Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
MA 19: B21-F02 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Lana's Lakota Moons- Research, Lakota Folder 1977-2005
MA 19: B21-F04 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Medicine Bag- Permissions Folder 1990-1999
MA 19: B21-F07 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Book Folder 2013
MA 19: B21-F09 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Great Plains Symposium Folder 2015
MA 19: B22-F01 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- I-pad e-book Folder 2008-2013
MA 19: B22-F02 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Manuscript Folder 2011
MA 19: B22-F03 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Pictures Folder 2009
MA 19: B22-F04 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Promotional Folder 2013
MA 19: B22-F05 CREATIVE WRITINGS: Standing Bear of the Ponca- Research Folder 2009-2011
MA 19: B23-F01 GENERAL: Activities -Emmanuel Intercessors Folder undated
MA 19: B23-F02 GENERAL: Activities -Journey Museum, Board of Directors Member Folder 1996-2001
MA 19: B24-F01 GENERAL: Activities -'Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Talks About Her Writing - correspondence Folder 1996
MA 19: B24-F04 GENERAL: Activities -Women's History Commission Folder undated
MA 19: B25 Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers - Box 25 Box
MA 19: B25-F01 GENERAL: Activities -Women's History Commission Folder 2001 July, undated
MA 19: B25-F05 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - Congressional Club Annual Luncheon Honoring Nancy Reagan Folder 1985
MA 19: B25-F06 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - Dakota State College in Recognition of Her Distinguished Contributions To the Preservation of South Dakota History Folder 1982
MA 19: B26-F02 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - Girl Scouts of the Black Hills - Women & Girls of Distinction, Rapid City, SD Folder 2006
MA 19: B26-F07 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) - National Humanities Medal - commemorative certificates Folder 2000
MA 19: B28-F05 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - Rapid City Area Schools 51-4 - For 8 Years of Devoted Service Folder undated
MA 19: B29-F01 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - South Dakota Arts Council - Governor's Award in the Arts for Distinction in Creative Achievement Folder 2007
MA 19: B29-F05 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - South Dakota Education Association (SDEA)/NEA - Human and Civil Rights Award - publicity Folder 1994
MA 19: B29-F07 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - South Dakota Press Women's Association - Press Woman of Achievement Award Folder 1974-1975
MA 19: B30-F05 GENERAL: Biographical -'Author Profile', Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve, Library Talk, page 20 Folder 1994 November-December
MA 19: B30-F08 GENERAL: Biographical -'Indian Womenby Bernie Hunhoff in 'South Dakota Magazine,page 23 Folder 1995 November-December
MA 19: B31-F02 GENERAL: Biographical -'Real Treasureby Jennifer Widman in 'Calling Home,' Folder 1998 Spring
MA 19: B31-F05 GENERAL: Calendar Folder 2001
MA 19: B32 Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers - Box 32 Box
MA 19: B32-F06 GENERAL: Correspondence - Brevet Press - Speaking Engagements Folder 1973-1975
MA 19: B32-F07 GENERAL: Correspondence - Holiday House Folder 1972-1975
MA 19: B33 Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers - Box 33 Box
MA 19: B33-F01 GENERAL: Correspondence - Holiday House Folder 1976-1999
MA 19: B33-F02 GENERAL: Correspondence - Holiday House Folder 2001-2011
MA 19: B33-F06 GENERAL: Correspondence - Lerner Publications Company Folder 1990-1992
MA 19: B33-F07 GENERAL: Correspondence - Permissions Folder 1990-2012
MA 19: B33-F08 GENERAL: Correspondence - SD Episcopal Diocese Folder 1983-1999
