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UA 051.05 · Records · 1981, 2005-2006

This collection is composed of materials produced and collection by the 125th Anniversary Planning Committee. Folders include minutes, clippings, event invitations and programs, publications, photographs, audio-visual material, departmental histories, and memorabilia.

The Cooperative Extension Service celebration material is composed of material from several South Dakota County Extension offices and related what each county did to celebrate the 125th anniversary of South Dakota State University. Folders may contain photographs, clippings and other material documenting the event.

The audio-visual material is composed of master and finished product video footage in the form of videos and DVDs for the 125th anniversary celebration projects. Included with the material are taped interviews of prominent individuals, such as United States Senators and Representatives. Also included are some scripts.

Colleges, departments and faculty were to submit recommendations for a summary of important dates, events and people in the history of South Dakota State University. They were asked for focus on accomplishments since 1964 when the institution was granted university status. These are found in the material marked as Survey of Accomplishments.

Other material of interest includes a resolution proposed by the South Dakota Legislative Assembly, and memorabilia associated with the celebration, such as a replica of the Coughlin Campanile that includes a piece limestone from the original structure.

South Dakota State University. 125th Anniversary Planning Committee
Academic Affairs Records
UA 002 · Records · 1902-2019

The Academic Affairs Records provides a comprehensive historical account of the universi-ty’s curriculum development, faculty governance, institutional planning, and administrative de-cision-making. Spanning from 1902 to 2018, the collection includes materials generated and received by the Office of the President, the Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs, and various university committees. These records document curricular changes, accreditation efforts, faculty and departmental standards, budget planning, student organizations, and the university’s historical development.

The bulk of the material consists of administrative records from the Office of the President and other governing bodies, covering correspondence, budget documents, strategic planning files, and committee minutes from the South Dakota Board of Regents. These materials reflect poli-cies on curriculum, institutional reviews, and academic planning. Also included are files relat-ed to major university decisions, such as Resolution 21 and the Governor’s 5% budget reduc-tion plan, which detail resource allocation and financial restructuring within the institution. The collection preserves records on significant university events, including anniversary celebra-tions, campus building developments, faculty recognition programs, and workload policies.

Institutional program reviews form a significant component of the collection, documenting pe-riodic evaluations aimed at assessing and improving the quality of educational programs. These records include departmental evaluations submitted to the Board of Regents, summa-rizing program effectiveness, faculty performance, and student learning outcomes. The re-views are integrated with accreditation processes, strategic planning, and budgetary deci-sions. Specialized accreditation reports from 1998 to 2017 detail the university’s compliance with higher education standards and efforts to maintain academic excellence.
The curriculum development and program modifications documented in the collection high-light the role of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost in managing the universi-ty’s academic offerings. These records include curriculum requests and approvals, such as proposals for new courses, program modifications, and terminations. They also reflect revi-sions to general education requirements across disciplines, particularly in Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, and Pharmacy. Common Course Numbering files and summaries of net changes illustrate efforts to standardize course offerings across departments, ensuring con-sistency in academic programming.

Faculty governance and departmental standards are well represented in the collection through committee reports, departmental reviews, and performance evaluations. The Academ-ic Affairs Committee minutes, dating from 1961 to 2013, provide insights into faculty discus-sions on curriculum policy, program reviews, and institutional priorities. Departmental Stand-ards files contain faculty performance evaluations and departmental goals, while records from the Bush Faculty Development Project document initiatives supporting faculty professional growth and research development.

The collection also preserves a rich history of commencement exercises at SDSU, with rec-ords managed by the Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs. These materials in-clude commencement programs, scripts, honorary degree recognitions, and faculty awards. A significant portion of the collection consists of photographs, both print and digital, capturing ceremonies from 1902 to 2018. Additional materials include baccalaureate invitations and di-plomas, illustrating the university’s long-standing tradition of celebrating student achievement.

A diverse array of subject files and special projects further enrich the collection. These files document budget reduction and resource allocation efforts, particularly those related to the Governor’s 5% reduction plans and the Resources Allocation Model (RAM). The collection also includes materials related to Division I Athletics, detailing SDSU’s transition and partici-pation in NCAA Division I sports. The Student Project Implementation initiative is another key component, capturing efforts aimed at enhancing student engagement and academic support services.

This collection serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, administrators, and histori-ans, offering insights into the evolution of academic programs and higher education govern-ance. It reflects the university’s responses to financial challenges, curriculum reforms, and ac-creditation standards, while also documenting historical commencement ceremonies, faculty achievements, and student involvement. Strategic planning efforts and institutional decision-making at SDSU are well represented, making this collection an essential record of the uni-versity’s development over more than a century. Through the preservation of these materials, the collection provides a detailed narrative of SDSU’s transformation, capturing the growth and progress of the institution from its early years to its modern role in higher education.

South Dakota State University. Office of Academic Affairs
UA 050.10 · Collection · 1983-1992

This collection is composed of clippings, membership and committee lists, correspondence, meeting agenda, programs, finances and a brief history of the group. Also included is a rough draft of an official complaint of discrimination at South Dakota State University filed with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and notification of results of the investigation.

South Dakota State University. Academic Women's Equity Coalition
UA 003 · Records · 1987-1989, 2010

This collection includes a file on South Dakota State University’s 1987-1989 strategic plan, offering insights into institutional priorities and administrative decisions during that period. It serves as a resource for understanding past strategies and their long-term impact. Additional-ly, the collection contains an open house invitation for Vice President Mike Reger’s retirement, marking a leadership transition and recognizing his contributions to the university.

South Dakota State University. Vice President for Administration
UA 050.06 · Records · 1923-1961

This collection consists of meeting minutes and limited correspondence from the Administrative Council and its predecessor, the Council of Deans. The minutes are primarily procedural, documenting actions and decisions. They provide insight into college operations, including administrative matters and disciplinary actions. The small correspondence file mainly addresses student readmission decisions and brief notes on meeting discussions. Overall, the material offers a glimpse into the administrative concerns and decision-making processes of the institution.

South Dakota State University. Administrative Council
Admissions Office Records
UA 020 · Records · 1886-2013

The Admissions Office Records documents the history, outreach, and promotional activities of the Admissions Office at South Dakota State University (SDSU). Spanning from the late 19th century to the early 21st century, the materials reflect the evolution of student recruitment, enrollment processes, and institutional branding efforts over time.

Included are a variety of informational materials such as admissions applications, recruitment brochures, promotional posters, student orientation guides, and event announcements. Early documents, such as Announcements for South Dakota Agricultural College (1894-1895) and Classification (1890-1902), highlight the institution’s early enrollment procedures and academic offerings. Later materials, such as New Student Orientation (2003, 2005) and Early Registration Information (2005), provide insight into the modernization of the admissions process.

The collection also contains recruitment publications aimed at prospective students, including SDSC View Book (1935), You Can Attend SDSC (undated), and You Can Go Anywhere from Here! (2002, 2005). Additional materials include fact sheets, posters, and newsletters like Admissions Office News (1991-1992), Junior Day (1999-2000), and Scholarships at SDSU Posters (undated), reflecting efforts to attract and inform students.

Noteworthy within the collection are materials targeting specific student demographics, such as SDSU-Native American Programs (1991) and Your Next Step – Guide for College-Educated Women (1960s circa), demonstrating the university's focus on outreach to various student groups over time. Additionally, promotional campaigns such as TGIF at SDSU (1989-1990, 1997-2000) and Jackrabbit Reception (2006) illustrate SDSU’s engagement strategies to welcome incoming students.

Overall, this collection provides valuable insight into SDSU's admissions practices, student recruitment strategies, and institutional identity development from the late 19th century through the 21st century.

South Dakota State University. Office of Admissions
MA 060 · Collection · 1951-2000, undated

The collection consists of aerial photographs of western South Dakota, particularly around the Black Hills area. Some of the images track beetle infestations in the Black Hills. Images taken by the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Agriculture.

UA 008.08 · Records · 1954-1999

This collection is composed of brochures, newsletters, and programs pertaining to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at South Dakota State University. Also included are product brochures for electric agricultural equipment developed at South Dakota State University, and a pamphlet titled "Model Farm A.D. 2076" that was created as part of the American Revolution Bicentennial Horizons '76 Project.

South Dakota State University. Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
A.L. Musson Papers
UA 053.008 · Papers · 1950-1962

This collection is composed of materials from a trip made by Musson to Somalia, East Africa in 1954. Included are scrapbooks, photographs, negatives, slides, notes, correspondence, some publications and articles about Somalia, maps, and trip preparation items.

The scrapbooks consist of pictures taken while in Somalia. Included are Musson's translations of the Italian descriptions that are written on the back of most of the pictures. The photographs, negatives and slides consist of more pictures of Somalia but do not include any description of each image.

The notes consist of writings made by Musson while in Somalia. The correspondence consists mainly of communications with the Foreign Operations Administration in preparation for Musson's trip. The publications and articles include items about Somalia that Musson probably read in preparation for his trip. The trip preparations include information about customs in Somalia, immunizations for travel abroad, and some paper work that includes an investigation form for security clearance that details some biographical information about Musson. Also included are a few maps of Somalia that show some of the places that Musson visited.

