The H.M. Briggs Library holds four illuminated manuscript leaves, or single pages. The pages consist of religious texts. One leaf is the Biblia Sacra Latina, which is a page from the Latin Bible and dates to the 13th century. The leaves were purchased from the estate of Morris Elmer Nellermoe, Jr. (1926-2004).
The Hours of the Virgin, a section of the Book of Hours, which are devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages. These pages date from the middle of the 15th century.
The Biblia Sacra Latina chapter numerals in red and blue with much pen work ornamentation. The work contained a number of historiated and illuminated initials, remarkable for the extremely wide margins.
Nellermoe, Morris Elmer, Jr.Leaf from the Hours of the Virgin. The handwritten page dates to 1440-1450, is Flemish, and made of velum. The recto contains 13 lines of unornamented text. The verso also has 13 lines with one rubricated phrase. The letter O is historiated in red, blue, and gold and connected to marginal flourishes in gold and blue. The Hours of the Virgin, part of the Book of Hours that include devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages.
Leaf from the Hours of the Virgin. The page is made of velum and was created in France around 1450. The recto contains 18 lines with the first 7 lines have been rubricated. The letter D in the middle of the page has been historiated red, blue, and gold and connected to marginal flourishes. The verso also has 18 lines with several phrases rubricated. The Hours of the Virgin, part of the Book of Hours that include devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages.
Leaf from the Hours of the Virgin. The page is made of velum originated in Northern France between 1450 and 1460. The recto contains 16 lines with rubricated and historiated initials and rectangular ornamentation in red, blue, and gold. The verso has 16 lines with rubricated and historiated initials, flowers, and rectangular ornamentation in red, blue, and gold. The Hours of the Virgin, part of the Book of Hours that which are devotional prayers for different times of the day. Hours of the Virgin, also known as the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, contained psalms, lessons, hymns, and prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages.
Leaf from the Book of Hours (Use of Rome) that was printed by Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre in Paris, France, 1496. The leaf is of velum and decorated with metal cuts along the edges. This is an incunabula leaf as it is printed rather than handwritten. The recto contains 27 printed lines with hand painted rubricated and historiated initials and rectangular ornamentation in red, blue, and gold. The metal cuts depict scenes regarding the crucifixion and Jesus visiting Mary afterward. The verso has 27 lines and does not include hand painted ornamentations. The metal cuts depict scenes of Jesus and his apostles. The Book of Hours include psalms, lessons, hymns, and devotional prayers said at each of the eight canonical hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The Book of Hours was the bestselling book of the Middle Ages.
Compendio delle historie del regno di Napoli Compost da messer Pandolgo Collenucio iurisconsulto in Pesaro
Venitia: ]Michele Tramezino], 1543
Italian humanist Pandolfo Collenuccio was a true Renaissance man. He was a literary, scholar, historian, geographer, collector or rare plants and animals, and diplomat. His works include this history of Naples and poems and dialogues in Latin and Italian.
Itinerarium Banjaminis
Lvgd. Batavorum [Leiden]: officinal Elziviriana, [1633]
The book is 2 inches in width and 3 ¾ inches in height. It contains 233 pages, plus a 7-page index and is soft-bound in white leather.
The Old and New Testament connect in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ
London: Printed for R. Knaplock and J. Tonson, 1718
Humphrey Prideaux served as a lecturer in Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford. Prideaux wrote a number of theological works.
Prideaux, Humphrey, 1648-1724A description of the East, and some other countries
London: Printed for the author, by W. Bowyer, 1743-1745
Richard Pococke, an inveterate traveler, made extensive trips to the Middle East, Egypt, and Europe in the 1730s, 40s, and 50s, visiting many relatively unknown regions. He published detailed narrative accounts of his journeys which were highly regarded by contemporaries.
v. 1. Observations on Egypt -- v. 2, pt. 1. Observation on Palaestine or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia -- v. 2, pt. 2. Observations on the islands of the Archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other parts of Europe.
Pococke, Richard, 1704-1765A new survey of the globe; or, An accurate mensuration of all the empires, kingdoms, countries, states, principal provinces, counties, & islands in the world . . . A collection of all the noted sea-ports in the world . . . also the settlements & factories, belonging to the English, Dutch . . . etc. in the East and West-Indies, Africa and other parts
London: Printed for J. Bowles, engraved by T. Cole, [ca. 1765]
Thomas Templeman was a writing master at St. Edmund’s Bury in Suffolk, England
Views in the Ottoman empire, chiefly in Caramania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored : with some curious selections from the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and the celebrated cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli: from the original drawings in the possession of Sir R. Ainslie, taken during his embassy to Constantinople
London: R. Bowyer, 1803
Luigi Mayer was a watercolorist and draftsman of Italian origin. Mayer’s sketches have been cited as the most accurate representations of the Middle East prior to the nineteenth century.
