tower in Wyoming. Also included are annual reports and newsletters for the Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory.

South Dakota State University. Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
UA 006.01 · Records · 1931-2018

This collection consists of items materials produced by the various programs offered by the Communication Studies and Theatre Department. Folders include pamphlets, programs, and newsletters. The bulk of the material is related to the Prairie Repertory Theatre and State University Theatre. This material includes playbills, posters, ticket information, calendars, programs, and correspondence. Some items of note consist of bound books of theatre seasons for the Prairie Repertory Theatre. These books cover the 1971-2002 summer theatre seasons and include copies of programs, clippings, and photographs from plays.

South Dakota State University. Department of Communication Studies and Theater
UA 006.05 · Records · 1974-2007

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Beaker Breaker" produced by the Chemistry Department from 1978 to 1987. Also included are programs for various lecture series sponsored by the department such as the Henry A. Lardy Distinguished Lecture Series in Chemistry, and the Joseph F. Nelson Mentorship Seminar in Chemistry and Biology.

South Dakota State University. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
UA 006.06 · Records · 1957-2003

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Campanile" produced by the Modern Languages Department from 1974 to 1995. Also included are announcements for special language courses, such as Chinese, Japanese and Russian, a departmental history obtained from written histories of the college, and college catalogues; department information pamphlets; programs from awards banquets; and, standing rules of the department which detail policies and procedures for the Modern Languages Department in 1957.

South Dakota State University. Department of Modern Languages and Global Studies
UA 006.07 · Records · 1888-2010

This collection is composed of records of the Military Science Department, ROTC records and scrapbooks for the Pershing’s Rifles and the Pershingettes. Material consists primarily of records from the Military Science Department at South Dakota State University and includes programs, clippings, a course catalog, a scrapbook, books and artifacts. Some items of note include a file of clippings dealing with the death of Omar Bradley and registers of graduates and former cadets of the United States Military Academy from 1802-1978. Other interesting items consist of dance cards for military balls held in 1912 and 1913. The artifacts consist of two hats used by cadets around 1888 and 1927.

Material produced by the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC programs. Folders contain programs, newsletters, pamphlets, posters, announcements, invitations, photographs and an artifact. Topics covered include Governor's Day, awards, military balls, recruitment, and commissioning exercises. The artifact in this series is a 48-star United States flag that was used by the ROTC color guard prior to 1958. The photographs consist mainly of Army ROTC photographs of field training at various locations (Palisades State Park near Garretson, South Dakota; Oak Lake near White, South Dakota), Camp Adventure Training, awards banquets, Dining-In, Commissioning ceremonies, ROTC Days, Governor's Day, and Hobo Day parade float entries.

South Dakota State University. Department of Military Science
UA 006.08 · Records · 1888-2011

Composed of materials related to the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Included are newsletters, pamphlets, programs, and other publications produced by the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
UA 006.11 · Records · 1980-1992, 2005

Composed of programs, newsletters and posters produced by the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Psychology
UA 006.12 · Records · 1962-2005

Composed of material gathered by the Philosophy and Religion Department. Folders contain pamphlets, booklets and a course announcement. Also included is a lecture by Dr. Stanley L. Olsen and material from a Symposium on Education for New World Realities held in 1973.

South Dakota State University. Department of Philosophy and Religion
UA 006.16 · Records · 1985, 1991, 1999

Composed of newsletters and a course announcement. The newsletters consist of two newsletters: 1) the Latin American Area Studies Program from the fall of 1985, and 2) the South Dakota chapter of the American Association for Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Also included is a poster announcing a course on Latin American politics in the Latin American Area Studies Program.

South Dakota State University. Latin American Area Studies Program
Commerce Department Records
UA 006.15 · Records · undated

Composed a pamphlet produced by the Department of Commerce for business training for rural South Dakota and an offprint describing the Department of Commerce from the South Dakota State College catalogue.

South Dakota Agricultural College. Commerce Department
UA 006.17 · Records · 2000-2008

Composed of mainly of material dealing with events surrounding Women's History Month sponsored by the Women's Studies Program. Also included are programs from Woman of Distinction Awards Tea and a pamphlet describing the Women's Studies minor at South Dakota State University. Folders consist of programs, posters and pamphlets.

