Manuscript of a chapter from a book on the history of the Abbott, Allyn, Stickney, Young families, subtitled 'Chapter One: Ohio.'
A new survey of the globe; or, An accurate mensuration of all the empires, kingdoms, countries, states, principal provinces, counties, & islands in the world . . . A collection of all the noted sea-ports in the world . . . also the settlements & factories, belonging to the English, Dutch . . . etc. in the East and West-Indies, Africa and other parts
London: Printed for J. Bowles, engraved by T. Cole, [ca. 1765]
Thomas Templeman was a writing master at St. Edmund’s Bury in Suffolk, England
Henry N. Abild from Wakonda, South Dakota was honored in 1947 as Eminent Farmer by the Eminent Farmer and Homemaker Club at South Dakota State College.
Earl P. Acheson from Chester, South Dakota was honored in 1980 as Eminent Farmer by South Dakota State University and the South Dakota Board of Regents.
Mildred Acheson, wife of Earl Acheson from Lake County, South Dakota, was honored in 1984 as Eminent Homemaker by South Dakota State University and the South Dakota Board of Regents.
A biography of Ada B. Caldwell compiled by Gertude Stickney Young.
Frank Agnew from Kingsbury County, South Dakota was honored in 1939 as Eminent Farmer by the Eminent Farmer and Homemaker Club at South Dakota State College.
Frank Denholm and Richard Kneip are at an Agriculture's New Horizon event. They are having a meal at a long table with others.
James Abourezk , James Kneip, Frank Denholm, and Richard Kneip at an Agriculture's New Horizon event. They are having a meal at a long table with others.
Frank Denholm shaking hands with two constituents at the Agriculture's New Horizon event.
Frank and Millie Denholm are greeting constituents at an Agriculture's New Horizon event.
Frank Denholm is standing behind a podium greeting constituents at an Agriculture's New Horizon event.
Frank Denholm shaking hands with a man at the Agriculture's New Horizon event.
Charles H. Ahrens from Wagner, South Dakota was honored in 1956 as Eminent Farmer by the Eminent Farmer and Homemaker Club at South Dakota State College.
State Senator Allen Sperry and Richard Kneip during the 1970 campaign in Aberdeen, South Dakota
Christmas card printed for distribution by Gertrude Stickney Young
Carl A. Anderson from Dupree, South Dakota was honored in 1964 as Eminent Farmer by the Eminent Farmer and Homemaker Club at South Dakota State College.
Harold D. Anderson from Highmore, South Dakota was honored in 1989 as Eminent Farmer by South Dakota State University and the South Dakota Board of Regents.
Selmer J. Anderson from Clear Lake, South Dakota was honored in 1986 as Eminent Farmer by South Dakota State University and the South Dakota Board of Regents.
Virginia Anderson from Oral, South Dakota was honored in 1991 as Eminent Homemaker by South Dakota State University and the South Dakota Board of Regents.
Missing page 5 and 6.
South Dakota State University. Little International Agricultural ExpositionMissing pages 9, 10, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47. 58
South Dakota State University. Little International Agricultural Exposition