Mayer, LuigiThe works of William Hogarth: from the original plates, restored by James Heath; with the addition of many subjects not before collected; to which are prefixed, A biographical essay on the genius and productions of Hogarth, and explanations of the subjects of the plates by John Nichols
London: Printed for Baldwin and Cradock by G. Woodfall, [1880?]
William Hogarth was a major figure among eighteenth-century engravers and painters. He excelled at portrait painting and displaying a satiric style.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764The papers of Robert F. Karolevitz (1922-) span the years 1833-2005, with the bulk of the material dating from 1910-1999. The collection is composed personal, professional, and research files, as well as photographs.
The personal files span the years 1894-2005, with the bulk of the material dating from 1968-1981. The bulk of this series is composed of material relating to personal areas of Karolevitz's life not directly related with his professional writing career. The exception to this would be the correspondence series which is composed of material related to both his professional and personal life and includes correspondence with family members and friends. Materials include audio visual material, awards and recognition, clubs and organizations, committees and boards, correspondence, education, ephemera and collected materials, family, financial and legal documents, and material related to Karolevitz’s other interests and activities.
The professional files span the years 1947-2002, with the bulk of the material dating from 1960-1969. The series consists of material created by Karolevitz during his career. Included are articles that were published in various periodicals, manuscripts and other material related to books written by Karolevitz, columns written for several different newspapers, commercial writing and advertising material, political ghostwriting material and speech files. Also included is material related to publishers, other writings, and other material related to writings, such as layout material, rejection slips, and catalogs that listed his books for sale.
The research files span the years 1833-2005, with the bulk of the material dating from 1910-1999. The series is composed of material collected by Karolevitz relating either directly to research for books and articles that he wrote or material that was of interest to him. Material consists mainly of clippings of newspapers and magazine articles, publications, booklets, brochures, pamphlets, photographs and illustrations, correspondence, notes written by Karolevitz and other miscellaneous collected material. Many folders contain only one or a few items.
The photographs are composed of images Karolevitz collected and used in his many publications. Included are images related to automobiles, journalism, medicine, religion, people, and places.
Karolevitz, Robert F.The collection consists of several series. The Newspapers series includes newspapers primarily from the 1880s to 2003, such as the Brookings County Sentinel, the Brookings Daily Press, the Brookings County Press, and the Brookings Register, organized by date and issue. It also features various issues of the South Dakota State Collegian and anniversary papers from the region. The Photograph collection contains images of Brookings and surrounding towns, as well as South Dakota State University, mostly in the form of negatives and slides, arranged by identification number. The Compiled Data series consists of data compiled by George and Evelyn Norby about Brookings and its surroundings. The Subject Files include material on a range of topics related to Brookings city and county, South Dakota State University, and more, suggesting researchers check both city and county files. The Directories collection comprises various directories, mainly Brookings Telephone Directories and others covering different regions and institutions. The Artifacts and Ephemera series holds items such as business cards, signs, and other related items from Brookings City or County. The Databases sub-group contains material compiled by George Norby on Brookings-related topics, emphasizing the need for cross-referencing for accuracy. The General Material series includes information related to the Norby business, personal correspondence, and photographs. For research assistance, consulting the staff is recommended.
Norby, George 1924-2003The W. Carter Johnson Papers present a comprehensive account of ecological research spanning diverse ecosystems and geographical regions, organized into distinct series.
The Blue Jays series delves into the behavioral patterns of blue jays, focusing on caching and consumption behaviors related to acorns. Through meticulous field studies, Johnson examines how blue jays manage acorn tannins, cope with weevil-infested nuts, and contribute to forest regeneration through seed dispersal, highlighting their vital role in shaping forest ecosystems.
In the Forests/Trees series, the focus broadens to encompass broader forest ecosystems, emphasizing woodland restoration, forest succession, and management strategies. Various case studies within this series explore topics such as the impacts of natural disturbances like ice storms on forest dynamics, the effectiveness of restoration efforts in maintaining pine-oak forests, and the factors influencing tree recruitment in fragmented landscapes and riparian zones. Through detailed analyses and historical perspectives, researchers highlight the complexities of forest ecosystems and underscore the importance of ecological restoration for ensuring their long-term sustainability.
The Mortensen Ranch series offers a detailed account of land management and restoration efforts, documenting historical research, restoration projects, and visual progress through photographs and digital images, showcasing the ranch's commitment to sustainable practices. From regrowth of wooded draws to mitigation of flood impacts, the documents highlight the ranch's dedication to ecological balance and conservation excellence.
