Portrait of a young N.E. Hansen wearing a bow tie and a dark jacket
Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Statement to Government Representative in Moscow
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950from a letter dated November 25, 1930
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript with notations
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Typed manuscript with notations
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 76 referenced
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950Village nestled in the mountains by the Inland Sea in Japan; written in pencil on the back: Along Inland Sea, Japan 1924
Two Karakul fat tailed sheep were white long haired woolen sheep found in Turkistan that N.E. Hansen urged should be imported to the United States for dry hot regions like Arizona and New Mexico
People standing on the platform by Trans-Siberian Railway in northern China; written in pencil on the back: On Siberian Railway 1924
People on the Trans-Siberian Railway platform by the train in Harbin, China; written in pencil on the back: Hailar 1924
Man walking on the Trans-Siberian Railway platform by the train in Harbin, China; written in pencil on the back: China
Trans-Siberian Railway tracks through the mountains enroute to Saolin in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Railway Saolin 1924
Man hauling dirt in baskets attached to a carrying pole on his shoulders, the dirt is being loaded on to a Trans-Siberian Railway train car near Saolin in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Saolin 1924 North China pear research
Terrain in Mendoche, northern China that N.E. Hansen traveled in is search for hardy peach trees in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Mendoche, North China 1924
Terrain in Mendoche, northern China that N.E. Hansen traveled in is search for hardy peach trees in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Mendoche, North China 1924
Terrain in Mendoche, northern China that N.E. Hansen traveled in is search for hardy peach trees in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Mendoche, North China 1924
People walking on a street toward a temple in Seoul, Korea in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Seoul, Korea 1924
People walking on a street toward a temple in Seoul, Korea in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Seoul, Korea 1924
People walking on a street toward a temple in Seoul, Korea in 1924; written in pencil on the back: Seoul, Korea 1924
Signs hanging over stores in Manzhouli, Manchuria in northern China as viewed from behind a horse; written in pencil on the back: Signs over North Chinese store - Manchouli 1924
Storefronts in Manzhouli, Manchuria in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Manchouli North China 1924
Rickshaw on the street by an ornate storefront in Fushun, Manchuria in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Futachien Manchuria Chinese Store - 1924
Horse-drawn rickshaw carriage on the street by an ornate storefront in Fushun, Manchuria in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Futachien Manchuria Chinese Store - 1924
Soybeans are temporarily stored in covered bins awaiting shipment at Anda in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Soybeans stored ready for shipment at Anda, North China 1924
Soybeans are temporarily stored in covered bins awaiting shipment at Anda in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Soybeans stored ready for shipment at Anda, North China 1924
Signs hanging over stores in Manzhouli, Manchuria in northern China; written in pencil on the back: Manchouli North China 1924
Passengers waiting to board a steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Passengers waiting to board a steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, people are riding bicycles on the dock, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, a porter is walking on the dock by the ship, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Passengers waiting to board a steamer ship by the dock at the port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan, the ship is possibly a steamer ship called the Admiral from a line of ships owned and operated by the United States government; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station display featuring examples of new hybrid plums, ornamentals, and crossing and selection work of N.E. Hansen
Ship on the Inland Sea in Japan; written in pencil on the back: Ships on Inland Sea, Japan 1924
Ships in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
View of ships at port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan from the shore; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
View of ships at port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan from the shore; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Ships at port in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Ship in Tokyo Bay at Yokahama, Japan; written in pencil on the back: Yokohama 1924
Unidentified plant specimen
- The wild red clover as found native at Omsk, Siberia. Here it occurs sparingly in the steppes.
- Seed of a wild clover gathered when the plants were frozen on moist soil near Irkutsk, on Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia.
- A wild red clover from the Samara province of the northern Volga River region of eastern Russia. Allied to the common red clover but not of the same species.
- A native red clover of the Perm province from the northern part of the Volga River region. This is considered one of the best forms of the Russian clover as it is from the far north.
- The wild red clover from Ufa province of the Volga River region, Russia. This seed came from the Sterlitamak and Ufa provinces, have been found to be the est forms of the Russian red clover.
- The wild red clover from Olonets province, northeast of St. Petersburg, Russia, and hence promising for very cold rather moist regions.
- The Toten clover which is cultivated over large areas of Norway on account of its extreme hardiness. It is descended from a wild plant found at Toten, Norway, by a peasant in about 1850. This form has sometimes been called “Trifolium pratense Norvegica”.
- The wild red clover as found in the dry steppes at Sarapul, Vyatka province of the norther Volga Riber region, of eastern Russia. Sarapul is about 56 degrees 25’ north latitude.
- The Norwegian red clover, No. 439 of A. Michelet, Christiana, Norway. The agronomists of Norway claim that the native red clover is hardier than that introduced from America, and the plant is much smoother. I found the same claim as to greater freedom from hairiness of plant, causing the hay to be freer from dust, made for the native red clovers of Finland and Russia.
- Seed originally selected from one plant of a will steppe clover from the Razah province, Volga River region, central eastern Russia. Seed selected by Prof. Williams, Moscow agricultural college.
