Identity elements
Reference code
Name and location of repository
Level of description
- 1890s-1920s circa (Creation)
Natural History Specimen - 11.5 x 16.5 in. (29.21 x 41.91 cm.)
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
- The Siberian alfalfa as found wild at Omsk in western Siberia. In my Siberian investigation I learned that as found wild upon the Siberian steppes, this is a valuable forage plant in regions where the mercury freeze, sometimes without snow; that it is green very early in the spring; that it endures severe drought, that it does well upon soils underlaid with hardpan; that it is considerably resistant to alkali; that it flourishes where the common alfalfa from Europe winterkills; that the Siberian form of this species is so much superior to the European form in hardiness and other desirable characteristics that to go by the botanical name only, is very misleading. The present sample is from hay cut from wild plants before my arrival.
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use elements
Conditions governing access
This collection is open to researchers without restrictions. The materials in the Archives do not circulate and may be used in-house only.
Researchers conducting extensive research are asked to make an advance appointment to access archival material. Please call or e-mail prior to visiting the collection and indicate as much detail as possible about a particular topic and intended use.
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Conditions governing reproduction
South Dakota State University supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted as a result of their fragile condition or by contractual agreements with donors.
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Language and script notes
Finding aids
Acquisition and appraisal elements
Custodial history
Immediate source of acquisition
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information
Related materials elements
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