South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B32-F025 Publications: G-109: Economics: Health and management factors affecting beef value Folder 1999-2002
UA 5.3: B32-F026 Publications: S-276: Plant Science - Flax diseases and their control Folder 1955-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F030 Publications: H-322: Plant Science - Winter injury in field crops Folder 1958-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F033 Publications: S-367: Plant Science - Physiological investigations in flax Folder 1961-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F035 Publications: S-375: Plant Science - Nematode diseases of plants and their control Folder 1962-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F036 Publications: H-386: Plant Science - Pathogenicity and control of common scat and ring rot of potato Folder 1962-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F041 Publications: S-409: Plant Science - Characteristics of range soil group used in range site classigications Folder 1964-1972
UA 5.3: B32-F047 Publications: RRF-546: Plant Science - forage legumes genetics, breeding and management Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F048 Publications: H-547: Plant Science - Market quality of wheat Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F049 Publications: H-545: Plant Science - The breeding and testing of superior grasses adapted to SD Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F058 Publications: H-598: Plant Science - Foliar and root diseases of alfalfa Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F064 Publications: S-604: Plant Science - Control of the major diseases of hybrid corn through the development of diseases Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F067 Publications: RRF-642: Plant Science - Soil landscape characteristics affecting land use planning and rural dev Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F069 Publications: S-627: Plant Science - Determination of soil properties ecological selection of range and pasture plants Folder 1972-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F070 Publications: H-625: Plant Science - Spring wheat breeding Folder 1972-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F071 Publications: H-631: Plant Science - Development of oats, flax and rye adapted to SD Folder 1972-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F073 Publications: H-650: Plant Science - Evaluation of visual protein seperation for determining the protein content Folder 1973-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F074 Publications: S-652: Plant Science - Biology and control of nematodes associated with range grasses Folder 1973-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F075 Publications: S-651: Plant Science - Breeding and testing of barely for SD and upper midwest conditions Folder 1973-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F078 Publications: S-666: Plant Science - Flax breeding, cultural practices and disease resistance Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F081 Publications: H-679: Plant Science - Accumulation of nutrients as affected by soil and crop management Folder 1974-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F086 Publications: H-729: Plant Science - Influence of fall and spring temp on survival heading dates, etc, winter wheat Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F089 Publications: H-782: Plant Science - Ribonuclease as a determinant or as an associative factor in winter hard of barely Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F091 Publications: H-721: Plant Science - Breeding alfalfa for grazing Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F094 Publications: H-765: Plant Science - Cultural practices for improving the efficiency and stability of crop production Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F097 Publications: H-724: Plant Science - Fertility program that will increase the productivity of SD soils Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F098 Publications: H-764: Plant Science - Winter wheat improvement Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F099 Publications: H-786: Plant Science - Breeding cool season forage species for improved feeding value and productivity Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B33-F04 Publications: H-852: Plant Science - Flax breeding and genetics, diseases resistance, and cultural practices Folder 1977-1981
