Legislative Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 3.2 B01-028 Articles and editorials FmHA bureaucrats slamming doors in farm families' faces, George Anthan, Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-029 Articles and editorials Under any name, Thrillers are winners, Don Lindner, Rapid City (SD) Republic Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-030 Bill and resolutions introduced by Farm Credit System Emergency Management and Assistance Act [S.1287] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-032 Bills and resolutions introduced by Labeling, Benzene Levels in Gasoline [S.1724] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-033 Bills and resolutions introduced by Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Prohibit Admission Fee [S.1110] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-035 Bills and resolutions introduced by Pine Ridge Reservation, SD, Claims [S.1305] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-044 Bills and resolutions introduced by, as cosponsor Older American Act, Authorizing Appropriations [S.887] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-047 Collected floor statements by other senators Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-050 Essays David Haasey, South Dakota, Voice of Democracy Speech Winner Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-051 Remarks by, on Agriculture, Emergency Compensation for Feed Grains Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-052 Remarks by, on Arms Control, Negotiations Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-054 Remarks by, on Bork, Robert H., Supreme Court Nomination Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-056 Remarks by, on Department of Agriculture, Grants for International Trade Development Centers Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-058 Remarks by, on : Department of Energy, Superconducting Supercollider Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-064 Remarks by, on Netherlands Antilles Tar Treaty Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-067 Remarks by, on Small Business Week Observance Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-068 Remarks on Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act [H.R.558] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-070 Remarks by, on Veterans, Remove Expiration Date for Eligibility for Educational Assistance Programs for All Volunteer Force [S.12] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-080 Tributes Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski' s Arrival to the Black Hills of South Dakota Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-092 Collected Floor Statements of Other Senators Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-093 Daschle Presiding Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-095 Remarks by, on Budget, Setting Forth the Federal Budget for 1996-2002 [S.Con.Res.13] Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-101 Tributes Bradley, Senator Bill Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-103 Amendments Abortion, Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortions [H.R.1122] Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B01-104 Letters Withdrawal of Nomination to be Director of Central Intelligence, Anthony Lake Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B01-109 Tribute Appreciation Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B01-111 Remarks by, on Agriculture, Impose a Moratorium on Large Agribusiness Mergers and Establish a Commission to Review Large Agriculture Mergers Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B01-115 Addresses and Response to Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon [included FDCH Political Transcript-Bill Clinton] Folder 2001
DA 3.2 B01-116 Table Resolution to send Troops to Yugoslavia Folder undated
DA 3.2 B01-119 Budget Rules and Health Care Reform Amendments Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B01-125 Congressional Budget Analysis of the Clinton Health Plan Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-01 Contradictions in the Clinton Health Plan, The Backgrounder, No, 924 Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-07 Democratic Policy Committee Special Reports (SR-15 Health) Believe It or Not: Incredible Facts About America's Health Care Crisis Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-10 Drug Prices Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-13 Effect on Employment Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-14 Employer Mandate Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-15 Enterostomal Therapy and Pressure Sores Folder 1989
DA 3.2 B02-17 Finance Committee Amendments (memo) Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-24 Fiscal Clarity of Health Care Costs Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-27 Health Care Campaign August memoranda Folder undated
DA 3.2 B02-28 Health Care Campaign Outline Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-33 Health Care Reform President Clinton's Health Security Act, CRS (Congressional Research Service) Report for Congress Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-42 Incrementalism Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-46 Malpractice Reform Folder 1993-1994
