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MA 033 · Collection · 1913-1918

This collection originated from the Madison, S.D. Railway Depot and was then donated to Prairie Village of Madison. The barn in which Prairie Village kept the records burned down but the records were salvaged. The collection provides a variety of different communications and report information, and is an excellent source to view original documentation. However, the collection is not a complete record of all communications and so is not an effective source for researching specific transactions, etc. It is organized into folders each containing a different form of communication used by the railroad company. The beginning of the collection contains all photocopied material. The middle of the collection contains the encapsulated material, and the end of the collection contains the samples of original records.

Because this collection was damaged in a fire all records received were photocopied with only a few original samples retained from each category of the collection. Some unique samples were encapsulated for easier handling and display.

Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn Papers
MA 042 · Papers · 1932-2016

This collection consists of biographical material about Cook-Lynn; correspondence; writings by Cook-Lynn including articles, books, editorials, essays, novels, novellas, poetry, and book reviews; material related to her teaching career as well as research project and other activities in which she was involved; material related to the Wicazo Sa Review: a Journal of Native Studies for which she was editor; and material related to Native American issues and topics.

Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth
Hofer/Loewen Family Papers
MA 101 · Papers · 1940-2018

This collection consists of farm accounting records, material related to Hofer's 1996 campaign for the South Dakota State Senate, biographical material, calendars, and acreage measurements for Milford Township in Beadle County, South Dakota.

The accounting records contain detailed information on farm operations for each year recorded on South Dakota State College Extension Farm and Ranch Record Books (1947-1949), National Farmers' Income Tax Record Books, Mitchell (South Dakota) Publishing Company (1950-1956, 1959), South Dakota State College Agricultural Extension Service Farm and Ranch Business Record Books (1957-1958, 1962-1966, 1968-1980), Doane Agricultural Digest Income and Expenditure Record Book (1960), Blackbourn's farm and Ranch Bookkeeping Record Books (1961, 1967), South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service Account Books (1997-1999), and a Farm Credit Services Farm and Ranch Record Book (2000). Information includes an inventory of land, improvements, buildings and livestock; livestock fees and sales; machinery, equipment and automobile inventory and operating expenses; map of the farm and crop-system summary; crops raised and sold; inventory of feed, grain and supplies; cash receipts and expenses; summary of expenses including taxes and labor; capital purchases and sales; products used on the farm and a financial business analysis summary.

Other material in the collection is campaign material, consisting of advertising, newspaper clippings, posters, pamphlets, and a photograph; biographical material of Ben Hofer and his father, Josua; calendars noting daily appointments and events; and, acreage measurements for Milford Township in Beadle County, South Dakota compiled by Josua Hofer in 1940

Hofer, Ben Frank 1926-2018
MA 103 · Records · 1989-2016

This collection is composed of materials related to the Oak Lake Writers Society and their summer retreats. A large portion of the collection is email correspondence between Charles Woodard, a member of the English department as South Dakota State University, and applicants. Folders also contain newspaper clippings, application forms, written stories, and funding materials.

Oak Lake Writers' Society
President's Office Records
UA 001 · Records · 1887-2022

The bulk of the material is composed of administrative material generated and received by the Office of the President of South Dakota State University.

Folders consists of correspondence, budget material, reports, committee minutes, accreditation material, master and strategic planning files, South Dakota Board of Regents files, material related to Resolution 21, the college name change, and the engineering controversy of the 1970s. Also includes are files related to student organizations, campus buildings, statistics, anniversary celebrations, university history, and photographs.

No material has been found for the following university presidents: James Chalmers, Robert L. Slagle, George Lincoln Brown, Harold M. Crothers, and H. Ray Hoops.


This material is composed of material dealing with promotion of the Schultz-Werth Award, workload policies, university self-study reports, faculty development opportunities, faculty recognition programs, and academic administrative events calendars. Folders include brochures, posters, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and programs.


The Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs is responsible for the organization of commencement exercises at South Dakota State University. The material is composed files collected by the Vice President and Provost of Academic Affairs for the organization of commencement exercises at South Dakota State University. Folders include programs, addresses, distinguished professor and honorary doctorate programs, scripts, and photographs (both print and digital).


The committees material is composed mainly of the minutes from the Academic Affairs Committee. These minutes have notations in the margin indicating the subject of each paragraph and include an index for the years 1961-1988 which gives access to a variety of subjects discussed at each meeting dating from 1961 to 1986; minutes for 1987 to present are housed in the Vice President of Academic Affairs office. Also included in this series are reports of the Biology/Microbiology Study Committee, the Engineering Advisory Council and the Committee on Health and Sanitation; and minutes for the Regents of Education Inter-Institutional Committee for Education Coordination and the Board of Regents Committee on Academic and Student Affairs visit to SDSU.

Curriculum requests

The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost is responsible for curriculum management at South Dakota State University. Curriculum management is defined as the allocation and utilization of institutional resources to support needed viable programs and to promote effective teaching-learning, scholarship, and service. The material is composed of curriculum request submitted to Academic Affairs for approval by that office and the South Dakota Board of Regents. These requests are composed of Minor Course Modifications (formerly Class I), New/Revised Course Requests (formerly Class II), Program Requests (formerly Class III), Intent to Plan Forms, Program Modifications, and Program Terminations. Also included are files dealing with Common Course Numbering, summaries of net changes for the university, and correspondence. Researchers will also find a few Academic Affairs Committee minutes scattered throughout the collection.

Departmental Standards

This material is composed of papers which include information on departmental and faculty performance and goals for each department. Also included is a substantial amount of correspondence relating to the Departmental Standards.

Institutional Program Reviews

The primary purpose for conducting institutional program reviews is to continuously improve the quality of educational programs. Periodic program review involves stakeholders in the improvement of academic programs. Such review includes an analysis of past performance which is used to inform present and future directions and decision-making. The review process must be integrated with strategic planning and budgeting, with regional and specialized accreditation processes, and with student-learning outcome assessment. This material is composed of reviews for various programs and departments, arranged within their respective colleges. Also included are summaries of Institutional Program Reviews by year that were submitted to the Board of Regents.

Subject files

This series is composed of budget reductions and reallocation of funds material, the Board of Regents goals and mission study, the Student Implementation Project, Bush Faculty Development Project and Division I. Folders contain budget and reallocation material including data on the Governor’s 5% reduction, Resolution 21, and Resources Allocation Model (or RAM). The Board of Regents goals and mission study includes the data from the Board of Regents Committee on Academic and Student Affairs visit to South Dakota State University, impacts, priorities, and proposed changes. The Division I is composed of reports, correspondence and clippings.

South Dakota State University. Office of the President
MA 059 · Collection · 13th century, 1440-1496

The H.M. Briggs Library holds four illuminated manuscript leaves, or single pages. The pages consist of religious texts. One leaf is the Biblia Sacra Latina, which is a page from the Latin Bible and dates to the 13th century. The leaves were purchased from the estate of Morris Elmer Nellermoe, Jr. (1926-2004).

The Hours of the Virgin, a section of the Book of Hours, which are devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages. These pages date from the middle of the 15th century.

The Biblia Sacra Latina chapter numerals in red and blue with much pen work ornamentation. The work contained a number of historiated and illuminated initials, remarkable for the extremely wide margins.

Nellermoe, Morris Elmer, Jr.
MA 089 · Records · 1969-1976

This collection is composed on material created by the Sioux Falls Summer Track Program. It consists of schedules, entry forms, minutes, race results, clippings, correspondence, and other material related to the organization.

Sioux Falls Summer Track Program
Jack Marken Papers
MA 090 · Papers

The Jack Marken collection is comprised of four integral parts of Jack’s career & life. The first being his relationships and continued communication with colleagues, family and friends throughout his entire life. The second part involves the research involving Godwin’s novels, editing of said novels and correspondence with other scholars.

The third part is Dr. Marken’s career at SDSU, lectures, humanities material, committees and correspondence while at SDSU wrapped into one. The final part of Dr. Jack Marken’s collection is revolved around his work with the American Indian Population of South Dakota. Such as workshops with American Indian Students, research projects on reservations & international lectures on American Indians.

