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UA 5.3: B13-F25 |
Institutional Program Reviews: Plant Science Department Folder 2 of 2 |
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2000 |
UA 5.3: B14-F10 |
Institutional Program Reviews: Department of Animal and Range Sciences |
Folder |
2008 |
UA 5.3: B14-F12 |
Institutional Program Reviews: Veterinary Science Department Folder 2 of 6 |
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2008 |
UA 5.3: B14-F24 |
Terminated Projects: ABE: Julson, Enhancing the value of SD Agriculturally Based Material |
Folder |
2001-2006 |
UA 5.3: B14-F26 |
Terminated Projects: ABE: Hellickson, Swine facility design for odor reduction |
Folder |
2002-2005 |
UA 5.3: B15 |
SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 15 |
Box |
UA 5.3: B15-F31 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Daniel, Jay, Adding value to SD and Great Plains lambs by evaluating and reducing the incidence of lung lesions |
Folder |
2003-2004 |
UA 5.3: B15-F33 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Perry, Factors influencing fertility and reproduction in cattle |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B15-F34 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Smart, Nitrogen cycling, loading, use efficiency prod systems |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B15-F35 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Wertz, Metabolic mechanism by which the orexigenic peptide ghrelin stimulates feed intake in ruminants |
Folder |
2004-2007 |
UA 5.3: B15-F37 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: McFarland, Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal and differentiation |
Folder |
2005-2010 |
UA 5.3: B15-F43 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Wertz, Relationship of ghrelin and leptin compensatory gain |
Folder |
2006-2009 |
UA 5.3: B15-F44 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Johnson, Improving small ranch profitability by evaluation of alternatives in beef cattle enterprises |
Folder |
2007-2012 |
UA 5.3: B15-F49 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Hostetler, Determination of selenium utilization during porcine pregnancy |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B15-F51 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Winterholler, Management strategies to reduce input costs and improve efficiency of beef cattle production |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B15-F55 |
Terminated Projects: Ag Engineering: Muthu, Improvement of thermal and alternative processes for foods |
Folder |
2000-2005 |
UA 5.3: B15-F62 |
Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Reese, Use of native plants development of niche market crops NGP |
Folder |
1999-2004 |
UA 5.3: B15-F66 |
Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Granholm, Analysis factors regulate energy humans, livestock, mice |
Folder |
2000-2002 |
UA 5.3: B15-F75 |
Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: West, Equipment grant proposal for a freeze dryer system |
Folder |
2003-2005 |
UA 5.3: B15-F87 |
Terminated Projects: Bio-Micro: Yen, Global assessment wheat genes involved ignited jasmonates |
Folder |
2007-2008 |
UA 5.3: B15-F92 |
Terminated Projects: Bio/Micro: Bucking, Nitrogen fixating and mycorrhizal endophytes of the bioenergy crops prairie cordgrass and switchgrass |
Folder |
2009-2010 |
UA 5.3: B15-F04 |
Terminated Projects: ABE: Trooien, Management of water and biological effluent crop production in SD |
Folder |
2002-2007 |
UA 5.3: B15-F05 |
Terminated Projects: ABE: Todey, Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection and Management |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B15-F19 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Smart, Improving sustainable use by livestock N. Great Plains |
Folder |
1997-2002 |
UA 5.3: B15-F28 |
Terminated Projects: Agricultural Research Service: Pruitt, Prod systems to reduce cost of prod beef cows |
Folder |
2002-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F03 |
Terminated Projects: Biochem: Evenson, Potential effects of genetically modified adult development |
Folder |
2000-2002 |
UA 5.3: B16-F07 |
Terminated Projects: Biochem: Rice, Acquisition of 10MM broadband NMR probe |
Folder |
2002-2003 |
UA 5.3: B16-F11 |
Terminated Projects: CES: Hegerfeld, Reducing foodborne illness marketed food in SD |
Folder |
2006-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F22 |
Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Mistry, Microfiltration unit for dairy process operations |
Folder |
2003-2004 |
UA 5.3: B16-F25 |
Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Baer, Flavor, texture, and nutritional enhancement of milk and dairy products |
Folder |
2006-2011 |
UA 5.3: B16-F28 |
Terminated Projects: Dairy Science: Kalscheur, Combustion analyzer to determine nitrogen dairy cattle |
Folder |
2007-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F36 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Taylor, Value added ag in SD: its impact on ag policy |
Folder |
2000-2004 |
