Faculty Publications [UA 53.2 Box 3]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA053.002-03-0864 "Developing replacement beef Heifers," Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, FS 441 (revised). Folder undated
UA053.002-03-0865 "Formulating supplements for beef cows," Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, FS 816 (revised). Folder undated
UA053.002-03-0866 "Heritability and repeatability of weaning weight in beef cattle," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1072-1074. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-0867 "Preconditioning feeder calves," Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, FS 808. Folder undated
UA053.002-03-0873 "Trophic relationships of fishes occurring within a surf zone habitat in the northern Gulf of Mexico," reprint from Northeast Gulf Science, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 109-120. Folder 1983
UA053.002-03-0877 "Assessment of larval fish consumption by Goldeye (Hiodon alosoides) in two Missouri River backwaters," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 317-322. Folder 1998
UA053.002-03-0883 "Bipaternity in mice," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 43, pp. 81-84. Folder 1964
UA053.002-03-0885 "Crippled Plymouth Rock Chickens - a sex-influenced congenital leg anomaly," reprint from Journal of Heredity, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 117-120. Folder 1963
UA053.002-03-0887 "Effectiveness of selection for large and small adult body size," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 39, pp. 77-83. Folder 1960
UA053.002-03-0889 "Evolutionary import of a newly discovered mutation affecting the genital system in poultry," reprint from X International Congress of Genetics, Proceedings, Vol. 2. Folder undated
UA053.002-03-0892 "Genetic and evolutionary aspects of double oviducts in gallus," reprint from Poultry Science, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1456-1462. Folder 1959
UA053.002-03-0897 "Male monovular avian twins," reprint from Journal of Heredity, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 346-347. Folder 1963
UA053.002-03-0899 "Trauma, aging and feather color changes," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 46, pp. 83-88. Folder 1967
UA053.002-03-0901 "Superficial phenotypes," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 38, pp. 151-154. Folder 1959
UA053.002-03-0908 "Parental influence upon broodiness," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 44, pp. 104-108. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-0914 "Here and there," (poetry), L & M publication. Folder 1990
UA053.002-03-0915 "Now and then," (poetry), L & M publication. Folder 1982
UA053.002-03-0916 "Absorption of selenium and arsenic by plants from soils under natural conditions," reprint from Soil Science, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 115-118. Folder 1940
UA053.002-03-0919 "Composition of blood of normal turkeys," reprint from Poultry Science, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 224-229. Folder 1944
UA053.002-03-0920 "Decomposition of selenium-cystine in electrodialysis and acid hydrolysis," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 20, pp. 28-45. Folder 1940
UA053.002-03-0923 "Effect of certain salts on enzyme activity - effect of sodium selenate, selenite, selenide, tellurite, sulfate, sulfite, sulfide, arsenite, and vanadate on rate of carbon dioxide production during yeast fermentation," reprint from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 27, pp. 77 Folder 1935
UA053.002-03-0924 "Growth of steers on seleniferous range," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 299-309. Folder 1944
UA053.002-03-0929 "Occurrence of soluble selenium in soils and its availability to plants." Folder undated
UA053.002-03-0933 "Amino acids of wheat plants and kernels as determined by starch column chromatography," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 31, pp. 185-189. Folder 1952
UA053.002-03-0936 "Does it pay to fertilize native hay? There are many factors to consider - this article will help you decide," reprint from South Dakota Farm and Home Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 24-31. Folder 1957
UA053.002-03-0938 "Thermal infrared for soil temperature studies," reprint from Photogrammetric Engineering, pp. 1024-1032. Folder 1969
UA053.002-03-0940 "Effect of Prostaglandin F2OL administration on early pregnancy in ewes," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1127-1133. Folder 1987
UA053.002-03-0948 "Use of thermal infrared sensing to estimate density of white-tailed deer," reprint from Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 37-43. Folder 1996
UA053.002-03-0951 "Short-term effect of low concentrations of dietary Aflatoxin and T-2 toxin on Mallard ducklings," reprint from Avian Diseases, vo. 38, pp. 738-743. Folder 1994
UA053.002-03-0952 "Percentage of raccoons and skunks reached by egg baits," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1327-1329. Folder 1972
UA053.002-03-0959 "Length distributions of northern pike caught in five gill net mesh sizes," reprint from Prairie Naturalist, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 11-13. Folder 1994
UA053.002-03-0965 "Students' Perspective - submitting your first manuscript," reprint from Fisheries, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 34-35. Folder 1993
UA053.002-03-0970 "Antler rubs by white-tailed deer: the importance of trees in a prairie environment," reprint from Canadian Journal of Zoology, vo. 73, pp. 1383-1386. Folder 1995
UA053.002-03-0975 "Further observations on the protective effect of linseed oil meal and organic arsenicals against selenium poisoning in the rat," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 34, pp. 42-47. Folder 1955
UA053.002-03-0976 "Movement of selenium from germinating seleniferous grains," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 18, pp. 41-43. Folder 1938