Musson, Alfred Lyman
Alfred G. Trump, Jr. Papers
UA 053.039 · Papers · 1968 - 1981

The collection consists mostly of the retirement book created by the SDSU library staff for Alfred G. Trump's retirement party on June 5, 1972, in Brookings. The book includes numerous letters, one telegram, several news clippings, as well as 27 color photographs of the party. It also includes two programs from the retirement party with menu. The papers also contain a certificate of recognition from the Mountain Plains Library Association, two plaques presented to Trump as token of appreciation for his commitment to South Dakota State University, and a certificate of completion from the University of Denver's Annual Institute of Archival Administration. There is also the Proclamation of Anne Trump Day (April 5, 1981) presented to Anne Trump by the Brookings City Commission.

Trump, Alfred G. (Alfred George), 1907-1994
Allen Barnes Papers
UA 053.003 · Papers · 1965-1986

This collection is composed of material related to the Centennial celebration of South Dakota State University in 1981, Barnes' term as Dean of Arts and Sciences, and his work on getting a Performing Arts Center established on campus.

Barnes, Allen, 1926-1999
Alpha Zeta Records
UA 035.18 · Records · 1919-1982

In addition to both local and national constitutions, by-laws, one-page histories, and publications, the collection contains decades of South Dakota Chapter reports to national, which include monthly meeting reports, semester membership reports, and initiate reports. It also holds local items: chartering correspondence, pledge manuals, new member manuals, songs, certificates, photographs (loose and in a scrapbook), individual member cards, and two banners.

Alpha Zeta
MA 016 · Records · 1956-2017

This collection is composed of the records of Altrusa International District Seven. Included are minutes, reports, treasurers records, committee records, photographs and conference proceedings. The conference proceedings are for conference and president's workshops held between 1956 and 1995. Folders contents consist of programs, reports, banquet menus, and minutes, including pre-conference, conference and post-conference.

Altrusa International
Alumni Association Records
UA 017 · Records · 1892-2022 undated

This collection is composed mainly of publications and promotional material produced by the Office of the Director of the Alumni Association. Folders include newsletters, flyers, invitation to gatherings, and State magazine. Also included is material dealing with reunions, mainly invitations in the form of postcards.

South Dakota State University. Alumni Association
MA 015 · Records · 1935-2007, undated

This collection documents the activities and governance of the American Association of University Women, Brookings Branch, offering valuable insight into the organization’s role in promoting education, women's rights, and community engagement. It includes reports, minutes, newsletters, programs, bylaws, and correspondence, though no series is complete.

The collection provides documents related to the branch’s administrative functions, including annual reports, bylaws, financial and fundraising activities, and meeting minutes from both regular and executive board sessions. These records highlight the decision-making processes, organizational priorities, and project initiatives undertaken by members. Membership lists and reports on various projects further illustrate the group’s impact on local and national issues.

Of particular significance is the documentation on accreditation efforts, project initiatives, and study groups, which reflect the branch’s commitment to education and social advocacy. The history of the Brookings Branch contains valuable narratives on its founding and key figures, including Vivian Volstorff, who played a crucial role in the branch’s accreditation, and Gertrude Stickney Young, its first president. The collection also includes correspondence, news clippings, and a scrapbook that was dismantled for preservation purposes, offering researchers insight into the branch’s evolving role in civic engagement.

Newsletters and event programs further illustrate the organization’s outreach efforts and evolving priorities over time. Fundraising records, member surveys, and policy documents provide context for the branch’s financial and strategic decision-making. Photographs, brochures, and promotional materials add a visual dimension to the collection, offering a deeper understanding of the group’s public presence.

This collection is a valuable resource for researchers studying women's organizations, grassroots activism, and local history. It sheds light on the Brookings Branch’s contributions to educational initiatives, legislative advocacy, and broader societal issues, making it an essential reference for those examining the intersection of gender, education, and civic engagement.

American Association of University Women. Brookings Branch
UA 063.02 · Records · 1992-2010, undated

This collection is composed mainly of material pertaining to the American Indian History Conference. This conference, first organized in 1992, focuses on Native American History Conference that brings American Indian speakers, artists and performers to the South Dakota State University campus for the purpose of better educating the student body, faculty and community about Native American cultures. Because this conference receives support from various parts of the university, the decision was made by the processor to place this material with the American Indian Studies Program records. Folders includes minutes, correspondence, planning documents and materials, funding materials, a list of participants, a coordinator to-do list, and CDs. A historical overview of the conference written by Dr. David Crain who served as coordinator from 1993-2007.

The collection also includes materials on the annual Consider the Century Programs. Materials include posters, CDs, and video recordings of the programs. Also included is a small amount of material dealing with the American Indian Studies Program curriculum. Folders include a syllabus for the Introduction to American Indian Studies course and a poster advertising service-learning summer program opportunities.

South Dakota State University. American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program
UA 063.03 · Records · 1991-2014, undated

This collection is composed mainly of materials pertaining to the Native American Club’s activities on campus. One of the activities created by the club is the South Dakota State University Wacipi (powwow) which is a major part of this collection. Folders on the Wacipi include photographs, finances, tapes, posters, evaluations, and contest registrations. A few Folders include pictures of other activities that the Native American Club has held such as Hand games, picnics, and basketball tournaments. Also includes is general club finances and budget requests made by the club to the Student Association.

South Dakota State University. American Indian Student Association
UA 063.01 · Records · 1995-2014, undated

This collection focuses on the role of the American Indian Student Center on the South Dakota State University campus from 2000 to 2012. Included are materials related to events, fundraisers, and trips planned by the American Indian Student Center. The folders mainly consist of audiocassettes, video tapes, CDs and photographs that showcase these events. There are also a few flyers and emails that illuminate the information about American Indian Student Center events.

South Dakota State University. American Indian Student Center
UA 005.05 · Records · 1926-2019

Composed mainly of publications produced by the Department of Animal Science. Folders consist of programs, reports, proceedings, and newsletters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Animal Sciences
Anthony S. Dylla Papers
MA 095 · Papers · 1959-1983, undated

The collection is composed mainly of publications by Anthony S. Dylla in collaboration with others during his career as an agricultural Engineer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Dylla, Anthony S., 1924-2006
UA 009.02 · Records · 1963-2006

This collection is composed of general departmental records which consist of material such as program evaluation reports, posters, programs, and course announcements; and, the Adaline Snellman Hsia Historic Costume and Decorative Arts Collection records, which consists mainly of correspondence, clippings, and photographs.

South Dakota State University. Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design
UA 050.09 · Collection · 1942-1945

This collection is composed of a history, report of a survey, and a scrapbook related to the Army Administration School on the campus of South Dakota State College during World War II. Also included is a small amount of material related to the Army Specialized Training Program. The history of the Army Administration School at South Dakota State College includes a list of names of officers and what is believed to be participants. The report details buildings and property furnished to the Army Administration School by South Dakota State College. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, graduation programs and photographs relating to the Army Administration School at South Dakota State College. The miscellaneous material includes a program for graduation exercises of the second class of the school held in August 1943, a note card listing the number of army men on campus, and a license certificate for a pure bred stallion recorded in April 1913. The relationship of this certificate to the Army Administration School is unknown.

Army Administration School (Brookings, S.D.)
A.S. Harding Papers
UA 053.005 · Papers · 1889-1949

This collection is composed of material Harding collected while researching the history of South Dakota State University. Much of the material is from the works of Robert F. Kerr and William H. Powers, and it appears that Harding used their notes while compiling his own. Also included are many notes from newspapers, which may prove helpful to anyone studying the earliest days of the University. Also included in this material are Harding's Master's thesis and some other varied writings.

Harding, Albert Spencer 1867-1952
UA 035.01 · Records · 1887-1924

This collection is composed of the constitution and by-laws for the society as well as programs for graduation exercises and plays presented by the society. Also included are play programs presented in collaboration with other literary societies.

Athenian Literary Society (South Dakota State College)
Audrae Visser Collection
MA 052 · Collection · 1938-2002

The materials in this collection were collected and donated by Dr. Charles Woodard of the South Dakota State University English Department. The collection is primarily composed of correspondence between Audrae Visser and Dr. Woodard and includes many of her writings to fulfill class assignments. Also included are photographs she took and written accounts of her frequent travel vacations, as well as materials related to her awards, honors, and activities as a poet and as a member of numerous organizations.

This collection consists of correspondence, clippings, photographs, and many poetic and prose writings by Visser including book reviews and reports, speeches, and a Pioneer Humor Project undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the Heritage of the Prairies Institute at Southwest State University in Marshall, Minnesota.

Visser, Audrae 1919-2001
MA 079 · Papers · 1911-2002

This memorabilia collected by Barbara Bates Gunderson is comprised chiefly of scrapbooks, which document her public, political and governmental career. The contents of these scrapbooks are mostly newspaper and magazine clippings and black and white photographs, as well as some business correspondence, invitations, badges, programs, etc. In folders are additional unorganized loose clippings, black and white photographs, correspondence, speeches, publications, etc. Also included are the contents taken from hanging picture frames, a plaque, and a silver presentation box.

