South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B17-F40 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Langham, Etiology and epidemiology of plant viruses in SD Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B17-F41 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Schumacher, Soil management for improved soil quality and reduced biostress Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B18-F62 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Berzonsky, Winter wheat breeding and genetics Folder 2010-2015
UA 5.3: B18-F64 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Adaptive management techniques for increasing food production and carbon sequestration Folder 2010-2015
UA 5.3: B18-F77 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Horton, Greenhouse-seedhouse maintenance Folder undated
UA 5.3: B18-F78 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Kingsley, Plant and soil Science - Highmore Folder undated
UA 5.3: B18-F80 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Nleya, Research field station - Rapid City Folder undated
UA 5.3: B18-F84 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Weber, Foundation seed stocks Folder undated
UA 5.3: B18-F87 Terminated Projects: R. Soc. - Hess, Rural life census data center Folder 2002-2008
UA 5.3: B18-F90 Terminated Projects: R. Soc. - Redlin, Generational transfer alt. farms NGP region Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B18-F94 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Francis, Effect of dietary supplementation enter pathogenic bac. Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B18-F96 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Hennings, PRRS: mechanism of disease and methods PRRS virus Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B19-F03 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Benfield, Veterinary virology symposium animal viral diseases Folder 2001-2002
UA 5.3: B19-F05 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Chase, Evolving pathogens, targeted sequences respiratory disease Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B19-F07 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Francis, Evaluation of anti-diarrhea substances in pigs Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B19-F12 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Francis, Development of a vaccine for protecting weaned pigs from Enterotosxigenic Escherichia Coli. Folder 2004-2009
UA 5.3: B19-F18 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Fang, Genetic marker development NSP2 PRRSV Folder 2005-2007
UA 5.3: B19-F33 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Chase, Bovine viral diarrhea virus persistent infection of White-tailed deer and their risk to domestic cattle Folder 2008-2010
UA 5.3: B19-F35 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Hildreth, Anthelmintic resistance issues in SD beef and sheep herds Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B19-F37 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Kaushik, Role of innate immune responses and cells in the intestinal mucosal immunity in domestic animals Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B19-F40 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Zeman, National Animal Health Lab Network: South Dakota Folder 2009-2010
UA 5.3: B19-F42 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Chase, Bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in cattle: implications on innate immunity and acquired immune development Folder 2011-2016
UA 5.3: B19-F45 Terminated Projects: Vet Science - Nelson, Fang, Hennings, Improved methods for the diagnosis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Folder 2011-2012
UA 5.3: B19-F48 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Jenks, Strategies minimizing winter depredation white-tailed deer Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B19-F49 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Willis, Human, habitat, and biotic influences on panfish population Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B19-F50 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Brown, Yellow perch fingerline production Eastern SD Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B19-F51 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Jensen, Merriam's wild turkey Black Hills of SD farmstead dependence Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B19-F53 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Jenks, Landscape ecology of white-tailed deer support management Folder 2002-2008
UA 5.3: B19-F55 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Brown, Culture strategies for producing advanced largemouth bass in the upper Midwest Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B19-F58 Terminated Projects: Wildlife - Rupp, Developing sustainable harvest strategies for cellulose-based biofuels: the effects of intensity and season Folder 2007-2009
UA 5.3: B19-F64 Terminated Projects: Ext Admin Warmann, Crop Integration and Production, SD Folder 2006-2007
UA 5.3: B19-F69 Terminated Projects: Chemistry/Biochemistry Folder 2002, 2004
UA 5.3: B19-F71 Terminated Projects: Biology/Microbiology Folder 2004
UA 5.3: B19-F72 Seed Releases: Barley Prilar Folder 1971
UA 5.3: B19-F77 Seed Releases: Winter Wheat SD 7117, CI 17293 Folder 1974
UA 5.3: B19-F81 Seed Releases: Hard Red Winter Wheat Lancots Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B19-F83 Seed Releases: Hard Red Winter Wheat ND7121 Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B19-F85 Seed Releases: Corn Inbreds 21 Lines Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B19-F86 Seed Releases: Raspberry Pathfinder and Trailblazer Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B19-F87 Seed Releases: Soybean Coles Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B19-F88 Seed Releases: Sorghum RS455 and Female Parent Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B19-F90 Seed Releases: Hard Red Spring Wheat Newans and Lew Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B20 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 20 Box
