Level of description
Digital object |
UA 12: B13-F19 |
Dept. of Health and Human Services, Training Grant Continuation Application: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD |
Folder |
1987 |
UA 12: B13-F24 |
Dept. of Health and Human Services, Notice of Grant Award: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 5 D10 NU28064-03 |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 12: B13-F27 |
SDSU Grant Request: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 12: B13-F28 |
Various Correspondence Concerning RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota |
Folder |
1985-1988 |
UA 12: B13-F29 |
Miscellaneous Appendices |
Folder |
undated |
UA 12: B13-F38 |
State of South Dakota: Environmental Health Proposals |
Folder |
1978-1980 |
UA 12: B14-F02 |
Home Health Administrative and Fiscal Management Training; Grant Proposal |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 12: B14-F04 |
Grant Application and Proposal: Neonatal, Perinatal, & Pediatric Nurse Clinician Education Project |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 12: B14-F06 |
SDSU Grant Request: Neonatal, Perinatal & Pediatric Nurse Clinician Education Project, SD Dept. of Maternal-Child Health |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 12: B14-F14 |
SDSU Grant Request: Aberdeen Are Indian Health Service, Continuing Education Program |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 12: B14-F22 |
Community Mental Health Nursing Experience, An Evaluation Report submitted to South Dakota State University College of Nursing, Minneapolis Unit by Joanne Hubbard; April |
Folder |
1974 |
UA 12: B14-F26 |
Application for Federal Assistance: Family Nurse Practitioner Master of Science Program for Indian Nurses |
Folder |
1990 |
UA 12: B14-F28 |
Progress Report for the Advanced Practice Nursing Education Grant, Grant NO. 5 D28 NU01254-02 |
Folder |
1998 |
UA 12: B14-F34 |
SDSU Alumnus Newsletter, August |
Folder |
1982 |
UA 12: B14-F35 |
SDSU Centennial Newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 2 April. Vol. 1 No. 3 September |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 12: B15-F03 |
SDSU College of Nursing, College of Nursing Newsletter |
Folder |
Spring 2000-Fall 2002 |
UA 12: B15-F05 |
College of Nursing Newsletters, Network News, Vol. IV No. 1 to Vol. IX No. 1 Sept. |
Folder |
1996-2001 |
UA 12: B15-F13 |
Pre-Survey Information, State Board of Nursing, 1 December, SDSC Division of Nursing |
Folder |
1963 |
UA 12: B15-F14 |
Report of Visit to Division of Nursing, SDSC, Brookings, SD, 2-5 December |
Folder |
1963 |
UA 12: B15-F18 |
Annual Progress Report to the South Dakota Board of Nursing, 1 October SDSU, College of Nursing |
Folder |
1974 |
UA 12: B15-F22 |
Annual Report to the south Dakota Board of Nursing, 1 July to 30 June SDSU, College of Nursing |
Folder |
1970-1971 |
UA 12: B15-F24 |
Pre-Survey Report to the South Dakota State Board of Nursing, 17 January |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 12: B15-F30 |
Annual Progress Report to the South Dakota State Board of Nursing, 1 October |
Folder |
1983 |
UA 12: B16 |
Nursing Records Box 16 |
Box |
UA 12: B16-F03 |
Annual Progress Report to the South Dakota State Board of Nursing, 1 November |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 12: B16-F04 |
Pre-Survey Report to the South Dakota Board of Nursing, March |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 12: B16-F05 |
Annual Progress Report to the South Dakota State Board of Nursing, 1 November |
Folder |
1998 |
UA 12: B16-F08 |
Addendum to Self-Evaluation Report to National League for Nursing Dept. of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs, February |
Folder |
1968 |
UA 12: B16-F12 |
SDSU College of Nursing, Supplement to A Self-Evaluation of the College of Nursing, 25 February. Submitted to National League for Nursing |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 12: B16-F13 |
Final Report of the Revised Curriculum Project, June |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 12: B16-F14 |
SDSU, College of Nursing, Revised Curriculum Materials, 1 September |
Folder |
1978 |
UA 12: B17-F02 |
Pre-Survey Report to the South Dakota Board of Nursing, SDSU College of Nursing, August. Folder 2 of 2 |
Folder |
1982 |
UA 12: B17-F06 |
SDSU College of Nursing, Supplemental Materials, November |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 12: B17-F10 |
Institutional Program Review, Undergraduate Program. 1 June. SDSU College of Nursing. Folder 2 of 2 |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 12: B17-F15 |
Baccalaureate Nursing Education Briefing Booklet, SDSU College of Nursing, August |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 12: B18-F04 |
A Self-Study of the Master |
Folder |
1983 |
UA 12: B18-F05 |
