Legislative Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 3.2 B01-001 Volume 137 Number 6 January 10 Proceedings and Debates of the 102nd Congress, First Session Folder 1991
DA 3.2 B01-006 Volume 144 Number 155 December 19 Proceedings and Debates of the 105th Congress, Second Session Folder 1998
DA 3.2 B01-012 Volume145 Number 11 January 22 Proceedings and Debates of the 106th Congress, First Session Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B01-016 Volume 145 Number 15 January 27 Proceedings and Debates of the 106th Congress, First Session Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B01-022 Volume 148 Number 75 June 13 Proceedings and Debates of the 107th Congress, Second Session Folder 2002
DA 3.2 B01-023 Volume 150 Number 134 November 19 Proceedings and Debates of the 108th Congress, Second Session (Daschle's Farewell Address) Folder 2004
DA 3.2 B01-025 Remarks The Beginning Farmer's Entry Assistance Act [H.470] Folder 1979
DA 3.2 B01-038 Bills and resolutions introduced by Veterans, Educational Benefits for Flight Training [S.820] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-040 Bills and resolutions introduced by, as cosponsor Ethanol Motor Fuel Act [S.1304] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-043 Bills and resolutions introduced by, as cosponsor Motorcycle Safety Act [S.1536] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-045 Bills and resolutions introduced by, as cosponsor Permission to Visit Family Members in US [S.Con.Res.29] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-055 Remarks by, on Budget, Freeze Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-057 Remarks by, on Department of Defense, Authorizing Appropriations for Fiscal Years 1988-89 [S.1174] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B06-18 Farmland Industries, Inc. Farmland Government Affairs Brochure Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B06-22 Foreign Relations: Taiwan, Egypt, Korea, West Bank and Gaza Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B06-25 Fund-raising probe Huang, John Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B06-38 Health Care Memoranda Folder 2003
DA 3.2 B06-39 Health Care Prescription Drugs, Coverage Folder 2000
DA 3.2 B06-40 Health Care Prescription Drugs Presentation Folder 2000
DA 3.2 B06-42 Hudson Casion Wisconsin and Minnesota Chippewa Indians Folder 1996-1998
DA 3.2 B06-44 Impeachment Democratic Leader Statements Folder 1998-1999
DA 3.2 B06-58 Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence Where is the Outrage? By Senator Robert Byrd Folder undated
DA 3.2 B01-059 Remarks by, on Drug Abuse, Student Council Leadership Conference on Chemical Abuse [Elk Point and Vermillion, SD High School Students Fight Against Drugs, includes letter from Ronald Reagan] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-063 Remarks by, on Humboldt, SD, Tribute to Gene Boetlger Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-074 Summaries Regulation of Above-Ground Storage Tanks [S.899] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-076 Testimonies Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Improved Air Transportation to Small Communities [S. 582, 876] Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-079 Text of S.1416, Authorizing Lyman-Jones, West River, and Oglala Sioux Rural Water Development Projects Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-082 Tributes Tribute to Mayor Art LaCroix of Rapid City, SD Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B01-085 Remarks by, on Mni Wiconi Project, Funding Folder 1988
DA 3.2 B01-088 Remarks by, on Clinton, President, Economic Plan Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B01-089 Remarks by, on Floods, Disaster Assistance to Midwest States [H.R.2667] Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B01-090 Remarks by, on Health, National Policy to Provide Health Care and Reform Insurance Procedures Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B01-094 Remarks by, on Appropriations, Line-Item Veto [S.4] Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-096 Remarks by, on Government Regulations, Moratorium on Regulatory Rulemaking Actions [S.219] Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-100 Remarks in Senate Relative to Daschle Tribute by Senator Thurmond Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B01-105 Remarks by, on Chemical Weapons Convention, Ratification [S.Res.75] Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B01-112 Remarks by, on Health Protection of Enrollees in Managed Care Plans and HMO's [S.1344] Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B01-114 Remarks by, on Senate Rules, Regular Order Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B01-122 Chafee / Cooper / Gramm Health Plans Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B01-123 Clinton Health Care Reform Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B01-124 Comparison of Major Health Plans Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-02 Cooper-Grandy Proposal H.R.3222 The Managed Competition Act of 1993 Folder 1993-1994
DA 3.2 B02-11 Economic Effects on Small Business Folder 1993-1994