Gunderson, Barbara Bates
Ben Reifel Papers
MA 009 · Papers · 1905-1990

The Ben Reifel Papers document the career of Ben Reifel, the first Lakota Sioux to serve in the U.S. Congress, highlighting his work as a legislator, his tenure with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and his advocacy for Native American communities. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, audiovisual materials, memorabilia, and scrapbooks that provide insight into his contributions to public service and Native American affairs. As a pioneering Native American leader, Reifel played a key role in shaping policies related to education, healthcare, and economic development. This collection serves as a valuable resource for understanding his lasting impact on indigenous representation in government and South Dakota’s political landscape.
The activities series contains records of Reifel's involvement with various organizations and initiatives, including the Boy Scouts of America, the National Park Service, and the Dakota Territory Citizen Certificates project. It also covers his efforts in Native American affairs, congressional trips, and public events. The awards and honors section features certificates, plaques, medals, and other recognitions Reifel received throughout his career, including awards from the Boy Scouts of America, Sioux tribes, and South Dakota State University.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs materials include correspondence, newsletters, and newspaper clippings that document Reifel’s work in advancing Native American education, healthcare, and policy. The campaign series provides an in-depth look at his political career through financial records, advertisements, schedules, and materials related to the South Dakota Republican Party platforms.
Correspondence within the collection spans from Reifel’s tenure with the BIA through his congressional career, featuring letters exchanged with prominent political figures such as Barry Goldwater, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and George McGovern. The family history section contains biographical materials, educational records, military service documents, and personal writings that provide insight into his early life and career development.
Memorabilia in the collection includes campaign materials, presidential inauguration items, and personal artifacts such as a U.S. Annotated Code book with Reifel’s name embossed on the cover. The photographs offer a visual record of his political career, community interactions, travels, and personal life, particularly highlighting his work in Congress and his connections with Native American communities.
The audiovisual materials consist of campaign advertisements, legislative discussions, interviews, and speeches on healthcare, agriculture, and public service. These recordings also include public appearances and fundraising events. Scrapbooks primarily contain newspaper clippings and campaign materials that document Reifel’s public image and key political milestones.
Collected materials include books, periodicals, programs, and poetry reflecting Reifel’s diverse interests and professional pursuits. His speeches and writings consist of transcripts and drafts of addresses given at events such as Memorial Day ceremonies and commencement exercises.
Overall, the Ben Reifel Collection provides a comprehensive view of his contributions to public service, Native American advocacy, and South Dakota’s civic and political landscape. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers seeking to understand his legislative impact, community engagement, and personal legacy.

Reifel, Ben, 1906-1990
Bert Popowski Papers
MA 005 · Papers · 1935-1978

This collection documents the career and work of Bert Popowski as an author and hunter, highlighting his contributions to the fields of hunting, wildlife, and conservation. The materials span from 1935 to 1978, with a significant portion consisting of articles authored by Popowski on topics ranging from big game and varmint hunting to conservation and safety. The research material series is the largest, containing published articles in various hunting and wildlife publications, including an autographed copy of The Outdoorsman (June 1947) featuring Popowski’s article “Off-Season Duck Hunting.”

The collection includes a wide range of manuscripts accompanied by correspondence with publishers and records of submissions, publication status, and payments received. Manuscripts cover diverse subjects such as hunting techniques, wildlife, firearms, and conservation. Also included are materials related to Popowski’s books, such as illustrations by Gordon Elliott for Crow Shooting (29 ink drawings) and photograph proofs for Hunting Pronghorn Antelope (37 pages). Additional artwork features a mat board drawing of a fireplace, believed to depict Popowski’s cabin, created by C. Greenidge.

The general materials include correspondence from 1942–1956, as well as photographs, illustrations, and a phonograph record titled Crow Calling, which features Popowski demonstrating crow calls. The photographs include black-and-white images of wildlife and hunting, negatives, and a set of 22 matted and signed photographs that won first prize at the Iowa State Fair.

Another unique feature of the collection is Popowski’s contributions to the Japanese magazine Modern Hunting (1968–1970), which includes translated articles and writings on hunting techniques. The phonograph record further illustrates Popowski’s expertise and contributions to hunting practices.

The collection provides a comprehensive look at Popowski’s career, offering insight into mid-20th-century hunting culture, techniques, and the conservation movement through his writings, photographs, and artistic collaborations.

Popowski, Bert John, 1904-1982
Beryl Stewart Papers
MA 014 · Papers · 1923-1981

This collection is comprised of manuscripts, published works, and personal archives of Beryl Stewart, reflecting her contributions to literature and education. It includes newspaper clippings referencing Stewart, a book mentioning her, and multiple issues of Word Craft, a publication from Aberdeen Central High School where she served as an adviser. Her correspondence (1923–1942) contains reference letters and exchanges with publishers, offering insight into her professional relationships.

Stewart's manuscripts consist of essays, poems, and short stories, including entries for the South Dakota State Fair literature contests, some with critiques and awarded ribbons. Her published works appeared in various literary and rural publications, demonstrating her influence in both creative writing and regional literature. The scrapbooks, spanning multiple decades, preserve correspondence, publication clippings, and personal reflections, highlighting the breadth of her literary career and the reception of her work. This collection serves as a valuable resource for understanding Stewart’s impact on South Dakota’s literary and educational landscape.

Stewart, Rhea Beryl DeHaven, 1899-1961
Bill Nibbelink Papers
DA 12 · Papers · 1978-2015

The collection is primarily composed of publications and materials related to the development and promotion of alcohol fuels in South Dakota, assorted campaign memorabilia as well as the Moody County recount handbook for the contested congressional election in 1978. Constituent robo letters, South Dakota trip schedules, and a number of photographs are also included.

Nibbelink, Bill
UA 005.06 · Records · circa 1977-2003, undated

This collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and Microbiology
MA 071 · Collection · 1912-1986

The collection contains materials Johnston collected during her time at South Dakota State College, including 103 photographs and a booklet about campus life. Also in the collection is a 1917 booklet of letters from the class of 1916 telling each other what they have been doing since they graduated. There is also a news clipping from the Brookings Register about Johnston and her memories of the first Hobo Day at South Dakota State.

Johnston, Blanche Avery 1895-1986
Boarding Club Ledgers
UA 052.06 · Collection · 1885-1923

This collection is composed ledgers for the Boarding Club. Included are records for expenses, board, labor and refunds for students who were members of the club.

Boarding Club (Dakota Agricultural College)
MA 031 · Records · 1920-1999

The Brookings Rotary Club Records consist of newsletters, reports to the district governor, photographs, clippings, minutes, and several other miscellaneous items.

The newsletters span the years 1920 to 1998 but some years from 1963 to 1981 are missing. These are very informative and include information on meetings, club officers, attendance, meeting guests, and other miscellaneous items.

The reports to the district governor span the years 1977 to 1999 but are missing years from 1985 to 1993. There are some items that appeared to have been part of these reports but were not bound together as a report. These include committee reports, president's plans and comments, and summary of club plans and objectives.

Also included are minutes, but these only cover the years 1980 to 1984. Some of the general items include attendance reports, certificates and awards, by-laws, constitution, some correspondence, directories, a history of Brookings Rotary, information on the book project, and district conference planning and programs.

Brookings Rotary Club (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 035.02 · Records · 1985-1994

This collection is composed of correspondence, accounting reports, constitution and by-laws, forms, membership data, book sale publicity and other information, and newsletters. The book sale information consists of the largest part of this collection, which documents the annual book sale held by the club as a fundraiser. It includes price lists, ledger sheets, and sign-up sheets.

Brookings Veterans Society (Brookings, S.D.)
Bruce Brandt Papers
UA 053.066 · Papers · 1977-2016

This collection encompasses a wide range of materials documenting various aspects of Dr. Brandt's academic and professional activities. It includes records of his involvement in academic committees, such as the Academic Senate, College of Arts & Science Computer Committee, and Technical Communication Committee. Additionally, the collection contains syllabi, course outlines, and exams for numerous English courses taught by Dr. Brandt, spanning from introductory to advanced levels. Other materials relate to Dr. Brandt's participation in conferences, research projects, sabbaticals, and his service on committees such as the European Studies Committee and the Charles Sewrey Faculty Colloquium. Furthermore, the collection includes correspondence, newsletters, and offprints of articles, providing insights into Dr. Brandt's scholarly contributions and professional engagements.

Brandt, Bruce Edwin
Career Center Records
UA 027 · Records · 1975-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and flyers for job fairs, practice interview sessions, and etiquette dinners. Also included is a file dealing with tutoring programs.

South Dakota State University. Career Center
Carol Hepper Collection
MA 043 · Collection · 1982-2006

Composed mainly of gallery invitations, exhibition catalogs, reviews and some press material related to the career of Carol Hepper.

Hepper, Carol 1953-
UA 051.01 · Collection · 1979-1982

This collection is composed of committee files produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of South Dakota State University held in 1981. The collection is made up of general office and administrative files with some memorabilia.

