College of Nursing Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 12: B11-F15 Continuation Grant: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD-Phase II Years 04 and 05, 1 July 1986 Folder 1986
UA 12: B11-F17 Department of Health and Human Services Folder 1985-1986
UA 12: B11-F21 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F22 Grants: SDSI Grant Application No. 02323, RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD, HHS Grant Application No. 1 D10 NU 28064 Folder 1984
UA 12: B11-F24 SDSU College of Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Outreach Program Folder 1978-1987
UA 12: B54-2008-SFA Composite photo: Sioux Falls Accelerated Folder 2008 August
UA 12: B54-2009-SFA Composite photo: Sioux Falls Accelerated Folder 2009 August
UA 12: B54-2011-SFA Composite photo: Sioux Falls Accelerated Folder 2011 August
UA 12: B54-2014-B-2 Composite photo: Brookings Folder 2014 Fall
UA 12: B54-2016-RC-1 Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2016 May
UA 12: B54-2016-RC-2 Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2016 December
UA 12: B54-2016-A Composite photo: Aberdeen Folder 2016 Fall
UA 12: B54-2016-RC-1 Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2016 May
UA 12: B54-2016-RC-2 Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2016 December
UA 12: B54-2017-A Composite photo: Aberdeen Folder 2017 Fall
UA 12: B54-2017-RC-1 Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2017 May
UA 12: B54-2019-RC Composite photo: Rapid City Folder 2019 May 3
UA 12: B54-REE Dean 1943-1954: Erickson, R. Esther Folder undated
UA 12: B55-F10 Class photo Folder 1972 Spring
UA 12: B55-F11 Class photo Folder 1972 Fall
UA 12: B55-F12 Class photo Folder 1973 Spring
UA 12: B55-F13 Class photo Folder 1973 Fall
UA 12: B55-F15 Class photo Folder 1975 Fall
UA 12: B55-F19 Class photo Folder 1977 Fall
UA 12: B55-F30 Class photo Folder 1983 Fall
UA 12: B55-F32 Marilyn Thompson Faith gives medication to a patient Folder 1960s
UA 12: B55-F33 Phyllis Anderson fills a syringe Folder 1960
UA 12: B32-F25 Annual Report Folder 1975-1976
UA 12: B32-F28 Brookings Graduates Composite photographs Folder 2010-2015
UA 12: B33 Nursing Records Box 33 Box
UA 12: B33-F04 College of Nursing Magazine Folder 2017
UA 12: B33-F06 College of Nursing Magazine Folder 2019
UA 12: B33-F15 Faculty Proposals Folder 1986
UA 12: B33-F20 History of Nursing at SDSU 1934-1977 Folder 1981
UA 12: B33-F23 Jessie Lepowski Outstanding Graduating Senior Award Plaque Folder 2000-2005
UA 12: B33-F26 Midwest Alliance in Nursing Members Agency Certificates Folder undated
UA 12: B33-F28 Native American Elders Health Care Series Brochure Folder 2002
UA 12: B33-F31 NEDSS (Nursing Deans and Directors of South Dakota) Folder 1993 September
UA 12: B33-F32 NEDSS (Nursing Deans and Directors of South Dakota) Folder 1993 October-November
UA 12: B33-F36 Nurse Anesthesia Program Folder 1986-1994
UA 12: B33-F40 Nursing Dean Nameplates Folder 1935-1994
UA 12: B33-F41 Flandreau Success Academy Nursing Lab Experience Folder 2012
UA 12: B33-F42 Olson, Roberta; Vance, Connie Photographs Folder 1996
UA 12: B33-F43 Partnership Summit Folder 2017
UA 12: B33-F46 Pinning and Hooding Ceremony Photographs Folder undated
UA 12: B33-F47 Pinning and Hooding Ceremony Photographs 11 December 2015 Folder 2015
UA 12: B33-F49 Pinning and Hooding Ceremony Photographs Brookings Campus Folder 2016
