Level of description
Digital object |
UA 5.3: B18-F14 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Smolik, Practical management of SCN and other nematodes |
Folder |
2006-2008 |
UA 5.3: B18-F17 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Tilmon, Biointensive integrated pest management strategies |
Folder |
2006-2011 |
UA 5.3: B18-F18 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Turnipseed, Seed Technology |
Folder |
2006-2009 |
UA 5.3: B18-F25 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Sutton, Identification gene networks critical for winter wheat |
Folder |
2007-2012 |
UA 5.3: B18-F27 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Beck, Crop integration and production, SD |
Folder |
2008-2010 |
UA 5.3: B18-F28 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Breeding perennial grasses and legumes for environmental purposes |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B18-F36 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Fuller, Corn rootworm management and relationship maize environments |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B18-F42 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Lemme, Four states ruminant nutrition Consortium |
Folder |
2008-2011 |
UA 5.3: B18-F43 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Owens, Management of forage crops for feed and bioenergy |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B18-F46 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Beck, Forage crop cover crop and rotational grain crop integration and production |
Folder |
2009 |
UA 5.3: B18-F57 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Sexton, Intensification of cover crop use |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B01 |
SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 1 |
Box |
UA 5.3: B01-F02 |
Administrative: Animal Husbandry Field Day |
Folder |
1953-1954 |
UA 5.3: B01-F06 |
Administrative: Chemicals used |
Folder |
1974 |
UA 5.3: B01-F07 |
Administrative: Chemicals used |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 5.3: B01-F08 |
Administrative: Commodity checkoff |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 5.3: B01-F09 |
Administrative: Committee: South Dakota Citizens for Research and Extension |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 5.3: B01-F10 |
Administrative: Committee: South Dakota Organize Fuels |
Folder |
1978-1982 |
UA 5.3: B01-F17 |
Administrative: Horizons, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Centennial, 1887-1897 (brochure, poster for Orville G. Bentley lecture) |
Folder |
1987 |
UA 5.3: B01-F26 |
Administrative: SDSU in the Mid-80s |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 5.3: B01-F30 |
Administrative: Task Force Graduate research: final report |
Folder |
1984 |
UA 5.3: B01-F38 |
Administrative: Financial Reports |
Folder |
1911 |
UA 5.3: B01-F39 |
Administrative: Financial Reports |
Folder |
1912 |
UA 5.3: B01-F43 |
Administrative: Financial Reports |
Folder |
1916 |
UA 5.3: B01-F51 |
Research: Jerusalem artichoke |
Folder |
1982 |
UA 5.3: B01-F53 |
Research: Plant Pathology history at SDSU (by Wayne Gardner) |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 5.3: B01-F55 |
Research: Quaker Oats |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 5.3: B01-F56 |
Research: Rangeland Grasshopper Management |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 5.3: B02-F01 |
Publications: Bulletin index |
Folder |
1887-1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F03 |
Administrative: Lease: Larsen Farm, USDA Northern Grains Insect Lab |
Folder |
1962-2013 |
UA 5.3: B02-F04 |
Administrative: Agreement: U.S. Dept. of Interior Cooperative Fisheries Unit |
Folder |
1963-1970 |
UA 5.3: B02-F06 |
Publications: Crop yields as related to depth of plowing, Bulletin 369 |
Folder |
1943 |
UA 5.3: B02-F06 |
Administrative: Past Project List |
Folder |
1964-2010 |
UA 5.3: B02-F08 |
Administrative: Veterinary Science Projects |
Folder |
1968-1990 |
UA 5.3: B02-F10 |
Publications: Grass, Bulletin 300 |
Folder |
1941 |
UA 5.3: B51-F20 |
Administrative: Department Head Seminars |
Folder |
1967-1969 |
UA 5.3: B51-F23 |
Administrative: TVA |
Folder |
1952-1954 |
UA 5.3: B51-F26 |
Administrative: Fertilizer work group |
Folder |
1952 |
UA 5.3: B51-F35 |
Administrative: North Central Director's meeting (July 14-16) 1977 Manhattan, Kansas |
Folder |
1977 |
UA 5.3: B51-F36 |
Administrative: Inactive: NASULG Meeting (Annual) Minutes |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 5.3: B51-F37 |
Administrative: Winthrop Rockefeller Award |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 5.3: B52 |
SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 52 |
Box |
UA 5.3: B52-F01 |
Administrative: South Dakota Reporting Service |
Folder |
1944-1960 |
UA 5.3: B52-F02 |
Administrative: Land-Lease in Aurora (Mcnara) |
Folder |
1958 |
UA 5.3: B52-F03 |
Administrative: Pasture Research Center Wheat Alloments |
Folder |
1968-1973 |
UA 5.3: B52-F05 |
Administrative: Eureka Closing |
Folder |
1968-1972 |
UA 5.3: B52-F09 |
Administrative: North Central Directors Spring Meeting, Fargo, ND |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 5.3: B52-F11 |
Administrative: Street Improvement 22nd Avenue |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 5.3: B52-F14 |
Administrative: Index to Regints Minutes |
Folder |
1937-1967 |
UA 5.3: B52-F15 |
Administrative: Collaborator North Central Region |
Folder |
1951-1953 |
UA 5.3: B52-F19 |
Administrative: IR-4 Minor Use of Chemical |
Folder |
1966-1973 |
UA 5.3: B52-F20 |
Administrative: Maps |