The office files include budgets, correspondence, committee minutes and the files from each sub-committee. The budgets material consists mainly of the accounting used to put on the centennial celebration and to run an office devoted to such an event. The sub-committees files consist mainly of simple reports on the actions of various departments and various committees over the year. The notable exception to this is the calendar committee, which demonstrated some of the scheduling programs of such a huge event. The most useful files include the minutes of the Steering Committee and the correspondence files, as they reflect the inner workings of the group and the magnitude of such an event. Much attention is given throughout this material to the appearance of and seminar honoring Theodore Schultz, SDSU graduate and Nobel Prize winner.

The administrative files include material that was produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration. Included in this file are the finished calendars, lists of speakers, publications association with the centennial, and congratulatory letters from land grant colleges, alumni, dignitaries and South Dakota organizations. Also included are programs and flyers from various centennial events. The transcripts and audio cassettes of the commencement addresses are also included.

The memorabilia includes examples of some the souvenirs that were produced during the centennial. Included are two paperweights, one is bronze and housed in a redwood box with blue velvet lining, and one is marble with a cork bottom, a brass insignia with clear acrylic covering an insignia which has a dark blue background and gold lettering. Also included is a light blue coaster with gold lettering, a tan button with dark brown lettering, and an acrylic box of gummed gold SDSU notarial seals and blue and yellow ribbons approximately one inch long.

South Dakota State University. Centennial Steering Committee
Charles F. Gritzner Papers
UA 053.029 · Papers · 1871-2014

Collection is composed of writings, teaching and research materials, and material related to his non-teaching professional activities.

Gritzner, Charles F.
Charles L. Sewrey Papers
UA 053.010 · Papers · 1862-1973

This collection is composed of collected materials presumably used for research, correspondence and writing and miscellaneous materials.

The collected material is composed of numerous pamphlets, newspapers and clippings, an 1862 book of poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, material of the Socialist Party in the United States, and a file of research on Steven Truscott, a man who was convicted of murder in Ontario, Canada but may have been wrongly accused.

The general papers include correspondence, some notes and an exam from some of Sewrey's history courses, miscellaneous items and photographs. The miscellaneous items include a map showing lakes, railways, wagon roads, hotels and other points of interest of the Lake District in the vicinity of Alexandria, Minnesota.

The manuscripts cover several topics but the main scope of this material is of anti-Catholicism and frontier Minnesota. Included in the manuscripts is a draft of Sewrey's master's thesis titled The Protestant Minister in Frontier Minnesota.

The published works also covers several topics but the main scope of this material is anti-Catholicism and Communism. Included in this material are two transcripts of a radio program titled Professor's Forum that was broadcast from the South Dakota State College radio station.

Sewrey, Charles Louis
Charles Woodard Papers
UA 053.042 · Papers · 1946-2019, undated

This collection is composed of materials Dr. Woodard accumulated during his career. The materials relate to many topics, such as American Indians, cultural and multiracial representation, and nicknames of sports teams.

The bulk of the files relate to his activities with American Indians, the Oak Lake Writers’ Society, the South Dakota Humanities Council, the South Dakota Resources Coalition, and the South Dakota World Affairs Council. The content of these files may include correspondence, clippings, and grant materials.

The files related to his work in the English Department at South Dakota State University are composed of course materials, syllabi, tests, notes, committee files, and his work with Consider the Century and Great Plains Writers’ Conferences. Also included are audiocassettes of speakers at the Great Plains Writers’ Conference.

Materials related to his publications are comprised of manuscripts, clippings, and correspondence with co-authors and publishers.
Researchers will also find files related to people with whom Woodard worked. These files may contain correspondence, clippings, or writings.

Woodard, Charles 1942-
UA 006.05 · Records · 1974-2007

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Beaker Breaker" produced by the Chemistry Department from 1978 to 1987. Also included are programs for various lecture series sponsored by the department such as the Henry A. Lardy Distinguished Lecture Series in Chemistry, and the Joseph F. Nelson Mentorship Seminar in Chemistry and Biology.

South Dakota State University. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
MA 033 · Collection · 1913-1918

This collection originated from the Madison, S.D. Railway Depot and was then donated to Prairie Village of Madison. The barn in which Prairie Village kept the records burned down but the records were salvaged. The collection provides a variety of different communications and report information, and is an excellent source to view original documentation. However, the collection is not a complete record of all communications and so is not an effective source for researching specific transactions, etc. It is organized into folders each containing a different form of communication used by the railroad company. The beginning of the collection contains all photocopied material. The middle of the collection contains the encapsulated material, and the end of the collection contains the samples of original records.

Because this collection was damaged in a fire all records received were photocopied with only a few original samples retained from each category of the collection. Some unique samples were encapsulated for easier handling and display.

Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company
UA 008.01 · Records · 1900, 1949, 1970-1971, 1973, 1992-1994, 2001

This collection is composed mainly of material for a course in Solid Waste Engineering and Management. Also included are brochures, fact sheets and other material related to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.

The Solid Waste Engineering and Management material consists of course notes, syllabi, and exams. This material was most likely created by Dwayne Rollag and Vernon Schaefer, Professors of Civil Engineering, who were coordinators of this course in the early 1990s, but the only evidence to support this is the occurrence of their names on the course syllabi.

Other material of note in this collection is a certificate awarding the Civil Engineering Department second place for the most beautiful float for the 1949 Hobo Day parade, and a field notebook for a land survey of the South Dakota State College campus. While there is no date on this item, the processer decided the survey was completed around 1900 based on the building listed in the survey.

South Dakota State University. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MA 073 · Papers · 1937-1945

This collection consists of a notebook of Clark S. Thomas, a student at South Dakota State College from 1937 to 1941. The notebook records all of his personal expenses while attending college, as well as expenses while serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1941 to 1945. Entries in the notebook include meals, entertainment, income, and other expenses for clothes, school supplies, etc. Also included are receipts for tuition and fees for Thomas for 1937-1941.

Thomas, Clark S. 1917-2012
MA 123 · Collection · 1930

Photographs taken by Clav Snow while he attended South Dakota State College in the 1930s. Photographs are images of Hobo Day, Military Field Day Exercises, campus buildings, and friends.

Snow, Clav
Col. Dwight L. Adams Papers
UA 053.062 · Papers · 1962-2007

The collection is composed of a small amount of material collected by Col. Dwight L. Adams. The collection is comprised of various documents and materials that reflect events in Adams' life. It includes Adams' funeral program, a memo to President Hilton M. Briggs recommending Adams as the Army ROTC Commander, and information about the Omar Bradley Award for notable military achievements. Additionally, the collection features records of his political activities, a Professor Emeritus certificate from the South Dakota Board of Regents, and an account of South Dakota's World War II casualties.

Adams, Dwight L. 1922-
UA 035 · Collection · 1889-2008

This collection is composed of very small artificial collections of material by or about certain student organizations. Material is added as it is unearthed. No attempt is made to systematically collect this information. The folders consist of such materials as programs, charters, newsletters, correspondence, clippings, and flyers announcing events for organizations. The files of each organization vary.

UA 005 · Records · 1890-2019

This collection is composed of general office records and publications generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Folders consist of correspondence, course changes/additions, fact sheets, short course and conference materials, college promotional material, newsletters, brochures, posters and other publications. Also included are budgets and financial reports for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Included are salary budget, budget reports for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and financial reports for the Cooperative State Research Service, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture. The salary budgets, also called salary lists, are comprised of position listings for each department within the college, the contract pay for the previous year and the recommended pay for the upcoming fiscal year. Correspondence and research on the contract pay for faculty and staff in other institutions can also be found in this collection.

South Dakota State University. College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
UA 006 · Records · 1953-2017

This collection is composed of correspondence, publications, and various records generated by the college's administrative offices. Included are bulletins, brochures, announcements, and materials from individuals or committees, which relate to the administration of the college. The bulk of the material consists of newsletters.

South Dakota State University. College of Arts and Sciences
UA 007 · Records · 1938-2019

This collection is composed of materials that pertain to the College of Education and Counseling. Included are accreditation reports from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Folders contain correspondence, newsletters, info sheets, pamphlets, programs, brochures, and reports. The info sheets describe the programs that are offered by the college.

The appointment of a Joint Dean of Education and Professor of Educational Administration in June of 2002 by the South Dakota Board of Regents began collaboration between the South Dakota State University College of Education & Counseling, and the University of South Dakota School of Education. The Joint Dean's primary focus is to lead the education efforts on the two campuses, in addition to developing new educational opportunities in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This collection is composed of materials related to the collaboration of SDSU and USD in the Joint College of Education and Counseling. Folders include a brochure that gives examples of collaborations between the schools, a news release announcing the naming of Hank Rubin to the joint Deanship for the program, and material related to the 2004 Annual Convention for American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. This convention material includes a collection of papers and an inventory of initiatives prepared by participants in the No Child Left Behind Faculty Institute.

The undergraduate Teacher Education Program material is composed of materials related to the creation of the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program at South Dakota State University. Included are agendas, minutes, working documents, correspondence, and conference papers.

