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- UF Historical research
Articles, clippings, papers at JFK Library
1 CDR, 9 color photographs
South Dakota History Museum, NAMI 5K Walk photographs
Articles, clippings, notes
Articles, clippings, notes
Articles, clippings, notes
by A.H. Hansen, National Resources Planning Resources Board
The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and Public Policy
edited by David L. Colander and Harry Lundreth
Article, notes
by A.H. Hansen, notes on book
by J.K. Galbraith
Notes on chapter in "Economics of the Kennedy Years and a Look Ahead" by Seymour E. Harris
by Alvin Hansen, Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, notes
Alvin Hansen's daughter
Economic Thought of the 20th Century edited by Alessandro Cigno
The Economic Mind in American Civilization
The World by Economists
The Monddy Interest and the Public Interest: American Monetary Thought, 1920-1970
Photocopies of photographs
Articles about Alvin Hansen
The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought
Financing America Prosperity: A Symposium of Economists
Notes on chapter in "Private Wants and Public Needs: Issues Surrounding the Size and Scope of Government Expenditure" by Edward S. Phelps
by Alvin Hansen
Economics in the Long Run
The Academic Scribblers
The Career of Alvin H. Hansen in the 1920s and 1930s: A Study in Intellectual Transformation"
Articles, clippings, notes