South Dakota State University. Women's Studies Program
UA 006.19 · Records · 2004-2006

Composed of information pamphlets describing Global Studies programs at South Dakota State University and material pertaining to the Introduction to Global Studies course. Folders include pamphlets, correspondence, course announcements, and a draft syllabus.

South Dakota State University. Global Studies Program
UA 008.02 · Records · 1967-2011

This collection is composed of various materials pertaining to the Electrical Engineering Department. Included are brochures, programs, and newsletters.

The 100th Anniversary of Electrical Engineering at South Dakota State University consists of a CD of digital photographs and other data related to the event's reception and banquet.

The Christmas newsletters appear to be directed at graduates of the department and include information on happenings in the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UA 008.03 · Records · circa 1970s-2009

This collection is composed of material pertaining to the Mathematics and Statistics Department. Included are posters, brochures, e-mail correspondence, and a policy statement.

South Dakota State University. Department of Mathematics and Statistics
UA 008.04 · Records · 1950, undated

This collection is composed of a program from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers conference held at South Dakota State University in 1950 and invitations to banquets for retiring faculty members.

South Dakota State University. Department of Mechanical Engineering
UA 008.06 · Records · 1985-2001

This collection is composed of newsletters and pamphlets published by Engineering Extension. The brochures are of courses held by the extension office for administrators, managers, safety officers, safety committee personnel, and those interested in learning about providing a safe and healthy environment for employees.

South Dakota State University. Engineering Extension
UA 008.08 · Records · 1954-1999

This collection is composed of brochures, newsletters, and programs pertaining to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at South Dakota State University. Also included are product brochures for electric agricultural equipment developed at South Dakota State University, and a pamphlet titled "Model Farm A.D. 2076" that was created as part of the American Revolution Bicentennial Horizons '76 Project.

South Dakota State University. Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
UA 009.03 · Records · 1985-2008, undated

This collection consists mainly of brochures and posters for various nutrition seminars sponsored by the department. Also included are newsletters providing health professionals with reliable information on nutrition and the health of mothers, infants and children and fact sheets describing program offerings in food science and hotel and foodservice management.

South Dakota State University. Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and Hospitality
UA 013 · Records · 1890-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.

South Dakota State University. College of Pharmacy
UA 017.01 · Collection · 1885-2004, undated

The College on the Hill is an anecdotal history of South Dakota State University from 1881 to 2003 co-written by Amy Dunkle and V.J. Smith, Alumni Association Director.

Dunkle, Amy
UA 019 · Records · 1907-2018

Composed of annual and biennial reports from the Junior College, Division of Student Personnel Services, Student Personnel Division, and Student Affairs Division. These were presented to the President of the college.

Annual reports were not always called for by the President's office and were submitted only at the request of the President of the college. The annual reports are not in the same detail as the biennial report but cover the basic outline as applied to a non-academic division. These reports do not include a historical background, budget recommendations or allotment requests, or resignation and replacement information. These reports generally did include departmental reports within the framework of the Student Affairs Division and previous divisions.

Biennial reports were submitted biennially to the President of the University. These reports generally included a historical background, budget recommendations and allotment requests, resignation and replacement information, and goals for the next biennium. These reports also included departmental reports submitted within the framework of the division. These included reports from Student Health, Student Housing, Dean of Women, Dean of Men, Student Activities, Veterans Affairs, Educational Research and Measurement, Placement, Loans and Scholarships, Student Personnel Records, Machine Records, General Registration and Terminal Courses. They also included reports on the counseling of students, pro-college counseling, counseling for special groups, and freshman orientation. The biennial report also included financial statement and lists of scholarships awarded.

South Dakota State University. Division of Student Affairs
Financial Aid Office Records
UA 023 · Records · 1922-2004

This collection is composed of items published by the Financial Aid Office. The bulk of the material consists of scholarship pamphlets, including material for the School of Agriculture. Also included is information on financial aid available at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University. Office of Financial Aid
UA 024 · Records · 1904-2008

This collection is composed mainly of records pertaining to the development of the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition. Included are records related to the Endowed Chair, the Distinguished Lecturer and Visiting Professorship in Human Nutrition and collected publications related to nutrition. Also included are the Ethel Austin Martin Papers which are composed of articles and books by Ethel Austin Martin, transcripts, correspondence, ephemera, awards, and photographs.