UA 5.3: B33-F07 Publications: S-855: Plant Science - Characterizing the available soil water holding capacity Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F20 Publications: H-329: Plant Science - Weed control for conservation tillage systems Folder 1980-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F21 Publications: H-319: Plant Science - Pathogenicity, biology and control of nematodes assoc with field crops Folder 1980-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F26 Publications: RRF-490: Plant Science - Development and evaluation of conservation tillage systems Folder 1980-1985
UA 5.3: B33-F36 Publications: H-352: Plant Science - Biology and control of insects and diseases affecting sunflowers Folder 1982-1986
UA 5.3: B33-F38 Publications: SD-9002944: Plant Science - Hebicide sorption characteriszation of benchmark soils, skaes participation in NAPIAP Folder 1983-1991
UA 5.3: B33-F46 Publications: H-484: Plant Science - Establishment and management of forage crops in SD Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B33-F48 Publications: R-504: Plant Science - Integrated crop culture, chem and life cycles to control persistent weeds Folder 1984-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F50 Publications: R-5: Plant Science - Nutrient management in Conservation tillage to improve productivity and enviromental quality Folder 1985-1990
UA 5.3: B33-F61 Publications: H-127: Plant Science - Pheno variation in tissue water .. Rehyd with wheat Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B34-F01 Publications: R-287: Plant Science - Feed prod breeding lines of insect pol linated forage legumes Folder 1987-1993
UA 5.3: B34-F04 Publications: H-356: Plant Science - Detection and control of soybean diseases in SD Folder 1987-1989
UA 5.3: B34-F06 Publications: H-58: Plant Science - Spring water breeding and genetics Folder 1988-1993
UA 5.3: B34-F10 Publications: R-148: Plant Science - Soil productivity and erosion Folder 1988-1993
UA 5.3: B34-F11 Publications: H-377: Plant Science - Soil moisture regime: relationship to soil morphology Folder 1988-1992
UA 5.3: B34-F14 Publications: H-269: Plant Science - Alternative farming systems Folder 1989-1994
UA 5.3: B34-F23 Publications: H-230: Plant Science - Tillage and crop rotations for eastern SD Folder 1990-1995
UA 5.3: B34-F25 Publications: H-250: Plant Science - Root system responses to stress soil tillage systems Folder 1990-1994
UA 5.3: B34-F26 Publications: SD-242: Plant Science - Breeding perennial grasses for forage insect-related stresses Folder 1990-1993
UA 5.3: B34-F45 Publications: G-332: Plant Science: Molecular genetic variability within macrophomina phaseolina Folder 1992-1994
UA 5.3: B34-F49 Publications: G-382: Plant Science: App burber cushman model in improving peff in corn Folder 1992-1994
UA 5.3: B34-F52 Publications: G-15: Plant Science: SDAgricultural Extension Service participation in NAPIAP Folder 1992
UA 5.3: B34-F59 Publications: SD-270: Plant Science - Marpholigical aspects of growth, quality .. Forage crops Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B34-F61 Publications: H-283: Plant Science - Breeding perennial grasses and legumes insect - related stress Folder 1993-1998
UA 5.3: B34-F67 Publications: H-383: Plant Science - Fertilizaer management and nutrient use eff. Field crops Folder 1993-1998
UA 5.3: B34-F68 Publications: R-423: Plant Science - Thifensulfuron-methl magnitude residue on flax Folder 1993-1998
UA 5.3: B34-F69 Publications: H-73: Plant Science - Water flow through weathered glacial till Folder 1993-1996
UA 5.3: B34-F70 Publications: R-33: Plant Science - Forage protein characteristic and utilization for cattle Folder 1993-1998
UA 5.3: B34-F72 Publications: H-153: Plant Science - Metabolic genetic conseg inverted . Frillze selection Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B34-F78 Publications: H-114: Plant Science: Oilseed breeding and genetics Folder 1994-1999
UA 5.3: B34-F79 Publications: H-94: Plant Science - Winter wheat breeding and genetics Folder 1994-2000
UA 5.3: B34-F80 Publications: H-104: Plant Science: Soybean breeding, genetics and production Folder 1994-1999
UA 5.3: B34-F82 Publications: H-14: Plant Science - Elateridae of northern great plains Folder 1994-1998
