State Senator Allen Sperry and Richard Kneip during the 1970 campaign in Aberdeen, South Dakota
South Dakota -- Aberdeen
7 Finding Aid results for South Dakota -- Aberdeen
Frank Denholm at a campaign event in Aberdeen, South Dakota. Two women are standing by a table with pies on it. There is a McGovern U.S. Senator hanging on the wall.
Frank Denholm at a campaign event in Aberdeen, South Dakota. He is holding a pie in his right hand that he is auctioning to the highest bidder. A woman is in the foreground.
Frank Denholm is holding a McGovern campaign hat while Evelyn Lord, Bob Chamberlain, Donna Kuhfeld look at it at a campaign event in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Frank Denholm at a campaign event in Aberdeen, South Dakota. He is holding a white frosted cake in his hand and appears to be auctioning the cake to the highest bidder.
Volume 01 Number 10 of Pasque Petals, the poetry journal published by the South Dakota State Poetry Society in February 1927 in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
South Dakota State Poetry SocietyCollection contains 11 Betacam video tapes and 5 DVDs documenting events and scenery in South Dakota. The footage is taken of Lake Andes, the Ft. Randall Casino, Aberdeen, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Tribe in South Dakota. The footage was taken by TLN Productions for their Discover America series, which promoted travel throughout the United States.
TLN Productions