DA 3.2 B02-18 Finance Committee Hearing on Cost Containment Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-20 Finance Committee Hearing on Graduate Medical Education Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-29 Health Care Cost Worksheet and Questionnaire Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-32 Health Care Issues Forum (program) Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-38 Health Security Act A Financial and Distributional Analysis Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-45 Labor Department Study Health Benefits of American Workers Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-49 Medicare, Projected Costs Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-53 Polling Data on Health Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-56 Projected Costs Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-59 Rebuttals to Health Care Folder 1993-1994
DA 3.2 B02-63 South Dakota Health Care Statistics Folder 1993
DA 3.2 B02-76 Daschle Record Service to South Dakota and American in the US Senate Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B02-79 Legislative Profile Prepared for the Honorable Tom Daschle for the 1st District of South Dakota for the Period of January 5, 1981 to June 30, 1982 Folder 1981-1982
DA 3.2 B03-03 Roll Call Subject Guide, 96th Congress, 1st Session Folder 1979-1980
DA 3.2 B03-11 Senate Record Votes of Senator Daschle, 102nd Congress, 1st Session Folder 1991
DA 3.2 B03-13 Vote Report Folder 1982-1998
DA 3.2 B03-16 Daschle vs. Dodd Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B03-18 Notes on Senators Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B03-24 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Correspondence Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-29 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, The Essential Judge Bork A Report on the Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and an Analysis of his Constitutional Doctrine Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-30 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, The Facts About Judge Bork A Compilation of Key Excerpts from Hearings of the Senate Judiciary Committee Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-33 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, News Clippings Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B03-34 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, News Clippings Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-02 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, The Opposition to Bork The Case for Women's Liberty, National Abortion Rights Action League Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-03 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, Research Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-04 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, A Response to the Critics Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-08 Supreme Court Nomination: Judge Robert Bork, White Paper Advice and Consent, Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B04-10 U.S. Ambassador to Burkina Fasa Nomination: Jimmy Kolker Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B04-11 U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg Nomination: James Hormel Folder 1998
DA 3.2 B04-13 U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand Nomination: Carol Mosely-Braun Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B04-14 U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nomination: Richard Holbrooke Folder 1999
DA 3.2 B04-19 B & L Aviation Inspection Briefing for IG Interview Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B04-20 B & L Aviation Inspection News Clippings Folder 1994
DA 3.2 B04-23 B & L Aviation Inspection Statement of the Office of Senator Tom Daschle Regarding Consolidated Federal Air Charter Safety Inspections and Related Matters Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B04-24 Black Hills Depot (grain storage) Folder 1988
DA 3.2 B04-26 Brookings, SD, Airport Folder 2001
DA 3.2 B04-27 Brookings, SD, South Dakota State University, United Retirement Center Folder 2000-2002
DA 3.2 B04-33 Dakota Pride Meats Folder 1995
DA 3.2 B04-41 Mni Wiconi FY90 Appropriations Supplemental Information Folder 1989
DA 3.2 B05-01 Native American Outreach Folder 2004
DA 3.2 B05-02 New Holland Waterfowl Production Area / Department of Interior Weed Control Folder 1990
DA 3.2 B05-03 Potential Sites for Wetland Enhancement for the Mid-Dakota Water Development Project Folder 1989
DA 3.2 B05-04 Selected Social Characteristics Folder 1990
DA 3.2 B05-08 South Dakota Department of Transportation Application for Public Lands Highway Funds (Projects on State Highways 40 and 44) Folder 1991
DA 3.2 B05-16 Wakpa Sica Historical Society Folder 1990
DA 3.2 B05-19 Budget (A Balanced Budget for Fiscal Year 1982 Proposed by Congressman Tom Daschle) Folder 1981
DA 3.2 B05-21 Joint Resolution To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq (White House Discussion Draft) Folder 2002
DA 3.2 B05-24 Senate Concurrent Resolution 26 SD Fights for POW/MIA Recognition (Daschle Statement) Folder 1987
DA 3.2 B05-28 Abu Ghraib (Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade) Folder 2004
DA 3.2 B05-29 Admissions Testing Program, The College Board Folder 1990
DA 3.2 B05-30 Adoption, International Folder 1987-1995
DA 3.2 B05-33 Anti-Personnel Landmines Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B05-40 Bills, miscellaneous Folder 1980-2004
DA 3.2 B05-43 Budget for FY 1993 Folder 1992
DA 3.2 B05-45 Canada Folder 1997
DA 3.2 B05-53 Congressional Ethics Reform: News clippings Folder 1991-1993
DA 3.2 B05-54 Congressional Ethics Reform: Publication, Reports, Questionnaires, Statements Folder 1992-1993