- A NATIVE CLOVER FROM THE DRY STEPPES OF TOBOL’SK, WESTERN Siberia, where it endures -40 degrees F. The seeds should be scratched with sand or by the Svalof clover scratching method to insure germination the first year. Otherwise many of the seeds will not germinate until the second year.
- A native clover from the RazN POCINXW. Worthy of trial although not especially promising The present seed is the third or fourth generation at Moscow in the hands of Prof. Williams.
- The species may be Alpestre. The native red clover from Vyatka, near Perm in the northern Volga River section of eastern Russia. This is about 58 degrees. A drought-resistance steppe clover.
- A promising wild clover from the dry steppes of the Samara province of the northern Volga River region, eastern Russia.
- A wild clover from Samara province, of the Volga River region of eastern Russia. Some authorities call this trifolium medium. It is highly regarded as a drought-resistant clover for dry steppes where it is found native.
- A promising native leguminous forage plant as found wild at Omsk, Siberia.
- Esparsette, a leguminous forage plant as found wild in the dry steppes of the Samara province of upper Volga river region of eastern Russian
- A native grass from the Poltava province in southern Russia. If sown in the fall the seeds may scatter so that it becomes a very bad weed. But if sown in the spring it gives a fine grass for cutting by June and July, It seeds in August and hence should be cut early.
- The name Turkestanica is not a botanical distinction, but one given by Russian agronomists to distinguish the alfalfa found in Russian Turkestan in central Asia. The present sample is originally from Tashkent, the capitol of Russian Turkestan, grown at Moscow, and originally the seed from one plant. At Moscow agricultural college Prof. Williams has found this strain very hardy, very productive, and beautiful plant; while the French Lucerne, by which is meant the ordinary south European or north Agrican form of the species, winterkills at Moscow, Russia.
- A hardy, vigorous, broad-leaved form of alfalfa found in Norway by O. Malthe, Christianna, Norway. The present variety was selected a few years ago in the Romerike Valley a few miles north of Christianna, Norway.
- The native alfalfa is taken from the twenty-year-old fields near Ultuna near Upsala, Sweden about 60 degrees north latitude. Possibly there is some Medicago falcata mixed with it as both are found in the vicinity. A promising forage plant for cold, rather moist, climates. The Siberian form of Medicago falcata is much more promising for cold, dry climates.
- Originally from a single plant growing wild in the Voronezh province of the central Volga River region, Russia. It is a natural hybrid of Medicago falcata and Medicago sativa and found wild in the dry steppes. This spontaneous or natural hybrid will sometimes have blue flowers on one branch, yellow on another and sometimes both colors on the same branch. The present sample is the fourth generation raised by Prof, Williams at the Moscow agricultural college and is his No, 571X572
- The same source as no. 194 and 195 and also the fourth generation from a single plant found wild in the dry steppes of the Voronezh province in eastern Russia, and now in the fourth generation under cultivation. A beautiful plant, very hardy, very productive and with black green flowers.
- The same source as no. 194 and also the fourth generation from a single plant found wild in the dry steppes of the Voronezh province. The present strain bears yellow flowers, in fact is almost Medicago falcata in its characteristics and is not a heavy a yielder as No. 194 and 196.
- The Siberian alfalfa as found wild at Omsk in western Siberia. In my Siberian investigation I learned that as found wild upon the Siberian steppes, this is a valuable forage plant in regions where the mercury freeze, sometimes without snow; that it is green very early in the spring; that it endures severe drought, that it does well upon soils underlaid with hardpan; that it is considerably resistant to alkali; that it flourishes where the common alfalfa from Europe winterkills; that the Siberian form of this species is so much superior to the European form in hardiness and other desirable characteristics that to go by the botanical name only, is very misleading. The present sample is from hay cut from wild plants before my arrival.
- Siberian alfalfa from Omsk, Siberia. This sample I picked from wild plants in the dry steppes near Omsk late in the fall when there was a little snow on the ground. I found the plants held their own perfectly with other native plants in the compact prairie or steppe sod. Omsk is in latitude 55 degrees.
- As found wild in the Samara province, of the northern Volga River region of extreme east European Russia, on the edge of Siberia, See no. 206.
- Sample of the third generation under cultivation by Prof. Williams of the Moscow agricultural college of seed obtained from wild plants in the Don province of the lower Volga River region of southeastern Russia.
- As found wild in the Kharkov province of southeastern Russia.
- Picked from a lead of wild hay brought in by the Buryats, native Mongolians, to the hay market at Irkutsk, on Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia
- Another sample from wild plants of this promising forage plant from the province of Samara, in the northern Volga River region of extreme east European-Russia, on the edge of Siberia. See no. 201.
Crested wheatgrass plant specimen
- A native grass from the Poltava province in southern Russia. If sown in the fall the seeds may scatter so that it becomes a very bad weed. But if sown in the spring it gives a fine grass for cutting by June and July, It seeds in August and hence should be cut early.
Alfalfa plant specimen
Tree seeds, seedlings, grafts
Many blank pages
South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station field research notebook of N.E. Hansen. Research on varieties of soybeans, alfalfa, and kochia were conducted in Highmore, SD and Brookings, SD during 1943. Handwritten.
Hansen, N.E. (Niels Ebbesen), 1866-1950