South Dakota State University. College of Education and Human Sciences
UA 009 · Records · 1884-2008

This collection is composed of academic materials, clippings and releases, history material, photographs, scrapbooks and reports. The academic material deals mainly with the establishment of a core curriculum within the College. The clippings and releases are newspaper clippings and news releases about the college. The history material is a compilation of historical material and alumni memories of the College of Home Economics. Also included is correspondence, building plans, and lists of outstanding graduates.
The photographs include many miscellaneous photographs documenting the history of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences that were found loose in the collection or from dismantled scrapbooks.
The photographs from the scrapbooks pertain to deans, research, education, nutrition and food science, and textiles, clothing and interior design.

The reports are composed mainly of annual reports to the president of the university and some federal reports to the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare.

South Dakota State University. College of Family and Consumer Sciences
College of Nursing Records
UA 012 · Records · 1916-2023

This records from the Dean of the College of Nursing is composed of general records including reports, publications, records and correspondence for the College of Nursing. Folders include reports, studies, surveys, newsletters, bulletins, informational material, pamphlets from conferences, refresher courses seminars, short courses, symposiums, and workshops sponsored by the College, booklets detailing information about degrees available, faculty and student handbooks and guidelines for policies, procedures, and the Well Developed Faculty Bulletin, which gives information about faculty development within the College of Nursing. Also found in this series are annual and biennial reports from the College of Nursing and its departments, including annual reports for the Department of Continuing Education covering 1967-1986.
The academic records is composed of course outlines and syllabi general items related to academics within the College of Nursing. These include Clinical Nursing, General Nursing, Health, Health Science, Nursing, Nursing Education, Public Health Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program, and Rural Nursing. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. There are several lists, which list students who have graduated, and list names, college and home address, and phone numbers of students who were enrolled in the College of Nursing between 1936 and 1979. Also included are photographs of registered nurses that participated in RN Refresher Courses around the state during 1967-1971.
This accreditation records are composed of general accreditation requirements, reports, and surveys as a result of visits from the National League for Nursing. Included are pre-survey information and reports, evaluation and self-evaluation reports and surveys, and National League for Nursing Council Baccalaureate meeting reports. It is recommended that researchers also consult the College of Nursing, Dean’s Office records (UA12.0) for additional accreditation files.
The agreements and contracts are composed of legal contracts made with various hospitals, clinics, school systems, and state and county health boards for use as clinical facilities for student nurses. These are signed by SDSU officials and officials of the hospitals, clinics, etc.
The meeting records are composed of minutes from committee and staff meetings and include information on a variety of subjects, from student concerns, admissions and scholastic standards, to team meetings and off-campus meetings.

South Dakota State University. College of Nursing
UA 013 · Records · 1890-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.

South Dakota State University. College of Pharmacy
UA 017.01 · Collection · 1885-2004, undated

The College on the Hill is an anecdotal history of South Dakota State University from 1881 to 2003 co-written by Amy Dunkle and V.J. Smith, Alumni Association Director.

Dunkle, Amy
Commerce Department Records
UA 006.15 · Records · undated

Composed a pamphlet produced by the Department of Commerce for business training for rural South Dakota and an offprint describing the Department of Commerce from the South Dakota State College catalogue.

South Dakota Agricultural College. Commerce Department
Committee Files Collection
UA 051 · Collection · 1900-1989

This is an artificial collection composed of random committee materials such as pamphlets, reports, correspondence and minutes. Material is added as it is unearthed. No attempt is made to systematically collect this information.

The Civilization Committee material is composed of a pamphlet titled "Dialogues in Higher Education: A Series of Discussions on the Process of Thought." This series was developed from discussions by the Civilization Committee. The pamphlet describes the speaker for the series, and lists the dates, times and topic for each.

The Classification Committee is composed of a ledger of minutes between 1900 and 1914. This committee was known as the Ad. (Admissions?) and Cr. (Credit?) Committee. This committee appears to have dealt with credit hour issues.

The Committee on Radio Broadcasting material is composed of a report of the Committee on Radio Broadcasting. The main subject of the report is a plan devised by the committee in order that the radio broadcasting service of South Dakota State College be effective in serving the people of South Dakota.

The Computer Users Advisory Council material is composed of correspondence circulated by the Computer Users Advisory Council. The main subject of the correspondence is answering questions concerning computer software copyrights.

The Curriculum and Veterans Enrollment material is composed of correspondence, proclamations in support of veteran's claims for free tuition, and other miscellaneous documents related to veterans enrollment.

The Faculty Committee on Air Transport material is composed of a report written by the committee on air transport. The mission of the committee was to study the future impact of air transportation on college business and to make recommendations for action by the college. This report reflects the recommendations of the committee to the college.

The Faculty Workshop Committee material is composed of minutes of a meeting held in May of 1957. The main subject of the minutes is examinations for graduating seniors, the date of fall and winter graduation, and an appointment of a committee to prepare and make available a course for communication skills for college students.

The High School Contact Committee material is composed of a report to faculty and extension personnel. This report covers completed work, work in progress, and projected plans for High School recruitment as of February 1, 1952. An explanation of the action taken or to be taken, or matters still under consideration and study by the committee follow each project.

The ROTC Inspection and Military Field Day Committee material is composed of minutes of a meeting held to arrange the schedule of ROTC Inspection and Military Field Day. The main subject of the meeting was excusing students from class for the exercises while trying not to cause interruption of classes.

The Rules and Regulations Committee material is composed of minutes of meetings held in July 1931. The main subject of the meetings was the publishing of the official college rules in one publication. This material is arranged chronologically.

UA 051.02 · Records · 1948-1955

This collection is composed of correspondence, form letters, and minutes of meetings.

South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Committee on Scholarly Affairs
UA 006.01 · Records · 1931-2018

This collection consists of items materials produced by the various programs offered by the Communication Studies and Theatre Department. Folders include pamphlets, programs, and newsletters. The bulk of the material is related to the Prairie Repertory Theatre and State University Theatre. This material includes playbills, posters, ticket information, calendars, programs, and correspondence. Some items of note consist of bound books of theatre seasons for the Prairie Repertory Theatre. These books cover the 1971-2002 summer theatre seasons and include copies of programs, clippings, and photographs from plays.

South Dakota State University. Department of Communication Studies and Theater
UA 015 · Records · 1924-2008

This collection is composed of general office material conference and workshop materials, University Week for Women records, and distance education records.

South Dakota State University. Office of Continuing and Distance Education
UA 005.04 · Records · 1915-2021

This collection is composed of records generated by the Cooperative Extension Service and includes general administrative materials, 4-H publications, personnel communications, news releases, South Dakota AgrAbility Project, and Cooperative Extension publications.

The Administrative records are composed of Extension correspondence with R. Milton Rich, Area Development Specialist, regarding the adult education program in 1964, and proposals for a division of continuing study, extension, and terminal education. Also included are Cooperative Extension Impact Statements for the West District and a history and philosophy of the service.

The 4-H publications are composed mainly of 4-H club publications directed at members and leaders of statewide 4-H clubs. These include newsletters, project guides, forms, reports, and other informative pamphlets. Also included is a state commemorative document noting the centennial of 4-H and club member record books from the 1930’s.

The personnel communications are composed of published items, which were distributed to extension personnel across the state. These items were bound, however, no system of arrangement could be determined except by year. The earlier items seem to have less arrangement than the more recent items. From about 1977, the items seem to be arranged by subject which covers a broad area including: 4-H, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, calendar of events, dairy, Farm and Ranch News, home economics, horticulture/forestry, plant science, State Fair, and veterinary science. Also included are some news releases that were left with this sub-group because they were bound together. In 2004, this material was microfilmed so material was unbound. These items are arranged first chronologically by year then alphabetically by the title on the bound item.
This collection is housed at an off-site facility. Requests to view this material must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Some material is available in microfilm.

The news releases are composed of news releases distributed to the media by Extension Services. These cover all areas of extension during 1939-48. In 2004, this material was microfilmed so material was unbound. These items are arranged first chronologically by year then alphabetically by the title on the bound item.

This material is housed at an off-site facility. Requests to view this material must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Some material is available in microfilm.

The publications are composed of publications and newsletters produced by the Extension Service. Included are circulars, handbooks, leaflets, newsletters, reports, series, and miscellaneous items.

The National AgrAbility Project was established through a provision of the 1990 Farm Bill. Congress began funding the project in 1991. The goal is to inform, educate and assist individuals with disabilities and their families.

The South Dakota AgrAbility Project is a cooperative programming effort between South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service, Easter Seals of South Dakota, and Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center.

South Dakota State University. Cooperative Extension Service
UA 049 · Records · 1969-2021

This collection is composed of agreements between the South Dakota Board of Regents {SD BOR] and the Council of Higher Education, by-laws, charters, constitutions, correspondence, newsletters, salary lists, membership lists, and SDSU workload policies.