UA 5.3: B34-F83 Publications: H-164: Plant Science - Weed ecology and control in comen management systems Folder 1994-1998
UA 5.3: B35 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 35 Box
UA 5.3: B35-F03 Publications: H-195: Plant Science - Molecular genetics and transformation oilseed crop Folder 1995-2000
UA 5.3: B35-F04 Publications: H-264: Plant Science - Etology and epidemiology of plants virus in SD Folder 1995-1999
UA 5.3: B35-F09 Publications: H-65: Plant Science - Ecology and behavior of economically.. Arthropods NGP Folder 1995-1997
UA 5.3: B35-F11 Publications: H-156: Plant Science -Pedology info transfer for SD ag and enviroment Folder 1996
UA 5.3: B35-F13 Publications: H-86: Plant Science - Site specific farming . Enhance enviromental quality Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B35-F16 Publications: SD-9400965: Plant Science - Transformation techniques in sunflower Folder 1996
UA 5.3: B35-F19 Publications: H-126: Plant Science - Prediction of econ return .. Rangeland natriborolls Folder 1996
UA 5.3: B35-F20 Publications: G-17: Plant Science: Site specific integrated pest management Folder 1997-2000
UA 5.3: B35-F27 Publications: H-98: PS/ Microbiology - Molecular biology low temp response winter barely Folder 1988-1991
UA 5.3: B35-F28 Publications: H-209: Biochemistry - Biochemistry of selenium Folder 1989-1994
UA 5.3: B35-F29 Publications: H-149: Biochemistry - Analysis of selected herbicides and fungal metabolites Folder 1989-1994
UA 5.3: B35-F30 Publications: H-99: Biochemistry - Mineral nutritional and metabolism in animals Folder 1989-1994
UA 5.3: B35-F32 Publications: SD-9402929: Biochemistry - Production of a corn based commercial . Cell immobilazation Folder 1994-1996
UA 5.3: B35-F33 Publications: H-225: Biochemistry - Automated cytometry of sperm quality Folder 1995-2000
UA 5.3: B35-F35 Publications: H-84: Biochemistry - Bioreactor prod of corn based fungal pol saccharide Folder 1994-1997
UA 5.3: B35-F38 Publications: G-240: Biochemistry: Acquisition of scintillation counter with solids capability Folder 2000-2001
UA 5.3: B35-F50 Publications: G-422: HFLP: Gene expression during photoperiodic dormancy in grapes Folder 1992-1994
UA 5.3: B35-F56 Publications: MS-324: HFLP - Eval and propagation of superior select trees, shrubs vines SD Folder 1994-1999
UA 5.3: B35-F63 Publications: S-584: Ag Education - Pilot programs in off farm agricultural occupations Folder 1970-1974
UA 5.3: B35-F71 Publications: H-466: Plant Pathology - The biology of fungus spore germination Folder 1966-1969
UA 5.3: B35-F75 Publications: #302: Agronomy: Genetics of alfalfa No. 302 Folder 1957-1963
UA 5.3: B35-F76 Publications: RRF-261: Poultry Science - Improved market acceptability and utilization of poultry products Folder 1954-1970
UA 5.3: B35-F77 Publications: S-287: Poultry Science - Performance testing of poultry Folder 1955-1967
UA 5.3: B35-F83 Publications: S-953: Field Station - North central field station Eureka, SD Folder 1962-1971
UA 5.3: B35-F88 Publications: S-955: Field Stations - Newell, SD Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B36-F07 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Livestock Research Study Folder 1964
UA 5.3: B36-F08 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Planning -programing budgeting systems Folder 1965-1968
UA 5.3: B36-F09 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Facilities Folder 1965-1970
UA 5.3: B36-F11 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Form 30A research program under Folder 1957-1967
UA 5.3: B36-F14 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Funds for research 15-5 Folder 1966-1974
UA 5.3: B36-F15 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Research Proposals Folder 1967-1971
UA 5.3: B36-F17 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Current research info systems Folder 1967-1973
UA 5.3: B36-F20 Cooperatove State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS: Workshop proceedings Folder 1971
UA 5.3: B36-F25 Inactive Research: Ag Experiment Station Field station - report state owned and leased land Folder 1957
UA 5.3: B37-F01 Inactive Research: Ag Experiment station study - watershed research center report of feasibility study Folder 1967
UA 5.3: B37-F02 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment station- field station james valley - redfield research plan Folder 1969