South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B08-F26 Administrative: Agro-Terrorism Group of South Dakota Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F27 Administrative: Annual Reports Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F29 Administrative: Charles R. Bodner Letter Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F30 Administrative: Corn Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F33 Administrative: Dairy Science Folder 2005-2006
UA 5.3: B08-F36 Administrative: Foundation Seed Stocks Financial Report Folder 2005-2006
UA 5.3: B08-F38 Administrative: Lab Safety Committee Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F41 Administrative: Memo of Understanding: John and Elva Crothers Research Grant Program Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F42 Administrative: Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center Annual Report Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F43 Administrative: Mill Project Proposals Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F45 Administrative: N.C.R.A. Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F51 Administrative: SDSU Equine Materials Folder 2005
UA 5.3: B08-F54 Administrative: Upper Midwest Hydrogen Initiative Folder 2005-2006
UA 5.3: B08-F56 Administrative: Agreement: USDA/Agricultural Research Service and SDSU/Agricultural Extension Service Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F04 Administrative: Lease: Glea and Estelle Felt Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F13 Administrative: SDSU AgBio Magazine Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F15 Administrative: State Magazine Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F16 Administrative: Wheat Fiscal Year 2007 Folder 2006
UA 5.3: B09-F18 Administrative: Annual Reports Folder 2007
UA 5.3: B10-F02 Administrative: Agreement: US Climate Reference Network Equipment Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F04 Administrative: Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Lab AAVLD Accreditation Review Folder 2 of 2 Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F07 Administrative: Annual Progress Report Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B31-F020 Publications: Economics: Change in livestock marketing No. 294 Folder 1956-1960
UA 5.3: B31-F021 Publications: Economics: Marketing farm seeds No. 314 Folder 1957-1965
UA 5.3: B31-F023 Publications: Economics: Wholesail butter and egg marketing No. 326 Folder 1958
UA 5.3: B31-F025 Publications: #299: Economics: Princing and trading practices in local grain MKT No. 299 Folder 1959-1960
UA 5.3: B31-F028 Publications: #305: Economics: Dairy maketing systems No. 305 Folder 1960
UA 5.3: B31-F039 Publications: H-372: Economics - Coordinating egg production and marketing in SD Folder 1961-1969
UA 5.3: B31-F042 Publications: H-361: Economics - Varying degrees of problem recognition among SD farm operations Folder 1960-1968
UA 5.3: B31-F043 Publications: S-393: Economics - Livestock production potential and limitations in eastern SD Folder 1962
UA 5.3: B31-F048 Publications: H-462: Economics - Supply response and adjustments in wheat feed grain, and livestock production Folder 1966-1970
UA 5.3: B31-F050 Publications: S-491: Economics - Economics of irrigation water management Folder 1967-1971
UA 5.3: B31-F051 Publications: H-490: Economics - Ag and public implications of SD farmers to nonfarm emplo Folder 1968-1972
UA 5.3: B31-F057 Publications: H-534: Economics - An economic model of the SD economy Folder 1969-1972
UA 5.3: B31-F058 Publications: H-533: Economics - Egg prices and pricing in SD Folder 1969-1972
UA 5.3: B31-F064 Publications: H-574: Economics - Management strategies for the growth and survival of SD farm firms Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B31-F067 Publications: H-588: Economics - Alternatives marketing opportunities and techniques for grain and farm supply firms Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B31-F086 Publications: H-856: Economics - A determination of econ value of water used for agric purposes in east SD Folder 1977-1981
UA 5.3: B31-F088 Publications: H-792: Economics - Grain producers marketing strategies for mtg rapidly changes condidtion in SD Folder 1977-1981
UA 5.3: B31-F091 Publications: S-787: Economics - Exam of ag policies of SD banks during period of extreme drought conditions Folder 1977-1979
UA 5.3: B31-F092 Publications: S-783: Economics - Application of microcompatey tech to accetg in farm and range management Folder 1977-1980
UA 5.3: B31-F093 Publications: H-890: Economics - Employment and earnings implications of industrial growth in rural SD Folder 1978-1982
UA 5.3: B31-F095 Publications: H-895: Economics - An analysis of decision framerworkers for water allocations and de. SD Folder 1978-1983
UA 5.3: B31-F096 Publications: 896: Economics: Effects of livestock diversification on the level and stability of SD farm income Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B31-F097 Publications: H-877: Economics - Management characteristics of low resources farms and ranches in SD Folder 1978-1982
UA 5.3: B31-F099 Publications: S-889: Economics - Alternatives adjustment strategies to the evolution of the transportation system Folder 1979-1982
UA 5.3: B31-F103 Publications: H-590: Economics - The impact of rising energy costs on development and utilization of SD irrigation Folder 1980-1984
UA 5.3: B31-F112 Publications: H-76: Economics - Economics of farming systems alternatives eastern SD Folder 1986-1991
UA 5.3: B31-F113 Publications: R-226: Economics - Financing agriculture in a changing enviroment Folder 1986-1991
UA 5.3: B31-F115 Publications: R-86: Economics - Determinants of farms sye and structure NC area of US Folder 1986-1991
UA 5.3: B32-F001 Publications: S-746: Economics - Econ of machinary ownership and use on northern great plains farms Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F005 Publications: H-11: Economics: Sustain of organic vs, convential beef prod in SD Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B32-F013 Publications: H-241: Economics - Farm financial management succesfull family in SD Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B32-F020 Publications: H-215: Economics - Econ linkages between ag and other sectors of SD Folder 1995-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F021 Publications: H-56: Economics - Implications of risk .. Sustainable farming systems Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B32-F022 Publications: H-267: Economics - Impacts of changes in the structure credit to ag Folder 1997-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F029 Publications: S-303: Plant Science - Breeding and testing of barley for SD and upper midwest conditions Folder 1957-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F031 Publications: H-353: Plant Science - Disease of wheats and their control Folder 1960-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F032 Publications: H-346: Plant Science - Soil moisture evaporation Folder 1960-1973
