South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B30-F082 Publications: H-699: Animal Science - Nitrogen supplementation for ruminants Folder 1974-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F088 Publications: H-867: Animal Science - Feeding and management systems for feedlot heibers Folder 1975-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F090 Publications: S-757: Animal Science - Nutrient requirement and management interrelationships of sows Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F091 Publications: S-759: Animal Science - Improvement of reproductive efficiency of livestock Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B30-F095 Publications: S-866: Animal Science - Wintering cows fed according to enviroment variations Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B30-F105 Publications: H-332: Animal Science - Improving pig performance through amino acid nutrition Folder 1982-1985
UA 5.3: B31 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 31 Box
UA 5.3: B31-F001 Publications: S-580: Animal Science - Utilization wheat for swine production Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B31-F002 Publications: RRF-628: Animal Science - Forage production and utilization systems as a base for livestock prod Folder 1972-1977
UA 5.3: B31-F005 Publications: H-738: Animal Science - Preperation, preservation and storage of livestock feeds Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B31-F006 Publications: H-299: Animal Science - Mineral nutrician and metabolism in animals Folder 1980-1984
UA 5.3: B31-F008 Publications: R-93: Animal Science - Improvement of beef cattle through breeding Folder 1983-1989
UA 5.3: B31-F009 Publications: H-44: Animal Science - Improving reproductive efficiency of commercial beef production Folder 1984-1989
UA 5.3: B51-F22 Administrative: Department Heads Seminar Folder 1970
UA 5.3: B51-F24 Administrative: USDA Centennial Film Folder 1973-1976
UA 5.3: B51-F29 Administrative: Backround Material of Newell Folder 1946-1954
UA 5.3: B52-F06 Administrative: Dairy Bacteriology Building Folder 1970-1972
UA 5.3: B52-F07 Administrative: Spring Directors Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B52-F18 Administrative: Low Fat Dairy Spread Dairy Science Folder 1963-1968
UA 5.3: B53 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 53 Box
UA 5.3: B53-F07 Publications: H-803: Veterinary Science -Enteric Diseases of Young Animals Folder 1968-1974
UA 5.3: B53-F09 Publications: H-811: Veterinary Science - Deer Disease Research Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B53-F13 Publications: RRF-807: Veterinary Science - Prevention and Control of Enteric Diseases of Swine Folder 1973-1979
UA 5.3: B53-F15 Publications: S-715: Veterinary Science - Bacteriologic, Serolgic and Enterotoxigenic Studies of Bovine Neonatal Colibacillosis Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B53-F21 Publications: RRF-380: Veterinary Science -Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminents Folder 1980-1986
UA 5.3: B53-F23 Publications: R-122: Veterinary Science -Prevention and Control of Enteric Diseases of Swine Folder 1982-1987
UA 5.3: B53-F24 Publications: S-472: Veterinary Science - R Plamia- Mediated Antimicrobic Resistance Among Boyine Pasteurella Isolate Folder 1983-1985
UA 5.3: B53-F26 Publications: SD-000031: Veterinary Science - Porcine Rotovirus Serologic Classifications Folder 1984-1986
UA 5.3: B53-F34 Publications: H-139: Veterinary Science - Exam of Porcine Fetuses for Evidence of EMC Virus Infect Folder 1989-1990
UA 5.3: B53-F35 Publications: AH-129: Veterinary Science: Atypical Rotavirus infections in Calves Folder 1989-1990
UA 5.3: B53-F40 Publications: AH-131: Veterinary Science: Epidemiology and Control of Johne . SD Livestock Folder 1991-1995
UA 5.3: B53-F45 Publications: H-183: Veterinary Science - Objective Measure of Stress of Cattle and Swine Folder 1993-1998
UA 5.3: B53-F47 Publications: Grant SD-9304186: Veterinary Science - Consequences of Interaction of . Mono Leukocites Folder 1993-1995
UA 5.3: B53-F49 Publications: SD-9404056: Veterinary Science - Molecular Methods to Detect PRRS Virus in the Boar Folder 1994-1996
UA 5.3: B53-F53 Publications: H-256: Veterinary Science - Reproductive Wastage In Livestock . Risk Assessment Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B53-F57 Publications: SD-9703708: Veterinary Science - Glycamic Structure Reconized by K88AB Lection Folder 1997-2000
UA 5.3: B53-F61 Publications: H-307: Dairy Science - The Study of Protective Principal in Milk Folder 1957-1963
UA 5.3: B53-F63 Publications: S-350: Dairy Science - Comparative Value Forages For Dairy Cattle Folder 1962-1969
UA 5.3: B53-F66 Publications: H-458: Dairy Science - Chemical Quality of Urea Treated Corn Silage Folder 1966-1969
UA 5.3: B53-F68 Publications: H-461: Dairy Science - Dietry Minerals and the Utilization of Forage Crops by Dairy Cattle Folder 1966-1970
UA 5.3: B53-F70 Publications: H-515: Dairy Science - Whey Utilization by Dairy Cattle Folder 1969-1976
UA 5.3: B53-F73 Publications: S-541: Veterinary Science -Growth Inhabitors in Soybeans Folder 1970-1976
UA 5.3: B53-F79 Publications: RRF-629: Dairy Science - Nutrition of High Producting Dairy Cows Folder 1972-1978
UA 5.3: B53-F84 Publications: H-734: Dairy Science - Effects of Comp. and Proc. On Nutrient Qual. And Consumed Accetance of Dairy Foods Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B53-F86 Publications: RRF-858: Dairy Science - Improving Dairy Cattle Through Breeding Special Emphasis on Selection Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B54-F04 Administrative: Horizons South Daktoa Agriculture Experiment Station Centennial Folder 1887-1987
UA 5.3: B54-F05 Publications: Irrigation in South Dakota Circular 2 Folder 1950
