South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B10-F16 Administrative: Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F19 Administrative: Review Reports Folder 2008-2009
UA 5.3: B10-F23 Administrative: South Dakota Sheep Growers Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F27 Administrative: Annual Reports Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F29 Administrative: Brookings Promotional Materials Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F31 Administrative: Growing South Dakota's Future Strategic Plan Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F34 Administrative: South Dakota Crop Improvement Association John Kirby Folder 2009-2010
UA 5.3: B11 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 11 Box
UA 5.3: B11-F04 Administrative: Wheat Fiscal Year 2010 Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B11-F06 Administrative: Agreement: Bayer Crop Science Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F08 Administrative: Animal Care and Use Program Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F11 Administrative: Fiscal Year 11 Beef Research Funding Requests Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F26 Administrative: School and Public Lands Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B12-F11 Administrative: Southeast Research Farm Annual Progress Report Folder 2012
UA 5.3: B12-F18 Administrative: Agreement: MOA John and Elva Corothers Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F20 Administrative: Agreement: MOA Nathelle Maryland Deldoon Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F21 Administrative: Agreement: SD Seed Trade Association Foundation Seed Stock Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F23 Administrative: Agreement: USDA Forest Service and SDSU Yellow Flowered Alfalfa Study Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F28 Administrative: Inactive Cottonwood Station Photograph Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F31 Administrative: Maps: Field Station Sites Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F36 Administrative: Northern Plains Biostress Lab Proceedings of Stress Symposia Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F38 Administrative: SD Certified Premium Beef and Natural Beef Protocols Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F46 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Folder 1 of 2 Folder 1995, 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B12-F48 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Terms Folder 1995-1997
UA 5.3: B13-F03 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing External Funding Folder 1997
UA 5.3: B13-F04 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Information Folder 1997-1998
UA 5.3: B13-F08 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Meeting Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B13-F11 Institutional Program Reviews: Departmental Review Economics Folder 1993-2001
UA 5.3: B13-F13 Institutional Program Reviews: Departmental Review Biochemistry Folder 1993-2003
UA 5.3: B13-F14 Institutional Program Reviews: Departmental Review Ag and Biosystems Engineering Folder 1994-2004
UA 5.3: B13-F24 Institutional Program Reviews: Plant Science Department Folder 1 of 2 Folder 2000
UA 5.3: B13-F27 Institutional Program Reviews: Veterinary Science Department Folder 2001
UA 5.3: B13-F31 Institutional Program Reviews: Horticulture, Forestry, Landscapes, and Parks Department Folder 2003
UA 5.3: B13-F32 Institutional Program Reviews: Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Folder 2004
UA 5.3: B14-F02 Institutional Program Reviews: College of Family and Consumer Sciences Review Digital Copy Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B14-F09 Institutional Program Reviews: Department of Plant Sciences Folder 2 of 2 Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B14-F14 Institutional Program Reviews: Veterinary Science Department Folder 4 of 6 Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B14-F19 Institutional Program Reviews: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Folder 1 of 2 Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B14-F23 Terminated Projects: ABE: Anderson, Enhancing Post-Frame Building Design Energy Efficiency Folder 2001-2009
UA 5.3: B15-F42 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Pritchard, IdentiFiscal Yearing management procedures to reduce marbling Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B15-F45 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Wertz-Lutz, Interaction of nutrition and genes involved gain in beef Folder 2007-2009
UA 5.3: B15-F56 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Westby, Pullulan commercially creating fungal overproducers Folder 1996-2002
UA 5.3: B15-F58 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Hildreth, Control of cattle parasites in SD profit assessment Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B15-F59 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Troelstrup, Ecological analysis of land-water prairie environment Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B15-F60 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Wang, Mechanism of viral persistence and pathogenesis Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B15-F61 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Young, Understanding role of transferred...neonatal immune system Folder 1998-2004
UA 5.3: B15-F64 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Cheesbrough, Genetic modification to enhance crop insect resistance Folder 2000-2005
UA 5.3: B15-F68 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Granholm, Analyses of mammalian genes that regulate systemic physiology Folder 2001-2005
UA 5.3: B15-F69 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Gibbons, Science and Engineering for a bio based industry and economy Folder 2002-2007
UA 5.3: B15-F72 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Hildreth, Parasite issues in SD beef production Folder 2003-2008
UA 5.3: B15-F73 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Troelstrup, Defining biotic integrity in prairie macroinvertebrates Folder 2003-2008
UA 5.3: B15-F76 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Brozel, Bacterial activity at interfaces Folder 2004-2009
UA 5.3: B15-F82 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Bleakley, Enrichment, isolation, and identification of lignocellulosis Folder 2006-2008
UA 5.3: B15-F83 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Gibbons, Multi-fermento system bioprocessing research Folder 2006-2007
