South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B41-F16 Administrative: Correpondence Folder 1975
UA 5.3: B41-F17 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1978
UA 5.3: B41-F20 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1981-1987
UA 5.3: B41-F22 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1982-1985
UA 5.3: B41-F23 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1982-1990
UA 5.3: B42 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 42 Box
UA 5.3: B42-F19 Research: Soil Fertility: Research Plot Book Folder 1990
UA 5.3: B42-F21 Research: Soil Fertility: Research Plot Book Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B42-F23 Administrative: Plant Science: Correspondence Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B42-F24 Administrative: Plant Science: Correspondence Folder 1981-1983
UA 5.3: B42-F25 Administrative: Plant Science: Correspondence Folder 1984-1986
UA 5.3: B42-F26 Administrative: Plant Science: Correspondence Folder 1986-1987
UA 5.3: B43-F01 Administrative: Animal Science Correspondence Folder 1978-1984
UA 5.3: B43-F03 Administrative: Animal Science Correspondence (3) Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B43-F06 Research: Plot book original Folder 1990
UA 5.3: B43-F07 Research: Plot Book Folder 1992
UA 5.3: B43-F22 Administrative: Senator Karl Mundt Correspondence Folder 1968-1973
UA 5.3: B43-F24 Administrative: Whestine Valley Research Farm Correspondence Folder 1968-1973
UA 5.3: B43-F27 Administrative: James Valley Center (Redfield) Correspondence Folder 1969-1974
UA 5.3: B44-F02 Administrative: Remote Sensing Institute Correspondence Folder 1970-1972
UA 5.3: B44-F06 Administrative: Department Heads Correspondence: R. A. Moore Folder 1977-1979
UA 5.3: B44-F11 Administrative: Remote Sensing Institute Correspondence Folder 1978-1979
UA 5.3: B44-F13 Administrative: Horticulture- Forestry: Correspondence Folder 1978-1979
UA 5.3: B44-F16 Administrative: Home Economics: Correspondence Folder 1979-1990
UA 5.3: B44-F19 Administrative: Microbiology: Correspondence Folder 1980-1989
UA 5.3: B45-F10 Administrative: Correspondence Economics Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B45-F17 Administrative: Correspondence with Dr. Ray Moore Folder 1989-1993
UA 5.3: B45-F23 Administrative: Correspondence with Dr. Ray Moore Folder 1990-1992
UA 5.3: B45-F25 Administrative: Correspondence with Dr. Males Folder 1991-1993
UA 5.3: B45-F28 Administrative: Correspondence with Dr Ray Moore Folder 1991-1993
UA 5.3: B46-F03 Administrative: South Dakota Seed Trade Association Short Course Folder 1977-1980
UA 5.3: B46-F04 Administrative: South Dakota Seed Trade Association Short Course Folder 1981-1982
UA 5.3: B47-F03 Administrative: GPAC- Proceedings of Meeting membership and functions and committees Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B47-F09 Administrative: Search Committee: College of H. Econ Folder 1985-1986
UA 5.3: B47-F16 Administrative: Great Plains Agricultural council Folder 1973-1974
UA 5.3: B47-F24 Administrative: Projects: Vet Science Department various projects Folder 1984-1996
UA 5.3: B47-F25 Administrative: Projects: Vet Science Department Folder 1984-1996
UA 5.3: B48-F01 Administrative: Research Projects Agricultural Engineering Folder undated
UA 5.3: B48-F02 Administrative: Irrigation Research Substation Budget, work plans, etc Folder 1959-1967
UA 5.3: B48-F06 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service: Animal Husbandry research division Folder 1964-1972
UA 5.3: B48-F07 Agricultural Research Service: Lease: Plant Science Department pasture research center Folder 1965-1979
UA 5.3: B48-F08 Agricultural Research Service: Agricultural Research Service Animal Husbandry Research dividsion clay center meat animal research center Folder 1967-1972
UA 5.3: B48-F09 Administrative: Written Statements Presented at Public Hearings regarding watershed Research Center Folder 1967
UA 5.3: B48-F10 Research: Test Prairie Coteau crops and soils research station - garden city Folder 1969
UA 5.3: B22-F82 Research: Optimizing Nutrient Utilization and Management Across Beef Growing and Finishing Systems Folder 2011-2016
UA 5.3: B23-F05 Administrative: Agricultural Research Folder 1997
UA 5.3: B23-F06 Administrative: Biology/Microbiology Correspondence Folder 1997-2009
UA 5.3: B23-F14 Administrative: Dakota Lakes Farm Pierre, SD: Memorandum of Understanding Folder 1997
UA 5.3: B23-F18 Administrative: Re-Engineering the Land-Grant College of Agriculture Folder 1997
UA 5.3: B23-F24 Administrative: Integrated Technology Transfer: Soil Management of Erodible Lands Folder 1998-2001
UA 5.3: B23-F25 Administrative: Fiscal Year 1998 Summary and Fiscal Year 1999 Plan Folder 1998
UA 5.3: B23-F28 Administrative: Farm Building Lease Folder 1998
UA 5.3: B23-F37 Administrative: Successes of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Folder 1998
UA 5.3: B23-F38 Administrative: Dairy Lagoon Folder 1998-2004
UA 5.3: B23-F42 Administrative: Bomb Threat Procedures Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B23-F43 Administrative: Carbon Sequestration Folder 1999-2000
UA 5.3: B25-F05 Publications: R-432: Dairy Science - Redirecting the Nutrient Flow in Cows for Maximum Milk Production Folder 1982-1987
UA 5.3: B25-F07 Publications: H-492: Dairy Science - Preservation and Feeding Value of High Moisture Corn for Dairy Cattle Folder 1983-1986