Council of Higher Education (S.D.)
Crozier Family Papers
MA 088 · Papers · 1900-2024

The Crozier Family Papers documents family history, educational pursuits, crafting expertise, and community involvement spanning multiple generations. The collection records Caryl's life and career, encompassing educational materials from high school and college, extensive correspondence with family and friends, journals and writings detailing life stories and memories, numerous craft and sewing projects, 4-H achievements, recipes, and homemaking activities. It also includes records of her participation in book clubs and other social groups, teaching materials, family and personal photographs, scrapbooks, photo albums, and memorabilia.

Additionally, the collection features family heirlooms such as clothing, quilts, and other crafted items. Files related to Caryl and her husband Edward cover travel journals, correspondence with family and friends, various home and craft projects, wedding and honeymoon details, and their writings. The collection also contains extensive genealogical records, primarily focusing on the Croziers, Kinkners, Ericksons, Joneses, and other extended family members. Researchers will find biographical information, correspondences, genealogical records, and historical notes about Beresford, South Dakota, as well as collected recipes, patterns, and club activities related to Caryl's mother, Elvera Kinkner.

Many files include commercial patterns annotated by Caryl, indicating the recipients of the clothing and images of the finished garments. The collection also features samples of sewing projects Caryl completed during college. Some materials contain stick pins and needles; caution is advised when handling these items.

Crozier, Caryl
Cuneiform Tablet Collection
AR 003 · Collection · 50 BCE 2003 CE, 1987, 2002-2003

This collection consists of six Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets, a translation by Edgar J. Banks, research and manuscript material. Five of the tablets are approximately 1.5" x 1.5" in size. The tablets come from Ancient Mesopotamia, a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris-Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent, corresponding to most of modern day Iraq, Kuwait, the eastern parts of Syria, and Southwestern Turkey. The translation found with the tablets provides only general information about each tablet: date, place found, and general description. The translations state that three of the tablets are records of receipt for temple offerings, one a sealed temple record and one contract or business document.

South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson, who was president of South Dakota State College from 1919 to 1923, purchased the tablets from Edgar James Banks in 1923 for $26.00.

The sixth tablet is 4 inches wide x 6.5 inches long. This tablet was transferred to the archives from the South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum. A label affixed to the tablet reads: Egyptian Prescription given me by Daphne Serles and had belonged to Dr. Earl Serles. This script was misidentified as Egyptian hieroglyphics but is indeed Sumerian Cuneiform. This tablet has no transcription.

Banks, Edgar James, 1866-1945
UA 051.04 · Records · 1959-1969

This collection is composed of reports produced by the Curricula Evaluation Committee.

South Dakota State University. Curricula Evaluation Committee
Dairy Club Records
UA 035.03 · Records · 1972-2008

This series is composed of annual reports, the Dairy Digest, a periodical published by the Dairy Club, and a scrapbook compiled in 1985 for the Dairy Club. The Dairy Digest originally began as a newsletter but grew into a periodical in the early 1990s. It features information about the Dairy Department and happenings within the Dairy Club.

Dairy Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 005.07 · Records · 1898-2019

The Dairy Science Department Records are cmposed of departmental records, publications and Dairy Husbandry records which consist of correspondence, reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items.

The administrative records are composed of clippings, correspondence, policy manuals, photographs/negatives, bulletins, leaflets, newsletters, programs, reports and miscellaneous items. Included is material on cooperative education, creamery short courses, Diary Industry Week, Dairy Princess judging, and a history of the Dairy Science Department, which was revised in 1994-95. An item of note is a scrapbook from the early 1900, which contains clippings of dairy related material. Some unusual items included are two small milk cartons used by the Dairy Science Department.

The photographs were collected by the Dairy Science Department over the years. These photographs cover a wide range of topics, from barns and local creameries, to ice cream and yogurt. Some photographs are of experiments conducted by the Dairy Science Department, including bloat procedures, diseases bovine udders and a vitamin D deficiency/sun deprivation experiment. Some items of note include glass plates for experiment station bulletin publications. Ask the Special Collections staff for assistance in viewing these photographs. Folders and arranged in alphabetical order.

The Dairy Husbandry records are composed of correspondence and general office files which include reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items. The bulk of this collection is correspondence from companies and area dairy farmers to and from the head of the Dairy Husbandry department during the years covered. Other items in this collection show the day to day operation of the department. An item of note is correspondence from Ben Reifel while he was a student at SDSC looking for employment.
Items such as receipts, daily creamery reports, test supervisor's reports for advanced registry and feed record report cards were sampled and a small collection kept indicating how the reports were filled out and what they were used for. The photographs were separated and are housed in the photograph collection. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order and there under chronologically.

South Dakota State University. Department of Dairy Science
UA 052.03 · Records · 1884-1895

This collection is composed of the original ledger of minutes of the Board of Regents for the Dakota Agricultural College from 1884-1895. Included in the minutes is information that details the organization of the college from the selection of the first president to the formation of committees to oversee the finances, course of study, farm, buildings and college lands, admission requirements, and budgets of the college. Some of the later minutes include reports from the president of the college. A notation appears at the end of the ledger indicating a second volume, which we do not have in our custody and its whereabouts is unknown. The second item in the collection is a petition, signed by many students of Dakota Agricultural College. It requests that the English/History professor be removed from his post.

Dakota Farmer Collection
MA 038 · Collection · 1906-1946

This collection is composed mainly of plates, publications, reports, a small amount of correspondence, and photographs. The plates consist of frames, cover mast-heads, article mast-heads, frames for photographs, and other artwork used for the publication. A more detailed description of these plates is found in the container list. The publications are mainly specialty publications aimed at advertisers and marketers. The reports are surveys conducted on farmers, bankers, merchants.

An item of note is the contracting for a new cover file. This material contains several examples of other publication covers with critiques of what works and what does not. Also included in this material is three sample covers for the Dakota Farmer and correspondence between the contractor and the Dakota Farmer staff.

Dakota Farmer (Aberdeen, S.D.)
NA 007 · Collection · 1880, 2005

The collection focuses on Dakota Territory history and culture, featuring educational resources such as interpreter guides, living history museum experiences, and insights into pioneer life. Highlights include discussions of oxen-drawn wagon trains between Ft. Pierre and the Black Hills, daily life in the Dakota Territory, and modern data like traffic flow patterns in Brookings County.

Thorne, Melvin L.
Daktronics Collection
MA 081 · Collection

Materials from 1978 to 2007 related to Daktronics, Inc., collected by Charles R. Peterson, long-time employee (hired in 1978) of Daktronics, including internal publications, news stories, press releases, annual reports (1995-2006), stockholder reports, promotional brochures and a few research reports/case studies.

Dan W. Johnson Papers
MA 041 · Papers · 1855-2002

This collection is composed of material relating mainly Dan W. Johnson and to the city of Marshall in Lyon County, Minn. Included are files relating his military and professional career, his family, collected research and files dealing with Jeanne Johnson & Antiques Ltd., Marshall, Minn., Lyon County, Minn., Southwest State University, and Schwan's Home Service, Inc.

Johnson, Dan W. 1917-2001
Dave Martin Papers
UA 053.027 · Papers · 1975-1977

The collection contains documents relating to the arrangements made for the Cuba trip and the political implications that surrounded the trip. Correspondence between David Martin and Senator George McGovern detail the breadth of such an undertaking. In addition, a post trip overview, numerous newspaper clippings, photographs, and radio excerpts are included in the collection.

Martin, Dave
David Allan Evans Papers
UA 053.016 · Papers · 1957-2012

This collection is composed of material related to activities in which Evans was involved in during his career, newspaper clippings of articles featuring Evans, reviews of books and poetry written by Evans, material collected and gathered by Evans over the course of his trips to China and the writings the occurred as a result of these trips, publications, poems and books authored or co-authored by Evans and published, Evans works as they appeared in anthologies, textbooks and other publications, reviews of Evans works as reviewed by his peers, and manuscripts of poems, essays, writings and talks.

Included are files related to his work as Poet Laureate of South Dakota, articles related to his career as a writer, correspondence, diaries, research, copies of published books, clippings, journals, and manuscripts of early versions of Evans works that include notations by the author.

Evans, David Allan
David B. Doner Papers
UA 053.034 · Papers · 1939-1971

Comprised of David B. Doner’s scrapbook, which largely documents his career of public service. It also includes five loose family photographs.

David Dwyer Papers
MA 047.01 · Papers · 1924-2017

The David Dwyer Papers, spanning the years 1924–2017 (bulk 1969–2003), document the life and literary career of poet, translator, and writer David Dwyer. The collection comprises a wide range of materials related to Dwyer’s published works, translations, personal correspondence, literary activities, and other creative endeavors.

The collection includes drafts, manuscripts, proofs, and correspondence for Dwyer’s major works, such as the poetry collections Ariana Olisvos: Her Last Works and Days (1976) and Other Men and Other Women (1988). It also contains numerous published and unpublished poems, prose works, and translations, notably his translation of Catherine Pozzi’s Agnes and other French literary texts. Annotated drafts and working notes offer insight into Dwyer’s creative process.

Correspondence in the collection reflects Dwyer’s relationships with literary figures, publishers, and friends, as well as his efforts to secure fellowships and publication opportunities. Other materials include awards and honors, such as the Juniper Prize and the Bush Artist Fellowship, as well as documents related to his teaching and residencies, such as his time as an artist-in-residence in Glen Falls, NY.

