South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B02-F47 Publications: Agricultural outlook for South Dakota, 1957,Extension leaflet 183 Folder 1957
UA 5.3: B02-F53 Publications: Handbook on the soil bank Folder 1956
UA 5.3: B02-F55 Publications: Improving water quality through the South Dakota Oakwood Lakes-Poinsett rural clean water program: Project summary Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B02-F59 Publications: Central Crops and Soils Research Station, Highmore, South Dakota: Progress report 1997, Plant Science pamphlet 71 Folder 1998
UA 5.3: B02-F62 Publications: Small grain variety trials in South Dakota 1949-1953, Pamphlet 27 Folder 1954
UA 5.3: B03-F11 Administrative: Project: Wildlife and Fisheries Admin Folder 1970-72, 1974-78, 1980, 1982-83, 1988
UA 5.3: B03-F17 Administrative: Ag Experiment Station LRC Committee Folder 1976
UA 5.3: B03-F26 Administrative: Crop Improvement: Memorandum of Agreement Folder 1982, 1986, 1993
UA 5.3: B03-F31 Administrative: Agreement: USDA Soil Conservation Service Highmore Field Station Folder 1984-1989
UA 5.3: B03-F33 Administrative: Centennial Speakers Folder 1985, 1987
UA 5.3: B03-F36 Administrative: Policies and Procedures for Release Plant Cultivars, Clones, Etc. Folder 1985-1987, 1992, 1995, 1997
UA 5.3: B03-F40 Administrative: Flax Agreement International Seed Producers Folder 1986-2003
UA 5.3: B03-F44 Administrative: Seed Articles Folder 1986, undated
UA 5.3: B04-F04 Administrative: Russian Wheat Aphid Research Folder 1987-1989, 1991-1992
UA 5.3: B04-F09 Administrative: George Beggar, Fargo, North Dakota Radio Manuscript Donation Folder 1988
UA 5.3: B04-F12 Administrative: Lakes Andes-Wagner/Marty Research Demonstration Project Folder 1989-1990, 1993, 2001
UA 5.3: B04-F13 Administrative: Lease: Dakota Lakes Irrigation Farm Folder 1989-2000
UA 5.3: B04-F15 Administrative: USDA Ag Communications Review Folder 1989-1996
UA 5.3: B04-F17 Administrative: Agreement: USDA/Agricultural Research Service/NCR, Agricultural Research Service Research Support Agreement Folder 1990-1993
UA 5.3: B04-F21 Administrative: Cooperative Agreement Folder 1990-1993
UA 5.3: B04-F28 Administrative: Contamination Assessment Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B04-F30 Administrative: Departmental Reviews Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B04-F37 Administrative: Southeast South Dakota Farm Correspondence Folder 1991, 1993-1994, 1996-1999, 2002-2003, 2005-2007, 2009, 2011
UA 5.3: B04-F38 Administrative: Agreement Texas Tech University Cattle Feeding Study Folder 1992
UA 5.3: B04-F40 Administrative: Antelope Field Station Correspondence Folder 1992, 1995, 2003, 2008, undated
UA 5.3: B04-F41 Administrative: Central Field Station Correspondences Folder 1992, 1995, 1999-2000, 2003, 2011, 2013
UA 5.3: B04-F45 Administrative: Hazardous Materials and Lab Safety Committee Folder 1992-1994
UA 5.3: B04-F51 Administrative: West River Field Stations Correspondence Folder 1992-1994, 1997, 2003-2004, 2007, 2009
UA 5.3: B05 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 5 Box
UA 5.3: B05-F04 Administrative: Memo of Understanding: Foundation Seed Stocks Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B05-F10 Administrative: Raymond A. Moore Biostress Research Poster Day Folder 1993-1994, 1996-1998
UA 5.3: B05-F13 Administrative: Dean's Office Correspondence Folder 1994, 1996, 1998, 2007
UA 5.3: B05-F22 Administrative: Ag Experiment Station Requests Folder 1995-1996
UA 5.3: B05-F23 Administrative: Colleges of Agriculture at the Land Grant Universities: A Profile Folder 1995
UA 5.3: B05-F27 Administrative: Home Economics Correspondence Folder 1995, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009
UA 5.3: B05-F32 Administrative: New Construction Folder 1995
UA 5.3: B05-F33 Administrative: Poland Connection Folder 1995-1997
UA 5.3: B05-F40 Administrative: Central Asia Livestock Regional Assessment Workshop Folder 1996
UA 5.3: B06-F03 Administrative: Correspondence Folder 1999-2000, 2002-2005
UA 5.3: B06-F06 Administrative: Lead Forward Land-Grant Folder 1999-2004
UA 5.3: B06-F13 Administrative: Plan of Work: Meeting Dallas, Texas Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B06-F14 Administrative: Plan of Work Folder 1999-2005
UA 5.3: B06-F15 Administrative: Plant Variety Protection Office Official Journal Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B06-F20 Administrative: SDSU Institutional Self-Study Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B06-F22 Administrative: USDA Report: Salary Analysis of State Agricultural Extension Service.-Forestry and College of 1890 Folder 1999-2005
UA 5.3: B06-F27 Administrative: Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine Folder 1999-2000
UA 5.3: B06-F30 Administrative: Carbon Sequestration Folder 2000-2001
UA 5.3: B06-F31 Administrative: Curriculum Handbook Folder 2000
UA 5.3: B06-F32 Administrative: Dean Folder 2000-2003
UA 5.3: B06-F43 Administrative: Plan of Work Folder 2000-2011
UA 5.3: B06-F44 Administrative: Plant Science Folder 2000, 2002-2006