UA 5.3: B25-F12 Publications: H-157: Dairy Science - Composition Quality and Consumer Accept Milk and Dairy Products Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B25-F15 Publications: H-257: Dairy Science - Analysis of Dairy Product Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B25-F25 Publications: R-202: Dairy Science - Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Lactating Cows Folder 1992-1997
UA 5.3: B25-F26 Publications: R-172: Dairy Science - Dairy Herd Management Strat .. Making and Profitability Folder 1992-1997
UA 5.3: B25-F28 Publications: H-103: Dairy Science: Improvement of the Quality of Lowfat Cheeses Folder 1993-1996
UA 5.3: B25-F37 Publications: H-116: Dairy Science: Reuction of reliance on antibiotics livestock production Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B25-F44 Publications: H-450: Horticulture- Vegetable breeding and cultural practices Folder 1966-1974
UA 5.3: B25-F46 Publications: S-476: Horticulture- Campus landscape design Folder 1967-1973
UA 5.3: B25-F49 Publications: S-254: Horticulture- Selection of adapted species and strains of trees and shrubs for SD farms Folder 1969-1976
UA 5.3: B25-F52 Publications: H-528: Horticulture- Developing improved fruit varietties and fruit cultural practices for SD Folder 1969-1974
UA 5.3: B25-F57 Publications: H-622: Horticulture- Improving vegetable production in SD Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B25-F61 Publications: H-696: Horticulture- Improved fruit Cultivars and cultural practices for South Dakota Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B25-F63 Publications: MS-745: Horticulture- Physiological and morphological ohar of trees suit for enviorment tree plantings Folder 1976-1978
UA 5.3: B25-F66 Publications: S-865: Horticulture- Effect of nitrogen source and water quality on growth and cold hardiness Folder 1978-1982
UA 5.3: B25-F67 Publications: S-710: Horticulture- Selection propagation and culture of annual herbaceous and woody ornamentals Folder 1979
UA 5.3: B25-F68 Publications: H-369: Horticulture- Split-night temp for greenhouse prod and energy conservation Folder 1980-1982
UA 5.3: B25-F69 Publications: R-336: Horticulture- Strategies and procedures for advanced . Forest species Folder 1986-1991
UA 5.3: B25-F70 Publications: MS-420: Horticulture- Select superior coniferious and deciduous trees and shrubs for SD Folder 1980-1984
UA 5.3: B25-F77 Publications: H-412: Horticulture- Production and evaluation of new pot plant species Folder 1983-1986
UA 5.3: B25-F80 Publications: M-494: Horticulture- Renovation of Windbreakes in SD Folder 1984-1989
UA 5.3: B25-F90 Publications: H-297: Agricultural Research Service- Optimizing grazing strat native and intro rangelands Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B25-F91 Publications: H-357: Agricultural Research Service- Nutrient and management interrelationships effeciences swine Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B25-F92 Publications: R-307: Agricultural Research Service- Increasing Prolificacy in sheep impact nutritional needs Folder 1987-1992
UA 5.3: B26 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 26 Box
UA 5.3: B26_F04 Publications: SD-289: Agricultural Research Service- Einfluence of gonadotrophin releasing . Beef cattle Folder 1989-1993
UA 5.3: B26-F10 Publications: H-290: Agricultural Research Service- Effects of balance and level of indispens .. Feed intake by swine Folder 1990-1996
UA 5.3: B26-F11 Publications: H-340: Agricultural Research Service- Cattle and sheep grazing along and in comb. On northern great plains Folder 1990-1994
UA 5.3: B37-F17 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment Station - research pesticide lab / agricultural experiment station LRC. COM Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B37-F20 Inactive Research: Ag. Experiment Stations - Field stations - box elder lab and res. Bldg - plans for sonst Folder 1978
UA 5.3: B37-F45 Great Plains Ag. Council History Folder 1935-1981
UA 5.3: B37-F53 Inactive Research: Great plains ag. Council committee resource economics regional rep. prop. Folder undated
UA 5.3: B38 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 38 Box
UA 5.3: B38-F04 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council committee - windbreak working documents Folder 1963
UA 5.3: B38-F05 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council committee - windbreak first report of the USDA Folder 1964
UA 5.3: B38-F07 Great Plains Ag. Council: Econ and legas aspects, financial support, correspondence report, publication, questionaire, project ouline, minutes, membership list Folder 1967-1973
UA 5.3: B38-F08 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council: GP-9 growth of range plants proposal Folder 1967
UA 5.3: B38-F13 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GP-9 Growth of range plants report annual Folder 1968-1978
UA 5.3: B38-F17 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - resource economics minutes Folder 1970-1977
UA 5.3: B38-F18 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council Committee - Executive minutes Folder 1970-1978
UA 5.3: B38-F23 Great Plains Ag Council: Econ. Analy of the rell prof and prod livestock and grains Folder 1973-1974
UA 5.3: B38-F24 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GPC - 2 Annual Report Folder 1973-1978
UA 5.3: B38-F25 Inactive Research: Great Plains Ag. Council GP-14 Socio Econ. Impacts of surface mining correspondence Folder 1974