South Dakota -- Brookings
1483 Finding Aid results for South Dakota -- Brookings
This series is composed of Brookings city and county related business cards, business envelopes, signs, ribbons, and other related items, most of which relate to Brookings City or County. Folders contain items such as bumper stickers, business cards, calendars, envelopes, framed images, matchbooks, postcards, ribbons and badges, and signs.
Composed of information related to the Norby business, Images of the Past and personal material such as correspondence and photographs.
The Subject Files are composed of material that covers a variety of topics including; Brookings city and county, organizations, churches, businesses, residential, persons, South Dakota State University and more. It is suggested that researchers consult both the city and county files as some material crosses over into both groups. There is also limited information on South Dakota and areas outside of Brooking County.
N.E Hansen's research notebook regarding field experiments for grasses and grains in 1888 and 1889. The field consisted of 66 plots. He studied 92 varieties in total including: 22 grasses, 9 clovers, 20 wheats, 23 oats, 14 barleys, 1 rye. Hansen was assisted by John M. Aldrich, Alvah George Cross, and J.G. Ross.
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Painting by Evelyn T. Hubbard; Oil on Panel, of Old Central and Old North at South Dakota State University;
The painting is a ‘legacy’ in the archives. A handwritten note in the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs collection from Chuck Cecil (Nov. 3, 1967) reads “Contact Mrs. Earl Washburn of Fulton, S.D. regarding painting by Mrs. Evelyn Hubbard of Old North & Old Central. They desire the painting go to the Art Center.
Professor N.E. Hansen stand in ornamental grass at the horticulture grounds of South Dakota State College, the classroom building (right) and the Horticulture building (behind Hansen) are visible in the background
Portrait of Professor N.E. Hansen
Crowds of people gathered on the campus of South Dakota State College to attend the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen
People gathered between the Horticulture Building and the Administration Building for the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen on the campus of South Dakota State College
Crowds of people gathered for a reception for the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen n the campus of South Dakota State College
Crowds of people gathered for a reception for the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen n the campus of South Dakota State College
Unveiling of the rock and bronze tablet commemorating Dr. N.E. Hansen's work, it was located in between the Administration Building and the Horticulture Building; left to right: unknown man, Frank Cundill, South Dakota State College President Leinbach; Governor Mickelson; Dr. Hansen; Carl Hansen; Harry Dory; and Lucille Dory
South Dakota Governor Mickelson congratulates Dr. N.E. Hansen on his long-time term of service at South Dakota State College and his distinguished work as a plant breeder as he addresses a crowd of 250 relatives, friends, and associates during the ceremonies commemorating the achievements of Dr. Hansen in the field of horticulture, this occurred in front of Lincoln Memorial Library
People gathered in front of Lincoln Memorial Library listening to speakers during the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen on the campus of South Dakota State College
Monument dedicated to N.E. Hansen in recognition to his service to South Dakota State College, it was located in between the Administration Building and the Horticulture Building; the bronze citation reads: 'South Dakota State College seeks to perpetuate the memory of its long-time fruit and plant breeder: Niels Ebbesen Hansen. Born at Rebe, Denmark, January 4, 1866, came to the United States in 1873. Made Professor of Horticulture of South Dakota State College in 1895; Professor Emeritus in 1937. A world traveler and collector of plants, he developed drought resistant verities of fruits, flowers, and grasses for the Great Plains. His efforts provided the people of the Great Plains the means through which they enjoy a better living. August 25, 1959.' The rock was donated by Jno E. Gueffroy from near Colman, South Dakota. It is approximately 4.5 feet tall, 4.5 feet wide, with a 26 inch base.
N.E. Hansen responds when the monument erected in his honor was unveiled at South Dakota State College; left to right: State College President Leinbach, Governor Mickelson, Dr. Hansen, Carl Hansen, Lucille Dory
People gathered between the Horticulture Building and the Administration Building for the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen on the campus of South Dakota State College
Dr. N.E. Hansen seated at a table visiting with guests at the recognition service his honor on the campus of South Dakota State College
Rock and bronze tablet commemorating Dr. N.E. Hansen's work; left to right: South Dakota State College President Leinbach; Lucille Dory, member of the Board of Regents; Governor Mickelson; Dr. Hansen; Frank Cundill, member of the Board of Regents; A. M. Eberle, Dean of Agriculture; and Arlington Eddy, chairman of arrangements.
Crowds of people gathered for a reception for the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen n the campus of South Dakota State College
People seated in folding chairs and the grass in front of Lincoln Memorial Library on the campus of South Dakota State College to hear Carl Hansen speak during the recognition service for Dr. N.E. Hansen for his work in horticulture
Richard Kneip is talking with people while at South Dakota State University's Hobo Day in Brookings, South Dakota.
South Dakota Farmers Union Communications Director, Chuck Groth, Cooperative Legacy Project interview with Cecil Sanderson, former County Agent and rural electric cooperative organizer.
South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station field research notebook of N.E. Hansen. Research on varieties of soybeans, alfalfa, and kochia were conducted in Highmore, SD and Brookings, SD during 1943. Handwritten.
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950