Hawley-Lothrop Family Papers

Identity elements

Reference code

MA 065

Level of description



Hawley-Lothrop Family Papers


  • 1879-2002, undated (Accumulation)


2.42 linear feet (1 document case, 1 oversize box)

Name of creator


Biographical history

Eugene “Gene” Lothrop was born in Redfield, SD, on August 16, 1920. Gene graduated from Huron High School in 1938 and went on to study electrical engineering at South Dakota State College, graduating in 1942. On December 20, 1942, he married Wilma (Jean) Walters. Gene was the foreman at Lothrop’s Electrical Service owned by Elmer M. Lothrop. Gene died on April 15, 2014 in Prescott, Arizona.

Name of creator


Biographical history

William Hayes Walters was born December 8, 1877 in Laverne, Minnesota to Solomon and Mathilda Walters. He attended school in Bruce, South Dakota and graduated from South Dakota Agricultural College in 1897. William married Grace Jennie Durland in 1904. They had seven children; Maxine, Robert, Leslie, Hubert, Helen, Curtis, and Wilma. William was a self-employed real estate agent in Brookings, South Dakota. William died March 18, 1962. Grace died on March 3, 1978.

Name of creator


Biographical history

Wilma (Jean) Walters Lothrop was born July 19, 1919 in Brookings, South Dakota to William Hayes and Grace (Durland) Walters. Jean Walters graduated from Brookings High School in 1937, from South Dakota State College in 1941, and from Denver University with a Masters in Library Science. She also attended the University of Minnesota. In 1941-1942, she taught home economics and science at Langford, South Dakota, High School. On December 20, 1942 she married Eugene “Gene” Henry Lothrop of Huron, South Dakota. She was a librarian. They had two daughters Helen and Martha; and one son Robert. Jean died November 20, 2013 in Prescott, Arizona.

Name of creator


Biographical history

Lucille Helen Lothrop was born May 2, 1916 in Redfield, South Dakota to Elmer and Allie Lothrop, She graduated from Redfield High School in 1937. She died on July 20, 1937.

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

Collection consists of historical documents relating to the Hawley-Lothrop Families and William Walters. The collection documents the families during the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth centuries. The collection includes scrapbooks and photo albums. Of interest are the materials relating to William H. Walters' time at South Dakota State.

System of arrangement

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

This collection is open to researchers without restrictions. The materials in the Archives do not circulate and may be used in-house only.

Researchers conducting extensive research are asked to make an advance appointment to access archival material. Please call or e-mail prior to visiting the collection and indicate as much detail as possible about a particular topic and intended use.

Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

South Dakota State University supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted as a result of their fragile condition or by contractual agreements with donors.

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

    Language and script notes

    Finding aids

    Acquisition and appraisal elements

    Custodial history

    Immediate source of acquisition

    Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information


    Related materials elements

    Existence and location of originals

    Existence and location of copies

    Related archival materials

    Related descriptions

    Notes element

    Specialized notes

    Alternative identifier(s)




    MA 65

    Description control element

    Rules or conventions

    Sources used

    Access points

    Subject access points

    Place access points

    Name access points

    Genre access points

    Accession area