MA 19: B34-F03 GENERAL: Correspondence - Visser, Audrae Folder 1975-2000
MA 19: B35-F04 GENERAL: Journal Folder 2005 March 4-8
MA 19: B35-F05 GENERAL: Journal - Travel Folder 2000-2003
MA 19: B35-F06 GENERAL: Research - Boarding schools Folder 1982-1995
MA 19: B35-F07 GENERAL: Research - Ideas - Jingle dress/star quilt/pow wow/medicine Folder 1999-2001
MA 19: B35-F08 GENERAL: Research - Legends Folder 1928-1981
MA 19: B36-F05 GENERAL: Research - 'Shadows on Glass: The Indian World of Ben Wittickby Patricia Janis Broder Folder 1990
MA 19: B36-F06 GENERAL: Research - 'Who Was Sacagawea?by Judith Bloom Fradin and Dennis Brindell Fradin Folder 2002
MA 19: B36-F09 GENERAL: Speaking engagements Folder 2002-2004
MA 19: B36-F11 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - Arts Forum - 'What is an American Indian Woman?KESD audio tape Folder 1977
MA 19: B36-F12 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - Book Week, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN Folder 1996
MA 19: B38-F01 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - National Book Festival miscellaneous - Washington, DC Folder 2002
MA 19: B38-F02 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - 'Native DaughtersUniversity of Nebraska--Lincoln, NE Folder 2008-2009
MA 19: B38-F04 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - Nebraska Literature Festival - Lincoln, NE Folder 1996
MA 19: B38-F06 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - Oz Festival - Aberdeen, SD Folder 2006
MA 19: B38-F08 GENERAL: Speaking engagements - Plains International Reading Association Regional Conference - Bismarck, ND Folder 1996
MA 19: B39-F09 OTHER WRITINGS: Indian education - correspondence and supplemental materials Folder 1967
MA 19: B39-F08 OTHER WRITINGS: Indian education Folder 1970-2001
MA 19: B39-F05 OTHER WRITINGS: Dried Corn,in 'On Common Ground Gazette, page 18 Folder 1995
MA 19: B40-F01 OTHER WRITINGS: Remembering Minnehahain 'Country Living', page 72 Folder 1987 November
MA 19: B40-F04 OTHER WRITINGS: Standing Bear Introduction in 'My People the Sioux,University of Nebraska Press Folder 2006
MA 19: B40-F03 OTHER WRITINGS: Something To Be Proud Of,in 'Akweikon', page 40 Folder 1993 Spring
MA 19: B42-F04 OTHER WRITINGS: In the Spirit of the CircleChristian education resource, The Episcopal Church Center Folder 1989
MA 19: B42-F03 GENERAL: Research - Native American miscellaneous - newspapers Folder 1933-1978
MA 19: B42-F02 GENERAL: Awards & Honors - Louisiana State Legislature certificate of commendation for receiving an honorary doctorate from SDSU Folder 2008
MA 19: B48-F14 CREATIVE WRITING: Sioux Women - Digital Files, 5 cds of manuscripts, images, and PowerPoint presentation Folder 2013-2016
MA 19: B48-F12 GENERAL: Speaking Engagements - Sioux Valley Genealogical Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, "Roles of Indian and White Women in Pioneer Life" Folder 1981
MA 19: B48-F09 CREATIVE WRITING: Two Lumps of Sugar Folder 2017-2019
MA 19: B48-F03 GENERAL: Research - Native American Women Folder 2011-2013
MA 19: B48-F04 GENERAL: Research - Native American History Folder 1997-2013
MA 19: B49 Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Papers - Box 49 Box
MA 19: B49-F17 GENERAL: Photographs 0001-0031 and Slides 00001-0011 Folder 1862-1974
MA 19: B49-F12 GENERAL: Correspondence Folder 2006-2019
MA 19: B49-F11 GENERAL: Speaking Engagement - Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE, "The Medicine Bag" Folder 2018
MA 19: B49-F07 GENERAL: Correspondence: Visiting Scholar & NE 150 1867-2017 Folder 2014-2017
MA 19: B49-F06 GENERAL: Correspondence: Content License Agreement Folder 2017
MA 19: B49-F05 GENERAL: Correspondence: Eagle Butte Emails Folder 2017
MA 19: B49-F04 GENERAL: Correspondence: Letters and Emails Received Folder 2013-2016
MA 19: B49-F03 GENERAL: Speaking Engagements: South Dakota State University 2018 Hoods & Awards For Consuling & Human Development Folder 2018