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Finding Aid
Research Notebooks

Research notes recorded by Edgar S. McFadden. Research was conducted on barley verities: Success, Hanna, Gold, Minn 105, Odinbrucker, Gatami, Nepal, Hamchen; winter wheat varieties: Turkey, Red Chaff, Kharkov; Rye varieties; and Oats varieties: Ruakura, White Tartarian, Acme, Pelissur, Black Persian. Also included is correspondence between McFadden and J.A. Clark, Assistant Agronomist in charge of Western Wheat Investigation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.

Research Notebooks

Research notes recorded by Edgar S. McFadden on cereal breeding for the prairie northwest. Research was conducted on barley varieties: Success, Nepal, Minn 105, Oderbrucker, Gatami, Hanna, Gold, and Hancher; corn varieties: Oea Hirta, Hopi Maiz, Alta, and Ree Flour; winter wheat varieties: Hope, Lutercens, and Buffum. Also included are notes on garden vegetables: spinach, lettuce, onion, dill, beets, carrots, parsnips, beans, cucumber, muskmelon, and watermelon.

Research notes
1 · 1925-1926
Part of E.S. (Edgar Sharp) McFadden Papers

Research notes recorded by Edgar S. McFadden from 1925 to 1926. Research was conducted on oats varieties: Mark, Richland, Mark, wheat varieties: Acme, Vernal, Marquis, Hope, Webster, Kota, and Quality. Also included is data on smut experiments.

Small grain experiments at Prairie View are observed by Edgar S. McFadden (right) nationally famous wheat breeder of Texas A & M College and Professor Manley Champlin, retired, former head of the department of field husbandry at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada; agronomist Oliver E. Smith (left) is in charge of the Experiment Station tests