The Endowed Chair records are composed mainly of records pertaining to the development of the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, the Endowed Chair, and the Basic Course in Nutrition. Also included are financial files, progress reports, records related to the Ethel Austin Martin buildings, the Human Nutrition Committee files, newsletters, and the memorandum of agreement with Ethel Austin Martin and the signing ceremony of the agreement. The records pertaining to the development of the program and the Endowed Chair are composed of working papers created by Ethel Austin Martin as well as South Dakota State University. These materials consist mainly of correspondence, notes, collected research, statements, and position papers. The material related to the Basic Course in Nutrition consists of records related to the creation of the course and include items such as research in creating the course, textbook selection, course material, and syllabi. The files related to the memorandum of agreement with Ethel Austin Martin are composed of the agreement, correspondence, and material dealing with infringement on the agreement, most likely gathered by Ethel Austin Martin herself. Also included is material pertaining to the signing of the agreement in 1985.

Dr. Ethel Austin Martin, 1916 alumna of South Dakota State University, established an endowment fund to promote multidisciplinary scholarship and education in the field of human nutrition. This fund provides for a series of Distinguished Lectureships in Human Nutrition. The Distinguished lecturers in Human Nutrition are on the South Dakota State University campus for a two-day period. They give a major presentation open to the general public, followed by exploratory discussions of the functions of the program in different educational areas of the University. The material is composed of files related to the planning and development of the Ethel Austin Martin Distinguished Lecturer in Human Nutrition. Included are files on program planning and development, publicity, programs and announcements, audio recordings of some lectures and material related to the selection of lecturers. Folders consist of correspondence, clippings, photographs, and speech files, including research. Ethel Austin Martin was very involved in the planning of the lectureships. Researchers will find many letters, notes, and related material created by Martin in these files.

"The concept of the Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship at South Dakota State University is al all campus effort to encourage and advance learning in the science of human nutrition and its application. It represents a unique approach to human nutrition through the active cooperation of faculty and students from all pertinent disciplines at the university. Advances planning and preparation in cooperation with the visiting professor in inherent in the concept. Each visiting professor is selected because of his/her excellence in a specific area of nutrition. The visiting professor provides direction and guidance to campus participants and serves as special lecturer on campus and in the community.

The Visiting Professorship program is implemented as a grass roots effort by task force committees, each group consisting of faculty members who represent different subject areas that can contribute to the understanding of a nutritional problem. Prior to the symposium, task force groups assemble data and prepare presentations intended to stimulate questions and promote discussion. These cooperative relationships create a cross-fertilization of expertise among the various subject areas which enhances their separate contributions and broadens immeasurable the dimensions of human nutrition.

The Nutrition Fund Committee, appointed by the President of South Dakota State University, is responsible for the implementation of the Visiting Professorship program. The members represent different disciplines that impact upon human nutrition and are rotated on a specific basis.

The Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship is funded by a gift from Ethel Austin Martin, a 1916 Home Economics graduate of South Dakota State University. She received as advanced degree in nutrition at Columbia University, New York, and did additional graduate work at the University of Chicago. Dr. Martin was Director of Nutrition Services of the National Dairy Council for 22 years. She has authored several textbooks on nutrition, including the well-known textbook, "Nutrition in Action." The material is composed of files related to the planning and development of the Ethel Austin Martin Visiting Professorship in Human Nutrition. Included are files on program planning and development, publicity, proceeding, programs, evaluation of the conference, audio and video recordings of some sessions and material related to the selection of the visiting professor. Folders consist of correspondence, clippings, and photographs. Ethel Austin Martin was very involved in the planning of the lectureships. Researchers will find many letters, notes, and related material created by Martin in these files.

The collected publications are composed of publications related to human nutrition collected by Ethel Austin Martin and the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition. These were most likely collected in preparation for the Basic Course in Human Nutrition. Folders consist of journal articles, books, newsletters, and proceedings.

South Dakota State University. Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition
Career Center Records
UA 027 · Records · 1975-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and flyers for job fairs, practice interview sessions, and etiquette dinners. Also included is a file dealing with tutoring programs.

South Dakota State University. Career Center
UA 028 · Records · 1917-1964

This collection is composed of certificates for tuition and records of tuition waived for war veterans.

The certificates for tuition are for veterans of World War I and state the amount due for tuition. These certify that a veteran was discharged honorably from the service and performed services outside the borders of the state of South Dakota during the period of the world war and was at that time a legal resident of the state. They also stated that the veteran had attended and pursued a course of instruction at South Dakota State College [SDSC] without the payment of tuition and there is now due a sum of money.