Marken, Jack W.
Elvin Bjorklund Papers
MA 096 · Papers · 1946-1983

This collection contains Elvin Bjorklund Soil Conservation Service papers. It is comprised of records on Soil Conservation Service's works, events, and personnel. Likewise, it has photographs of personnel, conservation, and events. There are correspondence between Bjorklund and South Dakota representatives and senators on the Oahe Irrigation Project and the passing of State Director of Soil Conservation Service Ross. D. Davies. Additionally it includes Resource study (1967), Engineer Handbook (1946), South Dakota Conservation Needs Inventory (1970).

Bjorklund, Elvin 1908-1990
MA 061 · Collection · 1998, 2003, undated

Collection contains 11 Betacam video tapes and 5 DVDs documenting events and scenery in South Dakota. The footage is taken of Lake Andes, the Ft. Randall Casino, Aberdeen, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Tribe in South Dakota. The footage was taken by TLN Productions for their Discover America series, which promoted travel throughout the United States.

TLN Productions
MA 070 · Records · 1952-1963

The Faculty Housing Company records are composed primarily of meeting minutes (annual, special, and board of directors meetings), stock holder information, and letters written to stockholders from incorporation in 1952 to dissolution in 1963. The collection also includes advertisement brochures and signs of the company, correspondences with stockholders, floor plans of the corporation's property, and quarterly reports.

Faculty Housing Company, Inc. (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 005 · Records · 1890-2019

This collection is composed of general office records and publications generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Folders consist of correspondence, course changes/additions, fact sheets, short course and conference materials, college promotional material, newsletters, brochures, posters and other publications. Also included are budgets and financial reports for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Included are salary budget, budget reports for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and financial reports for the Cooperative State Research Service, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture. The salary budgets, also called salary lists, are comprised of position listings for each department within the college, the contract pay for the previous year and the recommended pay for the upcoming fiscal year. Correspondence and research on the contract pay for faculty and staff in other institutions can also be found in this collection.

South Dakota State University. College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
UA 003 · Records · 1987-1989, 2010

This collection is composed of a file dealing with the strategic plan of South Dakota State University in 1987-1989 and an open house invitation for Vice President Mike Reger's retirement.

South Dakota State University. Vice President for Administration
College of Nursing Records
UA 012 · Records · 1916-2023

This records from the Dean of the College of Nursing is composed of general records including reports, publications, records and correspondence for the College of Nursing. Folders include reports, studies, surveys, newsletters, bulletins, informational material, pamphlets from conferences, refresher courses seminars, short courses, symposiums, and workshops sponsored by the College, booklets detailing information about degrees available, faculty and student handbooks and guidelines for policies, procedures, and the Well Developed Faculty Bulletin, which gives information about faculty development within the College of Nursing. Also found in this series are annual and biennial reports from the College of Nursing and its departments, including annual reports for the Department of Continuing Education covering 1967-1986.
The academic records is composed of course outlines and syllabi general items related to academics within the College of Nursing. These include Clinical Nursing, General Nursing, Health, Health Science, Nursing, Nursing Education, Public Health Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program, and Rural Nursing. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order. There are several lists, which list students who have graduated, and list names, college and home address, and phone numbers of students who were enrolled in the College of Nursing between 1936 and 1979. Also included are photographs of registered nurses that participated in RN Refresher Courses around the state during 1967-1971.
This accreditation records are composed of general accreditation requirements, reports, and surveys as a result of visits from the National League for Nursing. Included are pre-survey information and reports, evaluation and self-evaluation reports and surveys, and National League for Nursing Council Baccalaureate meeting reports. It is recommended that researchers also consult the College of Nursing, Dean’s Office records (UA12.0) for additional accreditation files.
The agreements and contracts are composed of legal contracts made with various hospitals, clinics, school systems, and state and county health boards for use as clinical facilities for student nurses. These are signed by SDSU officials and officials of the hospitals, clinics, etc.
The meeting records are composed of minutes from committee and staff meetings and include information on a variety of subjects, from student concerns, admissions and scholastic standards, to team meetings and off-campus meetings.

South Dakota State University. College of Nursing
UA 008 · Records · 1913-2020

This collection is composed of materials that pertain to the college. Folders contain booklets, programs, brochures, correspondence, minutes, periodicals, reports, posters, and photographs.

A large portion of the material deals with Engineering and Science Research at South Dakota State University. This material consists of summary sheets, reports and correspondence and is arranged by researcher name. This material covers research for engineering, chemistry, pharmacy, and agronomy.

Also included is biographical information on prominent persons related to the College of Engineering, including, Harold M. Crothers, Harry Solberg, Halvor Solberg, and Guy Lee Boyden.

A file on the engineering controversy of the early 1970s dealing with the possible transfer of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University to another institution in the state. This material consists mainly of clippings, but also included is correspondence and notes.

Other items of note include several files of brochures on the various programs offered by the college, the Impulse magazine, a periodical published by the college featuring events and happenings in the college, and file dealing with the history of the College of Engineering at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University. Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
UA 009.01 · Records · 1921-1981

The Home Management records are composed of photographs and historical material about the Home Management program at South Dakota State College. Folders include books compiled for Alice Rosenberger, Dean of the College of Home Economics by Grace Wasson Bonnell, alumni. These books contain photographs and anecdotal information about of children who participated in the Home Management baby program. Also included is a history of the program and plans for a new laboratory, the Family Resource and Management Center.

University College Records
UA 010 · Records · 1978-2010

This collection is composed of general college records generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Registration and the College of General Studies and Outreach Programs. Folders consist of brochures, reports, correspondence, handbooks, newsletters, posters and course announcements and schedules.

South Dakota State University. University College
UA 005.06 · Records · circa 1977-2003, undated

This collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and Microbiology
UA 005.07 · Records · 1898-2019

The Dairy Science Department Records are cmposed of departmental records, publications and Dairy Husbandry records which consist of correspondence, reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items.

The administrative records are composed of clippings, correspondence, policy manuals, photographs/negatives, bulletins, leaflets, newsletters, programs, reports and miscellaneous items. Included is material on cooperative education, creamery short courses, Diary Industry Week, Dairy Princess judging, and a history of the Dairy Science Department, which was revised in 1994-95. An item of note is a scrapbook from the early 1900, which contains clippings of dairy related material. Some unusual items included are two small milk cartons used by the Dairy Science Department.

The photographs were collected by the Dairy Science Department over the years. These photographs cover a wide range of topics, from barns and local creameries, to ice cream and yogurt. Some photographs are of experiments conducted by the Dairy Science Department, including bloat procedures, diseases bovine udders and a vitamin D deficiency/sun deprivation experiment. Some items of note include glass plates for experiment station bulletin publications. Ask the Special Collections staff for assistance in viewing these photographs. Folders and arranged in alphabetical order.

The Dairy Husbandry records are composed of correspondence and general office files which include reports, registry materials, receipts, bills, inventories, statements, photographs and miscellaneous items. The bulk of this collection is correspondence from companies and area dairy farmers to and from the head of the Dairy Husbandry department during the years covered. Other items in this collection show the day to day operation of the department. An item of note is correspondence from Ben Reifel while he was a student at SDSC looking for employment.
Items such as receipts, daily creamery reports, test supervisor's reports for advanced registry and feed record report cards were sampled and a small collection kept indicating how the reports were filled out and what they were used for. The photographs were separated and are housed in the photograph collection. Folders are arranged in alphabetical order and there under chronologically.

South Dakota State University. Department of Dairy Science
UA 013 · Records · 1890-2008

This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.

South Dakota State University. College of Pharmacy
UA 019 · Records · 1907-2018

Composed of annual and biennial reports from the Junior College, Division of Student Personnel Services, Student Personnel Division, and Student Affairs Division. These were presented to the President of the college.

Annual reports were not always called for by the President's office and were submitted only at the request of the President of the college. The annual reports are not in the same detail as the biennial report but cover the basic outline as applied to a non-academic division. These reports do not include a historical background, budget recommendations or allotment requests, or resignation and replacement information. These reports generally did include departmental reports within the framework of the Student Affairs Division and previous divisions.

