South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B37-F27 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment Station - Field Station - N. Sioux valley correspondence - Watertown Folder 1978-1980
UA 5.3: B37-F28 Inactive Research: Ag Experiment Station - Field station - Rapid City Report - Final1977 / Final phase 2 1979 Folder 1977-1979
UA 5.3: B37-F30 Inzctive: Ag Experimental Station - Field station - James Valley - Redfield report - progress, 1980 Folder 1980
UA 5.3: B37-F32 Inactive Research: Ag. Exeriment Station - patents - Ag. Engineering/ Research corp of N. Y Folder 1959
UA 5.3: B37-F39 Inactive Research: Ag Expirement Station - Field Station - Jamese Valley Search Comm - Manager Folder 1982
UA 5.3: B37-F41 Inctive: Ag. Experiment Station - LeaFiscal Year, Spurge Bozeman, Montana Folder 1982
UA 5.3: B37-F42 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment Station - Report Annual home and farm research Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B37-F43 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment Station - Field stations - SESD farm report - Process Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B37-F50 Great Plains Ag. Council Operation of dryland farms termination report, proposal report Folder 1958-1964
UA 5.3: B38-F01 Great Plains ag. Council weed research Folder 1961-1962
UA 5.3: B38-F02 Great Plains ag. Council memos Folder 1961-1962
UA 5.3: B38-F09 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council: GP-9 growth of range plants minutes Folder 1968-1971
UA 5.3: B38-F12 Great Plains Ag. Council: Regional Transportation Termination report, project statement, minutes, annual report, correspondence Folder 1968-1973
UA 5.3: B38-F15 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - research minutes Folder 1970-1980
UA 5.3: B38-F19 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Resources economics correspondence Folder 1971-1981
UA 5.3: B38-F21 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag Council Committee - Resource economics subcommittee - cow calf operations Folder 1972
UA 5.3: B38-F22 Great Plains Ag. Council: Improved trees for planting in the great plains Folder 1972-1981
UA 5.3: B38-F28 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Resources economics report - "Organization and Makeup " Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B38-F31 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Forestry Correspondence Folder 1975-1981
UA 5.3: B38-F35 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GPC-3 Snow Removal Publication Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B38-F37 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GPC-7 Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B38-F38 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Forestry Newsletter Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B38-F40 Great Plains Ag. Plains: Range and livestock management statement, minutes, correspondence Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B38-F41 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag Council GPC-2 minutes Folder 1976-1977
UA 5.3: B38-F47 Great Plains Ag. Councill: Farm Management and Prod Econ Folder 1978-1983
UA 5.3: B38-F50 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Wildlife Resources Correspondence Folder 1979-1982
UA 5.3: B38-F53 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GPC - 7 Transfer file from dr. Schmidt Folder 1979-1983
UA 5.3: B38-F55 Inactive Research: Great Plains Council GPC - 3 Annual Report Folder 1979
UA 5.3: B38-F58 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Reasearch pest management wheat, sorghum small grains proposals Folder undated
UA 5.3: B38-F62 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - GPC - 1 Report Folder 1982
UA 5.3: B38-F63 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Executive Correspondence Folder 1980-1981
UA 5.3: B38-F67 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Range and livestock correspondence Folder 1981-1983
UA 5.3: B38-F73 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Energy Correspondence Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B38-F74 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Annual Meeting, Rapid City Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B38-F80 Research: Leon Wrage: Extension Agronomist Folder 1990-1991
UA 5.3: B17-F47 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Reducing potential for environmental organic chemicals Folder 2000-2005
UA 5.3: B17-F52 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Assessing nitrogen mineralization and minimize losses Folder 2002-2006
UA 5.3: B17-F59 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Breeding and genetics of forage crops industrial uses Folder 2002-2007
UA 5.3: B17-F60 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Linking ecological and soil properly info site specific management Folder 2002-2004
UA 5.3: B17-F74 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Wicks, Corn breeding and sustainability Folder 2003-2007
UA 5.3: B17-F76 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Beck, Developing Farming Systems Components Folder 2004-2010
UA 5.3: B17-F78 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, High value specialty crop pest management Folder 2004-2010
UA 5.3: B17-F79 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Gallenberg, Seed Technology Center Folder 2004-2007
UA 5.3: B17-F84 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Shumacher, Carbon sequestration and distribution landscapes Folder 2004-2009
UA 5.3: B18-F01 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Characterize weed population dynamics decision making Folder 2005-2010
UA 5.3: B18-F03 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Gelderman, Precision in-furrow fertilizer placement for corn Folder 2005-2010
UA 5.3: B18-F05 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Ibrahim, Winter wheat breeding and genetics Folder 2005-2010
UA 5.3: B18-F16 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Stein, Epidemiology and management of fungal diseases of small Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B18-F19 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Bleakley, Isolation and characterization of lignocell SD environments Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B18-F20 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Glover, Conservation, management, enhancement and utilization resources Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B18-F21 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Gonzalez, Develop genomic tools for improvement feedstock crop Folder 2007-2009