The records of tuition waived consist of 575 cards that note the period for which a veteran attended courses at SDSC and the amount of tuition paid. These state the name and address of the veteran, the date and location he entered the service, his discharge date and evidence of the discharge, the date he entered college and whether or not he was under the Veterans Administration, and finally whether he continued after his entitlement expired.

South Dakota State University. Veterans Affairs Office
UA 029 · Records · 1962-2006

This collection is composed of various flyers, pamphlets and newsletters produced by Student Health and Counseling Services. Some of the items included are a health service handbook, a newsletter, flyers for the Wellness Fair, information on insurance, and a pamphlet titled F.A.S.T.C.A.R.E. which stands for First Aid and Sensible Tips for Coping with Alcohol-Related Emergencies.

South Dakota State University. Student Health and Counseling Services
UA 030 · Records · 1971-2018

This collection is composed of administration files compiled by the Office of International Affairs, and records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.

The Administrative material is composed of administrative files compiled by the International Programs Office. Included are reports, clippings, and correspondence. The bulk of this series consists of material dealing with the internationalization of the university through teaching learning styles of various countries and regions throughout the world, newsletters published under various titles and formats over the years and posters used to advertise various programs available through the department.

The study, exchanges, and travel abroad material is composed of records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.

The Manchester Metropolitan University material is composed of files dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, nursing health care and pharmacy exchange, and official visits. The oversize material is housed in oversize containers. The photographs were removed from the files and added to the UA 30.1 photograph archives as noted in the files.

The Chungnam National University material is composed of correspondence, lists of exchange professors and graduates, written experience of faculty, and photographs. Additional documentation of exchange activities can be seen in lists of visitors and students who exchanged, the itineraries for official visits, and social events held in honor of guests and professors which are found in separate files.

The Yunnan Normal University files is composed of correspondence, photographs, a list of the individuals who were exchange professors, and reports written by exchange professors documenting their experiences.

Material related to other exchanges and study abroad consists of material compiled for study abroad and exchanges with Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Bolivia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, the International Arid Lands Consortium, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Pacific Rim, Poland Russia, Sweden and Denmark, and Switzerland. This material is arranged by country. The following scope notes were written with the assistance of Harriet Swedland, former director of International Program at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University. Office of International Affairs
Residential Life Records
UA 031 · Records · 1969-2008

This collection consists of resident assistant and student housing staff manuals and material for the food service and residence halls on the campus of South Dakota State University. The resident assistant and student housing staff manuals include information on organizational structure, general policies and information, operational procedures, and emergency situations. The food service material includes miscellaneous menus, a notice from the Commons Advisory Council, and a booklet detailing the Saga Food Service Program. The residence halls material includes guides for men and women residents, information calendars and other miscellaneous items.

South Dakota State University. Residential Life
UA 032 · Records · 1915-2006

Composed of items published by the Office of Student Activities. Included are handbooks, pamphlets, and material relating to Pugsley Union and the University Student Union.

South Dakota State University. Department of Student Union and Activities
Greek Council Records
UA 034 · Records · 1980-2007

Ccomposed of composed of flyers, newsletters and clippings of various fraternities and sororities on the campus of South Dakota State University. Included is material for Alpha Xi Delta, Ceres, Chi Omega, FarmHouse, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon.

South Dakota State University. Greek Council
UA 035 · Collection · 1889-2008

This collection is composed of very small artificial collections of material by or about certain student organizations. Material is added as it is unearthed. No attempt is made to systematically collect this information. The folders consist of such materials as programs, charters, newsletters, correspondence, clippings, and flyers announcing events for organizations. The files of each organization vary.

Dairy Club Records
UA 035.03 · Records · 1972-2008

This series is composed of annual reports, the Dairy Digest, a periodical published by the Dairy Club, and a scrapbook compiled in 1985 for the Dairy Club. The Dairy Digest originally began as a newsletter but grew into a periodical in the early 1990s. It features information about the Dairy Department and happenings within the Dairy Club.

Dairy Club (South Dakota State University)
Home Economics Club Records
UA 035.05 · Records · 1923-1979

This collection is composed of secretary books from the beginning of the club to 1956. The secretary books contain minutes of meetings and the constitution of the club. Also included are scrapbooks, general information, newsletters, handbooks and some material from the American Home Economics Association.