Biennial reports were submitted biennially to the President of the University. These reports generally included a historical background, budget recommendations and allotment requests, resignation and replacement information, and goals for the next biennium. These reports also included departmental reports submitted within the framework of the division. These included reports from Student Health, Student Housing, Dean of Women, Dean of Men, Student Activities, Veterans Affairs, Educational Research and Measurement, Placement, Loans and Scholarships, Student Personnel Records, Machine Records, General Registration and Terminal Courses. They also included reports on the counseling of students, pro-college counseling, counseling for special groups, and freshman orientation. The biennial report also included financial statement and lists of scholarships awarded.

South Dakota State University. Division of Student Affairs
UA 017.01 · Collection · 1885-2004, undated

The College on the Hill is an anecdotal history of South Dakota State University from 1881 to 2003 co-written by Amy Dunkle and V.J. Smith, Alumni Association Director.

Dunkle, Amy
Alumni Association Records
UA 017 · Records · 1892-2022 undated

This collection is composed mainly of publications and promotional material produced by the Office of the Director of the Alumni Association. Folders include newsletters, flyers, invitation to gatherings, and State magazine. Also included is material dealing with reunions, mainly invitations in the form of postcards.

South Dakota State University. Alumni Association
Ethel Austin Martin Papers
UA 024.01 · Papers · 1904-1993

This series is composed of articles and books by Ethel Austin Martin, transcripts, correspondence, ephemera, awards, and photographs. The articles include publications created by Ethel Austin Martin during her time as director of nutrition services for the National Dairy Council. The books include a copy of the various editions and reprints for r topics include memories of her career, research, and family. The "Nutrition in Action" and "Roberts' Nutrition Work with Children," which also includes a galley proof. The transcripts are from an interview conducted by John E. Miller in 1989. These are Martin's reminiscences of her time growing up in Brookings and Bruce, South Dakota as well as her time at South Dakota Agricultural College. Topics about the college include Presidents, Hobo Day, Literary Societies, campus buildings, campus activities, sports, buildings, and individuals she had contact with, including Hubert Mathieu, Hubert Mathew, and N.E. Hansen, among others. Othe audio cassettes for these transcripts were not included with this donation.

There is a fairly large amount of correspondence included with this collection. Most of this is between Ethel Austin Martin and South Dakota State University officials and pertain to the establishment of the Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition. Also included is correspondence from friends and associates on the occasion of Ethel Austin Martin's 100th birthday, and letters pertaining to professional appointments. Also found in this collection is material related to her education; such as grade reports from elementary school to college, diplomas, and a teaching certificate, awards presented to Martin, and material related to her marriage to Edward Martin; such as their marriage license, photographs, and a memory book. Also included is ephemera related to her life in college including club membership pins, a college graduation pin from 1916, calling cards, and a blanket worn by Ethel Austin Martin during first Hobo Day parade at South Dakota State College in 1912. The photographs include images of Martin's marriage, her youth, her retirement from the National Dairy Council, and the signing ceremony of the memorandum of agreement with South Dakota State University establishing the endowment for the Program in Human Nutrition.

Martin, Ethel Austin
Frank Klock Papers
UA 053.069 · Papers · August 2009

The Frank Klock Papers are composed of 10 CDs of digital photographs of South Dakota State University buildings.

Klock, Frank
Charles F. Gritzner Papers
UA 053.029 · Papers · 1871-2014

Collection is composed of writings, teaching and research materials, and material related to his non-teaching professional activities.

Gritzner, Charles F.
UA 006.11 · Records · 1980-1992, 2005

Composed of programs, newsletters and posters produced by the department.

South Dakota State University. Department of Psychology
Greek Council Records
UA 034 · Records · 1980-2007

Ccomposed of composed of flyers, newsletters and clippings of various fraternities and sororities on the campus of South Dakota State University. Included is material for Alpha Xi Delta, Ceres, Chi Omega, FarmHouse, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Phi Epsilon.

South Dakota State University. Greek Council
F. Robert Gartner Papers
UA 053.021 · Papers · 1919-2007

This collection is composed of materials created by F. Robert Gartner in relation to his research, activities, presentations, and writings. Gartner's research is composed of material related to range management such as, prescribed burning mechanical treatments, chemical applications, wildlife, livestock, and erosion; and studies on various ranches in the Black Hills area of South Dakota. Also included are publications collected by Gartner in relation to his research. Researchers will also find a large amount of photographic images related to Gartner's research which consists of slides, photographs and negatives.

Gartner, F. Robert
UA 006.06 · Records · 1957-2003

Composed of composed mainly of the newsletter "Campanile" produced by the Modern Languages Department from 1974 to 1995. Also included are announcements for special language courses, such as Chinese, Japanese and Russian, a departmental history obtained from written histories of the college, and college catalogues; department information pamphlets; programs from awards banquets; and, standing rules of the department which detail policies and procedures for the Modern Languages Department in 1957.

South Dakota State University. Department of Modern Languages and Global Studies
Gray's Watercolor Collection
AR 001 · Collection · circa 1960s and 1970s

This appears to be a collection of commissioned works, created sometime in the 1960's or 1970's according to the organization's web site. These were most likely done in the later part of that period, as evidenced by the citation on the picture of Lincoln Hall as the "Lincoln Music Hall" – the library had already shifted, so this was after 1975 or so. Given this date, the painting of Old North (razed in 1962) was very likely done from a photograph, as the others also may have been reproduced.

Gray's Watercolors
Faculty Publications
UA 053.002 · Collection · 1994-2009

Artificial collection composed of articles and publications written by South Dakota State University faculty.

The Faculty Publications is an ongoing collection of articles and publications written by South Dakota State University faculty. This material has been collected in a haphazard manner. There has never been a policy to collect anything smaller than books written by faculty authors, so the assumption here is that these articles, were, for the most part, donated to the archives. There is not a program to collect such material. Currently, if material arrives in the archives, it is added to the collection.

It is recommended that researchers ask staff about materials by specific faculty members.

UA 035.08 · Records · 1976-1991

This collection is composed of budget data, the constitution, correspondence, membership lists, minutes, executive council material, and miscellaneous items.

Non-Traditional Student Club (South Dakota State University)
UA 035.14 · Records · 1887-1902

This series is composed of secretary's books, the constitution and bylaws for the society and a small booklet of prayer meeting topics. The secretary's books consist of the constitution and bylaws and amendments to them, membership lists, and minutes.

Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
Gamma Sigma Delta Records
UA 035.16 · Records · 1955-2009

The collection includes the constitutions, programs, yearly records of activities and financial records. In addition, there are membership lists, a VHS tape, chapter histories, reports, and materials related to the 25th anniversary of the chapter.

Gamma Sigma Delta
Miltonian Literary Society
UA 035.06 · Records · 1887-1931

This collection is composed of correspondence, ledgers from the beginnings of the society that include the constitution of the society and minutes from meetings and programs from plays presented by the society. Found inside the back of the ledger from 1903-1931 were loose papers that include clippings, notes, membership information, reports and an orations from a 1916 contest on Booker Washington.

Miltonian Literary Society (South Dakota State College)
Economics Club Records
UA 035.17 · Records · 1951-2012

This collection consists of club newsletters, photos from the annual awards banquets and gatherings, photos from club trips to Denver, Milwaukee, Omaha, Minneapolis, and Wyoming, photos from Hobo Day celebrations, and senior brochures chronicling the graduating club members.

Economics Club (South Dakota State University)
Kappa Epsilon Records
UA 035.21 · Records · 1972-2006

This collection is composed of meeting records, policies, constitution, by-laws, club history, and photographs.

Kappa Epsilon (Honor society)
UA 030 · Records · 1971-2018

This collection is composed of administration files compiled by the Office of International Affairs, and records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.

The Administrative material is composed of administrative files compiled by the International Programs Office. Included are reports, clippings, and correspondence. The bulk of this series consists of material dealing with the internationalization of the university through teaching learning styles of various countries and regions throughout the world, newsletters published under various titles and formats over the years and posters used to advertise various programs available through the department.