DA 3.2 B02-48 Medical Savings Account Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-52 Pocket Fact Cards in Health Folder undated
DA 3.2 B02-54 Premium Subsidies Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-55 President Clinton's Address to the Joint Session of Congress and the Republican Response Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-57 Promotional Plan to Launch Health Care Initiative Folder 1991
DA 3.2 B02-65 State by State Breakdown of Health Coverage Folder 1993-1994
DA 3.2 B02-67 Talking Points on Health Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-71 What Americans Will Lose Without Universal Coverage Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-72 Why Health Care Doesn't Fit Market Model: Canada Comparison Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-77 Legislative Activities of the Honorable Tom Daschle of South Dakota for the Period of January 3, 1987 to October 17, 1987 Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-01 Member's Individual Voting Record 96th Congress, 1st Session Folder 1979
DA 3.2 B03-04 Roll Call Vote Folder 1996
DA 3.2 B03-09 Roll Call Votes, Final Results for 510 Bill Title Transportation Appropriations for FY 1998 Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B03-10 Roll Call Votes, Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Conference Report to Accompany H,R, 2546 Folder 1996
DA 3.2 B03-20 Chief of AID's Office of Democracy and Governance in Nairobi: Tom Katus--Letter of Recommendation Folder 2000
DA 3.2 B03-21 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Background Book Briefing Papers Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-23 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Correspondence Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-25 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Correspondence Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-28 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Correspondence Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-32 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, The Judicial Record of Judge Robert H. Bork A Constitution Inquiry, Benchmark, Volume 3, Number 3 Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-06 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Setting the Record Straight Judge Bork and the Future of Women's Rights, A Report by the National Women's Law Center Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-12 U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Nomination: William F. Weld Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B04-16 Agriculture Folder 1992-1993
DA 3.2 B04-18 B & L Aviation Inspection 60 Minutes Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B04-29 Building 60 Fort Meade Renovation Project: Military Construction Appropriations Bill Folder 1992
DA 3.2 B04-31 Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation South Dakota Funding Projects Folder undated
DA 3.2 B04-35 Freedom Trail Design Development Proposal, Hot Springs, SD Folder 1990
DA 3.2 B04-37 Gathering and Healing of Nations: Reconciliation Day Folder 2003
DA 3.2 B05-10 South Dakota First A Report on the 107th Congress by Tom Daschle Folder undated
DA 3.2 B05-11 South Dakota Japan Conference Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B05-17 West River Water Development District Folder 1986, 1988
DA 3.2 B05-20 H.R.2343 Loan Guarantees to Restock Foundation Herds after Disaster Loss to Provide Direct Loans to Farmers (Pressler) Folder 1977
DA 3.2 B05-23 S.1 The Karly Kochenderfer Billings Act of 1991 Folder 1991
DA 3.2 B05-25 Standing Rules of the Senate, Revised April 27, 2000, 106th Congress, 2nd Session Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B05-26 State Department Authorization Legislation / H.R. 1561 Foreign Relations Authorization Act VETO Folder 1996
DA 3.2 B05-31 Agriculture Council of America, Form Export Project Folder 1979
DA 3.2 B05-34 Armenia Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B05-36 Aviation Security Folder 2001
DA 3.2 B05-38 Baltic States Folder 1996
DA 3.2 B05-39 Berger, Sandy meetings Folder 1998
DA 3.2 B05-41 Bosnia Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B05-47 Capitol Visitors Center: Statue of Freedom [S.J.Res. Senator Daniel Akaka] Folder 1997-1998
DA 3.2 B06-03 Democratic National Security Folder 2003
DA 3.2 B06-06 Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration Linda Daschle Appointment Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B06-17 Family and Medical Leave Act Folder 1992
DA 3.2 B06-19 Federal Marriage Act Folder 2003-2004
DA 3.2 B06-23 Foreign Relations Revitalization Act S.908 Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B06-24 Foreign Sales Corporation / Extraterritorial Income (FSC / ETI) Folder 2004
DA 3.2 B06-31 Grasshopper Damage Folder 1985
DA 3.2 B06-36 Health Care Graham Drug Bill Folder 2000
DA 3.2 B06-43 Impeachment Folder 1998-1999
DA 3.2 B06-47 Impeachment Resolution of Censure Dianne Feinstein, Confidential Draft Folder undated
DA 3.2 B06-53 Internet Tax Folder 2004
DA 3.2 B06-54 Iraq Folder 1996-1999
DA 3.2 B06-55 Iraq Hearing Folder 1998
DA 3.2 B06-62 Legislation, analysis of Folder 1980