Vertical integration

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      Hierarchical terms

      Vertical integration

        Equivalent terms

        Vertical integration

        • UF Industrial -- Vertical integration
        • UF Integration, Vertical

        Associated terms

        Vertical integration

          2 Finding Aid results for Vertical integration

          2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          MA012-AV-0127_01 · undated
          Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

          Agriculture in Review news program of current interest to South Dakota farmers and ranchers presented by the South Dakota Farmers Union. Chuck Groth introduces South Dakota Farmers Union President Ben Radcliffe who praised Governor Kneips selection of Lieutenant Governor Harvey Wollman as the state Secretary of Agriculture. Radcliffe also praised retiring Secretary of Agriculture, William Schroeder. Allan Burke talks about the Agribusiness Accountability Project (AAP) report, trends in agriculture, vertical integration, contract farming, elimination of the 1974 agricultural census from the budget, and combining agricultural statistics into a census of manufacturing.

          MA012-AV-0036_01 · 1963-10-15
          Part of South Dakota Farmers Union Records

          South Dakota Farmers Union 1963 convention speakers. Clyde Roe, general manager of Great Plains Supply Co. in St. Paul, Minnesota, Les Gravelle, manager of the Farmers' Union Livestock Commission, Dail Gibson, manager of South Dakota R.E.A., George Bickel, assistant to the president of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union.