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Finding Aid
Edgar S. McFadden Flax Nursery in Kenedy, Texas
Photograph, Front
USDA Agricultural Research Administration News Release on Wheat Stem Rust
Page 2
Edgar S. McFadden Flax Nursery in Kenedy, Texas
Handwritten note
USDA Agricultural Research Administration News Release on Wheat Stem Rust
Page 1
Edgar S. McFadden Flax Nursery in Kenedy, Texas
Photograph, Back
Edgar S. McFadden Research Notes
Research Notebooks
Edgar S. McFadden Research Notes
Research Notebooks
Research notes recorded by Edgar S. McFadden from 1925 to 1926. Research was conducted on oats varieties: Mark, Richland, Mark, wheat varieties: Acme, Vernal, Marquis, Hope, Webster, Kota, and Quality. Also included is data on smut experiments.
Research notes
Baby portrait of Carol Mae McFadden
Baby portrait of Carol Mae McFadden
Cows on the McFadden farm
Cows on the McFadden farm
Edgar S. McFadden
Edgar S. McFadden
Edgar S. McFadden at a Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas around 1950
Edgar S. McFadden at a Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas around 1950
Edgar S. McFadden at work in his office at Texas A & M University
Edgar S. McFadden at work in his office at Texas A & M University
Edgar S. McFadden doing research in wheat genetics
Edgar S. McFadden doing research in wheat genetics
Edgar S. McFadden in a flax field at Kenedy in 1949
Edgar S. McFadden in a flax field at Kenedy in 1949
Edgar S. McFadden in a test plot of wheat
Edgar S. McFadden in a test plot of wheat
Edgar S. McFadden in a wheat field
Edgar S. McFadden in a wheat field
Edgar S. McFadden kneeling in a wheat field
Edgar S. McFadden kneeling in a wheat field
Edgar S. McFadden looking at wheat
Edgar S. McFadden looking at wheat
Seven head sections of Success x Manchuria wheat
Seven head sections of Success x Manchuria wheat
Edgar S. McFadden sitting at his desk in 1951
Edgar S. McFadden sitting at his desk in 1951
Edgar S. McFadden test plot of wheat
Edgar S. McFadden test plot of wheat
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with a group of people
Edgar S. McFadden with potted wheat plants
Edgar S. McFadden with potted wheat plants
Edgar S. McFadden, Manley Champlin, and Oliver Smith conducting small grain experiments
Edgar S. McFadden, Manley Champlin, and Oliver Smith conducting small grain experiments
Head section of New Era Barley
Head section of New Era Barley
Head sections of cross-pollinated barley
Head sections of cross-pollinated barley
McFadden family in 1919
McFadden family in 1919
Portrait of a young Edgar S. McFadden
Portrait of a young Edgar S. McFadden
Seven head sections of Success x Gatarni wheat
Seven head sections of Success x Gatarni wheat
Boyd, J.E., Mrs.
Boyd, J.E., Mrs.
Citation of Lawrence E. Ingalls
Ingalls, Lawrence E.
Citation of T.A. Jackson
Jackson, T.A.
Citation of Edith Jones
Jones, Edith
Citation of Martin Jorgensen, Sr.
Jorgensen, Martin F.
Citation of Arthur C. Kelsey
Kelsey, Arthur C.
Citation of Mary E. Kotrba
Kotrba, Mary E.
Citation of Albert Keffeler
Keffeler, Albert
Citation of Helen Johnson
Johnson, Helen
Citation of Clara J. Johnson
Johnson, Clara J. [Mrs. Vincent S. Johnson]
Citation of Mrs. Arthur Justice
Justice, Arthur F., Mrs.
Citation of Gyda Keller
Keller, Gyda
Citation of Fanny Kratochvil
Kratochvil, Fanny
Citatiaon of Mrs. E.W. Laisy
Laisy, E.W., Mrs.
Citation of Fredrika Larson
Larson, Fredricka
Citation of Stella Malone
Malone, Stella
Citation of Christina K. Lacey
Lacey, Christina K.
Citation of Amy K. Larson
Larson, Amy K.
Citation of Mary A. Ludwig
Ludwig, Mary Alice
Citation of Inga A. Larson
Larson, Inga A.
Citation of Lillian Larson
Larson, Lillian
Citation of Mrs. Otto Laue
Laue, Otto (Mrs.)
Citation of Frank J. McHugh
McHugh, Frank J.
Citation of Genevieve Melius
Melius, Genevieve
Citation of Lyman F. Merry
Merry, Lyman G.
Citation of Margaret Masteller
Masteller, Margaret
Citation of J.F. McLoughlin
McLoughlin, J.F.
Citation of Mrs. Louis L. Meehan
Meehan, Louis L. (Mrs.)
Citation of John Meland
Meland, John
Citation of Otto G. Meyer
Meyer, Otto G.
Citation of Margaret Mernaugh
Mernaugh, Margaret
Citation of Selma Martens
Martens, Selma
Citation of Elvin E. Mitchell
Mitchell, Elvin E.
Citation of WIlliam M. Naessig
Naessig, William M.
Citation of Mrs. George Millar
Millar, George (Mrs.)
Citation of Myrl Moe
Moe, Myrl
Citation of John R. Michaels
Michaels, John Rudolph
Citation of Grant W. Morsman
Morsman, Grant W.
Citation of Mrs. G.W. Mossing
Mossing, G.W. (Mrs.)
Citation of Paul C. Murphy
Murphy, Paul C.
Citation of Ethel Miles
Miles, Ethel
Citation of Mrs. Peter Moe
Moe, Peter (Mrs.)
Citation of Mary E. Nold
Nold, Mary E. (Mrs.)
Citation of LIllian Olson
Olson, Lillian
Citation of Mrs. Charles A. Rasmussen
Rasmussen, Charles A. (Mrs.)
Citation of  Louisa F. Rehfeld
Rehfeld, Louisa F. (Mrs.)
Citation for Mrs. W.J. O'Banion
O'Banion, W.J., Mrs.
Citation of Harold N. Opdahl
Opdahl, Harold N.
Citation of  Leona Rebbe
Rebbe, Henry L. (Mrs.)
Citation of Roy Norman
Norman, Roy
Citation of Mrs. Henry J. Rehorst
Rehorst, H.J. (Mrs.)
Citation of Mrs. George L. Renner
Renner, George L., Mrs.
Citation of Evelyn Petik
Petik, Evelyn (Mrs. Joseph)
Citation of Henry Preheim
Preheim, Henry P.
Citation of Adeline Reynolds
Reynolds, Adeline
Citation of Joseph J. Rezac
Rezac, Joseph J.
Citation of  John S. Robertson
Robertson, John S.
Citation of Mrs. William A. Ruppel
Ruppel, W.A. (Mrs.)
Citation of Henry P. Ripp
Ripp, Henry P.
Citation of Smith Robbins
Robbins, Smith
Citation of Mrs. H.M. Rogers
Rogers, H.M. (Mrs.)
Citation of Clifford R. Rush
Rush, Clifford R.
Citation of E.G. Sanderson
Sanderson, E.G.
Citation of Orpha Schenk
Schenk, Orpha
Citation of Mrs. Donald C. Rice
Rice, Donald C., Mrs.
Citation of Addie Sloat
Sloat, Addie, Mrs.
Citation of Mrs. Martin Sorenson
Sorenson, Martin, Mrs.