Showing 213 results

Finding Aid
Zingmark, Loren
86 · Folder · 2006-05-03
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Loren Zingmark, former general manager of East River Electric Power Cooperative.

Zilverberg, Jim
85 · Folder · 2007-05-12
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Jim Zilverberg, South Dakota native, veteran cartoonist, and former staff member of the Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association, now part of CHS, Inc.

Wollman, Harvey
83 · Folder · 2007-08-19
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Harvey Wollman, former Associated Milk Producers division manager.

Whitmyre, Maynard
81 · Folder · 2007-09-26
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Maynard Whitemyre, former field representative and Vice President of the South Dakota Farmers Union.

Vivian V. Volstorff Papers
UA 053.012 · Papers · 1921-1976

This collection is composed of material from Volstorff's personal and professional life. Folders includes personal records retained during her tenure as Dean of Women, records from her work with campus organizations, planning documents, and personal information and correspondence. Also included are Volstorff's many speeches and writings, including research and drafts for her book, Winds of Change.

Volstorff, Vivian V. (Vivian Virginia), 1907-2002
MA 019 · Papers · 1862, 1901, 1925-2021, undated

This collection is composed of manuscripts of books and articles written by Sneve, as well as research materials and correspondence from both publishers and fans. General items include materials related to Sneve's career such as speaking engagements and awards, as well as biographical material, journals, and hard cover copies of many of her books.

Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, 1933-
Vedvei, Alec
80 · Folder · 2006-08-09
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Alec Vedvei, Kingsbury County Cooperative leader.

Van Walleghan, Merlin
79 · Folder · 2007-01-10
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Merlin Van Walleghan, former member of the board of directors of CHS, Inc., 2007 South Dakota Association of Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee

Ullom, Robert
78 · Folder · 2007-06-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Ullom, former member of the board of directors of the Farmers Union Oil Company at Flandreau and the Farmers Union Central Exchange.

Twenty-one Days in Europe
MA012-AV-0191 · 1955
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Thirty-eight National Farmers Union members representing seven states paid their own way to participate in a tour of Europe in October 1955. They visited farms, dairy's, cooperatives, cheese and sugar factories, and grain elevators. Locations visited were the Azores, Italy, Switzerland, France, and England. Narrated by John Eklund. Color film. Sound.

Top of the Farm News
MA012-AV-0149_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Top of the Farm News recording. Creighton Knau, WNAX farm director, is speaking about the 1963 feed grain program details. The agriculture department has moved to slow down its acreage reduction program for feed grains. Ben Radcliffe, president of the SD Farmers Union, is in Washington, DC chairing a national Farmers Union committee working on feed grain proposals the committee will submit to Congress next year. Charles Schuman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, feels that reserves of feed grains should not be kept in government storage.

Tonsager, Dallas
77 · Folder · 2006-08-25
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Dallas Tonsager, Farm Credit Administration board member, former South Dakota Farmers Union president, and former USDA Rural Development Director for South Dakota.

Testerman, Philip
75 · Folder · 2005-04-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Phillip Testerman, farmer, insurance agent, and member of the South Dakota Senate and House of Representatives.

Symens, Paul
74 · Folder · 2007-03-26
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Paul Symens, Farmers Union Marketing and Processing Association director, former South Dakota Farmers Union board member, and former state Senator.

Swayze, Orris
72 · Folder · 2006-06-21
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Orris Swayze, cooperative activist and alternative fuels supporter.

Stillson, Kenneth
71 · Folder · 2006-06-20
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Kenneth Stillson former manager of the Marshall County Farmers Union Oil Company.

Sperl, Robert, Sr.
70 · Folder · 2005-10-14
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Robert Sperl, Sr., cooperative and Farmers Union activist in Gregory County.

MA012-AV-0075_03 · 1955-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Mrs. George Headley, president of the South Dakota United Nations Association, explains that the purpose of the organization. She also announces that Henry Cabot Lodge, the U.S. delegate to the U.N. General Assembly will be the featured speaker at the state convention in October 1955. York Langton, regional president of the American Association for the .United Nations, speaks about the investment for peace through the United Nations.

MA012-AV-0075_02 · 1955-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota United Nations Association panel speaker Dr. Frank P. Graham, United Nations representative to India and Pakistan, talks about how the United Nations strengthens peace in the world, the F.A.O., racial discrimination, and the atomic age. Charles F. Brannan, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, speaks about the economy, the abundance of food for the first time in history, world peace, freedom, and price support programs.

