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Finding Aid
MA 050 · Records · 1941-2004

The Sokota Hybrid Producers, Inc. records are composed mainly of Board of Directors minutes from its incorporation in 1944 to its dissolution in 1986. Most of the minutes include an agenda and the minutes. Some may include newsletters, correspondence, and reports. The collection also includes articles of incorporation, by-laws, purchase agreement, financial material, and trademark information.

The financial material is composed of corn payments, revolving fund certificates, grower and producer ledger sheets, and other certificates related to the financial portion of Sokota.

Also included are newspapers clippings on the history of Sokota, South Dakota codified laws in relation to cooperatives, and a photocopy of the first check written.

Sokota Hybrid Producers
MA 120 · 1969-2021

This collection is composed of local and national records of the South Dakota Paint Horse Club. Folders include newsletters, programs, futurity reports, show records, auction records, meeting minutes, directories, newspaper articles, correspondence, financial statements, memorandums, and tapes.

South Dakota Paint Horse Club
UA 005 · Records · 1890-2019

This collection is composed of general office records and publications generated by the Office of the Dean for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Folders consist of correspondence, course changes/additions, fact sheets, short course and conference materials, college promotional material, newsletters, brochures, posters and other publications. Also included are budgets and financial reports for the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Included are salary budget, budget reports for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and financial reports for the Cooperative State Research Service, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture. The salary budgets, also called salary lists, are comprised of position listings for each department within the college, the contract pay for the previous year and the recommended pay for the upcoming fiscal year. Correspondence and research on the contract pay for faculty and staff in other institutions can also be found in this collection.

South Dakota State University. College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Economics Department Records
UA 005.01 · Records · 1920-2014

This collections is composed of administrative material and various publications. The administrative material includes newsletters, programs, pamphlets, reports, and posters. The publications are composed material created by the Economics Department for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, pamphlets, research reports, and staff papers. These publications cover economic topics related to agriculture and farm and ranch management.

South Dakota State University. Department of Economics
UA 005.02 · Records · 1911-2019

Composed of publications produced by the Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape and Parks Department. Material included newsletters, programs, certificates, record books, clippings, info-sheets, surveys, pamphlets, and a survey.

Also included is a botany ledger used to teach the manes of plants and study plant anatomy. Included are descriptions of the plant and a plant sample pressed between the pages. This ledger was most likely compiled by a student, although there is no distinct evidence to that.

Researchers are urged to view this material with care as the pages are loose and the plant samples are very fragile and contain allergens.

South Dakota State University. Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape, and Parks
UA 005.06 · Records · circa 1977-2003, undated

This collection is composed of material published by the Biology and Microbiology Department, included are pamphlets, newsletters, and posters.

South Dakota State University. Department of Biology and Microbiology
UA 005.10 · Records · 1969-2007

This collection is composed of material published by the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department. Folders contain brochures, programs, newsletters and announcements. The Buffalo Banquet was an awards banquet featuring buffalo as the main course. This event was sponsored by the student chapter of the Wildlife Society known as the Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Club at South Dakota State University.

The Habitat Management Guides are publications of the Soil Conservation Service in Huron, S.D. and cover topics on pronghorn antelope, wild turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, rainbow trout, ring-necked pheasant, and mourning dove.

South Dakota State University. Department of Natural Resources Management