The study, exchanges, and travel abroad material is composed of records dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, and visits by officials of participating international universities. The bulk of this collection is records dealing directly with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, People's Republic of China and other study and exchanges abroad with various countries.

The Manchester Metropolitan University material is composed of files dealing with agreements, exchange activities, faculty development seminars abroad, nursing health care and pharmacy exchange, and official visits. The oversize material is housed in oversize containers. The photographs were removed from the files and added to the UA 30.1 photograph archives as noted in the files.

The Chungnam National University material is composed of correspondence, lists of exchange professors and graduates, written experience of faculty, and photographs. Additional documentation of exchange activities can be seen in lists of visitors and students who exchanged, the itineraries for official visits, and social events held in honor of guests and professors which are found in separate files.

The Yunnan Normal University files is composed of correspondence, photographs, a list of the individuals who were exchange professors, and reports written by exchange professors documenting their experiences.

Material related to other exchanges and study abroad consists of material compiled for study abroad and exchanges with Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Bolivia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, the International Arid Lands Consortium, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Pacific Rim, Poland Russia, Sweden and Denmark, and Switzerland. This material is arranged by country. The following scope notes were written with the assistance of Harriet Swedland, former director of International Program at South Dakota State University.

South Dakota State University. Office of International Affairs
A.S. Harding Papers
UA 053.005 · Papers · 1889-1949

This collection is composed of material Harding collected while researching the history of South Dakota State University. Much of the material is from the works of Robert F. Kerr and William H. Powers, and it appears that Harding used their notes while compiling his own. Also included are many notes from newspapers, which may prove helpful to anyone studying the earliest days of the University. Also included in this material are Harding's Master's thesis and some other varied writings.

Harding, Albert Spencer 1867-1952
Robert F. Kerr Papers
UA 053.006 · Papers · 1881-1931

This collection represents what can only be a portion of items from Kerr's personal files. They consist mainly of correspondence, but also include some diaries and writings, ledgers, class records and even Kerr's 1879 traveling papers for his stay in Japan. The bulk of the material is correspondence, which is both personal and related to his work at the university. Some of the letters chronicle his dismissal from the university, which is an integral part of the early history of South Dakota State University.

Kerr, Robert F. (Robert Floyd), 1850-1921
J. Howard Kramer Papers
UA 053.007 · Papers · 1975

This collection is composed of an unedited manuscript for Kramer's book, A History of South Dakota State University 1884-1975. This manuscript was reduced for publication so there may be some material available that is not found in the book. Also included are biographies complied by Kramer of South Dakota State University presidents dating from 1884 to 1975.

Kramer, J. Howard (John Howard) 1902-1984
Charles Woodard Papers
UA 053.042 · Papers · 1946-2019, undated

This collection is composed of materials Dr. Woodard accumulated during his career. The materials relate to many topics, such as, American Indians, cultural and racial diversity, and nicknames of sports teams.

The bulk of the files relate to his activities with American Indians, Oak Lake Writers’ Society, South Dakota Humanities Council, South Dakota Resources Coalition, and South Dakota World Affairs Council. The content of these files may include correspondence, clippings, and grant material.

The files related to his work in the English Department at South Dakota State University are composed of course material, syllabi, tests, notes, committee files, and his work with Consider the Century and Great Plains Writers’ Conferences. Also included are audiocassettes of speakers at the Great Plains Writers’ Conference.

Material related to his publications are comprised of manuscripts, clippings, correspondence with co-authors and publishers.
Researchers will also find files related to people with whom Woodard worked. These files may contain correspondence, clippings, or writings.

Woodard, Charles 1942-
J.P. Hendrickson Papers
UA 053.020 · Papers · 1885-2000

This collection is composed of material collected by J.P. Hendrickson in his work with the South Dakota Constitutional Revision Commission and the writing of the Home Rule Charter for Brookings, South Dakota in 1996. Folders contain reports, commission documents, minutes, correspondence, material relating to constitutional amendments, and notes.

Hendrickson, J.P. (John P.) 1923-2002
Phillip E. Plumart Papers
UA 053.035 · Papers · 1950-1989

The collection is comprised largely of materials related to the poultry coursework of Phillip E Plumart, both as a graduate student and as a faculty member. It also includes a copy of his Master's Thesis.

Plumart, Phillip E.
Alfred G. Trump, Jr. Papers
UA 053.039 · Papers · 1968 - 1981

The collection consists mostly of the retirement book created by the SDSU library staff for Alfred G. Trump's retirement party on June 5, 1972, in Brookings. The book includes numerous letters, one telegram, several news clippings, as well as 27 color photographs of the party. It also includes two programs from the retirement party with menu. The papers also contain a certificate of recognition from the Mountain Plains Library Association, two plaques presented to Trump as token of appreciation for his commitment to South Dakota State University, and a certificate of completion from the University of Denver's Annual Institute of Archival Administration. There is also the Proclamation of Anne Trump Day (April 5, 1981) presented to Anne Trump by the Brookings City Commission.

Trump, Alfred G. (Alfred George), 1907-1994
Janet Stofferan Papers
UA 053.060 · Papers · 1966-1971, 1994, 1996

This collection is mainly composed of material collected by Janet Stofferan while employed by the Simplicity Pattern Company. The material give researchers a look at the day-to-day workings of field staff traveling for the company. Included is correspondence, promotional materials, newspaper clippings, information regarding insurance, travel policies, routing and payments, schedules and promotions for stylists in the fashion promotion department.

Researchers will also find a small amount of material related to Adaline Snellman Hsia, a history of home economics at South Dakota State University, course syllabi from the 1960s, and material for judges at the Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.

Stofferan, Janet
Col. Dwight L. Adams Papers
UA 053.062 · Papers · 1962-2007

The collection is composed of a small amount of material collected by Col. Dwight L. Adams. The collection is comprised of various documents and materials that reflect events in Adams' life. It includes Adams' funeral program, a memo to President Hilton M. Briggs recommending Adams as the Army ROTC Commander, and information about the Omar Bradley Award for notable military achievements. Additionally, the collection features records of his political activities, a Professor Emeritus certificate from the South Dakota Board of Regents, and an account of South Dakota's World War II casualties.

Adams, Dwight L. 1922-
Mary O'Neil Papers
UA 053.067 · Papers · 1971-2018

The Mary O’Neill Papers are composed of course material, college course notes, files related to her work with AmericaView, South DakotaView, Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium, and South Dakota State University. Also included is material related to the many research projects related to geospatial technologies, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and global positioning systems.

O'Neill, Mary
Jay Dirksen Papers
UA 053.028 · Papers · 1960-1977

Jay Dirksen was the Track and Field and Cross Country coach at South Dakota State University from 1969 to 1977. The collection consists mainly of Dirksen's files on S.D.S.U. athletes coached by him. The file include record sheets of training programs, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other data related to the running career of each athlete. Also included are files related to Dirksen's research on cross country running.

Dirksen, Jay
UA 046.01 · Collection · 1975-1977

This collection is composed of material related to the undertaking of such a trip. Much of the material contained here includes the media surrounding the event. There are numerous clippings and excerpts from radio spots highlighting the event. Some of the correspondence is interesting, as it shows the earliest stages of the trip. Much of the planning material for this event seems to be lost, however.

Cuba Trip (South Dakota State University)
Jackrabbit Athletics Records
UA 046 · Records · 1901-2023

This collection is composed of material related to athletics at South Dakota State University. Included are files regarding administration, the Athletics Committee, publications, the Women's Recreation Association, and files related to specific sports (e.g. baseball, men's and women's basketball, cross country, football, rodeo, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling).

The administrative material consists of material dealing with academic advising, development, compliance, equipment, facilities and operations, the Jackrabbit Sports Network, marketing and promotion, and the ticket office. Folders are composed of annual reports, programs, handbooks, brochures, photographs, mascot designs, newsletters, schedules. The series also contains banners, caps, t-shirts, and jerseys. The Athletics Committee consist of meeting minutes and budget files. Files regarding of the individual sports consist of media guides, clippings, record books, programs, brochures, fact books, and photographs. A large amount of cross country and track and field files are included and consist of results from meets and workouts and research. The publications series includes the Rabbit Report from 1978-2014 and The Bum from 1956 to 2017. These files are not complete as they are missing some issues.

