Continuation of Agricultural Prices, Part 1 (MA012-AV-104_02). Man speaks to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about the low farm prices, low parity, loans, the decline in the price of land.
Man speaks to members of the South Dakota Farmers Union about the low farm prices, low parity, loans, the decline in the price of land. Recording continues on Agricultural Prices, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0104_03).
Interview South Dakota Farmers Union convention of Mr. Birch about the reduction in expenditures in the Department of Agriculture. He was questioned about the Food For Peace Program, the parity concept for farmers, and F.H.A. loan opportunities.
Shirley Green speaking at the South Dakota Farmers Union convention about agricultural prices and parity.
Speakers at the 1955 annual South Dakota Farmers Union convention. President Paul Opsahl introduces M. W. Thatcher, General Manager of the Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association (G.T.A.) and President of the National Federation of Grain Cooperatives speaks about farm parity, flexible price theory, support prices for commodities, and agricultural legislation.
Senator George McGovern speaks to the South Dakota Farmers Union about proposed legislation to help farmers get a fair price for wheat. McGovern also talks about the movement of young people from rural areas to cities.
Continuation of Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0166_01). Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Thatcher also reads a portion of the statement of policy for the South Dakota Farmers Union, and discusses the economy and socialism.
Continuation of Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 1 (MA012-AV-0167_01). Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Recording continued on Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 3 (MA012-AV-0166_01).
Grain Terminal Association general manager, M.W. Thatcher, speaking about the depression and the economy and how the farm organizations of the National Grange, the Farm Bureau, and the Farmers Union agreed that a New Deal was needed for agriculture. He speaks about the Farm Credit Administration, support prices, legislated economy for farmers and parity pricing. Recording continued on Grain Terminal Association General Manager M.W. Thatcher Speech, Part 2 (MA012-AV-0168_01).
Speaker talking about three goals: providing enough food and fiber, enabling family farms to achieve parity, and expanding programs to utilize surplus. He pledges the cooperation of the Farmers Union with President John F. Kennedy and Secretary Orville Freeman towards agricultural policy and the agricultural plank of the Democratic platform. He talks about eliminating poverty in rural America and a domestic food usage program for the needy. He hopes Kennedy will convene a World Food Conference. He recommends creation of an agricultural economics administration.