South Dakota State University. Home Economics Club
Miltonian Literary Society
UA 035.06 · Records · 1887-1931

This collection is composed of correspondence, ledgers from the beginnings of the society that include the constitution of the society and minutes from meetings and programs from plays presented by the society. Found inside the back of the ledger from 1903-1931 were loose papers that include clippings, notes, membership information, reports and an orations from a 1916 contest on Booker Washington.

Miltonian Literary Society (South Dakota State College)
UA 035.08 · Records · 1976-1991

This collection is composed of budget data, the constitution, correspondence, membership lists, minutes, executive council material, and miscellaneous items.

Non-Traditional Student Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 035.09 · Records · 1949-2018

This collection is composed of programs for banquets and lectures, faculty lectureship nomination letters, speeches from annual faculty lectures, meeting minutes, charter and constitution, membership files, and correspondence.

Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society (South Dakota State University)
Phi Upsilon Omicron Records
UA 035.10 · Records · 1909-2006

The collection is composed of material collected by the Phi Upsilon Omicron Phi Chapters at South Dakota State University. Included are correspondence, minutes, newsletters, annual reports, scrapbooks, member lists, financial information, publications, clippings, meeting minutes and agendas, and photographs.

Also included is "The Candle," the Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society journal, covering the years 1930-2004, annual reports submitted to the national headquarters, Initiate information sheets, detailed ledger sheets starting in 1934, hand-made chapter programs, very creative from 1937 to about 1980, senior biographies from 1952-1971 which are very detailed and include photographs, and detailed secretaries notebooks.

The scrapbooks consist of photographs, cards, significant correspondence and programs for events held by the chapter. Some items of note include a Coat of Arms patch for Phi Upsilon Omicron, a Holy Bible presented to the chapter by Laura J. McArthur in December 1941, and a material related to a Fruitcake Fundraising project which includes photographs, but the fruitcake recipe could not be found.

The photographs are not well described; however, most are group shots of members.

Phi Upsilon Omicron (South Dakota State University)
Scabbard and Blade Records
UA 035.11 · Records · 1926-1979

This collection is composed of initiation procedures, a manual, and minutes for Company I, 6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade. The manual includes a calendar of events that the society had to follow throughout the year, procedures for initiation of candidates, jewelry, miscellaneous contact of company officers with national headquarters, standard forms furnished by the executive officer without charge, and duties of company officers. The initiation procedures detail the purpose, scope, time of initiation, nominations, and the objectives and conduct of pledge week. The minutes list members of Scabbard and Blade, elected officers, and treasury reports. Included are discussions on scholarships, amendments to the constitution, military balls, and other events on campus that the society was involved in, such as Hobo Day and Spring Sing.

Scabbard and Blade Fraternity
Stakota Club Records
UA 035.12 · Records · 1962-1969

This series is composed of mainly of minutes from meetings and the club constitution, which includes several revised copies. The minutes include roll call, pledges, business, and nomination and election of officers. Also included are some activities conducted by the Stakota Club, correspondence, and a list of the duties of the secretary from 1967-68.

South Dakota State University. Stakota Club
UA 035.13 · Records · 1897-1933

This series is composed of secretary's and treasurer's books, a handbook for members programs for lecture courses, programs for plays, the YMCA Entertainment Series, a student conference, and installation banquets.

The secretary's books consist of minutes from meetings, membership information, and included some loose material in the back (correspondence, notes, etc.).

YMCA of the USA
UA 035.14 · Records · 1887-1902

This series is composed of secretary's books, the constitution and bylaws for the society and a small booklet of prayer meeting topics. The secretary's books consist of the constitution and bylaws and amendments to them, membership lists, and minutes.

Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
Gamma Sigma Delta Records
UA 035.16 · Records · 1955-2009

The collection includes the constitutions, programs, yearly records of activities and financial records. In addition, there are membership lists, a VHS tape, chapter histories, reports, and materials related to the 25th anniversary of the chapter.

Gamma Sigma Delta
Economics Club Records
UA 035.17 · Records · 1951-2012

This collection consists of club newsletters, photos from the annual awards banquets and gatherings, photos from club trips to Denver, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Wyoming, photos from Hobo Day celebrations, and senior brochures chronicling the graduating club members.

Economics Club (South Dakota State University)