UA 5.3: B18-F22 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Langam, Interaction of soybean mosaic virus infection and movement Folder 2007-2010
UA 5.3: B18-F35 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Linking applied and basic research to weed-crop competition Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B18-F39 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Hall, Development of oat varieties for SD Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B18-F40 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Glover, Effects of genotype environment interaction SD spring wheat Folder 2008-2010
UA 5.3: B18-F45 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Woodard, Determining sources of soil organic grain prod. Systems Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B18-F55 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Osborne, Biology, management and detection of field crop diseases in SD Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B18-F60 Terminated Projects: Plant Science -Subramanian, Molecular and functional genomics of biotic interactions and abiotic stresses in SD crops Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B39-F01 Research: Leon Wrage: Extension Agronomist - weeds Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B39-F06 Research: Leon Wrage: Extension Agronomist - Weeds (6) Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B39-F08 Research: Leon Wrage: Extension Agronomist, weeds (8) Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B39-F09 Research: Leon Wrage: Extension Agronomist, weeds (9) Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B39-F19 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Farm Research Field locations Folder 1960
UA 5.3: B39-F23 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Soil and water conservation research division - correspondence Folder 1962-1972
UA 5.3: B40-F05 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Soil and water conservation research division - report of progress Folder 1968
UA 5.3: B40-F10 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Crops research division state annual reports Folder 1968
UA 5.3: B40-F12 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Engineering: Research division - progress report Folder 1968
UA 5.3: B40-F13 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Animal Disease and parasite research division - progress report Folder 1968
UA 5.3: B40-F16 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Reorganization Folder 1972-1974
UA 5.3: B40-F18 Agricultural Research Service: Research Plot Book - Soil Testing/ Soil Fertility Folder 1992
UA 5.3: B40-F26 Agricultural Research Service: Agreement: Bureau of Plant Industry Plant Science and Ag. Engineering Folder undated
UA 5.3: B40-F27 Agricultural Research Service: Agreement: USDA soil conserv services shite of SD department of revenue plant sci dept SDSU Folder 1982-1983
UA 5.3: B40-F31 Agricultural Research Service: Agreements: USDA/Agricultural Research Service/NCR Ag Exp. St./Agricultural Research Service barley - Winter hardiness populations Folder 1983-1985
UA 5.3: B41-F01 Administrative: Correspondence (7) Folder 1953-1965
UA 5.3: B41-F04 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1960-1974
UA 5.3: B41-F07 Administrative: NCRS-3 Correspondence Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B41-F09 Administrative: Correspondence (11) Folder 1972-1974
UA 5.3: B41-F11 Administrative: NCRS-2 Correspondence Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B41-F13 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1974
UA 5.3: B41-F19 Administrative: Correspondence Field Station Folder 1981-1983
UA 5.3: B41-F24 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1982-1985
UA 5.3: B41-F25 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1982-1989
UA 5.3: B42-F01 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1945
UA 5.3: B42-F02 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1983-1987
UA 5.3: B26-F18 Publications: H-441: Agricultural Research Service- Low fat meat snack food: procedure, shelf life and raw materials Folder 1991-1994
UA 5.3: B26-F27 Publications: H-203: Agricultural Research Service- Use of qual grade predition for feedlot cattle Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B26-F28 Publications: H-213: Agricultural Research Service- Effect of melegestrol acetate .. In beef cows Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B26-F30 Publications: Sd-9303587: Agricultural Research Service- Heterogeneity in growth factor cell population Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B26-F32 Publications: H-334: Agricultural Research Service- Improving production and utilization . Products and by products Folder 1994-1998
UA 5.3: B26-F42 Publications: H-245: Agricultural Research Service- Generic improvement of beef cattle production eff. Folder 1995-2000
UA 5.3: B26-F49 Publications: Entomology: Fish parasites No. 277 Folder 1955-1962
UA 5.3: B26-F51 Publications: RRF-311: Entomology -Investigations of spotted alfalfa Aphids in SD Folder 1957-1965
UA 5.3: B26-F58 Publications: H-444: Entomology - Study of pesticide residues and parasites Folder 1965-1969
UA 5.3: B26-F59 Publications: S-447: Entomology - Absorption, utilization and Excretion of Lipids by parasitic helminths Folder 1965-1970
UA 5.3: B26-F63 Publications: H-469: Entomology - A study of parasites of grasses in SD Folder 1967-1970
UA 5.3: B26-F65 Publications: H-505: Entomology - Investigations in ecology and control of western and northern corn rootworm in SD Folder 1969-1974
UA 5.3: B26-F67 Publications: H-507: Entomology - Study of pesticide residues and parasites in bug game mammals of SD Folder 1969-1974
UA 5.3: B26-F76 Publications: H-676: Entomology - Investigations in ecology and control of western and northern corn rootworms in SD Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B26-F78 Publications: H-714: Entomology - Effect of above ground invertebrates on net primary production in a grassland eco. Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B26-F84 Publications: H-800: Entomology - Pesticide impact assessment prog. Folder 1977-1981