UA 5.3: B06-F47 Administrative: Reports and Correspondence Folder 2000-2005
UA 5.3: B06-F51 Administrative: SDSU Ag Research Biotechnology Newspaper Folder 2000-2003
UA 5.3: B07 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 7 Box
UA 5.3: B07-F02 Administrative: USDA Reports: Program of Research Folder 2000-2011
UA 5.3: B07-F10 Administrative: Handbook for Academic Personnel Management Folder 2001
UA 5.3: B07-F12 Administrative: Lead Forward Land-Grant Folder 2001-2002
UA 5.3: B07-F14 Administrative: Memo of Understanding: SDSU and South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council Folder 2001-2004
UA 5.3: B07-F15 Administrative: Muthu A.B.E. Project Folder 2001-2005
UA 5.3: B07-F21 Administrative: Agreement: Broth Enterprises, Inc. Folder 2002
UA 5.3: B07-F34 Administrative: Miscellaneous Correspondences Folder 2002
UA 5.3: B07-F44 Administrative: SDSU Ice Cream Agreement between SDSU and South Dakota Made Store Folder 2003
UA 5.3: B07-F47 Administrative: Bio NMS Waste Treatment System Folder 2003
UA 5.3: B07-F49 Administrative: Correspondence and Photos Folder 2003-2005
UA 5.3: B08-F06 Administrative: Return on Investment Folder 2003
UA 5.3: B08-F07 Administrative: Specific Cooperative Agreement Folder 2003-2004
UA 5.3: B08-F34 Administrative: Expedition Wheat Investigation Folder 2005-2006
UA 5.3: B08-F35 Administrative: Financial Reports Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F37 Administrative: Hazardous Materials and Lab Safety Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F40 Administrative: Memo of Understanding: Foundation Seed and Nola and Jerry Roitsch Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F50 Administrative: South Dakota Beef Industry Council Folder 2005-2011
UA 5.3: B08-F53 Administrative: State Appropriations Testimony Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F55 Administrative: Wheat Fiscal Year 06 Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F58 Administrative: Annual Progress Report 2005 Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B08-F60 Administrative: Capital Improvements Folder 2006, undated
UA 5.3: B08-F61 Administrative: Annual Report of the South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B08-F62 Administrative: Corn Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F01 Administrative: Fiscal Year 2005 Research Report Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F12 Administrative: South Dakota Corn Utilization Council Funding Folder 2006-2009, 2011
UA 5.3: B09-F22 Administrative: Foundation Seed Stocks Financial Report Folder 2007-2008
UA 5.3: B09-F23 Administrative: In-House Proposals Folder 2007
UA 5.3: B09-F25 Administrative: National Agricultural Biotechnology Council 19 Folder 2007
UA 5.3: B09-F27 Administrative: National Agricultural Biotechnology Council Folder 2 of 2 Folder 2007
UA 5.3: B09-F28 Administrative: Research Funding Request Fiscal Year 2008 Folder 2007
UA 5.3: B10-F08 Administrative: Fifth Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Summary Proceedings Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F11 Administrative: Fiscal Year 2009 Beef Research Funding Requests Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F13 Administrative: Departmental Standards Documents Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F14 Administrative: Field Stations Correspondence Folder 2008, undated
UA 5.3: B17-F54 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Kohl, Water and soil management for maximizing return to ag Folder 2001-2005
UA 5.3: B17-F55 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Malo, Pedology information transfer for SD Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B17-F56 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Stein, Studies of host-parasite interaction fungal pathogens Folder 2001-2006
UA 5.3: B17-F64 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Breeding perennial grasses and legumes tolerance to stress Folder 2003-2008
UA 5.3: B17-F70 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Glover, Spring wheat breeding and genetics Folder 2003-2008
UA 5.3: B17-F73 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Sutton, SD plant physiology/plant symposium: back again Folder 2003-2004
UA 5.3: B17-F75 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Woodard, IdentiFiscal Yearing grain production practices organic carbon Folder 2003-2008
UA 5.3: B17-F81 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Langhem, Etiology and Epidemiology of plant virus in SD Folder 2004-2009
UA 5.3: B17-F87 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Berg, Alternative crop, rotation, and tillage practices Folder 2005-2011
UA 5.3: B18 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 18 Box
UA 5.3: B18-F10 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Gu, Toward map based cloning of seed dormancy QTLS in rice Folder 2006-2008
UA 5.3: B18-F12 Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Malo, South Dakota pedology information transfer for resource Folder 2006-2011