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- 2300 BC (Creation)
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. Clay Cuneiform tablet.
Purchased by South Dakota State College President Willis E. Johnson from Dr. Edgar J. Banks in 1923.
Transcribed by Edgar James Banks: Found at Drehem. A temple record, sealed and dated about 2300 B.C.
Description by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) / Date referenced: Shu-Suen.01.00.00
Material: clay
Language: Sumerian
Genre: Administrative
Obverse: 1. 6(disz) {gi}pisan im-sar-ra a2 na-da u4 1(u); 2. 4(disz) {gi}pisan im-sar-ra a2 u4 2(disz)-ta; 3. [...] x gesz da; 4. [...] x/ reverse: 1. ki a-gu-ta; 2. kiszib3 hu-wa-wa; 3. sza3 bala-a; 1 line blank; 4. mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal / seal 1: 1. lu2-eb-gal;2. dub-sar; 3. dumu ur-ge6-par4; 4. gudu4 {d}inanna