UA 5.3: B54-F07 Administrative: Message from the Dean and Director of Agriculture and Agriculture Expantion Station Orville G. Bentley Folder undated
UA 5.3: B54-F08 Administrative: Oak Lake Field Staion Brochure Folder 1994
UA 5.3: B54-F09 Publications: Nels E. Hansen's Contributions to Alfalfa Breeding in North America, Bulletin 665 Folder undated
UA 5.3: B54-F19 Publications: South Dakota Production Yield and Land use Trends TB 69 Folder 1961-1982
UA 5.3: B54-F20 Publications: South Dakota Soybean Production Yield and Land use Trends TB 70 Folder 1961-1986
UA 5.3.7: B55-F02 South Dakota Farm & Home Research - vol. 25 no. 3 Folder 1974
UA 5.3.7: B55-F09 Population Change in South Dakota Small Towns 1970-1970 Bulletin 636 Folder 1975
UA 5.3.7: B56-F04 Bulletin 622 - Wild Country Cuisine - Pheasants Folder 1974
UA 5.3.7: B56-F06 South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 1974 Fall
UA 5.3 B57 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 57 Box
UA 5.3 B57-F02 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Agronomy Pamphlet No. 43 Folder 1957
UA 5.3 B57-F03 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Agronomy Pamphlet No. 49 Folder 1958
UA 5.3 B57-F12 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Agronomy Pamphlet No. 88 Folder 1967
UA 5.3 B57-F20 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Plant Science Pamphlet No. 35 Folder 1977
UA 5.3 B57-F21 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Plant Science Pamphlet No. 44 Folder 1978
UA 5.3 B57-F23 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 61 Folder 1980
UA 5.3 B57-F24 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Ramphlet No. 70 Folder 1982
UA 5.3 B57-F25 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 74 Folder 1983
UA 5.3 B57-F28 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 100 Folder 1986
UA 5.3 B57-F34 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 70 Folder 1992
UA 5.3 B57-F40 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 93 Folder 1998
UA 5.3 B57-F41 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 98 Folder 1999
UA 5.3 B58-F01 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 11 Folder 2002
UA 5.3 B58-F11 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 37 Folder 2008
UA 5.3 B58-F12 Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 41 Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B31-F016 Publications: H-367: Animal and Range Science - Effet of flaxsed in swine rations body tissues Folder 1987-1989
UA 5.3: B31-F017 Publications: S-262: Economics - Improving rural raxation and assessments Folder 1954-1961
UA 5.3: B31-F018 Publications: Economics: Farm business management No.264 Folder 1954
UA 5.3: B31-F026 Publications: #342: Economics: Alternatives fertilization programs No. 342 Folder 1959-1964
UA 5.3: B31-F027 Publications: #301: Economics: Watershed protection No. 301 Folder 1960
UA 5.3: B31-F030 Publications: RRF-358: Economics - Marketing aspects of an expanded livestock feeding industry Folder 1960-1965
UA 5.3: B31-F037 Publications: H-366: Economics - Economic apraisal of proposed oake water development in NC SD Folder 1961-1965
UA 5.3: B31-F040 Publications: #359: Economics: Adjusting farms organizations to changing enviroment Folder 1962
UA 5.3: B31-F041 Publications: Economics: Utilization of surplus straw No. 290 Folder 1960-1971
UA 5.3: B31-F044 Publications: RRF-394: Economics - Effects of transportation on market structure, etc, in grain industry Folder 1962-1965
UA 5.3: B31-F045 Publications: RRF-397: Economics - Internat'l trade and marketing of SD agricultural products Folder 1963-1965
UA 5.3: B31-F046 Publications: S-413: Economics - Ring analysis of SD tree samples Folder 1964-1969
UA 5.3: B31-F059 Publications: H-532: Economics - Factors affecting the role of farmers and ranchers in livestock marketing Folder 1969-1976
UA 5.3: B31-F061 Publications: S-531: Economics - Impacts of private irrigation development on an area economy of SD Folder 1969-1971
UA 5.3: B31-F072 Publications: H-638: Economics - Potential for cattle feading in SD Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B31-F079 Publications: H-674: Economics - Enterprise production coefficients for use with budget generator Folder 1974-1978
UA 5.3: B31-F082 Publications: H-723: Economics - Forage systems for cattle in north GP Folder 1975-1978
UA 5.3: B31-F083 Publications: H-725: Economics - Invest of range impr and crop prod in west SD by several agronomic methods Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B31-F098 Publications: S-850: Economics - Farm ownership tenancy and six problems of family fams Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B31-F101 Publications: H-409: Economics - Economics of the changing structure on the SD pork industry, producer marketing impact Folder 1980-1982
UA 5.3: B31-F108 Publications: H-313: Economics - Commodity price relationships between SD and major export markets Folder 1983-1986
UA 5.3: B31-F110 Publications: SD-414: Economics - SD livestock market system organ and perform Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B31-F120 Publications: R-348: Economics - Impacts trans changes on Ag. Marketing local comm Folder 1988-1993
UA 5.3: B32-F004 Publications: H-81: Economics - Analysis of patterns in grain prices SD producers Folder 1991-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F008 Publications: R-291: Economics - Regularoty, effic and management issues affect finon markets Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B32-F012 Publications: R-303: Economics - Domestic and internation marketing strat for us Beef Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B32-F016 Publications: H-134: Economics - Econ analysis of farmland markets in SD Folder 1994-1997
UA 5.3: B32-F017 Publications: H-145: Economics - Econ assessment grain marketing pattern stategies in SD Folder 1995-1999