UA 5.3: B32-F039 Publications: H-425: Plant Science - mechanism of survival of root infecting fungi in soil Folder 1964-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F054 Publications: S-594: Plant Science - Grain sorghum breeding and productions Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F056 Publications: S-599: Plant Science - Physiology of the flax plant in relation to seed production and quality of oil Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F060 Publications: H-595: Plant Science - Study of hydraulic and physical properties of soil plant enviroment Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F063 Publications: H-605: Plant Science - Toxigenic and pathogenic capabilities of fungis isolated from animal tissues Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F065 Publications: S-602: Plant Science - The effect of folar diseases on quality and yield in forage grasses Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F066 Publications: S-609: Plant Science - Crop and soil management and associated platn plant enviroment relationships Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F076 Publications: S-657: Plant Science - Soybean breeding and soybean and oilseed production Folder 1973-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F077 Publications: S-691: Plant Science - Cropand soil management and associated plant plant enviroment relationship Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F079 Publications: H-678: Plant Science - Epidemiology and control of wheat streak mosaic virus Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F080 Publications: H-680: Plant Science - Control of wheat diseases in stuble mulch culture Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F082 Publications: H-690: Plant Science - Root - infecting fungi Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F084 Publications: S-727: Plant Science - Root patterns relation as mod by deep lowing N. Folder 1975-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F085 Publications: H-728: Plant Science - Local soil geography and soil fertility relationships on SD landscapes Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F088 Publications: H-726: Plant Science - Biology and control of nematodes associated with field crops, grasses and legumes Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F090 Publications: H-720: Plant Science - The breeding and testing of superior grasses adapted to SD Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F092 Publications: H-770: Plant Science - Sunflower management for production and insect control Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F096 Publications: H-743: Plant Science - Pathogenic bacteria on seeds and plant propagative materials Folder 1975-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F100 Publications: S-784: Plant Science - Educ and diag services for ident plant diseases for chop prod and gen public Folder 1976-1982
UA 5.3: B33 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 33 Box
UA 5.3: B33-F02 Publications: S-768: Plant Science - Identification of qhysiological factors which may limit yield in flax and soybeans Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F06 Publications: H-854: Plant Science - Spring wheat breeding Folder 1977-1981
UA 5.3: B33-F10 Publications: H-851: Plant Science - Relationship of corn and flour annual Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B33-F11 Publications: H-897: Plant Science - Determine and amerlior of soil factors limit prod from native and introd forage plants Folder 1978-1983
UA 5.3: B33-F13 Publications: RRF-875: Plant Science - Reduction of corn losses due to moatodes in the north central research Folder 1978-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F15 Publications: #899: Plant Science: The breeding and testing of superior grasses adapted to SD Folder 1978-1982
UA 5.3: B33-F18 Publications: RRF-309: Plant Science - Integrated approaches to managements of diseases caused by soil borne plant Folder 1979-1984
UA 5.3: B33-F19 Publications: H-340: Plant Science - Advantage of face fly sampling and trapp method for use in intergrated control prog Folder 1980-1984
UA 5.3: B33-F22 Publications: H-460: Plant Science - Spring wheat breeding Folder 1980-1983
UA 5.3: B33-F24 Publications: H-480: Plant Science - Virus disease epidemiology and control in a wheat corn fallow rotation Folder 1980-1983
UA 5.3: B33-F32 Publications: H-991: Plant Science - Development and utilization of oats and rye adapted to SD Folder 1981-1984
UA 5.3: B33-F35 Publications: R-502: Plant Science - Chem of atmos depos effects on Ag. Foreshry, sun, waters and materials Folder 1982-1987
UA 5.3: B33-F40 Publications: H-193: Plant Science - Breed and gen of flax and sunflower Folder 1983-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F44 Publications: H-324: Plant Science - Breeding and evaluation of forage grasses in SD Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B33-F45 Publications: R-234: Plant Science - Biology control of soil borne plant pathogens in integrated crop management Folder 1984-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F52 Publications: H-316: Plant Science - Cropping systems in western SD Folder 1986-1990
UA 5.3: B33-F55 Publications: H-265: Plant Science - Evaluation of germin and purity proceed for forage and reveg species Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F56 Publications: H-306: Plant Science - Determination of water stress with .. Carbon - 13 Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F58 Publications: SD-8801307: Plant Science - Flow cytometric analysis of mammalian sperm fertility parameters Folder 1986-1989
UA 5.3: B33-F63 Publications: H-77: Plant Science - Enviromental and biological stress in wheat Folder 1987-1990
UA 5.3: B33-F67 Publications: H-57: Plant Science - Use of soil survey info agrotechology relationship SD Folder 1987-1990