UA 5.3: B16-F38 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Dobbs, Agri-environmental policy options multifunctionality |
Folder |
2001-2007 |
UA 5.3: B16-F41 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Van der Sluis, Value-added ag activities changing fiber system |
Folder |
2002-2007 |
UA 5.3: B16-F42 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Adamson, Rural labor |
Folder |
2003-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F45 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Qasmi, Emerging globalization and its implications for agriculture in the US and SD |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B16-F46 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Taylor/Klein, Value added ag in SD: opportunities value SD producers |
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2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B16-F48 |
Terminated Projects: Econ: Li, Statistical time series analysis of forward markets of agricultural products important to SD economy |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B16-F50 |
Terminated Projects: EHS: Gillman, Interaction of individual, family, community, and policy contexts on the mental and physical health of diverse rural low income families |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B16-F56 |
Terminated Projects: NFSH/FCS - Krishnan, Value addition of cereal grains and oil-seeds food value |
Folder |
2001-2006 |
UA 5.3: B16-F57 |
Terminated Projects: FCS: Wang, Soy phytochemicals: chemistry, analysis health impacts |
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2002-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F61 |
Terminated Projects: FCS: Wilson, Crossing paths: fostering social support pregnant Indian women |
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2003-2006 |
UA 5.3: B16-F66 |
Terminated Projects: FCS: Kattelmann, Diabetes education through talking circles |
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2006-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F71 |
Terminated Projects: FCS: Oscarson, Community aging: using coaching seniors health |
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2007-2009 |
UA 5.3: B16-F77 |
Terminated Projects: HFLP - Schleicher, Evaluation, selection, management, turfgrass region in SD |
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1998-2003 |
UA 5.3: B16-F79 |
Terminated Projects: HFLP - Schaefer, Integrating biophysical functions riparian systems |
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2000-2004 |
UA 5.3: B16-F80 |
Terminated Projects: HFLP - Burrows, Cultural practices optimizing growth horticulture plants in NGP |
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2001-2006 |
UA 5.3: B16-F83 |
Terminated Projects: HFLP -Schleicher, Evaluation of native and naturalized germplasm turfgrass in NP |
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2003-2008 |
UA 5.3: B16-F87 |
Terminated Projects: HFLP - Fennel, Functional genomics of growth, dormancy and cold acclimation traits in Vitis species |
Folder |
2007-2012 |
UA 5.3: B17-F05 |
Terminated Projects: Math/Stats - Djira, Biological assay: extensions, method comparisons and easy-to-use software implementations |
Folder |
2007-2012 |
UA 5.3: B17-F06 |
Terminated Projects: Math/Stats - Ge, Online statistical analysis service for geonomics data |
Folder |
2007-2009 |
UA 5.3: B17-F13 |
Terminated Projects: NR - Willis, Predator-prey relations in northern great plains fish communities |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B17-F28 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Breeding perennial grasses and legumes to stresses |
Folder |
1998-2003 |
UA 5.3: B17-F29 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Chase, Genetics of fungal pathogens of row crops |
Folder |
1998-2003 |
UA 5.3: B17-F32 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Doolittle, Fate and transport of waste components land-treated |
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1998-2003 |
UA 5.3: B17-F38 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Woodard, Nutrient recycling in crop rotations |
Folder |
1998-2003 |
UA 5.3: B17-F45 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Carter, Soybeans transgene dispersal and feed and food |
Folder |
2000-2002 |
UA 5.3: B17-F46 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Carter, Plant biologic methods and application in agriculture |
Folder |
2000-2004 |
UA 5.3: B17-F50 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Carlson, Using emerging tech to increase agro producer profitability |
Folder |
2001-2007 |
UA 5.3: B17-F58 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Boe, Conservation, management, enhancement, until genetic resources |
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2002-2007 |
UA 5.3: B17-F61 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Richard, Bison Culture |
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2002-2006 |
UA 5.3: B17-F62 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Sutton, Drought and freeze survival of winter wheat |
Folder |
2002-2007 |
