South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B28-F021 Publications: H-508: Stat Biochem - Biochemistry of slenium Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B28-F024 Publications: H-520: Stat Biochem - Modeling the physical chemistry of soil water solute systems Folder 1980-1983
UA 5.3: B28-F026 Publications: H-440: Stat Biochem - Analysis of mycotoxins and selected pesticides Folder 1980-1983
UA 5.3: B28-F041 Publications: H-336: Home Econ- Study of dietary practices and assessment of nutritional states of indian children Folder 1959-1965
UA 5.3: B28-F045 Publications: H-385: Home Econ- Problems in maintenance of laminated textile products Folder 1962-1965
UA 5.3: B28-F046 Publications: H-416: Home Econ- Determination of mechanisms of fabric stress absorption and performance Folder 1963-1969
UA 5.3: B28-F049 Publications: H-468: Home Econ- Performance of sheetings Folder 1966-1976
UA 5.3: B28-F052 Publications: S-479: Home Econ- Use of pheasants in promoting tourism and economic diversication in SD Folder 1967-1974
UA 5.3: B28-F057 Publications: H-611: Home Econ- Factors affecting chemical composition nutritional values, etc. of lamb meat Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B28-F059 Publications: H-569: Home Econ- Thermal insulation and degradation of drapery fabrics with selected linings Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B28-F060 Publications: H-705: Home Econ- Avaliability of phospate as a regulator of carbohydrate - Lipid metabolism Folder 1974-1978
UA 5.3: B28-F062 Publications: #736: Home Econ- Low temp home laundry, effectiveness and energy consumption Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B28-F065 Publications: H-760: Home Econ- Cost, absorbency and durability of disposible and mom disposible diapers Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B28-F073 Publications: H-301: Home Econ- Dietary influence on lipo genisis and membrane structure Folder 1981-1985
UA 5.3: B28-F077 Publications: H-146: Home Econ- Effect of diet genetic obesity, and beta against comp Folder 1986-1987
UA 5.3: B28-F087 Publications: R-122: Home Econ- Enhancing health and safety protective egupinent Folder 1992-1993
UA 5.3: B28-F095 Publications: S-369: Rural Socio- Cultural and social factors related to food practices among the sioux indians Folder 1961-1965
UA 5.3: B29-F12 Publications: H-167: Rural Socio- Census data center Folder 1987-1992
UA 5.3: B29-F15 Publications: H-30: Rural Socio- Sustainable farm facmilies and ag communications in SD Folder 2000
UA 5.3: B29-F19 Publications: H-154: Biology - Ag. Potential of the purple cone flower Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B29-F20 Publications: SD-294: Biology - Structure and biology of echinacea the purple coneflower Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B29-F23 Publications: H-228: Biology - In vitro-propagation hybrid lilies polyploids Folder 1988-1991
UA 5.3: B29-F29 Publications: H-311: Biology - Echinacen potentially new oils crop for great plains Folder 1991-1994
UA 5.3: B29-F35 Publications: SD-9404222: Biology - Mechanisms of silicon involvement in animal growth Folder 1994-1996
UA 5.3: B29-F37 Publications: H-115: Biology: Genetic modification to enhance crop insect resistance Folder 1995-2000
UA 5.3: B29-F40 Publications: H-186: Biology - Enhanced growth and reproduction .. Aminia productivity Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B29-F42 Publications: G-39: Biology: Acquisition of ABI prism 310 genetics analyzer Folder 1999-2000
UA 5.3: B29-F44 Publications: S-308: Wildlife Management- Economic importance and life history of racoon in eastern SD Folder 1957-1966
UA 5.3: B29-F61 Publications: H-300: Wildlife Management- SD farm and ranch fisheries Folder 1980-1983
UA 5.3: B29-F63 Publications: MS-372: Wildlife Management- Habitat values of hardweed forests and adjacent pasture and croplands to wild turkeys in SD Folder 1982-1985
UA 5.3: B29-F70 Publications: MS-51: Wildlife Management- Wood dude and prairie woodlands loved survival and habitat Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B29-F71 Publications: H-12: Wildlife Management- Asses movement, density white - tailed deer sand lake NWR Folder 1992-1997
UA 5.3: B29-F74 Publications: H-16: Wildlife Management- Management alternatives for SD ponds and small lakes Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B29-F76 Publications: SD-9702751: Biology - Virological immunological and molecular reproductive PRRS Folder 1997-2000
UA 5.3: B29-F77 Publications: #346: Botany: Bud dormancy in flax Folder 1961-1964
UA 5.3: B29-F81 Publications: S-550: Botany - The inheritance of resistance to some virus diseases in maize Folder 1970-1974