UA 12: B33-F55 retirement Celebration Folder 2010s
UA 12: B33-F59 Scholarship Reception Folder 2018
UA 12: B33-F62 Sioux Falls Accelerated Graduates Composite Photographs Folder 2016-2018
UA 12: B34-F02 Prenatal Newsletter: New Beginnings Folder 1990
UA 12: B34-F06 South Dakota Board of Nursing Folder 1993-1995
UA 12: B34-F07 Student Ambassadors and Representatives Photographs Folder 2016
UA 12: B34-F11 Upward Mobility: RN to BS (digital images on USB drive) Folder 2006-2010
UA 12: B34-F15 west River Clinical Agencies Folder 1989-1991
UA 12: B34-F16 West River Nursing Awards Banquet Folder 2016
UA 12: B34-F18 West River White Coat Ceremony Folder 2016
UA 12: B34-F19 West River Nursing Historical Files Folder 1981-1987
UA 12: B34-F22 White Coat Ceremony SDSU Campus Photographs Folder 2017
UA 12: B34-F23 White Coat Ceremony SDSU Campus Photographs Folder 2018
UA 12: B34-F24 White Coat Ceremony SDSU Campus Photographs Folder 2019
UA 12: B39-F06 Nursing Process: Children in primary & Secondary Care Syllabus, Spring Folder 1998
UA 12: B39-F08 Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1998
UA 12: B39-F14 Summer Session Class Syllabi Folder 1981
UA 12: B39-F15 Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1981
UA 12: B39-F21 Undergraduate Nursing Leadership Syllabus Folder 1982
UA 12: B39-F23 Fall-Spring Undergraduate Course Syllabi Folder 1993-1994
UA 12: B40-F02 Fall-Spring Course Syllabi [1 of 2] Folder 1984
UA 12: B40-F04 Fall Course Syllabi [1 of 2] Folder 1983
UA 12: B40-F08 Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1983
UA 12: B40-F10 Graduate Syllabi [2 of 2] Folder 1983
UA 12: B40-F13 Spring Course Syllabi [2 of 2] Folder 1986
UA 12: B40-F16 Fall-Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1986
UA 12: B40-F19 Summer Course Syllabus Folder 1987
UA 12: B40-F20 Fall Course Syllabi Folder 1987
UA 12: B41 Nursing Records Box 41 Box
UA 12: B41-F02 Fall Course Syllabi Folder 1997
UA 12: B41-F03 Fall Course Syllabi Folder 1997
UA 12: B41-F07 Fall-Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1997-1998
UA 12: B41-F08 Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1998
UA 12: B41-F10 Spring Course Syllabi Folder 1960
UA 12: B41-F13 Summer Course Syllabi Folder 1979
UA 12: B41-F15 Fall Nursing II Course Syllabus Folder 1978
UA 12: B44 Nursing Records Box 44 Box
UA 12: B44-F01 Pinning Ceremony photos, programs, invitation Folder 1961-1967
UA 12: B44-F03 Pinning Ceremony Programs and information Folder 1971-1991
UA 12: B44-F09 Graduation programs, composite photos, script Folder 1996
UA 12: B44-F10 Graduation Programs, composite photos Folder 1997
UA 12: B44-F13 Graduation Script, Programs, Composite photos Folder 2000
UA 12: B44-F14 Graduation Programs and composite photos Folder 2001
UA 12: B44-F15 Graduation Programs and composite Folder 2002
UA 12: B44-F17 Graduate Programs and composite photos Folder 2004
UA 12: B44-F19 Graduation program, composite photos Folder 2006
UA 12: B44-F24 White Coat ceremony, Program and script Folder 2010
UA 12: B44-F27 White Coat Ceremony program and Script Folder 2011
UA 12: B44-F30 Graduate Composite Photo, Summer, Spring, Fall Programs Folder 2012
UA 12: B44-F35 White Coat Ceremony Program Folder 2015
UA 12: B44-F36 Graduation Summer, Fall, Spring, West River Programs Folder 2015
UA 12: B44-F45 Curriculum Criterion III-C Folder 2000-2007
UA 12: B44-F46 Curriculum Criterion III-D Folder 2000-2007