South Dakota State University. Jackrabbit Athletics
UA 042 · Records · 1967-2018

This collection is composed of the records of the Office of Information Technology and includes files from the Computing Services, Vice President's Office, Information Technology Services, and Classroom Technologies Services. Folders may include newsletters, manuals, correspondence, minutes, reports, audio/visual material, and materials related to the Y2K problem.
The Computing Services files are composed of newsletters, manuals, correspondence, and minutes for the several committees and councils including the Computer User's Advisory Council and the Computing Directors Council. Included is a full run of the Computing Services newsletter. This newsletter includes a subject index for each volume year.
Administrative material includes correspondence, reports, Upper Midwest Academic Computing Conference materials, and materials related to the Y2K problem. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.
The classroom technologies material is composed mainly of Student Computing Services manuals. Also included is material related to the Technology Training Team and the SDSU Student Project.

South Dakota State University. Division of Technology and Security
University Center Records
UA 050.16 · Collection · 2003-2009

This collection is composed of class schedules, student handbooks, and articles.

South Dakota State University. University Center
Committee Files Collection
UA 051 · Collection · 1900-1989

This is an artificial collection composed of random committee materials such as pamphlets, reports, correspondence and minutes. Material is added as it is unearthed. No attempt is made to systematically collect this information.

The Civilization Committee material is composed of a pamphlet titled "Dialogues in Higher Education: A Series of Discussions on the Process of Thought." This series was developed from discussions by the Civilization Committee. The pamphlet describes the speaker for the series, and lists the dates, times and topic for each.

The Classification Committee is composed of a ledger of minutes between 1900 and 1914. This committee was known as the Ad. (Admissions?) and Cr. (Credit?) Committee. This committee appears to have dealt with credit hour issues.

The Committee on Radio Broadcasting material is composed of a report of the Committee on Radio Broadcasting. The main subject of the report is a plan devised by the committee in order that the radio broadcasting service of South Dakota State College be effective in serving the people of South Dakota.

The Computer Users Advisory Council material is composed of correspondence circulated by the Computer Users Advisory Council. The main subject of the correspondence is answering questions concerning computer software copyrights.

The Curriculum and Veterans Enrollment material is composed of correspondence, proclamations in support of veteran's claims for free tuition, and other miscellaneous documents related to veterans enrollment.

The Faculty Committee on Air Transport material is composed of a report written by the committee on air transport. The mission of the committee was to study the future impact of air transportation on college business and to make recommendations for action by the college. This report reflects the recommendations of the committee to the college.

The Faculty Workshop Committee material is composed of minutes of a meeting held in May of 1957. The main subject of the minutes is examinations for graduating seniors, the date of fall and winter graduation, and an appointment of a committee to prepare and make available a course for communication skills for college students.

The High School Contact Committee material is composed of a report to faculty and extension personnel. This report covers completed work, work in progress, and projected plans for High School recruitment as of February 1, 1952. An explanation of the action taken or to be taken, or matters still under consideration and study by the committee follow each project.

The ROTC Inspection and Military Field Day Committee material is composed of minutes of a meeting held to arrange the schedule of ROTC Inspection and Military Field Day. The main subject of the meeting was excusing students from class for the exercises while trying not to cause interruption of classes.

The Rules and Regulations Committee material is composed of minutes of meetings held in July 1931. The main subject of the meetings was the publishing of the official college rules in one publication. This material is arranged chronologically.

UA 051.01 · Collection · 1979-1982

This collection is composed of committee files produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of South Dakota State University held in 1981. The collection is made up of general office and administrative files with some memorabilia.

The office files include budgets, correspondence, committee minutes and the files from each sub-committee. The budgets material consists mainly of the accounting used to put on the centennial celebration and to run an office devoted to such an event. The sub-committees files consist mainly of simple reports on the actions of various departments and various committees over the year. The notable exception to this is the calendar committee, which demonstrated some of the scheduling programs of such a huge event. The most useful files include the minutes of the Steering Committee and the correspondence files, as they reflect the inner workings of the group and the magnitude of such an event. Much attention is given throughout this material to the appearance of and seminar honoring Theodore Schultz, SDSU graduate and Nobel Prize winner.

The administrative files include material that was produced for or in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration. Included in this file are the finished calendars, lists of speakers, publications association with the centennial, and congratulatory letters from land grant colleges, alumni, dignitaries and South Dakota organizations. Also included are programs and flyers from various centennial events. The transcripts and audio cassettes of the commencement addresses are also included.

The memorabilia includes examples of some the souvenirs that were produced during the centennial. Included are two paperweights, one is bronze and housed in a redwood box with blue velvet lining, and one is marble with a cork bottom, a brass insignia with clear acrylic covering an insignia which has a dark blue background and gold lettering. Also included is a light blue coaster with gold lettering, a tan button with dark brown lettering, and an acrylic box of gummed gold SDSU notarial seals and blue and yellow ribbons approximately one inch long.

South Dakota State University. Centennial Steering Committee
UA 051.06 · Records · 2001-2005

This collection is composed of items created by the Remnant Trust, by the South Dakota State University Remnant Trust Committee, and by SDSU Archives & Special Collections. Included are publications created by the Remnant Trust, material related to a gala celebration opening the collection.

South Dakota State University. Remnant Trust Committee
Edward P. Hogan Papers
UA 053.017 · Papers · 1960-2014, undated

This collection is composed of appointment books, correspondence, clippings, certificates, biographical material, photographs, material published by Dr. Hogan, and material collected by Dr. Hogan in his research.

Hogan, Edward Patrick 1939-
Nels Granholm Papers
UA 053.057 · Papers · 1919, 1964-2018, undated

Dr. Granholm’s papers span his long career at South Dakota State University as well as his interactions with the University of Winnipeg in Canada and Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. He took many detailed notes of his daily activities, events attended, and notes on book he read and conferences he attended. Included is correspondence, programs, articles, clippings, notes, and photographs.

The notebooks are composed of professional diaries, calendars, and notes. Each notebook was assigned a number by the donor and have a table of contents with page numbers in the front. Granholm recorded notes on events he attended or participated in, notes on books he read, and may contain inclusions, such as, programs, articles, and clippings.

This series consists of files on conferences which Granholm attended or participated in. Conferences programs, proceedings, schedules, and session notes.

This series consists of both letters and emails. The material is arranged both chronologically and alphabetically.

Material in this series is composed of files used in courses taught by Granholm. Courses taught include Global Studies, Honors courses, Biology courses, Botany, and Zoology. The bulk of the material is from Bioethics and Global Studies I and II. Also included are files related to an Honor Colloquium on a variety of different topics.

This series consists of files related to the Global Studies Program which Granholm headed. Included is background material on the program, correspondence, conference material, strategic plan for the program, internships, and majors

The grants material is composed of files related to research grants awarded to Granholm.

Granholm spent several of his sabbaticals at Manchester Metropolitan University [MMU] which established the basis of many student and faculty exchanges

Dr. Granholm was involved with several organizations during his career. Some of which he served as presidents, such as the South Dakota Academy of Science. Material consists of correspondence, notes, minutes, and photographs.

This series consists of material prepared for presentations and lectures given by Granholm. Included are notes, conference programs and proceedings, and PowerPoint presentations.

The project series is composed of other projects Granholm worked on. Included is material related to the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, a Coteau des Prairies book, and a project related to community in Clear Lake, South Dakota, a collaborative effort that included several SDSU faculty.

The research series consists of material gathered by Granholm during his career. Included are files on American Indians, the Lincoln Commission Study, and individuals.

This material consists of files related to Granholm’s long career at SDSU. Included are files related to the Biology & Microbiology Department, committees he served on, reports, and notes from the Friday Faculty Forums.

