Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.
Speakers at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention. Includes remarks by former president Paul Opsahl, Senator James Abourezk, Bob Smith, and Owen Donley. Topics include the beginnings of the Farmers Union, the U.S embargo on foreign grain sales, and farm policy.
Drought panel at the 1976 South Dakota Farmers Union convention in Huron, South Dakota. Panelists discussed the drought in South Dakota and federal farm policies. Panelists were Senator James Abourezk, Owen Donley, staff assistant to Senator George McGovern, George Brandsma, state Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Maurice McLinn, state Farmers Home Administration, and Jim Eichstadt, South Dakota Farmers Union Young Farmer Activities Director. Lt. Governor Harvey Wollman was the moderator.