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MA012-AV-0028_01 · 1973
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Continuation of National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 1 (MA012-AV-0027_01). National Farmers Union President Tony Dechant speaks at the annual convention about the Agricultural Act of 1970 and how rural America has been united by financial cuts. He calls for unity among rural America, the Farmers Union, and with people of all races and all laborers. The recording is continued on National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 3 ( MA012-AV-0030_01).

MA012-AV-0033_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.

Glenn Martz Radio Interview
MA012-AV-0035_01 · 1958
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Glenn Martz from Washington, D.C., publisher of 'The Lowdown on Farm Affairs' interview at KOTA radio station in Rapid City, South Dakota. Martz revisits a speech he gave in Rapid City, South Dakota about socialism and communism in the United States. Martz discusses the Farmers Union and cooperatives connections to communism. He claims the Farmers Union has been infiltrated by communists.

MA012-AV-0040_01 · 1972-02-28; 1970-02-29
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Statements by Senator Hubert Humphrey about Richard Nixon's lack of interest in agriculture until the election and how the American farmer is suffering under Nixon's policies. The president of the Wisconsin Farmers Union speaking against the recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture from the National Milk Producers' Federation executive committee.

MA012-AV-0045_02 · circa 1950-1959
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Speaker at the National Farmers Union All States Camp in Red Rock, Colorado. A man speaks about communism, the United Nations, atomic weapons, and the formation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural organization (UNESCO) in which South Dakota Senator Karl E. Mundt played a role.

MA012-AV-0046_01 · 1965-10-12
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union annual convention speakers. Robert Chamberlain from Hecla, South Dakota, minority leader in the South Dakota House of Representatives, acting as substitute speaker for Senator George McGovern speaks about the Farm Bill, the history of agriculture in the U.S., and agricultural legislation. Alec Olson, Congressman from Minnesota and member of the Rural Development Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee speaks about the Johnson Administration, legislation, drought, and reads a statement about the Omnibus Farm Bill from the October 8 Congressional Record. National Farmers Union President James G. Patton speaks about U.S. Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senator McGovern, the Pick-Sloan Program, the Taft-Hartley Act, the Farm Bill, parity, family farms, Food Stamps, rural poverty, inflated value of land, the New Deal, community development, corporate farms, cooperatives, and commodity groups.

MA012-AV-0048_01 · 1975-10-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Bob Duxbury, South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture, speaks about the importance of agriculture to the prosperity of South Dakota, family farms, cooperatives, marketing, agricultural exports, the world food supply, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jerry Tvedt, president of Cenex, reads quotations from U.S. President Ford's speech at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa. Tvedt speaks about the role of agriculture internationally, world peace, balance of trade, oil imports, and grain sales to Russia. B. J. Malusky, a speaker representing the Grain Terminal Association (GTA), talks about grain marketing, government embargos, the 1974 drought and flood, lower livestock prices, winter storms, livestock losses, rendering services, Capper-Volstead Act, price setting, and anti-trust legislation.

MA012-AV-0052_01 · 1956
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Woman speaking at the 1956 South Dakota Farmers Union convention about labor unions and the functions of C.O.P.E. (?) , a nonpartisan organization. She talks about voter registration, their educational program, bringing into the union, and other aspects of the organization.

MA012-AV-0053_01 · 1974-10-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Darrel Hodne, Delwin Bratland, and LaVern Aisenbrey participate in a Young Farmer Panel discussion at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention. They discuss the influence of the farming industry, the importance of farmer representatives in Washington D.C., and how the open market has changed due to large corporations and inflation. They also discuss the difficulty of starting a small family farm by young farmers and how the Farmers Union assists young farmers in their ability to compete against the larger corporations. Concern is expressed about urban development encroaching on important Darrel Hodne, Delwin Bratland, and LaVern Aisenbrey participate in a Young Farmer Panel discussion at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention. They discuss the influence of the farming industry, the importance of farmer representatives in Washington D.C., and how the open market has changed due to large corporations and inflation. They also discuss the difficulty of starting a small family farm by young farmers and how the Farmers Union assists young farmers in their ability to compete against the larger corporations. Concern is expressed about urban development encroaching on important farmland and a lack of respect for nature that needs to be addressed by a land use policy. and a lack of respect for nature that needs to be addressed by a land use policy.

MA012-AV-0058_02 · 1963-10-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Arlo Swanson, state Director of the Farmers Home Administration giving a report of agricultural agencies in South Dakota including insurance, farm education, and water conservation. Judd Hudson speaks about rural area development. Robert A. Kudrna talks about Farmers Union insurance and how it has grown over the years.

