People showing horses during judging at the 1999 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
South Dakota -- Brookings
52 Finding Aid results for South Dakota -- Brookings
People showing sheep during judging at the 1999 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a pig during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a sheep during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People showing pigs during judging at the 1998 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People showing pigs during judging at the 1998 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Person shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1986 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1984 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man grooming a cow in preparation for judging at the 1984 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shows a sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shows a sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man tending to his sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for horse judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for swine judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People tend to their Black Angus cows during judging in the arena at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Men tend to their animals during cattle judging in the arena during the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. Audience members are in the foreground. The stage and false barn wall are in the background. A banner with the letters L and I hangs from the ceiling.
View of the arena during Holstein cattle judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience and false barn wall are in the background.
Men with their Holstein cows in the arena for judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience is in the background.
People in the arena with their animals for horse judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man stands behind his cow during cattle judging at the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota State. The stage and false barn wall are in the background.
Men tend to their pigs during hog judging the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota. The stage and false barn wall are in the background.
Men tending to their animals while a judge inspects them during cattle judging at the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota. The audience is in the background.
Judge inspecting a horse while a man stand to the right during horse judging at the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota.
Men tend to their animals during dairy cow judging in the arena during the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota.
View of audience and dairy cow judging taking place on the arena floor at the 1965 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State University. The stage and false barn wall is in the background.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1964 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Men tend to their animals during cattle judging in the arena at the 1963 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Men lead their horse around the arena for judging at the 1962 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The audience watches from the stands in the background.
Men lead their cows around the arena for judging at the 1962 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The audience watches from the stands in the background.
Horse judging in the arena at the 1961 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. Men stand by their animals to the right while a judge inspect them. The false barn wall is in the background.
Hereford bull judging in the area at the 1959 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The stage and false barn wall is in the background.
Sheep judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The false barn wall is in the background.
Cattle judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Horse judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The stage and false barn wall is in the background.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1954 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1954 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Sheep judging in the arena at the 1952 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1952 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Swine judging in the arena at the 1951 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena during the 1951 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1947 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Swine judging in the arena at the 1947 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Kenneth Lounsbery won best freshman in the Horse Division at the 1946 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cow judging in the arena at the 1942 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Swine judging in the arena at the 1942 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.