UA 5.3: B17-F67 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Doolittle, Soil quality and bioavailability of ecosystems of SD |
Folder |
2003-2008 |
UA 5.3: B17-F71 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Johnson, Systematics of click beetles and wireworm in N America |
Folder |
2003-2008 |
UA 5.3: B17-F72 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Owens, Management and persistence of forages used renewable resources |
Folder |
2003-2008 |
UA 5.3: B17-F77 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Carter, Molecular Markers for Soybeans |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B17-F80 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Grady, Sunflower breeding and alternative oil seed crops for SD |
Folder |
2004-2009 |
UA 5.3: B17-F83 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Scott, Soybean breeding, genetics, and production |
Folder |
2004-2010 |
UA 5.3: B18-F02 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Evaluating physical and biological ag contexts |
Folder |
2005-2010 |
UA 5.3: B18-F07 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Information age technology for integrated agricultural systems analysis curricula |
Folder |
2005-2008 |
UA 5.3: B18-F09 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Gonzalez, Metabolomics and functional genomics of seed lipid |
Folder |
2006-2009 |
UA 5.3: B18-F11 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Jeranyama, Botanical composition and lignocellulos: feedstock biofuel |
Folder |
2006-2008 |
UA 5.3: B18-F26 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Tilmon, Developing molecular markers to assess aphid population |
Folder |
2007-2009 |
UA 5.3: B18-F30 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Chase, Management of rowcrop diseases |
Folder |
2008-2013 |
UA 5.3: B18-F32 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, IdentiFiscal Yearing mechanisms of maize/weed microarray analyses |
Folder |
2008-2010 |
UA 5.3: B18-F34 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Clay, Fire, atmospheric N depositions, water species control |
Folder |
2008-2012 |
UA 5.3: B18-F44 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Tilmon, Biology, impact, and management soybean insect production systems |
Folder |
2008-2012 |
UA 5.3: B18-F48 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Carter, Genetics and mapping in glycine max and silphium |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B18-F50 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Deneke, SDSU integrated pest |
Folder |
2009-2011 |
UA 5.3: B18-F56 |
Terminated Projects: Plant Science - Ren, Objective bayesian analysis for spatial data |
Folder |
2009-2014 |
UA 5.3: B51-F28 |
Administrative: Regional High Priority Energy Research |
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1980 |
UA 5.3: B51-F30 |
Administrative: James Valley - Progress Reports |
Folder |
1972-1974 |
UA 5.3: B51-F31 |
Administrative: Willard Water, L-A water, CAW Walter |
Folder |
1977-1981 |
UA 5.3: B51-F32 |
Administrative: C.A. Biack |
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1956 |
UA 5.3: B51-F34 |
Administrative: Summer Meeting NC Directions |
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1974 |
UA 5.3: B52-F08 |
Administrative: North Central Directors NCORD |
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1975 |
UA 5.3: B52-F10 |
Administrative: Census of Ag Bureau of the Census 1978 |
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1978-1979 |
UA 5.3: B52-F21 |
Administrative: Maps (2) |
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undated |
UA 5.3: B52-F23 |
Administrative: Maps (4) |
Folder |
undated |
UA 5.3: B53-F01 |
Publications: H-801: Veterinary Science - Sporadic Bovine Encephhalitis |
Folder |
1947-1969 |
UA 5.3: B53-F10 |
Publications: S-810: Veterinary Science -Viral Related Reproductive Problems in Swine |
Folder |
1972-1979 |
UA 5.3: B53-F14 |
Publications: H-681: Veterinary Science -Agalactia Syndrome of Sows |
Folder |
1974-1979 |
UA 5.3: B53-F19 |
Publications: RRF-812: Veterinary Science -Prevention and Control of Enteric Ciseases of Swine |
Folder |
1977-1982 |
UA 5.3: B53-F27 |
Publications: CG-544: Veterinary Science -Role of Cell Recap in Path of Procine Enteric Viral Infect |
Folder |
1985-1990 |
UA 5.3: B53-F28 |
Publications: R-66: Veterinary Science - Bovine Respiratory Diseases Risk Factor . Management |
Folder |
1985-1991 |
UA 5.3: B53-F29 |
Publications: H-326: Veterinary Science -Effects of Nutrition and Management of . Enteric Diseases |
Folder |
1986-1989 |
UA 5.3: B53-F33 |
Publications: AH-159: Veterinary Science -Character Viralence Capacities Enteromer . Serogroup Oil |
Folder |
1989-1992 |
UA 5.3: B53-F39 |
Publications: H-331: Veterinary Science - Survey to Assess the Prevalence of Cache Valley Cases Abortion |
Folder |
1991-1992 |
UA 5.3: B53-F44 |
Publications: R-82: Veterinary Science -Revention and Control of Enteric Diseases of Swine |
Folder |
1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B53-F48 |
Publications: SD-9402419: Veterinary Science -Biological Signaficance of K88 - Adhesive Associated Receptors |
Folder |
1994-1998 |