UA053.002-03-0978 "Nutrients in stacked grass silage," reprint from South Dakota Farm and Home Research, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 52-56. Folder 1956
UA053.002-03-0980 "Silage Additives," Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University, Brookings, Circular 178. Folder 1966
UA053.002-03-0982 "Nesting of ring-necked pheasants in eastern South Dakota," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 54, pp. 126-136. Folder 1975
UA053.002-03-0984 "Bat collisions with wind turbines in Southwestern Minnesota," reprint from Bat Research News, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 105-108. Folder 1996
UA053.002-03-0989 "Marketing policies and practices of country egg dealers in eastern South Dakota," Agricultural Economics Department, Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College, Brookings, Circular 143. Folder 1958
UA053.002-03-0992 "Effects of rapid processing on the chemical and sensory properties of restructured steak made from bull and steer meat," reprint from Journal of Food Science, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 28-30. Folder 1987
UA053.002-03-0993 "Effects of sulfate in water on swine reproduction and young pig performance," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 664-667. Folder 1979
UA053.002-03-1002 "Selected annotated bibliography of mink behavior and ecology," South Dakota Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Technical Bulletin No. 3. Folder 1982
UA053.002-03-1004 "Genealogies - Morse, Mason, Lyon, Pengra," printed by The Independent-Register, Bordhead, Wisconsin. Folder 1959
UA053.002-03-1007 "Reaction of selenious acid with glutathione," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 30. Folder 1951
UA053.002-03-1009 "Bacon quality," reprint from South Dakota Farm and Home Research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 6-9. Folder 1952
UA053.002-03-1011 "FFA poultry judging handbook," Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota State University, Extension Mimeo Circular 618. Folder 1970
UA053.002-03-1013 "Further studies of the effects of selenium poisoning on hatchability," reprint from Poultry Science, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 219-225. Folder 1937
UA053.002-03-1016 "Changes in the brown trout population in Gary Creek, South Dakota, 1988-1993," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 73, pp. 51-58. Folder 1994
UA053.002-03-1019 "Environmental characteristics of black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) nesting sites in two South Dakota waters," reprint from Ecology of Freshwater Fish, vol. 6, pp. 183-189. Folder 1997
UA053.002-03-1023 "Proposed revision of the standard weight (Ws) equation for redear sunfish," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 129-133. Folder 1995
UA053.002-03-1027 "Concept of Human Progress," reprint from Land Economics, vol. 38, no. 1. Folder 1962
UA053.002-03-1029 "History of education in Dakota Territory." Folder undated
UA053.002-03-1035 "Passport to 1874 - armchair or auto … along Custer's old route on a forest-wildlife ecology tour," reprint from South Dakota Farm and Home Research, vol. 23, no. 2. Folder 1972
UA053.002-03-1036 "Seasonal diets and growth of saugeye in Lake Goldsmith, South Dakota," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 119-126. Folder 1997
UA053.002-03-1039 "Prey selection of walleye fry in an experimental system," reprint from Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 209-214. Folder 1983
UA053.002-03-1042 "Trehalase of the differential grasshopper, Melanoplus differentialis," reprint from Journal of Inset Physiology, vol. 12, pp. 1105-1114. Folder 1966
UA053.002-03-1044 "Migratory behavior of Vancouver Canada geese: recovery rate bias," reprint from Management and Biology of Pacific Flyway Geese: A Symposium, pp. 208-212. Folder 1979
UA053.002-03-1047 "Weights and measurements of Vancouver Canada geese," reprint from Bird Banding, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 354-537. Folder 1977
UA053.002-03-1049 "Effect of temporary fasting on reproduction in gilts," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 660-663. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-1050 "Oestrous response of ovariectomized beef heifers to oestradiol benzoate and human chorionix gonadotrophin," reprint from Journal of Reprod. Fertil., vol. 10, pp. 329-335. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-1053 "Food and food selectivity of the black bullhead, Ictalurus melas, in Lake Poinsett, South Dakota," reprint from Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, vol. 33, no. 4, pt. 1, pp. 768-775. Folder 1976
UA053.002-03-1058 "Cage-rearing rainbow trout in dugout ponds in eastern South Dakota," reprint from The Progressive Fish-Cy=culturist, vol. 48, pp. 273-278. Folder 1986
UA053.002-03-1059 "Cable type back rubbers for horn fly control on cattle," reprint from Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 329-334. Folder 1952
UA053.002-03-1063 "Effects of ground flaxseed in swine diets on pig performance and on physical and sensory characteristics and omega-3 fatty acid content of pork: I. Dietary level of flaxseed," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 73, pp. 1982-1986. Folder 1995
UA053.002-03-1064 "Effects of ground flaxseed in swine diets on pig performance and on physical and sensory characteristics and omega-3 fatty acid content of pork: II. Duration of 15% dietary flaxseed," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 73, pp. 1987-1999. Folder 1995
UA053.002-03-1065 "Flaxseed and the composition and quality of pork," from unknown, Chapter 23, pp. 348-362. Folder undated
UA053.002-03-1066 "Influence of carcass maturity and marbling on the physical and chemical characteristics of beef. I. Palatability, fiber diameter and proximate analysis," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 681-685. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-1068 "Pork by-products - Pork Industry handbook," Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, PIH-128. Folder 1990