The Platte River series provides a comprehensive examination of the river's ecological, geological, and historical aspects, contributing valuable insights into its dynamics and ongoing conservation efforts. Spanning surveys, scientific research, professional activities, and historical records, this series offers foundational data on the river's islands and surrounding areas, investigating vegetation changes over time and informing management strategies for preserving its ecological integrity.
The Prairie Wetlands series focuses on wetland ecosystems within the North American prairie pothole region, addressing ecological, management, and conservation challenges posed by climate change. Studies provide insights into wetland structure and function, with a particular emphasis on specific sites and long-term dynamics, offering valuable resources for informing adaptive management strategies and conservation efforts.
The Snake River series covers extensive research and environmental studies conducted along the Snake River in Idaho, informing conservation efforts and sustainable management practices. From detailed reports on specific projects to field notes and vegetation sampling methods, this series offers a wealth of information on the river's ecosystem dynamics and management challenges.
The Rivers/Lakes series offers a wealth of research and data on various river and lake ecosystems, contributing to a deeper understanding of their dynamics and informing management strategies. Covering topics such as hydrology, vegetation, and wildlife, this series serves as a valuable resource for conservation and management efforts in aquatic ecosystems.
Material in the Russia series sheds light on scientific collaboration, research activities, and environmental initiatives in the Soviet Union, fostering international cooperation in ecological research. Key elements include correspondence detailing exchange visits, translations of scientific literature, and reports on Soviet ecology, enriching our understanding of Russian ecology and environmental science.
Beyond specific research topics, the collection also showcases the personal and professional contributions of Carter Johnson, underscoring his commitment to environmental stewardship and ecological preservation. Overall, the W. Carter Johnson Papers serve as a valuable resource for researchers, educators, and conservationists, providing a rich tapestry of ecological knowledge and environmental stewardship practices aimed at safeguarding natural heritage for future generations.
Johnson, W. CarterTownship 13 North Range 31 West
Township 14 North Range 31 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 52
Township 13 North Range 32 West
Township 14 North Range 32 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 53
Township 13 North Range 34 West
Township 13 and 14 Range 33 and 34 West
Township 14 North Range 34 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 55
Township 13 North Range 35 West
Township 14 North Range 35 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 56
Township 13 North Range 39 West
Township 14 North Range 39 West
Township 15 North Range 39 west
ALSO SEE Microfilm 60
Township 13 North Range 42 West
Township 15 North Range 42 West
Township 16 North Range 42 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 63
Township 16 North Range 44 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 64
Fort Kearney
Township 7 North Range 14 West
Township 8 North Range 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 West
Township 9 North Range 14 and 15 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm
Township 10 and 11 North Range 8 West
Township 11 North Range 7 and 8 West
Township 11 and 12 North Range 7 West
Township 12 North Range 6 and 7 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 17
Township 8 North Range 19 West
Township 9 North Range 20, 21, 22 West
Township 9 and 10 North Range 21 and 22 West
Township 10 North Range 18 and 19 West
Township 10 and 11 North Range 19 West
Township 11 and 12 North Range 19 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 19
Township 20 North Range 54 and 55 West
Township 21 North Range 52. 53. and 54 West
Township 21 and 22 North Range 49, 53, 554, 55, 57, and 58 west
Township 22 North Range 54, 55, and 56 West
Township 22 and 23 North Range 50, 51, 54, 55, and 56 West
Township 23 North Range 54 and 55 West
Township 23 and 34 North Range 56 and 57 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 24
Township 10 North Range 9 West
Township 11 North Range 9 West
Township 12 North Range 9 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 32
Township 8 North Range 12 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 34
Township 8 North Range 13 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 35
Township 9 North Range 22 West
Township 10 North Range 22 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 43
Township 10 North Range 25 West
Township 11 North Range 25 West
Township 12 North Range 25 west
ALSO SEE Microfilm 46
Township 13 North Range 27 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 48
Township 11 North Range 28 West
Township 12 North Range 28 west
ALSO SEE Microfilm 49
Township 13 North Range 29 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 50
Township 13 North Range 29 West
Township 14 North Range 29 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 50
Township 12 North Range 31 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 52
Township 17 North Range 45 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 65
Township 18 North Range 48 West
Township 19 North Range 48 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 67
Township 22 North Range 56 West
Township 23 North Range 56 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 72
Township 21 North Range 58 West
ALSO SEE Microfilm 73 and 74
Township 17 North Range 44 West
ALSOSEE Microfilm 16
Township 13 North Range 5 and 6 West
Township 13 and 14 North Range 6 West
Township 14 North Range 4-5 west
ALSO SEE: Microfilm 18