MA012-AV-0074_02 · 1955-10-08
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota United Nations Association panel speakers Dr. Frank P. Graham, United Nations representative to India and Pakistan, Reverend Ernshaw, and Dr. Kerr, president of Huron College. Discussed the contributions of the U.N. to maintain world peace through campaigns against hunger, illiteracy, poverty, disease, colonialism, and war.

MA012-AV-0079_01 · 1980-05-06
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Radio program talking about the challenges the agriculture faces. The farm crisis, the decline of farming, and parity and discussed. Ben Radcliffe comments on a Farm Income Farm Credit meeting. Comments from Ben Radcliffe on in come and standard of living for farmers. Women's Action Conference held in Sioux Falls participant shared concerns and ideas with consumers and businessmen and looked at ways for women to become involved politically, cooperatively, and through community organizations to strengthen relationships with agriculture and rural community allies. Comments from Erma Stuart, Jeanie Hetland, and Laurie Daschle about business, farm credit, and involvement in the government process. Theme music for the radio program is heard at the beginning and end of the recording.

MA012-AV-0086_01 · 1980-05-06
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Speakers at the South Dakota Farmers Women's Conference on the Crisis in Rural America. Laurie Daschle speaks about getting women involved in the political process. Erma Stewart talks about business and farm credit. Elsie Hovey food prices, the Russian embargo, and the railroad tax. Ben Radcliffe speaks about embargos and farm legislation. He also talks about parity and low grain prices. There are moments of silence between speakers.

MA012-AV-0187 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Activities at a South Dakota Farmers Union summer camp. Includes footage of teenagers participating in daily activities such as meals, swimming, making crafts, and dancing. Also contains footage of a man giving a demonstration with liquid nitrogen. The film is undated, in color, and silent.

MA012-AV-0169_01 · 1952-05-10
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Glenn Talbot, Vice President of the National Farmers Union, speaking at the dedication of the new building for the state headquarters of the South Dakota Farmers Union in Huron, South Dakota. He speaks about price support legislation, the need for increases in agricultural production to support the population growth in the United States and the 1949 Farm Act.

MA012-AV-0170_01 · 1952-05-10
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Gladys Talbott Edwards, representing the Department of Education in the National Farmers Union, speaking at the dedication of the new building for the state headquarters of the South Dakota Farmers Union in Huron, South Dakota. She speaks about the Junior Farmers Union program. Emil Syftestad, manager of Farmers Union Central exchange, speaks about the pioneers of the Farmers Union in South Dakota.

MA 012 · Records · 1914-2009

The records are comprised of correspondence, meeting minutes, publications, scrapbooks, photographs, oral history interviews, audio-visual materials, and the records of local unions.

South Dakota Farmers Union
MA012-AV-0162_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union communication director, Chuck Growth radio report on the South Dakota legislature. Ben Radcliffe talks about a proposal with could guarantee minority rule on the subject of taxes and how it is not good for local property taxes. A reporter names Wilma introduces Richard Moser who reports from Washington, D.C. about the Farmers Union lobby effort regarding tax reform and the Homestead. Mrs. Fred Gordon comments discussions with congressman about issues like the Homestead act, estate planning and price support.

MA012-AV-0182 · 1952
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union picnics. Features children participating in outdoor activities such as playing softball, volleyball, horseshoes, swimming, horseback riding, leading cattle, foot racing, square dancing, and picnicking. Other footage includes flag-raising ceremonies, Mount Rushmore, various Co-op products, and Phillips 66 trucks and equipment. The film is in color and silent.

MA012-AV-0136_01 · circa 1970-1979
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Allan Burke, South Dakota Farmers Union communications director, announces the upcoming Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference that will be held in Chamberlain, South Dakota. The conference will feature a discussion of state and national issues including tax reform, corporate farming, constitutional revision, probate and transportation. National Farmers Union Legislative Director Reuben Johnson will cover current legislative development and projections in Congress. State Senator Grace Mickelson will address the noon luncheon.

MA012-AV-0138_01 · circa 1970-1979
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Allan Burke, South Dakota Farmers Union communications director, announces the upcoming Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference that will be held in Watertown, South Dakota. The conference will feature a discussion of state and national issues including tax reform, corporate farming, constitutional revision, probate and transportation. National Farmers Union Legislative Director Reuben Johnson will cover current legislative development and projections in Congress. State Representative Burt Ellingson will address the noon luncheon.

