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- UF Journals (Publications)
- UF Magazines
- UF Periodical publications
South Dakota State University. Department of Dairy ScienceThis series is composed of annual reports, the Dairy Digest, a periodical published by the Dairy Club, and a scrapbook compiled in 1985 for the Dairy Club. The Dairy Digest originally began as a newsletter but grew into a periodical in the early 1990s. It features information about the Dairy Department and happenings within the Dairy Club.
Dairy Club (South Dakota State University)This collection is composed of material related to activities in which Evans was involved in during his career, newspaper clippings of articles featuring Evans, reviews of books and poetry written by Evans, material collected and gathered by Evans over the course of his trips to China and the writings the occurred as a result of these trips, publications, poems and books authored or co-authored by Evans and published, Evans works as they appeared in anthologies, textbooks and other publications, reviews of Evans works as reviewed by his peers, and manuscripts of poems, essays, writings and talks.
Included are files related to his work as Poet Laureate of South Dakota, articles related to his career as a writer, correspondence, diaries, research, copies of published books, clippings, journals, and manuscripts of early versions of Evans works that include notations by the author.
Evans, David AllanThis collection is composed of materials that pertain to the college. Folders contain booklets, programs, brochures, correspondence, minutes, periodicals, reports, posters, and photographs.
A large portion of the material deals with Engineering and Science Research at South Dakota State University. This material consists of summary sheets, reports and correspondence and is arranged by researcher name. This material covers research for engineering, chemistry, pharmacy, and agronomy.
Also included is biographical information on prominent persons related to the College of Engineering, including, Harold M. Crothers, Harry Solberg, Halvor Solberg, and Guy Lee Boyden.
A file on the engineering controversy of the early 1970s dealing with the possible transfer of the College of Engineering from South Dakota State University to another institution in the state. This material consists mainly of clippings, but also included is correspondence and notes.
Other items of note include several files of brochures on the various programs offered by the college, the Impulse magazine, a periodical published by the college featuring events and happenings in the college, and file dealing with the history of the College of Engineering at South Dakota State University.
South Dakota State University. Jerome J. Lohr College of EngineeringThe materials in this collection were gathered by various officers and members of South Dakota State Poetry Society. The collection consists of historical information, board meeting notes and minutes, correspondence, publications by the organization, publications by South Dakota poets, and the 2015 Poet Laureate recommendation to the Governor.
South Dakota State Poetry SocietyThis collection is composed mainly of Schultz's personal collection of articles he authored. Most are offprints from the journal in which the article appeared and many bear Schultz's signature. Also included are a few articles not authored by Schultz which are review articles or contain biographical material about Schultz.
The collection is composed of correspondence and a few collected works include either articles about Schultz or items that Schultz reviewed. The correspondence contains a letter from Schultz to Dr. Leon Raney, Dean of Libraries, South Dakota State University discussing writing a bibliography about Schultz.
Publications comprise the bulk of the collection and consist of Schultz' personal collections of articles, books and reports that he wrote. Most are off-prints from the journal in which the article appeared and many bear Schultz's signature.
The Dale Hoover collection on Theodore Schultz consists mainly of article drafts and conference papers, with a small amount being article reprints. This material was collected by Dale Hoover, a member of North Carolina State University Department of Agricultural and Resources Economics faculty. The items include highlighted passages and notation by Hoover. Some items have notes from Schultz to Hoover. It appears that Schultz would occasionally send drafts of articles to Hoover for opinions before publication.
Schultz, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1902-1998