The travel material is made up of files related to the many trips to the United Kingdom, West Africa, Mull, Scotland, Winnipeg, Canada, and Antarctica. Included are notes, schedules, photographs, and electronic media.

Dr. Granholm participated in a faculty exchange program at the University of Winnipeg where he taught ethics and global studies. Included is correspondence, writings, conferences, and photographs.

Dr. Granholm wrote many scholarly articles during his career related to his research. Included are manuscripts and off-prints of many of these articles.

The general material consists of material related to his career and included clippings, notes, professional staff evaluations, curriculum vitae, photographs, and files related to his retirement from SDSU. Also included are several files related to his work activities. These files contain documents related to his work year, such as correspondence, programs, notes, writings, and photographs.

Granholm, Nels H.
UA 064.01 · Records · 2004-2019

This collection is composed of publications, annual reports, articles, and a white paper on undergraduate research.

South Dakota State University. Division of Research and Economic Development
UA 053.065 · Papers · 1951-1998, 2014, 2020

The collection documents the professional and personal lives of Joseph and Signe Stuart. The materials span from 1951 to 2014, with a focus on their contributions to the fields of art and academia.

Joseph Stuart's materials include lecture notes from courses he taught, such as Survey of World Art and Architecture, Modern Art and Architecture, and History of U.S. Art and Architecture from 1986 to 1993. His professional records document his involvement with the American Association of Museums, various art museums, curatorial work, and exhibitions, covering the years 1960 to 1995. Additionally, there is correspondence, book reviews, interviews, and personal awards from 1964 to 1998. The collection also includes his artwork for publications, writings on art and museum ethics, and collected exhibition catalogs from 1959 to 1981.

Signe Stuart's materials contain lecture notes from her time as a professor of art, particularly for the course Design Fundamentals, spanning 1951 to 1994. There is extensive documentation of her Badlands Intermedia Performance project at Badlands National Park from 1988 to 1990, including sketches, grant proposals, photographs, and video footage. The collection features catalogs from her exhibitions, writings, and proposals for research on Swedish artists from 1959 to 2014. Additionally, it includes clippings, writings, and correspondence related to her civic involvement and notable art performances from 1960 to 1985.

The collection provides a detailed view of the Stuarts' professional achievements, academic contributions, and artistic endeavors. Researchers will find insights into the history of art education, museum curation, and the evolution of intermedia art performances.

Stuart, Joseph, 1932-2016
South Dakota EPSCoR Records
UA 056 · Records · 1978-2005

Composed mainly of proposals to the National Science Foundation for research project. Also included are annual and semi-annual reports, publications, minutes, and some conference material.

South Dakota EPSCoR
UA 006.03 · Records · 1922-2014

Composed of mainly of publications produced by the department. Folders consist of mainly of newsletters but also contain pamphlets, programs, posters and info-sheets. Also included is the South Dakota Observer, a newspaper written, edited, set in type and laid out by journalism students at South Dakota State University and printed in the university's printing lab.

South Dakota State University. Department of Journalism and Mass Communications
MA 002 · Records · 1908-1928

Composed of miscellanies from both the era of the Forum and the time of the Ethical Culture Club. Materials from the latter era consist of the record of meetings from the years 1908-1910. Material for the latter years includes the minutes of meetings, a copy of the constitution, some miscellaneous materials and a history of the club written by William Powers.

Ethical Culture Club (Brookings, S.D.)
MA 006 · Papers · 1898-1971

This collection is composed of postcards and other items related to trips taken by Elmer and Cecile Sexauer. Also includes diaries, scrapbooks and family materials collected primarily by Cecile (Welch) Sexauer.

The general material consists mainly of essays written by Cecile Welch Sexauer during her college career. Also included is a Christmas card list of the Sexauer's for 1971, scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, a book of Agricultural Department Reports presented to Elmer Sexauer in 1947, and certificates presented to the Sexauer's on the anniversary of their 50th college reunion. Some examples of their personal stationery, grade school papers from Elmer's youth, and a language paper of Laura Sexauer, Elmer's sister are also included.

A scrapbook of Elizabeth Anne Baker, age 9 weeks, chronicles her first visit to her grandparents’ home during Easter 1947. It was prepared by Jeannette Gagnon-Abbey for the Sexauer's.

The scrapbook was presented to Elmer Sexauer by the Grain and Feed Dealers National Association as a permanent reminder of the Forty-fourth Annual Convention held at Louisville, Kentucky October 13-15, 1940. Elmer was president of the Association at that time.
The postcards are composed of postcards from the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean that the Sexauer’s collected on their travels. There are over 400 postcards in this collection.

The Travels series consists of travel diaries hand-written by Cecile Sexauer. These diaries contain information about where the Sexauer's traveled and the customs, history and items of interest of these places. Some of the places the Sexauer's traveled to Europe, Canada, and Japan. Also included is a souvenir book of the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship.

Sexauer, Elmer 1888-1986
MA 007 · Records · 1913-2008

This collection is composed of newsletters, meeting minutes, and programs for the Association. Information about some influential members is also included.

The newsletters cover the years 1941–1999. These include minutes from meetings, up-coming events, scholarships awarded, officers elected, honorary memberships granted, and information on programs sponsored by the Association. The meetings and minutes are programs handed out at annual meetings. They include agenda for the meeting and minutes from past meetings. Also included are some financial statements and revisions to the by-laws, constitution, and policies of the Association.

There is some correspondence from Eva Dawes, the first president of the Association. This gives some background on the beginnings of the Association. Also included are lists of officers, council and charter members, and honorary members. There are some lists of recipients of awards given by the Association (Outstanding Junior and Senior Professionals and Teacher of the Year); revisions of policy statements between 1971 and 1996, and the strategic plan of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 1995-2000.

South Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
MA 010 · Records · 1904-1999

This collection is composed of ledgers, administrative items, publications, and assorted materials documenting the S.D. Dairy Association. Folders contain information about the Association, programs from conventions, and records from contests hosted by the Association.

South Dakota Dairy Association
Harold W. Shunk Papers
MA 003 · Papers · 1911-1993

Composed of collected stories, publications, speeches and typewritten transcripts of Wahehe Heirship hearing. Collection also includes notebooks and manuscripts containing lists, definitions and transcriptions of many events related to Lakota history. Many stories told to Shunk when he was a United States Bureau of Indian Affairs agent are also rewritten in Shunk's own hand.

Shunk, Harold, 1907-1998
Beryl Stewart Papers
MA 014 · Papers · 1923-1981

This collection is composed of manuscripts and published works of Beryl Stewart as well as material she collected and scrapbooks she created throughout her career.

The collected works are composed of clippings about Stewart from newspapers, a book in which her name is mentioned, and several issues of Word Craft, a publication from Aberdeen Central High School to which Stewart was an adviser.

The correspondence covers the years from 1923 to 1942 and includes reference letters and letters from publishers.

The manuscripts are composed of essays, poems and short stories that Stewart wrote. Also included are works that Stewart entered in the South Dakota State Fair literature contests, some of which contain criticisms of her work and ribbons awarded. Many of these are included in the scrapbooks.

The published works are composed essays, poems and short stories that Stewart published in several literary and rural publications.
The scrapbooks are composed of scrapbooks that include correspondence and clippings from publications to which Beryl Stewart submitted her writings.

Stewart, Rhea Beryl DeHaven, 1899-1961
Bert Popowski Papers
MA 005 · Papers · 1935-1978

This collection is composed of articles, manuscripts, and materials related to Popowski's career as author and hunter. Included are photographs, illustrations, and many articles. Bulk of collection is copies of articles authored by Popowski on the subject of hunting and wildlife.

The general materials are composed of correspondence from 1942-1956.

The illustrations consist of several loose-leaf illustrations of crows drawn by Gordon Elliott for Popowski's book titled Crow Shooting and include 29 ink drawings. Also included are two folders of photograph proofs (37 pages) for Popowski's book titled Hunting Pronghorn Antelope, 1 mat board drawing of a fireplace in what is suspected to be Popowski's cabin and drawn by C. Greenidge and one phonograph record titled Crow Calling.