Personal materials in the collection document aspects of Dwyer’s life, including his educational background, travels, and health. Of note are records related to his diagnosis and treatment for lung cancer, culminating in his death in 2003. Memorials, tributes, and correspondence regarding his burial and posthumous recognition are also included.

Visual materials include photographs of Dwyer and his family, and ephemera such as membership cards and certificates. The collection also preserves copies of literary journals, anthologies, and yearbooks in which Dwyer’s works appeared.

Dwyer, David, 1946-2003
David F. Pearson Papers
UA 003.01 · Papers · 1886-1982

This collection is composed of files from the office of David F. Pearson while serving as Vice President for Administration. Folders consist mainly of correspondence and files dealing with the F. O. Butler Foundation, the engineering controversy of the early 1970s, and material dealing with the celebration of the United States Bicentennial celebration on the campus of South Dakota State University.

The correspondence consists of letters sent and received by David F. Pearson while service was Vice President for Administration.

The F.O. Butler Foundation files are composed of material dealing with the organization of the F.O. Butler Foundation at South Dakota State University. Folders contain approved requests, Articles of Incorporation, campus enrichment, and correspondence files.

The Engineering Controversy files is composed of material dealing with the controversy surrounding the possible removal of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University in the early 1970s. Folders contain correspondence, analysis, departmental actions, clippings, and master plan material.

The Bicentennial Celebration files is composed of material dealing with the celebration of the United States Bicentennial on the campus of South Dakota State University. Folders consist of budget and proposal material, committee minutes, calendar of events, and correspondence.

Pearson, David F. 1916-1990
David J. Law Papers
MA 122 · Papers · 1985

This collection is composed of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, and audiovisual material related to the farm crisis in 1985.

Law, David J.
MA 049 · Collection · 1884-2000

Richards was an admirer of Dr. Hansen and often stopped to visit him in his office. After Dr. Hansen's death in 1950, David asked for and received, permission to keep a few souvenirs and then dug through the trash filling several boxes with papers of historical value.

This collection is composed writings for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the form of bulletins and circulars, manuscripts for articles and publications that include Hansen's notations and corrections, correspondence with friends, colleagues, and customers interested in ordering seeds or rootstocks. Also included are catalog descriptions of plants to be included in seed catalogs, transplanting cards on which researchers will find records of planting and transplanting of plant hybrids, and research projects and reports to the Agricultural Experiment Station and material related to the South Dakota Horticultural Society.

Some items of note are collected Russian publications, seed catalogs and Seeds and Plants Imported published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture which list the plants and seeds imported by Hansen. Researchers will also find some material related to Hansen's travels.

The publications and manuscripts by Hansen related to many different horticultural topics: apples, crab apples, apricots, cherries, currants, grapes, pears, plums, plums, roses, roses, alfalfa, trees, plant genetics and breeding.
Researchers will also find clippings related to Hansen and photographs.

Richards, David
Delmar R. Johnson Papers
UA 042.04 · Papers · 1967-2009

This collection is composed of records collected by Delmar Johnson while he served as director of University Computing Services (1982-2003) and director of Administrative and Research Computing (2003- ) at South Dakota State University. The bulk of the records are composed of files of the director of University Computing Services. These records consist mainly of correspondence and meeting minutes and records for various committees related to computing services at South Dakota State University. Files related to the history of computing and files related to the network re-build that occurred around 2000 are also included.

Johnson, Delmar R.
MA 054 · Records · 1949-1994

This collection contains: minutes from the Zeta chapters meetings, Delta Kappa Gamma Handbooks, Zeta Chapter membership lists, Budgets for the Zeta Chapter, and rules and bylaws for the Alpha Pi State (South Dakota) Delta Kappa Gamma Society.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society
Department of Music Records
UA 006.04 · Records · 1900-2017

The collectioin consist of a sample of early twentieth century letterhead for the Department of Music, alumni newsletters, choir related photographs, promotional material, and an example of student writing. Also included are t-shirts promoting the Pride of the Dakota marching band. This material is arranged alphabetically.

The bulk of the collection consists of programs for band, orchestra, choral, and ensemble events, including the Brookings Chamber Music Society series, as well as, Faculty and Student Recitals, including Junior and Senior Recitals. Many, but not all, include program notes or translations. Some contain newspaper clippings, promotional material such as posters, and photographs. This material is arranged chronologically by date of the event.

South Dakota State University. Department of Music
Departmental Histories
UA 052.07 · Collection · 1927-1959

Composed of departmental histories, written by a variety of departmental representatives during 1957-58. These narratives offer insight into the early history of the departments represented here. Unfortunately, not all South Dakota State University departments are represented in this collection.

The depth of the material varies greatly, as does the size. The Foreign Languages departmental history is in three parts and is divided into three file folders. The Animal Husbandry departmental history, on the other hand, consists only of one sheet of paper. While by no means complete, this collection offers a nice accompaniment to the departmental histories written during the Centennial year of the college, and to the published histories of the college.

South Dakota State University
UA 018 · Records · 1887-2018, undated

This collection is composed of accounting records, budget requests and financial reports. Folders are composed of correspondence, vouchers, reports, ledgers, payroll records, deposit tickets and various fund vouchers, budget requests, financial reports, internal management reports, and operating budget reports for South Dakota State University and departments within.

The general office records are made up of records that did not indicate coming from a particular fund. The bulk of this series consists of correspondence between the chief financial officer and various businesses, college faculty and staff. Also included are reports, receipts, and vouchers. Some items of note include correspondence between the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and Presidents Briggs during the early 1960s, material dealing with the management of the Ladies Dormitory between 1908 and 1910 and ledgers of tuition and fees from the 1880s to the mid-1920s.

The Adams fund is composed of accounting records for disbursements paid through the Adams Fund. Included are payroll records, general supplies and equipment records, horticulture records, veterinary equipment purchases, grain drying lab supplies, travel expenses, and records dealing with N.E. Hansen supplies for fruit breeding project, chemicals, grain. Also included are abstracts of disbursements.

The Endowment fund is composed of vouchers for disbursements made through the Endowment Fund.

The Experiment Station fund is composed accounting records for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. Records are arranged according to division or fund. The Agricultural Division shows the cost of feed. The Incidental includes travel expenses and membership dues for the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Station. The Printing costs covered expenses for the Collegian, forms, bulletins, and circulars. The Building Division covered costs for building a silo, a plant house, and various other buildings. Records from the Chemical Division show costs for lab chemicals, furniture, supplies, and equipment. The Executive Division consists of records for office supplies, furniture, and travel expenses. The Entomology records detail the purchase of beneficial and injurious insects, supplies, equipment, and furniture. Also included are records related to Horticulture and N.E. Hansen and the purchase of plant materials and seeds.
The Farm fund is composed of vouchers for the purchase of lumber, feed, straw for bedding, equipment, repairs, registration of livestock, and State Fair expenses.

The general fund is composed of accounting records for maintenance on campus, as well as water and light expenses, telephone and telegraph charges, travel, freight, postage, equipment, supplies, and farm expenses for livestock, feed purchases and machinery repairs. Also included are expenses for the Highmore Sub-station, including labor, buildings (notices to contractors, construction costs, insurance,) team rental, and feed. Some items of note include the purchase of one mounted skeleton of a crane and the purchase of sea animals, including starfish, sea urchins, fish, and crayfish.

The Hatch fund is composed of accounting records for agriculture, botany, horticulture, printing expenses, payroll and fuel and light expenses for the campus. The Hatch Act of 1887 gave federal land grants to states in order to create a series of agricultural experiment stations, as well as pass along new information, especially in the areas of soil minerals and plant growth. State agricultural stations created under this act were usually connected with land-grant state colleges and universities founded under the Morrilll Act of 1862.

The local and endowment fund is composed of accounting records for breaking sod at Highmore Experiment Station, payroll, printing costs for the Jackrabbit yearbook, washing, President Chalmer's travel expenses, and land purchase (Horace Fishback). Also included is a letter from President Chalmers to R.A. Larson discussing disallowed travel expenses.

The local fund. is composed of advertising expenses, Regent travel expenses, milk purchases, State Fair expenses, repairs, student and
janitor payroll, traveling expenses, equipment, supplies, meals for threshing crew, and livestock expenses.

The Morrilll fund is composed of accounting records for salaries, library books and subscriptions, museum expedition costs, cooking and sewing supplies and equipment, mechanical shop supplies, horticultural, botanical, veterinary, dairy, astronomy, entomology, physics and chemistry and supplies and equipment, travel expenses, diplomas, and statements of accounts.

The State fund is composed of accounting records for the library, steam heating, furnishings, barns and fences, janitor, engineering, incidental funds, repairs, supplies, dynamite, telegraph wire, books, fuel and lights, and the Highmore experiment station costs of breaking sod. An item of note included "Territory of Dakota" heading that has been corrected to "State of South Dakota" in November 1889.

The budget requests and financial reports is made up of internal management reports, and operating budget reports for South Dakota State University and departments within.