MA012-AV-0061_01 · 1955-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota United Nations Association convention speakers. Speaker talks about United Nations Day and several issues facing the U.N. including the crisis in the Formosa Strait, the U.N. Police Force and Peace Force, disarmament, control of outer space, Antarctica, radiation, economics, and human rights. Speech is followed by a question and answer session. Keith Allenwood, Program Director for Farmers in World Affairs, speaks about the program. South Dakota State College president John Headley speaks about the college and the Agricultural Experiment Station.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_01 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_03 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_07 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

MA 130: B06-T-04 · Audio · 1977 June
Part of Neva Whaley Harding Papers

Side 1: Interview with Eric and Elsie Green by Jane Alexander about memories of Neva Harding and history of the Episcopal Church in Brookings.
Neva's participation in guild, church, her marriage, and son. Neva's blond hair and health; her sudden interest in painting. Neva's love of controversy. Brookings during the depression. Development (residential) of eastern Brookings (pavement of roads, etc.). The rest concerns history of St. Paul's Episcopal Church the last several minutes concern old state church meetings.
Side 2: Blank

MA 130: B06-T-04 · Audio · 1977 June 20
Part of Neva Whaley Harding Papers

Side 1: Monologue about Jane Alexander's reaction to Neva's death
Side 2: Jane Alexander interviewing Neva Harding. Mother Whaley's contribution to Neva's knowledge of the family history. Father Whaley's. Reflections on grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Optimism-Father and Mother. Mother's unhappiness. How Whaley's stored food (cellar). Headaches, Nervousness as a child, Calmer as she grows older. Monthly periods. Feelings of closeness as an adoptive parent. Son's feelings as adopted child. Albert's story time. Didn't enjoy motherhood.

MA012-AV-0026_01 · 1972-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Fred G. Simonton, executive officer of the Midwest Electric Consumers Association at the South Dakota Farmers Union Convention in Huron, South Dakota. He talks of a hearing granted groups who united to intervene before the Federal Power Commission to stop the anti-REA and anti-municipal electric power pool.

MA012-AV-0030_01 · 1973
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Continuation of National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0028_01). Congressman Tom Foley speaks at the National Farmers Union convention. He discusses his position on agriculture and livestock committees and the Ethics Committee, the issues facing farm programs, such as taxes and lesser financial support. He mentions the role technology plays in the increasing yield of agriculture on a global level. HE also discusses the tendency towards conservativism in regards to farm legislation but mentions the support of organized labor that farming people have and mentions the cooperation of the National Farmers Union.

MA012-AV-0031_01 · 1974
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union political panel moderated by Leo Harding. The panel in comprised of Jack Weiland, Democratic candidate for Congress, Congressman Frank Denholm, Governor Richard Kneip, Senator George McGovern, Larry Pressler, Republican candidate for Congress, John Olson, Republican candidate for Governor, Leo Thorsness, Republican candidate for Senate, and Owen Amber, assistant to Congressman Jim Abdnor.>

MA012-AV-0032_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.

MA012-AV-0036_01 · 1963-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Clyde Roe, general manager of Great Plains Supply Co. in St. Paul, Minnesota, Les Gravelle, manager of the Farmers' Union Livestock Commission, Dail Gibson, manager of South Dakota R.E.A., George Bickel, assistant to the president of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union.

MA012-AV-0043_01 · 1957-06-04
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

James Patton, National President of the Farmers Union speaks about having confidence in the importance of the United Nations, and the tenth anniversary meeting of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers ten-day conference at Purdue University in Indiana. Topics covered are: Russia, nuclear weapons, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, interdependence of nations, Cold War, economic disparities among nations, communism, poverty, capital investment abroad, developing nations. Secretary Sharma of the Farmers Forum of India speaks about nuclear weapons, peace, and Mahatma Ghandi. National President of the Farmers Union of the United Kingdom, Sir James Turner, founder of the I.A.P., speaks very briefly.

MA012-AV-0044_01 · 1955-10-07
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Speakers at the 1955 annual South Dakota Farmers Union convention. President Paul Opsahl introduces M. W. Thatcher, General Manager of the Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association (G.T.A.) and President of the National Federation of Grain Cooperatives speaks about farm parity, flexible price theory, support prices for commodities, and agricultural legislation.

MA012-AV-0047_02 · 1970-10-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Political panels at the South Dakota Farmers Union annual convention includes candidates for South Dakota Governor and the U.S. House of Representatives. Frank Denholm, Dexter Gunderson, James Abourezk, and Richard Kneip debate various issues including inflation, the judicial and law enforcement system, Fred Brady's Citizenship Training Camp for youth, criminal justice reform, and due process. They also speak on the importance of agriculture to South Dakota's economy, federal tax sharing, tax reform, farm foreclosures, and House Bill 548. Senator McGovern's Legislative Director, John Holum, who previously was the editor of the South Dakota Farmers Union publication, is acting as substitute speaker for George McGovern. He reads a letter from Senator McGovern and delivers McGovern's speech which includes remarks about the new farm bill, agricultural surpluses, farm programs of the 1960's, parity, Nixon/Agnew Administration, price supports, Secretary of Agriculture, farm economy, rural to urban migration, and pollution.

MA012-AV-0049_01 · 1963
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

George Bootstrap visiting with Dale K. Lingenfelter, farmer, on his farm in Plainview, Nebraska, about the harvester's on his farm that he uses with high moisture shell corn and the economy in feeding cattle.