The Japanese magazine Modern Hunting is composed of article submitted by Popowski.

The manuscripts are accompanied by correspondence sent to publishers and an information card, which notes to which publications Popowski sent his manuscripts, whether or not they were published and the amount he was paid for these manuscripts.

The phonograph records is composed of a recording of Popowski demonstrating crow calls. The photographs consist of several black and white photographs, mostly of wildlife and hunting, and a few negatives. Some items of note are 22 matted and signed black and white photographs that Popowski entered into a photography contest at the Iowa State Fair. He won first prize for these photographs.

The research material is the largest series is Popowski's collection of articles he had published in various hunting and wildlife publications. These articles cover a wide range of subjects from big game, crow and varmint hunting to safety and conservation issues. Included also is an autographed copy of The Outdoorsman (June 1947) in which Popowski wrote an article titled "Off-Season" Duck Hunting.

Popowski, Bert
Vera Way Marghab Papers
MA 025 · Papers · 1883-1998

This collection encompasses the entire life of Vera Way Marghab. It documents her life before meeting Emile Marghab, including her childhood in South Dakota and her life as a piano student in New York City. Correspondence with her suitors, including her eventual husband Emile, is also included. While the bulk of the collection is related to her personal life, Vera's work at the helm of the Marghab companies is also represented, as are the official records of the businesses. Vera kept copious written records throughout her life, and much of that material is found in this collection. Her personal and business lives were closely related, and this collection represents that, although the material has been divided into logical, manageable parts.

Marghab, Vera Way, 1900-1995
MA 120 · 1969-2021

This collection is composed of local and national records of the South Dakota Paint Horse Club. Folders include newsletters, programs, futurity reports, show records, auction records, meeting minutes, directories, newspaper articles, correspondence, financial statements, memorandums, and tapes.

South Dakota Paint Horse Club
David J. Law Papers
MA 122 · Papers · 1985

This collection is composed of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, and audiovisual material related to the farm crisis in 1985.

Law, David J.
H.H. DeLong Collection
UA 053.082 · Collection · 1919-2011

This collection is composed of publication related to rammed earth structures, some of which were written by DeLong, others are collection publications. Also included are biographical material about H.H. DeLong and photographs.

DeLong, H.H. (Henry Herbert)
Wayne Gardner Papers
UA 053.085 · Papers · 1952-1987

This collection is composed mainly of slides and photographs related to Gardner's research on virus diseases of plants, with a focus on wheat streak mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus. Also included is material related to crop injuries related to the environment and air pollution. Other material included publications related to his research.

Gardner, Wayne S.
UA 065 · Records · 1971-2019

The collection is composed of programs, posters, season ticket brochures, and photographs from the plays, musicals, and revues produced by Prairie Repertory Theatre.

Prairie Repertory Theatre (S.D.)
DA 02 · Papers · 1964-2006

In the 1986 election, Daschle became South Dakota's junior senator by winning 52 percent of the vote in a tight race with Republican Senator James Abdnor. Senator Daschle was appointed to the Finance Committee during his first year in the Senate, an unusual honor for a freshman. In 1988, he became the first South Dakotan ever to hold a Senate Leadership position when he was named the first ever co-chair of the Democratic Policy Committee by then Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.

When Senator Mitchell retired in 1994, Daschle ran for the post of Democratic Minority Leader and won, 24-23, over Senator Christopher Dodd. Only Lyndon B. Johnson had served fewer years in the Senate before being elected to the Leader position.

Senator Daschle served as Minority Leader from 1994 to 2001, when the Senate became deadlocked with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans for the first time in the Senate's history. Daschle became Majority Leader for 17 days, from January 3 to January 20, because the new congress took office before a new presidential administration. Vice-President Al Gore acted as ex officio President of the Senate to give the Democrats a majority.

Daschle and Trent Lott, the Republican Leader, negotiated for five weeks to invent new rules to share power in an evenly-divided Congress and finally came up with an agreement that was passed unanimously by the Senate. In May of 2001, Republican Senator Jim Jeffords became an Independent, which gave the Democrats a majority in the chamber to make Senator Daschle Majority Leader once again, from June 6, 2001-January 3, 2003. After the 2002 election, Daschle again became Minority Leader for the 108th Congress until his defeat in the 2004 election.

Tom Daschle lost the 2004 election to John Thune by 4,534 votes, a 49%-51% margin. He had been the Democratic Leader for ten years, two years longer than Lyndon B. Johnson, and was the first party leader in a half-century to be voted out of office.

The U.S. Senate papers series of the Daschle Papers is composed of records created by Tom Daschle and his staff during his tenure in the U.S. Senate. Included are trip schedules, speeches, sponsored and cosponsored legislation, and administrative files including financial disclosures, appointments and schedules. This series does not contain much material related to Daschle's campaigns for voting records during this time.

The trip schedules and files regarding his frequent trips back to South Dakota, including quite a few of Daschle's "Trip Notes" which are Daschle's notes to his staff regarding his impressions of the details of the trip and issues and concerns encountered on the trips that he wanted his staff to address.

Also included are files on the Whitewater issue during the Clinton administration, veterans issues, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota Water Projects, the accident of South Dakota Governor Mickelson, and aviation issues."

Daschle, Thomas
Neva Whaley Harding Papers
MA 130 · Papers

The Neva Whaley Harding Papers, curated by Jane Alexander, offer a comprehensive exploration of Neva's life, family heritage, and community engagement. The collection is composed of various mediums like manuscripts, correspondence, interviews, certificates, diplomas, and audio recordings, providing insights into Neva's life from her formative years to later life stages.

Topics covered include personal experiences, family history, genealogy, education, community involvement, and social issues. Interviews on open reel audiotape delve into Neva's personality, philosophy, and encounters, alongside reflections on significant historical events such as the Depression and World Wars. The collection also contains material related to Neva and her husband Albert's college education at South Dakota Agricultural College, providing insight into college life during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Through Jane Alexander's efforts, the collection serves as a testament to Neva's legacy and her influence on both her family and community.

Alexander, Jane
Donald Progulske Papers
UA 053.093 · Papers · 1874, 1972-1995

This collection features photographs from the bulletin “Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine: A Photographic Study of a Century of Forest Ecology,” published by the Agricultural Experiment Station at South Dakota State University in 1974. The bulletin documents photographic sites from the Custer Black Hills Expedition of 1874. By comparing historical and contemporary scenes, it highlights the changes in vegetation and human impact over the past century. A companion publication, "Following Custer," was released to identify additional 1874 photo sites that were not included in the original study.

William H. Illingworth, hired by the U.S. Army, photographed the Black Hills Expedition in 1874. Though he did not document the exact number of photographs he took, it is believed he produced around 79 glass-plate negatives. Most of these negatives are preserved at the South Dakota State Archives in Pierre, with a few held at the National Archives and the Minnesota Historical Society.

In 1974, Donald R. Progulske, then head of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at South Dakota State University, led the research and fieldwork for these publications. Richard H. Sowell, a photographic technician at the university's Audio-Visual Photo Lab, took the 1974 comparison photographs. Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine serves as a study of humanity's impact on the Black Hills environment. This decade-long project documented the expedition's route, spanning 1,205 miles through North Dakota, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

Sowell and Progulske spent three summers retracing the original photographic sites in the Black Hills. By carefully analyzing the details in Illingworth's glass plates, they located the original sites and took contemporary comparison photos.

One significant insight from Progulske’s research is that while human impacts are enduring, conservation efforts have sometimes gone too far, preventing natural processes like forest fires that thin tree populations. He observed that the Black Hills forest has become “closed,” hindering the growth of new plants and trees. Consequently, some photos could not be accurately replicated due to increased tree density at the original locations.

Progulske, Donald
NA 007 · Collection · 1880, 2005

The collection focuses on Dakota Territory history and culture, featuring educational resources such as interpreter guides, living history museum experiences, and insights into pioneer life. Highlights include discussions of oxen-drawn wagon trains between Ft. Pierre and the Black Hills, daily life in the Dakota Territory, and modern data like traffic flow patterns in Brookings County.