MA012-AV-0135_01 · circa 1970-1979
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Allan Burke, South Dakota Farmers Union communications director, announces the upcoming Farmers Union Legislative Action Conference that will be held in Redfield, South Dakota. The conference will feature a discussion of state and national issues including tax reform, corporate farming, constitutional revision, probate and transportation. National Farmers Union Legislative Director Reuben Johnson will cover current legislative development and projections in Congress. Senator Harvey Wollman will address the noon luncheon.

MA012-AV-0131_01 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

National Farmers Union Weekly Radio program reports on the South Dakota Farmers Union report on Ladies Fly-In to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Howie Howard of Mellette, South Dakota is interviewed about issues she will be discussing with congressmen and senators. Topics include the federal state tax reform and full employment and growth act of 1976.

MA012-AV-0131_02 · 1976
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

National Farmers Union Weekly Radio program reports on the South Dakota Farmers Union report on Ladies Fly-In to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Don Tisher of Amherst, South Dakota is interviewed about her visits with congressmen and senators about problems that farmers are facing and helping them to better understand how these things work in the government.

MA012-AV-0141_01 · 1970-04-27
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

National Farmers Union Weekly Radio program reports on the South Dakota Farmers Union report on Ladies Fly-In to Washington, D.C. Joe O'Neill interviews Maxine Peterson and Mrs. Earl Larson, about the coalition farm bill, erosion, the school lunch milk program, interest rates, and Medicare Part B.

MA012-AV-0186 · 1948
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Film footage of the South Dakota Farmers Union activities during 1948. The scenes included are from a workshop in Mitchell, South Dakota; District Two Camp in Forestburg; District One Camp; Hutchinson County Picnic; and Youth Roundup in Aberdeen. The footage also includes youth members talking at a radio station, walking, and playing volleyball, The film has scenes from parades in Aberdeen and Watertown featuring members from around the state and promoting CO-OPs.

The film footage is in black and white, in color, and is silent with text segment titles.

MA012-AV-0189 · 1949
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Footage of activities at the South Dakota Farmers Union Junior Camps at various locations, including Swan Lake, Lake Kampeska,and Lake Poinsett. Also included is footage of the National Farmers Union All State Camp in Red Rocks Park, Colorado. Color film. No sound.

MA012-AV-0105_02 · 1977
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Continuation of South Dakota Farmers Union Energy Conservation Panel, Part 1 (MA012-AV-0105_01). Panel of experts speaking to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about energy conservation. Panel members are George Peterson of Northwestern Public Service, Lloyd Turnwall, superintendent of Huron Public Schools, John Feldeman of South Dakota State University, and Jim Valeer of the South Dakota Farmer's Home Administration. Recording includes remarks by Dr. J. O. Storry, Dean of Engineering and Dr. Bert Eno, Mechanical Engineering, South Dakota State University speaks about alternative energy. Roger Price and Kurt Johnson of Huron, South Dakota talk about solar energy. A question and answer session follows.

MA012-AV-0105_01 · 1977
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Panel of experts speaking to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about energy conservation. Panel members are George Peterson of Northwestern Public Service, Lloyd Turnwall, superintendent of Huron Public Schools, John Feldeman of South Dakota State University, and Jim Valeer of the South Dakota Farmer's Home Administration. The recording cuts off in the middle of Jim Valeer speaking and is continued on South Dakota Farmers Union Energy Conservation Panel, Part 2 (MA012-AV-105_02).

MA012-AV-0188 · circa 1940-1949
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union Educational Department film clips of the Huron Ladies Camp, the leaders' incentive trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, the South St. Paul stockyards, and market day in Sioux Falls, South Dakota for member of 4-H, Future Farmers of America, and Farmers Union Juniors. Footage includes clips of camp activities, travel stops, and stock yard footage. Color film. No sound.

MA012-AV-0172_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Thirty-six South Dakota Farmers Union delegates meeting in Washington, D.C. with Senator Karl Mundt about the Brannan program. The farmers want 100% of parity and feel the worst thing would be to do nothing in Congress for a farm bill this year. They also talk about the R.E.A. At the conclusion of a meeting at the Dodge Hotel in Washington, people are being interviewed as they pass out of the meeting.

