Political activists



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        Political activists

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            Political activists

              1 Authority record results for Political activists

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              In 1881, farmers in Yankton County established the first alliance in Dakota Territory, following the lead of Milton George, editor of the Western Rural, who denounced railroads as discriminatory and supported the National Farmers’ Alliance. A sharp decline in wheat prices in 1884 spurred widespread unrest, leading to mass meetings in Clark, Huron, Mellette, and Redfield, where farmers demanded railroad regulation. In response, a territorial railroad commission was created in January 1885, though opposition left it powerless to set freight rates. The movement gained momentum in February 1885, when alliance delegates from 11 counties met in Huron to form the Dakota Farmers’ Alliance, affiliating with the national organization. By mid-summer, the number of local alliances in the territory had tripled, reflecting the growing strength of the farmers’ movement.