Horticulture--Study and teaching (Higher)




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      Hierarchical terms

      Horticulture--Study and teaching (Higher)

        Equivalent terms

        Horticulture--Study and teaching (Higher)

          Associated terms

          Horticulture--Study and teaching (Higher)

            1 Authority record results for Horticulture--Study and teaching (Higher)

            Person ยท 1866-1950

            Niels Ebbesen Hansen, a pioneering horticulturist renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to agriculture and plant breeding, dedicated his career to enhancing agricultural practices through the introduction of new plant varieties. The N.E. Hansen Papers offer an exploration of his achievements, including articles, bulletins, and circulars from his tenure at the South Dakota Experiment Station. Additionally, contributions from Helen Hansen Loen provide valuable insights into his personal and professional life. The collection serves as a valuable resource for understanding Hansen's legacy and his contribution to agricultural science.