MA012-AV-0051_02 · 1973-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

James Abdnor, Congressman from South Dakota, speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about the energy crisis and the need to conserve energy. Cy Carpenter, president of the Minnesota Farmers Union, speaks about changes in Farmers Union. He cites numerous mistakes made in agriculture and thinks the farm bill is a step in the right direction.

MA012-AV-0063_01 · 1964-10-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention featuring candidates for Governor and Congressmen. Nils Boe, Republican candidate for Governor, discusses taxation. John Lindley, Democratic candidate for Governor, discusses 25% aid to schools. Ben Reifel, Republican candidate for Congress discusses farm legislation in Congress and the future of the livestock industry. George May, Democratic candidate for Congress discusses improving farm programs to maintain farm income. Byron Brown, Democratic candidate for Congress discusses the rural community development aspect of the food and agricultural program. The candidates' introductory remarks are followed by a question and answer session.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_04 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_06 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_08 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.

Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Phineas, the Practical Pheasant, the bird who is the field man for the Committee for Education in South Dakota. This is a group of people interested in better schools for South Dakota. He gives his biennial report on schools. He discusses two systems of public education, elementary and independent, and how they are supported and petitioning legislators for a tax structure that supports schools by 1963.

MA012-AV-0027_01 · 1973
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

National Farmers Union President Tony Dechant, speaks at the annual convention about the outlook of rural America, the lack of legislative support from the federal government, international grain trade, and education. The recording is continued on National Farmers Union 1973 Convention, Part 2 ( MA012-AV-0028_01).

MA012-AV-0038_02 · 1972-10-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1972 convention speakers. The first speaker discussing conglomerate control of agriculture and the Russian wheat deal. Ed Smith, vice president of the National Farmers Union and President of the North Dakota Farmers Union, speaks about keeping members on task and the difficulties of finding a farm program that works. Smith talks about importance of the Farmers' Union standing up on controversial issues.

MA012-AV-0045_01 · circa 1950-1959
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Broadcast from the National Farmers Union All States Camp in Red Rock, Colorado. Young people who attended the camp are interviewed about what they learned and activities they participated in. Interviews with Daryl Ray Christian, Arlene Schley, South Dakota Farmers Union Director of Education, Arlene Schley. A man lectures on the First Amendment and it's relationship to the Communist conspiracy.

MA012-AV-0048_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Homer Ayres, Tony Dechant, and Bill Walker speak about the California anti-trust lawsuit when ranchers won a $32 million judgment against the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company in 1927. Other topics were price fixing, 'Beef-in,' and a Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) investigation suggested by Farmers Union President Johnson. A different man who represents the National Farmers Union speaks about energy policy and food policy, world food shortage, embargo on sales to Russia, grain marketing, and world trade. The last speaker is a man who talks about agricultural policy, Alliance for Food, the embargo by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, national food reserve, Food Stamp Program, and a national food policy.

MA012-AV-0049_02 · 1963
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Creighton Knau, reporter from WNAX, Yankton, South Dakota, talks to various South Dakota Farmers Union delegates at the National Convention. Delegates are interested in the wheat program, the dairy program, and federal aid to education. Knau talks to Ben Radcliffe, president of the South Dakota Farmers Union about the family farm cutoff and national leaders who will be speaking at the convention.

MA012-AV-0050_01 · 1973-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

< Congressman Frank Denholm speaks at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about problems that exist in the upper Midwest states. He states that the biggest crisis we face today is transportation. Farmers can't get transportation for their commodities and need more boxcars and warehouses. Better marketing is needed. We need to be more efficient. Limited talk on the Denholm farm program. A question and answer session follows. Another speaker talks about working to get young farmers involved in Farmers Union. The annual financial report for the South Dakota Farmers Union is given.

MA012-AV-0054_01 · 1973-10-16
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Senator George McGovern speaking at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about how the farming community has had problems making a profit and meeting the demands of the growing population. He discusses what steps in policy change that need to be taken in order to keep the family farm alive.

MA012-AV-0057_01 · 1973-10-15
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Ben Radcliffe at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention talks about how the disappearances of railroads is a large issue in moving produce. He also discusses farming legislation that needs to be passed in order to save the family farm. Tony Dechant talks about farming legislation and bills that need to be passed in order to strengthen the farmers and make sure they can make the profit they need to keep going.

MA012-AV-0058_01 · 1963-10-13 to 14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Flossy Nikkel, Youth Activities Director of the National Farmers Union, speaks about problems faced by rural youth and talks about legislation that will help rural communities offer more job opportunities to the youth to entice them to stay rather than move to cities. Lloyd A. Ernst talks about the importance and history of South Dakota cooperatives.

MA09_AV_0001_01 · 1977-03-25
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Speeches given at the Minnehaha County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner, which Ben Reifel was honored at for his years of service. Topics covered included economic slavery, leadership, future growth of the republican party, and freedom. March 25, 1977

Allotments for Beet Growers
MA09_AV_0022_05 · 1961-05-19
Part of Benjamin Reifel Papers

Ben Reifel, Earl Crook, and Don Hunter on beet allotments for beet growers before the Agriculture Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. Guests represent two separate South Dakota Beet Growers Associations.