UA 5.3: B15-F90 Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Kaushik, Innate immune responses of porcine intestinal epithelial cells Folder 2008-2010
UA 5.3: B15-F03 Terminated Projects: ABE: Humburg, Engineering tech applied to quality ag of N. Plains Folder 2002-2007
UA 5.3: B15-F10 Terminated Projects: ABE: Julson, Value enhancement of South Dakota agricultural renewable resources Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B15-F14 Terminated Projects: ABE: Muthu, Acquisition of differential scanning calorimeter for food and biomaterials characterization Folder 2009-2010
UA 5.3: B15-F16 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Daniel, Increased efficiency of sheep production Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B15-F20 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Tiardes, Optimizing fuel resource use in beef feeds as energy source Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B15-F24 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Stein, Factors affecting nutrient utilization growing swine Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B15-F27 Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Marbling and Fresh Meat Quality Folder 2002-2007
UA 5.3: B16-F12 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Hippen, Management systems for improved decision dairy herds Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F13 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Schingoethe, Metabolic relationships in supply lactating cows Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F14 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Schingoethe, ModiFiscal Yearing milk fat composition consumer acceptability Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B16-F15 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Yeung, Expanding use of whey in food products Folder 2000-2006
UA 5.3: B16-F18 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Hippen, Metabolic relationships in supply lactating cows Folder 2002-2007
UA 5.3: B16-F23 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Hassan, Applications of expolysaccharides-producing cultures in dairy products Folder 2004-2009
UA 5.3: B16-F27 Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Hippen, Metabolic conditioning of early lactation dairy cows Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B16-F29 Terminated Projects: Econ: Fausti, Enhancing global competitiveness US red meat Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F31 Terminated Projects: Econ: Van der Sluis, Changes in ag food systems value-added activities Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F33 Terminated Projects: Econ: Qasmi, Changes in global patterns implications for US and SD Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B16-F35 Terminated Projects: Econ: Qasmi, Ag biotech economic implications for Midwest ag Folder 2000-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F55 Terminated Projects: NFSH/FCS, Using state based interventions fruits and vegetables young adults Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B16-F68 Terminated Projects: FCS: Krishnan, Enhancement of the economic and health benefits of cereal grains through processing and quality traits Folder 2006-2011
UA 5.3: B16-F70 Terminated Projects: FCS: Krishnan, Acquisition of text re-analyzer for post wheat quality research Folder 2007-2008
UA 5.3: B16-F72 Terminated Projects: FCS: Yao, Retirement adequacy of SD households Folder 2007-2011
UA 5.3: B16-F74 Terminated Projects: HFLP - Fennell, Rootstock and interstem effects on pomegranate fruit trees Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B16-F75 Terminated Projects: HFLP - Johnson, Restoring riparian woodland in agrecosystems of the northern great plains Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B16-F78 Terminated Projects: HFLP - Evers, Evaluation of native and introduced urban landscapes Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B16-F85 Terminated Projects: HFLP - Fennel, Multi-state evaluation of winegrape Cultivars and clones Folder 2004-2017
UA 5.3: B17-F03 Terminated Projects: HFLP - Stubbles, Expectations of use of the Black Hills National Forest by SD native Americans 2017 Folder 2008-2013
UA 5.3: B17-F04 Terminated Projects: Math/Stats - Chen, Bayesian mixed model to identiFiscal Year the expressed genes in non-replicated/small-sample microarray Folder 2007-2012
UA 5.3: B17-F14 Terminated Projects: NR - Bertrand, conservation of the fisheries and stream ecosystems in the northern great plains Folder 2009-2014
UA 5.3: B17-F18 Terminated Projects: NR - Bertrand, Understanding the ecological and social constraints to achieving management Folder 2011
UA 5.3: B17-F19 Terminated Projects: NR - Brown, Potential for biotic impairment of sport fish population resulting from common carp infestation Folder 2011
UA 5.3: B17-F21 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Bleakley, Biological control of foliar and head disease of wheat Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B17-F22 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Forage crop genetics and breeding yield and quality Folder 1997-2002
UA 5.3: B17-F24 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Owens, Forage production, quality and persistence Folder 1997-2003
UA 5.3: B17-F33 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Fuller, Ecological and alternative management rootworms NGP Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B17-F36 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Schumacher, Management of eroded soils enhancement production environment quality Folder 1998-2003
UA 5.3: B17-F42 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Scott, Soybean breeding, genetics, and production Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B17-F48 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Characterizing weed population variables reduce herbicide use Folder 2000-2005
UA 5.3: B17-F51 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Linking soil characteristics, remote site specific management Folder 2001-2005
UA 5.3: B02-F13 Publications: Growing pedigreed sugar beet seed in South Dakota 1910, Bulletin 129 Folder 1911
UA 5.3: B02-F15 Publications: Northern alfalfa seed picture: Marketing, Bulletin 483 Folder 1959
UA 5.3: B02-F19 Publications: Rushmore spring wheat, Bulletin 394 Folder 1949
UA 5.3: B02-F20 Publications: Selecting and breeding corn for protein and oil in South Dakota, Bulletin 153 Folder 1914
UA 5.3: B02-F27 Publications: Central substation, Highmore, South Dakota: A progress report, Circular 124 Folder 1956
UA 5.3: B02-F28 Publications: Chemical control of weeds in South Dakota, Circular 69 (revised) Folder 1951