South Dakota -- Brookings
1483 Finding Aid results for South Dakota -- Brookings
N.E. Hansen (wearing hat) is with friends in Brookings, South Dakota; writing on the back: S.D. plant wizard and friends Brookings 5-19-39 compliments York Sampson
N.E. Hansen standing by a fruit tree on the campus of South Dakota State College that was part of Hansen's research on fruit
N.E. Hansen looking at a fruit tree on the campus of South Dakota State College that was part of Hansen's research on fruit
N.E. Hansen looking at a fruit tree on the campus of South Dakota State College that was part of Hansen's research on fruit
N.E. Hansen standing by a fruit tree on the campus of South Dakota State College that was part of Hansen's research on fruit
N.E. Hansen Memorial Garden located at McCrory Gardens on the campus of South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota
N.E. Hansen Memorial Garden located at McCrory Gardens on the campus of South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota
N.E. Hansen stands in front of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station display, there is a sign that encourages viewers to 'Join the State Horticultural Society' and features the Waneta Plum, there is a sign for 'Breeding Hardy Fruits"" and may South Dakota State College pennants and a United States flag hanging on the wall in the booth
Monument dedicated to N.E. Hansen in recognition to his service to South Dakota State College, it was located in between the Administration Building and the Horticulture Building; the bronze citation reads: 'South Dakota State College seeks to perpetuate the memory of its long-time fruit and plant breeder: Niels Ebbesen Hansen. Born at Rebe, Denmark, January 4, 1866, came to the United States in 1873. Made Professor of Horticulture of South Dakota State College in 1895; Professor Emeritus in 1937. A world traveler and collector of plants, he developed drought resistant verities of fruits, flowers, and grasses for the Great Plains. His efforts provided the people of the Great Plains the means through which they enjoy a better living. August 25, 1959.' The rock was donated by Jno E. Gueffroy from near Colman, South Dakota. It is approximately 4.5 feet tall, 4.5 feet wide, with a 26 inch base.
People showing horses during judging at the 1999 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People showing sheep during judging at the 1999 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a pig during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a sheep during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People showing pigs during judging at the 1998 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People showing pigs during judging at the 1998 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Rodeo clown during the 1998 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Large group of people pose for a photo in front of the stage at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University. The color guard on horseback are also in the arena.
Person shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1986 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Large group of people pose for a photo in front of the stage at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
SDSU Ag Queen and another woman watch judging at the 1986 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shearing a sheep in preparation for judging at the 1984 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man grooming a cow in preparation for judging at the 1984 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shows a sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman holding the reins of a horse at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman shows a sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman holding the reins of a horse at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman wearing a formal dress in the arena with another woman and a horse during the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man tending to his sheep during judging at the 1978 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University
Man holding a trophy is congratulated by other men at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Women hold a trophy while standing by her dairy cow at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University. Other people and cows stand behind her.
Clowns in the arena with pigs entertaining the crowd at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Woman driving a small tractor pulling a trailer in the arena at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University. The tractor was provided complements of Eugene Beckman & Sons Implement and Running's.
Two women, one holds a trophy the other a ribbon, at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for swine judging at the 1977 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Little International Queen kissing the cheek of a man and presenting him with a trophy at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Little International Queen presenting a man with a trophy at the 1977 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man and woman are holding trophies standing by a sheep at the 1975 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University
Women and sheep dressed in similar costumes at the 1974 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Women and sheep dressed in similar costumes at the 1974 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man speaking into a microphone at the 1973 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Three people standing by the fence of the arena during the 1973 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Two clowns with a sheep in front of the stage in the arena during the 1973 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Member of the 1973 Little International Agricultural Exposition talks with South Dakota Governor Richard Kneip at South Dakota State University.
Two men in a pen with piglets at the 1972 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Women speaking into a microphone stands behind a table with trophies at the Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for horse judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
American Honey Queen serving ice creams at the 1972 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for swine judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man holding a floral arrangement at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. There are many arrangements on the tables around him.
Little International Queen stands next to a woman holding a trophy and a man by the stage at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man plays a guitar and sings into the microphone on the stage at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man leads an ox around the arena at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience is in the background.
People tend to their Black Angus cows during judging in the arena at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man inspecting cuts of meat on a table during meat judging in the meat lab at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Men tend to their animals during cattle judging in the arena during the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. Audience members are in the foreground. The stage and false barn wall are in the background. A banner with the letters L and I hangs from the ceiling.
Woman holding a trophy stands in the arena by her prize winning horse at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man stands by a table of hay bales at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Future Farmers of America members stand in front of a table at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. A man sties behind the table with boxes of programs.
Vendor speaks with a man about the farm equipment they are standing by in the machinery show at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
View of the arena during Holstein cattle judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience and false barn wall are in the background.
Men coloring sawdust to put on the arena floor for the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man holding a microphone speaking to the audience on the stage at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The trophy table and the false barn wall are in the background.
Men with their Holstein cows in the arena for judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience is in the background.