Proposal for a Graduate Program earning a Master |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 12: B18-F09 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Pre-1935 -1952, Vol. 1 (Folder 3 of 3) |
Folder |
1935-1952 |
UA 12: B18-F10 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, 1953-1956, Vol. 2 (Folder 1 of 4) |
Folder |
1953-1956 |
UA 12: B18-F13 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, 1953-1956, Vol. 2 (Folder 4 of 4) |
Folder |
1953-1956 |
UA 12: B18-F16 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 3 (Folder 3 of 4) |
Folder |
1957-1959 |
UA 12: B19-F03 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 4 (Folder 2 of 3) |
Folder |
1960-1961 |
UA 12: B19-F08 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 6 (Folder 1 of 3) |
Folder |
1964-1966 |
UA 12: B19-F14 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 7.1 (Folder 4 of 4) |
Folder |
1967-1971 |
UA 12: B20-F02 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 7.2 (Folder 2 of 4) |
Folder |
1968-1972 |
UA 12: B20-F03 |
Scrapbook: College of Nursing, Vol. 7.2 (Folder 3 of 4) |
Folder |
1968-1972 |
UA 12: B20-F15 |
Joy (Hoyer) Renaas Biography, 29 May, for Nursing Class Anniversary |
Folder |
2004 |
UA 12: B20-F21 |
50 Year Club Reunion Invitation, SDSU Class of 1954 |
Folder |
2004 |
UA 12: B20-F23 |
Night |
Folder |
1955 |
UA 12: B20-F26 |
South Dakota NEDDs (Nursing Education Deans and Directors) Call Meeting Minutes, 19 February 1998 |
Folder |
1998-2001 |
UA 12: B20-F28 |
South Dakota NEDDs (Nursing Education Deans and Directors) Conference Call Meeting Minutes, Educational Mobility, 15 September |
Folder |
2006-2008 |
UA 12: B20-F31 |
South Dakota NEDDs (Nursing Education Deans and Directors) Partners Grant Proposal & Documentation |
Folder |
2007-2008 |
UA 12: B22-F01 |
Nursing Photographs Pinning and Hooding Fall 2000, 2001, 2002 |
Folder |
2000-2002 |
UA 12: B23-F03 |
Scholarships/Awards Spring 2006, 2007 |
Folder |
2006-2007 |
UA 12: B23-F05 |
Scholarships/Awards 2009, 2010 |
Folder |
2009-2010 |
UA 12: B24 |
Nursing Records Box 24 |
Box |
UA 12: B24-F02 |
Pinning/Hooding Spring 2007 Fall 2007 |
Folder |
2007 |
UA 12: B25 |
Nursing Records Box 25 |
Box |
UA 12: B25-F03 |
Curriculum guide |
Folder |
1980 |
UA 12: B25-F07 |
General nursing |
Folder |
1959-1964 |
UA 12: B25-F08 |
Evaluation report |
Folder |
1958 |
UA 12: B25-F11 |
Health Science |
Folder |
1966-1974 |
UA 12: B25-F13 |
Homemaker Home Health Aid Training Manual |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 12: B25-F15 |
Independent Study Unit on Nursing |
Folder |
1972-1973 |
UA 12: B25-F16 |
Guide for Field Practice in Public Health |
Folder |
1959-1960 |
UA 12: B25-F21 |
Non-Nursing courses |
Folder |
1955-1975 |
UA 12: B25-F22 |
Nursing |
Folder |
1953-1958 |
UA 12: B25-F24 |
Nursing |
Folder |
1959-1961 |
UA 12: B25-F28 |
Nursing |
Folder |
1966-1968 |
UA 12: B25-F33 |
Nursing |
Folder |
1975-1976 |
UA 12: B26-F06 |
Pre-survey report |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 12: B26-F08 |
Pre-survey report |
Folder |
1983 |
UA 12: B26-F13 |
Nursing |
Folder |
1986-1987 |
UA 12: B26-F14 |
Nursing Education |
Folder |
1955-1960 |
UA 12: B26-F16 |
Public Health Nursing |
Folder |
1957-1974 |
UA 12: B26-F17 |
Report of Curriculum Planning Session |
Folder |
1977 |
UA 12: B27-F08 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1955-1956 |
UA 12: B27-F16 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1964 |
UA 12: B28 |
Nursing Records Box 28 |
Box |
UA 12: B28-F01 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1967 |
UA 12: B28-F03 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1969 |
UA 12: B28-F06 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1972 |
UA 12: B29-F05 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1978 |
UA 12: B29-F06 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 12: B29-F08 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1980 |
UA 12: B29-F09 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1980 |
UA 12: B30-F01 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 12: B30-F03 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1982 |
UA 12: B30-F04 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1983 |
UA 12: B31-F02 |
Report of visit for accrediting purposes |
Folder |
1968 |
UA 12: B31-F06 |
Requirements for accreditation |
Folder |
1949 |
UA 12: B31-F22 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
1960 |
UA 12: B31-F24 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
1962 |
UA 12: B31-F27 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
1965 |
UA 12: B32 |
Nursing Records Box 32 |
Box |
UA 12: B32-F02 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
1972 |
UA 12: B32-F05 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 12: B32-F12 |
Agreements and contracts |
Folder |
undated |
UA 12: B32-F15 |
Pre-survey report |
Folder |
1975 |
UA 12: B32-F18 |
Minutes |
Folder |
1986 |