Folder |
undated |
UA 5.3: B52-F22 |
Administrative: Maps (3) |
Folder |
undated |
UA 5.3: B52-F26 |
Administrative: Legislation |
Folder |
1980 |
UA 5.3: B53-F02 |
Publications: H-802: Veterinary Science -Virus Diarrhea (Mucosal Disease) of Cattle |
Folder |
1954-1969 |
UA 5.3: B53-F04 |
Publications: RRF-391: Veterinary Science -Nature and Control of Fowl Cholera |
Folder |
1962-1969 |
UA 5.3: B53-F11 |
Publications: S-809: Veterinary Science - Pathogens of Bovine Abortion |
Folder |
1972-1976 |
UA 5.3: B53-F16 |
Publications: H-813: Veterinary Science -Investigation of Swine Pseudoralies Virus Infection |
Folder |
1977-1988 |
UA 5.3: B53-F17 |
Publications: S-748: Veterinary Science -Diagnosis of Bovine Abortion |
Folder |
1976-1982 |
UA 5.3: B53-F18 |
Publications: H-751: Veterinary Science -Red-Like Virus Enteric Infection in Swine |
Folder |
1976-1981 |
UA 5.3: B53-F22 |
Publications: S-462: Veterinary Science -Diagnostic Use of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Leptospiral Antisen |
Folder |
1982-1985 |
UA 5.3: B53-F31 |
Publications: R-347: Veterinary Science - Prevention and Control of Enteric Diseased of Swine |
Folder |
1987-1992 |
UA 5.3: B53-F37 |
Publications: H-360: Veterinary Science - IdentiFiscal Year and Chan of Cellular Receptors to Bovine Coronavirus |
Folder |
1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B53-F42 |
Publications: AH-182: Veterinary Science -Chlaniydia Infection in the Intestine of Pigs |
Folder |
1992-1994 |
UA 5.3: B53-F46 |
Publications: AH-193: Veterinary Science: Early Events Binding and Entryl . Of Porcine Rotaviruses |
Folder |
1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B53-F54 |
Publications: R-296: Veterinary Science - Bovine Respiratory Disease |
Folder |
1996-2001 |
UA 5.3: B53-F55 |
Publications: H-206: Veterinary Science - Improved Diagnostic Methods for Bovine . Viral Diseases |
Folder |
1996-2001 |
UA 5.3: B53-F59 |
Publications: H-272 Dairy Science - Consumer Preference, Etc., For Butter of Various Flavors and Qualities |
Folder |
1955-1969 |
UA 5.3: B53-F67 |
Publications: S-457: Dairy Science - Effeciency of Nutrient Utilization by Dairy Calves |
Folder |
1966-1969 |
UA 5.3: B53-F69 |
Publications: H-501: Dairy Science - New and Modified Dairy Feeds |
Folder |
1969-1974 |
UA 5.3: B53-F74 |
Publications: H-571: Dairy Science - Comparative Values of Feeds for Dairy Cattle |
Folder |
1970-1975 |
UA 5.3: B53-F87 |
Publications: RRF-860: Dairy Science - Improving Large Dairy Herd Management Practices |
Folder |
1977-1982 |
UA 5.3: B54 |
SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 54 |
Box |
UA 5.3: B54-F02 |
Publications: Fertility Maintenance and Management of South Dakota Soils, Circular 92 |
Folder |
1952 |
UA 5.3: B54-F14 |
Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research |
Folder |
1966-1969 |
UA 5.3: B54-F15 |
Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research |
Folder |
1971-1974 |
UA 5.3: B54-F16 |
Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 5.3: B54-F24 |
Publcations: Plants of South Dakota Grasslands, Bulletin 566 |
Folder |
1970 |
UA 5.3.7: B55-F07 |
1980 Population Projections for South Dakota Bulletin 619 |
Folder |
1974 |
UA 5.3.7: B55-F10 |
South Dakota Low Income Families and Migration Bulletin 637 |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 5.3.7: B56-F01 |
AES InfoSeries no. 6 - The Brookings Jogging-Exercise Course |
Folder |
1970s |
UA 5.3.7: B56-F02 |
Bulletin 602 - Rural Poverty in Three South Dakota Counties |
Folder |
1972 |
UA 5.3.7: B56-F05 |
Bulletin 635 - Wheat's Wonderchild - Bulgur |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 5.3.7: B56-F07 |
South Dakota Farm and Home Research |
Folder |
1975-1976 |
UA 5.3 B57-F04 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Agronomy Pamphlet No. 53 |
Folder |
1959 |
UA 5.3 B57-F13 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farm Agronomy Pamphlet No. 91 |
Folder |
1968 |
UA 5.3 B57-F17 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farms Plant Science Pamphlet No. 8 |
Folder |
1971 |
UA 5.3 B57-F18 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Farms Plant Science Pamphlet No. 11 |
Folder |
1972 |
UA 5.3 B57-F19 |
Northeastern Preformance |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 5.3 B57-F22 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Progress Report Plant Science Pamphlet No. 53 |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 5.3 B57-F35 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 73 |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 5.3 B58-F05 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 19 |
Folder |
2004 |
UA 5.3 B58-F07 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 23 |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 5.3 B58-F08 |
Disc of Research Report |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 5.3 B58-F09 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 28 |
Folder |
2006 |
UA 5.3 B58-F17 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 57 |
Folder |
2013 |
UA 5.3 B58-F21 |
Annual Progress Report: Northeast Research Station Plant Science Pamphlet No. 58 |
Folder |
2017 |
UA 5.3: B26-F17 |
Publications: H-321: Agricultural Research Service- Effect of antibody and toxin mulberry the seaned pig |
Folder |
1991-1993 |
UA 5.3: B26-F20 |
Publications: H-101: Agricultural Research Service- Physiological and nut interaction that affect growing pigs |
Folder |
1991-1994 |
UA 5.3: B26-F23 |
Publications: SD-323: Agricultural Research Service- Metabolizable protein require cattle during rapid growth |
Folder |
1992-1996 |