UA 5.3: B20-F01 Administrative: Plant Variety Project - Correspondence Folder 1979-2010
UA 5.3: B20-F12 Seed Releases: Flax Clark CI 2925 Folder 1981-1983
UA 5.3: B20-F17 Seed Releases: Spring Oat Purdue 7040831-3-25-2 Folder 1982
UA 5.3: B20-F20 Seed Releases: Switchgrass SD32 Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B20-F21 Seed Releases: Hard Red Spring Wheat Centa Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B20-F24 Seed Releases: Hard Red Spring Wheat SD2861 Folder 1983
UA 5.3: B20-F25 Administrative: Plant Variety Project - Questionnaire Folder 1984
UA 5.3: B20-F26 Seed Releases: Bromegrass Rebound Folder 1984
UA 5.3: B20-F27 Seed Releases: Buffaloberry and Mongolian Cherry Sakakawea and Scarlet Folder 1984
UA 5.3: B20-F30 Seed Releases: Soybean Elgin and Harper Folder 1984
UA 5.3: B20-F31 Seed Releases: Hard Red Spring Wheat Guard SD8015, CI17934 Hessian Fly Resistant Folder 1984-1986
UA 5.3: B20-F34 Seed Releases: Sunflowers USEA/Agricultural Research Service and NDSU/Agricultural Extension Service Folder 1985
UA 5.3: B20-F36 Seed Releases: Corn SD42 Folder 1986
UA 5.3: B20-F50 Seed Releases: Corn Germplasm Early Lancaster BS13 Folder 1988
UA 5.3: B20-F53 Seed Releases: Corn Inbreds SD50, SD53, SD55, SD59, SD66, SD73 Folder 1988
UA 5.3: B20-F55 Seed Releases: Hard Red Spring Wheat SD2956 Prospect Folder 1988
UA 5.3: B20-F56 Seed Releases: Hard Red Winter Wheat Arapahoe Folder 1988
UA 5.3: B20-F59 Administrative: Plant Variety Project - Guidelines Classification of Plant Populations Folder 1992-2009
UA 5.3: B20-F62 Administrative: Plant Variety Project - Correspondence Folder 1997
UA 5.3: B20-F64 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1999-2011
UA 5.3: B20-F66 Administrative: Research Projects - Ag and Bio Systems Grants Folder 2006-2008
UA 5.3: B20-F72 Administrative: Cost Sheets Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B20-F75 Administrative: Proposed Goals and Payoffs Folder undated
UA 5.3: B20-F76 Seed Releases: Corn SD9, SD18, SD24, SD28 Folder undated
UA 5.3: B20-F77 Seed Releases: Flax CI3131 Folder undated
UA 5.3: B21-F16 Administrative: Proposals and Reports Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B21-F17 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Folder 1994-1997
UA 5.3: B21-F19 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Materials Folder 1994-1996
UA 5.3: B21-F20 Administrative: Grant Accounting Folder 1994-1997
UA 5.3: B21-F28 Administrative: ARW Budget Sheets Folder 1999-2001
UA 5.3: B21-F03 Administrative: Administration Folder 1968-1988
UA 5.3: B21-F32 Administrative: Active Projects Folder 2002-2005
UA 5.3: B21-F35 Administrative: Russian Trip Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B21-F04 Administrative: Antelope Range Field Station Buffalo, SD Folder 1968-2011
UA 5.3: B22-F01 Research: Johnson, Sustainable Zaugeland Management Strategies Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F03 Research: Kalscheur, Use of Biofuel Coproducts to Improve Nutrient Utilization in Dairy Cattle Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F06 Research: Muthu, Developing Novel Pretreatment Technologies for Biofuels Production Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F10 Research: Schingoethe, Strategies to Increase the Utilization of Coproduct and Traditional Feeds by Lactating Cows Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F25 Research: Walker, Nutritional Regimens to Influence Performance and Production Costs Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B22-F29 Research: Daniels, Sustainable Community Project Folder 2009-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F32 Administrative: Five States Ruminant Consortium Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B22-F36 Research: Hassan, role of Exopolyacchorides-Producing Cultures in Biofilm Formation and as a Texturing Agent Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B22-F38 Research: Kjaersgaard, Study of the Hydrology and Water Quality at Watershed Scale in Prairie Pothole Region Folder 2009-2016
UA 5.3: B22-F41 Research: Quasmi, Emerging Convergence of Agriculture Energy and Environmental Opportunities and Challenges Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B22-F46 Research: Rushton, WRKY Transcription Factors as Tools to Improve Drought Responses Folder 2009-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F58 Research: Chang, Consumer Preference and Market Segment Study for Local Products Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B22-F59 Research: Fausti, Sustainable Organic Tribal Bison Production Using an Intra-Tribal Supply Claim Improvement Systems Folder 2010-2012
UA 5.3: B22-F67 Research: McIntire-Stennis Funded Research Programs Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B22-F73 Research: Gibbons, Improving the Performance of Cyanobacteria Engineered to Produce 3rd Generation Biofuels Folder 2011-2016
UA 5.3: B22-F84 Administrative: Hellickson, Agricultural Engineering Administrative Project Folder undated
UA 5.3: B23-F02 Administrative: South Dakota Department of Agriculture correspondence Folder 1996, 2000
UA 5.3: B31-F015 Publications: H-276: Animal Science - Shorting postpartum interval and increasing pregnancy rates in synchronized beef cows Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B31-F019 Publications: Economics: Higher quality wool No. 315 Folder 1955-1960
UA 5.3: B31-F022 Publications: Economics: Procurement policies in dairy plants No. 313 Folder 1957-1962
UA 5.3: B31-F029 Publications: S-356: Economics - Ethical factors in management decisions Folder 1960-1966
UA 5.3: B31-F031 Publications: RRF-357: Economics - Dairy market adjustment problem in the north central region Folder 1960-1970
UA 5.3: B31-F034 Publications: #306: Economics: Farmers purchasing coop No. 306 Folder 1960