South Dakota State University. Office of Budget and Finance
UA 064.01 · Records · 2004-2019

This collection is composed of publications, annual reports, articles, and a white paper on undergraduate research.

South Dakota State University. Division of Research and Economic Development
UA 042 · Records · 1967-2018

This collection is composed of the records of the Office of Information Technology and includes files from the Computing Services, Vice President's Office, Information Technology Services, and Classroom Technologies Services. Folders may include newsletters, manuals, correspondence, minutes, reports, audio/visual material, and materials related to the Y2K problem.
The Computing Services files are composed of newsletters, manuals, correspondence, and minutes for the several committees and councils including the Computer User's Advisory Council and the Computing Directors Council. Included is a full run of the Computing Services newsletter. This newsletter includes a subject index for each volume year.
Administrative material includes correspondence, reports, Upper Midwest Academic Computing Conference materials, and materials related to the Y2K problem. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.
The classroom technologies material is composed mainly of Student Computing Services manuals. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.

South Dakota State University. Division of Technology and Security
Dona Brown Papers
MA 105 · Papers · 1940-1995

This collection consists of material donated to the Archives by Dr. April Brooks and Dr. Ruth Ann Alexander, professors at South Dakota State University in 2004.

The material donated by Dr. Brooks consists of research gathered for a humanities grant. Included are articles, obituaries, and correspondence.

The material donated by Dr. Alexander are composed of records created by Dona Brown for a South Dakota poets and writers project. Included is correspondence, biographies, and questionnaires.

Brown, Dona 1909-1996
Donald Berg Papers
UA 053.047 · Papers · 1993-2012

This collection is composed mainly of material related to the Conference on American Indian History and Culture and research related to the Dakota, Minnesota, and Eastern Railroad Corporation in relation to railroad safety in Brookings, South Dakota.

Berg, Donald
Donald D. Johnson Papers
MA 018 · Papers · 1910, 1918

The Donald D. Johnson Papers include a short narrative, originally composed around 1918, detailing the experiences of John P. (Johan Peter) Johnson, a Swedish immigrant and grandfather of the donor, between 1871 and 1879. The narrative was translated by Alma N. Lundin and read at the Benton Lutheran Church in South Dakota around 1918. The available version is a photocopy; the original was not included in the donation.

Also included is a publication titled The Quill, produced by students at Marion High School in Marion, South Dakota. A note accompanying the publication states that it was published by Donald D. Johnson in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson of Hartford, South Dakota, who are presumed to be his parents.

Johnson, Donald D. (Donald Dale)
Donald Progulske Papers
UA 053.093 · Papers · 1874, 1972-1995

This collection features photographs from the bulletin “Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine: A Photographic Study of a Century of Forest Ecology,” published by the Agricultural Experiment Station at South Dakota State University in 1974. The bulletin documents photographic sites from the Custer Black Hills Expedition of 1874. By comparing historical and contemporary scenes, it highlights the changes in vegetation and human impact over the past century. A companion publication, "Following Custer," was released to identify additional 1874 photo sites that were not included in the original study.

William H. Illingworth, hired by the U.S. Army, photographed the Black Hills Expedition in 1874. Though he did not document the exact number of photographs he took, it is believed he produced around 79 glass-plate negatives. Most of these negatives are preserved at the South Dakota State Archives in Pierre, with a few held at the National Archives and the Minnesota Historical Society.

In 1974, Donald R. Progulske, then head of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at South Dakota State University, led the research and fieldwork for these publications. Richard H. Sowell, a photographic technician at the university's Audio-Visual Photo Lab, took the 1974 comparison photographs. Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine serves as a study of humanity's impact on the Black Hills environment. This decade-long project documented the expedition's route, spanning 1,205 miles through North Dakota, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

Sowell and Progulske spent three summers retracing the original photographic sites in the Black Hills. By carefully analyzing the details in Illingworth's glass plates, they located the original sites and took contemporary comparison photos.

One significant insight from Progulske’s research is that while human impacts are enduring, conservation efforts have sometimes gone too far, preventing natural processes like forest fires that thin tree populations. He observed that the Black Hills forest has become “closed,” hindering the growth of new plants and trees. Consequently, some photos could not be accurately replicated due to increased tree density at the original locations.

Progulske, Donald
UA 050.14 · Records · 1975-2004

The collection is arranged by item type. Information on Sigma Xi is minimal, consisting of some proposals and planning notes. The information put out by SDSU for the Science Fair is quite comprehensive, including programs and brochures from a number of years, as are the budgets and expense records. There is a good amount of material relating to Science Fair winners and their projects, though the dates of this information are quite random. The publications for ISEF are also quite comprehensive, including rule books, participant forms, programs, touring and housing information, and books of abstracts of participant research.

Economics Club Records
UA 035.17 · Records · 1951-2012

This collection consists of club newsletters, photos from the annual awards banquets and gatherings, photos from club trips to Denver, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Wyoming, photos from Hobo Day celebrations, and senior brochures chronicling the graduating club members.

Economics Club (South Dakota State University)
Economics Department Records
UA 005.01 · Records · 1920-2014

This collections is composed of administrative material and various publications. The administrative material includes newsletters, programs, pamphlets, reports, and posters. The publications are composed material created by the Economics Department for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, pamphlets, research reports, and staff papers. These publications cover economic topics related to agriculture and farm and ranch management.

South Dakota State University. Department of Economics
Edward P. Hogan Papers
UA 053.017 · Papers · 1960-2014, undated

This collection is composed of appointment books, correspondence, clippings, certificates, biographical material, photographs, material published by Dr. Hogan, and material collected by Dr. Hogan in his research.

Hogan, Edward Patrick 1939-
MA 034 · Collection · 1937-1949

Consists of chapbooks of Graber's poetry and does not contain larger collections of verse, which may be found in the South Dakota Collection.

Graber, Edwin C.
UA 008.02 · Records · 1967-2011

This collection is composed of various materials pertaining to the Electrical Engineering Department. Included are brochures, programs, and newsletters.

The 100th Anniversary of Electrical Engineering at South Dakota State University consists of a CD of digital photographs and other data related to the event's reception and banquet.

The Christmas newsletters appear to be directed at graduates of the department and include information on happenings in the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn Papers
MA 042 · Papers · 1932-2016

This collection consists of biographical material about Cook-Lynn; correspondence; writings by Cook-Lynn including articles, books, editorials, essays, novels, novellas, poetry, and book reviews; material related to her teaching career as well as research project and other activities in which she was involved; material related to the Wicazo Sa Review: a Journal of Native Studies for which she was editor; and material related to Native American issues and topics.

Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth
MA 006 · Papers · 1898-1971

This collection includes materials related to the personal and professional lives of Elmer and Cecile Sexauer, such as postcards, diaries, scrapbooks, and essays written by Cecile during her college years. It also contains items like agricultural reports presented to Elmer, certificates from their 50th college reunion, and various family papers. Travel diaries and over 400 postcards document their trips across the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, and Japan.

The collection offers valuable insight into the lives of Elmer and Cecile Sexauer, highlighting their family history, travels, and involvement in organizations like the Grain and Feed Dealers National Association. It serves as an important resource for understanding their personal experiences and social networks in the early 20th century.

The general material consists mainly of essays written by Cecile Welch Sexauer during her college career. Also included is a Christmas card list of the Sexauer's for 1971, scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, a book of Agricultural Department Reports presented to Elmer Sexauer in 1947, and certificates presented to the Sexauer's on the anniversary of their 50th college reunion. Some examples of their personal stationery, grade school papers from Elmer's youth, and a language paper of Laura Sexauer, Elmer's sister are also included.

A scrapbook of Elizabeth Anne Baker, age 9 weeks, chronicles her first visit to her grandparents’ home during Easter 1947. It was prepared by Jeannette Gagnon-Abbey for the Sexauer's.

The scrapbook was presented to Elmer Sexauer by the Grain and Feed Dealers National Association as a permanent reminder of the Forty-fourth Annual Convention held at Louisville, Kentucky October 13-15, 1940. Elmer was president of the Association at that time.
The postcards are composed of postcards from the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean that the Sexauer’s collected on their travels. There are over 400 postcards in this collection.

The Travels series consists of travel diaries hand-written by Cecile Sexauer. These diaries contain information about where the Sexauer's traveled and the customs, history and items of interest of these places. Some of the places the Sexauer's traveled to Europe, Canada, and Japan. Also included is a souvenir book of the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship.

Sexauer, Elmer, 1888-1986
Elvin Bjorklund Papers
MA 096 · Papers · 1946-1983

This collection contains Elvin Bjorklund Soil Conservation Service papers. It is comprised of records on Soil Conservation Service's works, events, and personnel. Likewise, it has photographs of personnel, conservation, and events. There are correspondence between Bjorklund and South Dakota representatives and senators on the Oahe Irrigation Project and the passing of State Director of Soil Conservation Service Ross. D. Davies. Additionally it includes Resource study (1967), Engineer Handbook (1946), South Dakota Conservation Needs Inventory (1970).

Bjorklund, Elvin 1908-1990