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ad published 2003 October 28 in Lemmon (SD) Leader]
Dwyer, David, 1946-20032003 October 24 and related medical/legal papers; 2001-2003
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003also Membership card for Poetry Society of America
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003The Slt Well, LeMoyne College, Page 22
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003Alpha, v. 5 no. 2 page 50
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003about the burial there of David Dwyers ashes
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003Yearbook, Issue 44; 2004, Page 17-21
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003also two handwritten undated sheets of notes for a letter or essay
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003American Benedictine Review, Terrence Kardong, Saint Anthony & the Beginnings of Anchoritism, The Origina of Western Monasticism
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003published by the Literary Club of Puuahou School
Dwyer, David, 1946-20031985 mailings
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003NEA, PSA, etc.
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003includes a cover letter from M. Dwyer, Rutland, MA,
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003includes a cover letter from M. Dwyer, Rutland, MA, postmarked
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003Bloomsbury Review, page 3
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003Galley proof
Dwyer, David, 1946-2003