UA053.002-03-1074 "Waterfowl pair use of natural and man-made wetlands in South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 375-383. Folder 1979
UA053.002-03-1081 "Pheasant use of South Dakota wetlands during the winter," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 59, pp. 147-155. Folder 1980
UA053.002-03-1085 "Fish pond management," from unknown, pp. 199B-40C. Folder undated
UA053.002-03-1090 "Stream movements and population density of the orangebelly darter, Etheostoma radiosum cyanorum (Osteichthyes: Percidae)," reprint from The Southwest Naturalist, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 381-387. Folder 1973
UA053.002-03-1092 "Population and production estimates of fathead minnows in a South Dakota prairie wetland," reprint from The Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 63-66. Folder 1978
UA053.002-03-1093 "Effects of surface mining on the Vesper sparrow in the northern great plains," reprint from Journal of Range Management, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 500-503. Folder 1983
UA053.002-03-1095 "Helminths of South Dakota bobcats," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 60, pp. 135-141. Folder 1981
UA053.002-03-1098 "Ecological energetics and relationships in a mixed grass ecosystem," performed for Western Energy and Land Use Team Office of Biological Services Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Contract Number 14-16-0008-1181. Folder 1980
UA053.002-03-1100 "Primary and secondary hazards of three rodenticides to kit fox," reprint from The Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 416-418. Folder 1975
UA053.002-03-1105 "Cooperative regional studies with growing swine: effects of source of ingredients, form of diet and location on rate and efficiency of gain of growing swine," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 927-933. Folder 1969
UA053.002-03-1107 "Dehydrated alfalfa meal for growing-finishing pigs and brood sows kept on concrete," reprint from Feedstuffs. Folder 1962
UA053.002-03-1108 "Dehydrated alfalfa meal in rations from confined brood sows," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 448-453. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-1114 "Effect of added wheat gluten and mixing time on physical and sensory properties of spent fowl restructured steaks," reprint from Journal of Food Protection, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 297-300. Folder 1982
UA053.002-03-1115 "Effect of varying levels of raw and precooked spent fowl muscle in the manufacture of restructured steaks," reprint from Poultry Science, vol. 61, pp. 885-890. Folder 1982
UA053.002-03-1123 "Few suggestions on the care of the eggs and the rearing of the walking-stick, Diapheromera femorata Say," reprint from Psyche, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 121-123. Folder 1911
UA053.002-03-1124 "Habits of Belostoma (=Zaitha) flumineum Say and Nepa apiculata Uhler, with observations on other closely related aquatic hemiptera," reprint from Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 99-108. Folder 1911
UA053.002-03-1126 "Hog louse - Haemaopinus suis (Linn)," Farmers Bulletin 1985, Department of Agriculture Experiment Station, Circular 103, Moscow, Idaho. Year book 1942, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Folder undated
UA053.002-03-1128 "Kerosene traps as a means of checking up the effectiveness of a poisoned bait spray to control the Mediterranean fruit-fly (Ceratitis capitata Wied.) with a record of beneficial insects captured in the kerosene," reprint from Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 329-339. Folder 1915
UA053.002-03-1129 "Life history, natural enemies and the poisoned bait spray as a method of control of the imported onion fly (Phorbia cepetorum meade) with notes on other onion pests," reprint from Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 342-350. Folder 1915
UA053.002-03-1134 "Relative attractiveness of vegetable, animal and petroleum oils for the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wied.)," reprint from Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 240-248. Folder 1914
UA053.002-03-1138 "Whole aspen tree silage as wintering feed for bred stock cows," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 58, pp. 157-161. Folder 1979
UA053.002-03-1140 "Goose marking and production - characteristics and problems of South Dakota's goose industry," Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University, B 673. Folder 1981
UA053.002-03-1142 "SD10 inbred corn for hybrids with resistance to corn rootworm," reprint from South Dakota Farm & Home Research, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 4-6. Folder 1965
UA053.002-03-1151 "Field performance of Triploid and Diploid rainbow trout in South Dakota ponds," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 13, pp. 134-140. Folder 1993
UA053.002-03-1153 "Utilization of whole aspen tree material as a roughage component in growing cattle diets," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 551-556. Folder 1981
UA053.002-03-1155 "Food habits of walleye in Shadehill Reservoir, South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 11-18. Folder 1997
UA053.002-03-1160 "Indirect wetlands drainage in association with federal highway projects in the prairie pothole region," reprint from Wetlands, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 27-39 Folder 1989
UA053.002-03-1167 "Movements and habitats of brood-rearing wood ducks on a prairie river," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 437-442. Folder 1985
UA053.002-03-1172 "Fault bars on feathers of pheasants subjected to stress treatments," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vo. 57, pp. 139-143. Folder 1978
UA053.002-03-0752 "Various organic arsenicals in the prevention of selenium poisoning," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 35, pp. 189-192. Folder 1956
UA053.002-03-0757 "Effect of level of feeding during lactation on sow and pig performance," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1542-1545. Folder 1975