Thorne, Melvin L.
Faculty Association Records
UA 050.02 · Records · 1946-1972

The Faculty Association Records are composed of constitution, minutes and correspondence files. Most of the latter consists entirely of correspondence from or to the acting head of the association. Also included are committee records series spans the years 1946-1972, with the bulk of material from 1952-1960. Included are committee assignments and studies completed by various committees. Although the names of the individual committees changed over time, their function remained essentially the same. Committees were formed around the topics of tenure, promotion and rank, salary, insurance, retirement, and other such topics.

South Dakota State University. Faculty Association
Faculty Round Table Records
UA 050.04 · Records · 1901

The Faculty Round Table Records sub-group consists of the by-laws and minutes from the first meeting, and tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table. The by-laws are bound in a ledger and are hand-written. The by-laws state the name of the group, its aim, membership, officers, and organization of meetings. Also included in the ledger are the minutes from the first meeting of the group. The tentative rules governing the Faculty Round Table are the same as the by-laws in the exception that they are typewritten.

South Dakota Agricultural College. Faculty Round Table
UA 051.05 · Records · 1981, 2005-2006

This collection is composed of materials produced and collection by the 125th Anniversary Planning Committee. Folders include minutes, clippings, event invitations and programs, publications, photographs, audio-visual material, departmental histories, and memorabilia.

The Cooperative Extension Service celebration material is composed of material from several South Dakota County Extension offices and related what each county did to celebrate the 125th anniversary of South Dakota State University. Folders may contain photographs, clippings and other material documenting the event.

The audio-visual material is composed of master and finished product video footage in the form of videos and DVDs for the 125th anniversary celebration projects. Included with the material are taped interviews of prominent individuals, such as United States Senators and Representatives. Also included are some scripts.

Colleges, departments and faculty were to submit recommendations for a summary of important dates, events and people in the history of South Dakota State University. They were asked for focus on accomplishments since 1964 when the institution was granted university status. These are found in the material marked as Survey of Accomplishments.

Other material of interest includes a resolution proposed by the South Dakota Legislative Assembly, and memorabilia associated with the celebration, such as a replica of the Coughlin Campanile that includes a piece limestone from the original structure.

South Dakota State University. 125th Anniversary Planning Committee
UA 051.04 · Records · 1959-1969

This collection is composed of reports produced by the Curricula Evaluation Committee.

South Dakota State University. Curricula Evaluation Committee
SDSU Clipping Scrapbooks
UA 052.04 · Collection · 1897-1967

This is an artificial collection that consists of 95 athletic and general scrapbooks, which contain newspaper clippings from newspapers and publications from across the state of South Dakota. The athletic scrapbooks include clippings from all sports featured at South Dakota State University from 1947 to 1967. The general scrapbooks cover a wide range of topics; from articles featuring athletics, agriculture and research conducted on campus to articles written about and by college presidents and faculty members. The clippings inside of the scrapbooks are arranged by year and not topic.

UA 050.09 · Collection · 1942-1945

This collection is composed of a history, report of a survey, and a scrapbook related to the Army Administration School on the campus of South Dakota State College during World War II. Also included is a small amount of material related to the Army Specialized Training Program. The history of the Army Administration School at South Dakota State College includes a list of names of officers and what is believed to be participants. The report details buildings and property furnished to the Army Administration School by South Dakota State College. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, graduation programs and photographs relating to the Army Administration School at South Dakota State College. The miscellaneous material includes a program for graduation exercises of the second class of the school held in August 1943, a note card listing the number of army men on campus, and a license certificate for a pure bred stallion recorded in April 1913. The relationship of this certificate to the Army Administration School is unknown.

Army Administration School (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 050.11 · Records · 1971-1977

This collection is composed of correspondence, lobbying information, minutes, newsletters, a synopsis of activities, and miscellaneous items generated by the South Dakota State University branch of this association.

South Dakota Higher Education Faculty Association
UA 050.12 · Records · 1978-2004

This collection is composed of a history of Sigma Xi at South Dakota State University, newsletters, lecture information, graduate student research award material, and science and engineering fair information.

Society of Sigma Xi
UA 035.09 · Records · 1949-2018

This collection is composed of programs for banquets and lectures, faculty lectureship nomination letters, speeches from annual faculty lectures, meeting minutes, charter and constitution, membership files, and correspondence.

Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society (South Dakota State University)
Stakota Club Records
UA 035.12 · Records · 1962-1969

This series is composed of mainly of minutes from meetings and the club constitution, which includes several revised copies. The minutes include roll call, pledges, business, and nomination and election of officers. Also included are some activities conducted by the Stakota Club, correspondence, and a list of the duties of the secretary from 1967-68.

South Dakota State University. Stakota Club
UA 035.13 · Records · 1897-1933

This series is composed of secretary's and treasurer's books, a handbook for members programs for lecture courses, programs for plays, the YMCA Entertainment Series, a student conference, and installation banquets.

The secretary's books consist of minutes from meetings, membership information, and included some loose material in the back (correspondence, notes, etc.).

YMCA of the USA
UA 035.15 · Records · 1976-1978, 1987

This collection is composed of scrapbooks documenting activities of the society. These scrapbooks were found in very poor condition and were dismantled for preservation purposes. Photocopies were made of most material with items in good condition being preserved.

The scrapbooks consist mainly of correspondence, examples of the society's publications, special projects and clippings.

Society of Professional Journalists. Sigma Delta Chi
Kappa Delta Pi Records
UA 035.20 · Records · 1984-1986, 2000

This collection is composed of a small assortment of records from the Theta Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at South Dakota State University. Included is a handbook, a VHS video cassette, and files related to membership and banquets.

Kappa Delta Pi (Honor society)
UA 035.02 · Records · 1985-1994

This collection is composed of correspondence, accounting reports, constitution and by-laws, forms, membership data, book sale publicity and other information, and newsletters. The book sale information consists of the largest part of this collection, which documents the annual book sale held by the club as a fundraiser. It includes price lists, ledger sheets, and sign-up sheets.

Brookings Veterans Society (Brookings, S.D.)
UA 028 · Records · 1917-1964

This collection is composed of certificates for tuition and records of tuition waived for war veterans.

The certificates for tuition are for veterans of World War I and state the amount due for tuition. These certify that a veteran was discharged honorably from the service and performed services outside the borders of the state of South Dakota during the period of the world war and was at that time a legal resident of the state. They also stated that the veteran had attended and pursued a course of instruction at South Dakota State College [SDSC] without the payment of tuition and there is now due a sum of money.

The records of tuition waived consist of 575 cards that note the period for which a veteran attended courses at SDSC and the amount of tuition paid. These state the name and address of the veteran, the date and location he entered the service, his discharge date and evidence of the discharge, the date he entered college and whether or not he was under the Veterans Administration, and finally whether he continued after his entitlement expired.

South Dakota State University. Veterans Affairs Office
Sherwood O. Berg Papers
UA 053.013 · Papers · 1940-2014, undated

This collection is composed of the papers of Sherwood O. Berg. Material is composed of papers related to the National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber, the United States Agency for International Development, organizations, biographical papers, and speeches. Also included is some material related to Berg’s term as president of South Dakota State University
The National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson on November 4, 1965 on which Sherwood O. Berg served as chairperson. This material makes up the bulk of the collections and is composed of correspondence, reports, hearing and meeting records, and publications. This material covers a range of topics from cotton and hunger to agriculture and government policies.

Berg, Sherwood O. (Sherwood Olman) 1919-2014
Departmental Histories
UA 052.07 · Collection · 1927-1959

Composed of departmental histories, written by a variety of departmental representatives during 1957-58. These narratives offer insight into the early history of the departments represented here. Unfortunately, not all South Dakota State University departments are represented in this collection.

The depth of the material varies greatly, as does the size. The Foreign Languages departmental history is in three parts and is divided into three file folders. The Animal Husbandry departmental history, on the other hand, consists only of one sheet of paper. While by no means complete, this collection offers a nice accompaniment to the departmental histories written during the Centennial year of the college, and to the published histories of the college.

South Dakota State University