Showing 2080 results

Finding Aid
Portrait of Tom Daschle, 1986
Thomas Daschle House Papers
Portrait of Tom Daschle
Thomas A. Daschle U.S. Senate Papers
Color photograph of Senator Tom Daschle in his office
Thomas A. Daschle Personal Papers
Black-and-white portrait of Linda Daschle
Linda Hall Daschle Papers
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters : 1979 January-June. Prepared letters to reply to constituents regarding various topics. The letters are generic and not personalized.
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters : 1979 July-December. Prepared letters to reply to constituents regarding various topics. The letters are generic and not personalized.
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters : 1980 January-May. Prepared letters to reply to constituents regarding various topics. The letters are generic and not personalized.
Constituent Correspondence: Robo letters
SDSU wrestler Dale Brothanek in a posed action portrait.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 123 lbs.
SDSU wrestler Denny Campbell in an posed action portrait.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 152 lbs., 160 lbs., 167 lbs.
Duane Dean
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 167 / 177 lbs.
Wrestling portrait photo with the wrestler Al Hrncir. Neg. No. 73-1742.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 190 lbs.
Mick Hurlbert
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: Heavyweight
SDSU assistant coach Rick Jensen portrait photo. Neg. No. 79-786.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 126 / 134 lbs.
Mike Kain
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 157 / 167 / 177 lbs.
Portrait of SDSU wrestler Ed Kanter.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 123 / 137 lbs.
Stan Lambert
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 145 lbs.
Terry Linander
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 147 / 152 lbs.
SDSU nwrestler Don Miller in a posed action portrait.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 123 / 130 / 137 lbs.
Al Minor portrait photo. Neg. No. 79-432.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 190 lbs.
Al Morton
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 137 lbs.
Portrait of SDSU wrestler Frank Murphy.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 115 / 123 lbs.
Portrait of SDSU wrestler Al Novstrup.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 134 / 142 / 150 lbs.
Marv Sherrill
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 130 / 137 / 147 lbs.
Darrell Smith
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 157 lbs.
Bill Taggart
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 167 / 177 lbs.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 177 lbs.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 177 lbs.
Portrait of SDSU wrestler Dennis Whisney.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 190 lbs.
SDSU coach Warren Williamson with Jim Perkins posed mid training. Perkins was a senior ag major from Worthington, Minnesota.
South Dakota State University coach
Portrait of SDSU wrestler Doug WIpf.
South Dakota State University - Weight Class: 150 lbs.
Watercolor painting of Coughlin Campanile on the campus of South Dakota State University
Coughlin Campanile
Watercolor painting of Coolidge Sylvan Theatre on the campus of South Dakota State University
Coolidge Sylvan Theater
Watercolor painting of Old North on the campus of South Dakota State University
Old North
Watercolor painting of Lincoln Music Hall on the campus of South Dakota State University
Lincoln Music Hall
Painting by Evelyn T. Hubbard; Oil on Panel, of Old Central and Old North at South Dakota State University; frame 52.5 cm x 68 cm.  Tag on back reads “Oil on panel 1972.4.
Oil Painting of Old North and Old Central
Tablet 1: Found at Drehem, bill for 7 lambs and 4 kid goats
Tablet 1: Found at Drehem, bill for 7 lambs and 4 kid goats
Tablet 2: Found at Drehem, receipt of five oxen
Tablet 2: Found at Drehem, receipt of five oxen
Tablet 3: Found at Jokha, record of temple offerings
Tablet 3: Found at Jokha, record of temple offerings
Tablet 4: Found at Drehem, sealed temple record
Tablet 4: Found at Drehem, sealed temple record
Tablet 5:Found at Senkereh, contract of business document
Tablet 5:Found at Senkereh, contract of business document
Tablet 6: Cuneiform table mislabeled as Egyptian hieroglyphics, no translation
Tablet 6: Cuneiform table mislabeled as Egyptian hieroglyphics, no translation
Transcription of Cuneiform Tablets at South Dakota State University.
Translation/library letter
Black-and-white portrait of George Biggar
George C. Biggar Papers
Gertrude Stickney Young
Gertrude Stickney Young Papers
Letter from Hilton M. Briggs to Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter from Hilton M. Briggs to Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter from Dean at University of London to Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter from Dean at University of London to Gertrude Stickney Young
Tribute to Allyn Abbot Young
Tribute to Allyn Abbot Young
Letter to Miss Corlie F. Dunster from Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter to Miss Corlie F. Dunster from Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter from Hilton M. Briggs to Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter from Hilton M. Briggs to Gertrude Stickney Young
Letter to Hilton M. Briggs from the Office of the Governor of South Dakota
Letter to Hilton M. Briggs from the Office of the Governor of South Dakota
Annotated draft of The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
Annotated draft of The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
Postcard reproduction of landscape painting of trees
Postcard reproduction of landscape painting of trees
The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
Partial draft of The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
Partial draft of The Department of History, South Dakota State College, 1884-1943
Glimpses of South Dakota State College
Glimpses of South Dakota State College
Post card to Mrs. Harry Hoyt
Postcard to Mrs. Harry Hoyt
Post card to Ada Caldwell
Postcard to Ada Caldwell
Postcard reproduction of landscape painting of trees and road
Postcard reproduction of landscape painting of trees and road
Post card to Mrs. Harry Hoyt
Post card to Mrs. Harry Hoyt
Postcard of a painting of a house by Ada B. Caldwell
Postcard of a painting of a house by Ada B. Caldwell
Postcard from a painting of a window by Ada B. Caldwell
Postcard from a painting of a window by Ada B. Caldwell
Greetings…Good Wishes, Christmas
Greetings . . . Good Wishes, Christmas
And the Sea Is His...Christmas, 1953
And the Sea Is His . . . Christmas
A History: The Abbots, the Allyns, the Stickneys and the Youngs
A History: The Abbots, the Allyns, the Stickneys and the Youngs
Citation for faithful service to Professor Gertrude S. Young
Citation for faithful service to Professor Gertrude S. Young
State of South Dakota Service Certificate
State of South Dakota Service Certificate
Golden Jubilee Certificate
Golden Jubilee Certificate
Study in History
Study in History
South Dakota: An Appreciation
South Dakota: An Appreciation
Dakota Again
Dakota Again
Ada B. Caldwell: A Tribute
Ada B. Caldwell: A Tribute
Representative Ben  Reifel
Ben Reifel Papers
Color photographs of Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, undated
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, undated
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 5, 1914
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 9, 1914
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 16, 1914
Correspondence A
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 16, 1914
Correspondence B
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, January 20, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, January 4, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, January 18, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, January 18, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, Janurary 21, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, March 10, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, March 26, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, April 7, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, April 19, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, October 8, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, October 19, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 12, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 14, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, November 26, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, December 23, 1915
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, February 22, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, January 14, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, February 10, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, March 13, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, April 6, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, April 21, 1916
Letter: H.L. Loucks to R.F. Pettigrew, May 4, 1916