MA012-AV-0183 · circa 1950-1959
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Series of video clips depicting various scenes, including plowing snow covered streets, the State Farm Insurance office of Ray Satterlee, an outdoor gathering, mowing with an early gas-powered lawn mower, children raising an American flag then saying the pledge of allegiance. At one point, the children and adults wearing yellow paper hats the read Hats off to Your Local Co-op, It Belongs To You. At 13:18, the video end with various gatherings or camps, though there is no division between locations. Color film. No sound.

MA012-AV-0193 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

South Dakota Farmers Union delegates bus-in trip to Washington, D.C. Includes footage of sites visited such as the Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, and the White House. Also included is video of tours through Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and a dam at Columbus, Nebraska. Color film. No sound.

MA012-AV-0118_01 · circa 1950-1959
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Dick Ricci interviews state Farmers Union president, Ben Radcliffe. Radcliffe discusses inflation being blamed on high food prices by the present administration, farm income, parity, and farm expenses.

MA012-AV-0127_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Chuck Groth introduces South Dakota Farmers Union President Ben Radcliffe who praised Governor Kneips selection of Lieutenant Governor Harvey Wollman as the state Secretary of Agriculture. Radcliffe also praised retiring Secretary of Agriculture, William Schroeder. Allan Burke talks about the Agribusiness Accountability Project (AAP) report, trends in agriculture, vertical integration, contract farming, elimination of the 1974 agricultural census from the budget, and combining agricultural statistics into a census of manufacturing.

MA012-AV-0157_01 · circa 1970-1979
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talk about the fuel allocations for farmers will not be a priority during this legislative session which may lead to food shortages. The U.S.D.A. is encouraging farmers to try and conserve their fuel as much as possible.

MA012-AV-0085_01 · 1974
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke discusses the legislative session. Issues debated were tax reform, the Family Farm Act, uniform probate code, railroads, interest rate, and other actions considered by the legislature including the funding of an Animal Science Facility at South Dakota State University, health care cooperatives, and land use.

MA012-AV-0114_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. News topics include the Farmers Union supports the Food Stamp program, beef added to the list of U.S. commodities which foreign countries can buy for soft currencies, and the Farmers Union Central Exchange in St. Paul is distributing the largest patronage refund in its history, $9,365,000.

MA012-AV-0114_02 · 1965
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. News topics include the state advisory board of the South Dakota Farmers Union discussed the importance of the terminal-type of livestock market to the family farmer and the gains made in the cooperative market, the South Dakota Legislature will be debating bills of interest to farmers, and the South Dakota R.E.A. annual meeting.

MA012-AV-0137_01 · circa 1970-1979
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke announces the upcoming Farmers Union Rural Action Conference in Philip, South Dakota. The conference feature discussions on conglomerate farming, no fault insurance, tax reform, gas tax refund changes and updating the state's probate laws.

MA012-AV-0103_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Man talks about a Minnesota Farmers Union Ladies Legislative Fly-In to Washington, D.C. to present the farmers side of the legislative picture to members of Congress. Also discusses is Truth in Packaging and Truth in Lending legislation being lost in Congress, and South Dakotas farmers impressive credit rating with the Farmers Home Administration.

MA012-AV-0093_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about import quotas being lifted for dairy products, the increase of world wheat production that could surpass demand, the possible shortage of feed grains, and the increase in postage rates.

MA012-AV-0094_01 · undated
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about oil companies' profits and a proposed new tax code on international oil companies and guarantees against collapsing farm prices so are able to boost the production that is needed.

MA012-AV-0150_01 · circa 1973-1975
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Allan Burke talks about a power struggle between the executive branch and the legislative branch, wherein the President has ignored Congress. The President has ignored pricing provisions in the international wheat agreement, impounded funds, and cut farm programs. Burke calls for Congress to demand the reinstatement of all farm programs and that they be fully funded.

MA012-AV-0160_01 · 1975
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Political panel at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention moderated by the Lt. Governor featuring South Dakota legislators Henry Poppin, Philip Testerman, Les Kleven, Lars Herseth, Bob Weber, and Andy Weese. Topics discussed are healthcare in the rural area, the Oahe Project referendum, farm organizations and rural unity, agricultural economic development, education, and tax proposals for 1976. A question and answer session follows.

MA012-AV-0087_01 · 1975-10-13
Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

Stanley Moore, president of the North Dakota Farmers Union, talks about the myths of the family farmer and how they are no longer true because the family farm has become more important. Last speaker talks about how the railroad system is losing money how it is affecting farmers.