UA 5.3: B29-F83 Publications: S-641: Botany - Location of nat areas the propagation of endargered plant species in these areas Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B30-F003 Publications: S-669: Microbiology - Purine synthesis regulation and mutants of soil bacteria and nitrogen fixation Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B30-F007 Publications: H-868: Microbiology - Market quality of convenience foods hazards from bacteria Folder 1977-1979
UA 5.3: B30-F012 Publications: H-364: Microbiology - Dentification in agricultural soils Folder 1984-1987
UA 5.3: B30-F017 Publications: S-778: Chemistry - physiological effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on animals Folder 1976-1979
UA 5.3: B30-F019 Publications: S-878: Chemistry - Manganese oxide deposition in waterlines in SD Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F025 Publications: Animal Husbandry: Fat, protein, and moisture in meat No. 331 Folder 1958-1961
UA 5.3: B30-F026 Publications: H-324: Animal Science - Corn and sorghum harvesting and storage Folder 1958-1969
UA 5.3: B30-F027 Publications: H-325: Animal Science - Protein and energy requirement of cattle Folder 1958-1969
UA 5.3: B30-F031 Publications: H-388: Animal Science - Influence of carcass maturity on physical and chemical beef characteristics Folder 1962-1969
UA 5.3: B30-F034 Publications: S-418: Animal Science - Irrigated grass investigation on the belle fourche Folder 1963-1971
UA 5.3: B30-F037 Publications: H-441: Animal Science - Characteristics of diet, etc cattle and sheep Folder 1964-1969
UA 5.3: B30-F038 Publications: MS-452: Animal Science - Ponderosa pine in the black hills grasslands Folder 1966-1973
UA 5.3: B30-F041 Publications: RRF-487: Animal Science - Estrus control and induced twinning in beef cattle Folder 1968-1972
UA 5.3: B30-F043 Publications: RRF-494: Animal Science - Nature and utilization of genetic variation influencing economic traits Folder 1968-1972
UA 5.3: B30-F044 Publications: S-495: Animal Science - Mating and management systems for beef cows and calves Folder 1968-1974
UA 5.3: B30-F046 Publications: S-359: Animal Science - Range conditions and herbage and livestock production Folder 1969-1978
UA 5.3: B30-F050 Publications: H-512: Animal Science - Feed processing and storing for beef cattle and sheep Folder 1969-1975
UA 5.3: B30-F052 Publications: H-513: Animal Science - Pork quality: relationship to production carcass and palatability traits Folder 1969-1973
UA 5.3: B30-F060 Publications: S-573: Animal Science - Low protein with amino acids for young turkeys as influence aortic rupture Folder 1970-1977
UA 5.3: B30-F067 Publications: S-607: Animal Science - Protein and amino acid requirement of growing swine and effects of nutrients, etc Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B30-F069 Publications: S-591: Animal Science - Physiology of heterosis in reproductive traits of beef females Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B30-F070 Publications: S-585: Animal Science - Improving efficiency of beef cattle production in southeastern SD Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B30-F078 Publications: S-685: Animal Science - Evaluation of operation res methods with part ref to livestock enterprises in SD Folder 1974-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F081 Publications: H-698: Animal Science - Physical and chemical properties of runinant diets Folder 1974-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F093 Publications: RRF-758: Animal Science - Increased effeciency of lamb production Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B30-F096 Publications: H-762: Animal Science - Dietary stimulats in poultry production Folder 1977-1982
UA 5.3: B30-F097 Publications: H-862: Animal Science - Protein - Amino acid - mineral levels and interrelationships affecting perf. Folder 1978-1981
UA 5.3: B30-F103 Publications: H-392: Animal Science - Decreasing feed costs through forage to grain ration manipulation Folder 1982-1985
UA 5.3: B31-F003 Publications: S-484: Animal Science - Mare's milk composition and its possible relationship to foal heat sours Folder 1968-1969
UA 5.3: B10-F20 Administrative: South Dakota Cattleman Folder 2008
UA 5.3: B10-F26 Administrative: Annual Progress Report Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F28 Administrative: Fiscal Year 2010 Beef Research Funding Requests Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F32 Administrative: Helping South Dakota During Challenging Times Annual Report Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B10-F35 Administrative: SDSU Brochures Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B11-F03 Administrative: Soybean Fiscal Year 2010 Folder 2009
UA 5.3: B11-F05 Administrative: Accomplishments Report AD-421 Forms Folder 2010, 2012
UA 5.3: B11-F07 Administrative: Agreement: SDSU and Monsanto Master Services Folder 2010-2011
UA 5.3: B11-F12 Administrative: Budget Folder 2010-2011
UA 5.3: B11-F18 Administrative: Lease Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F19 Administrative: Leases Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F22 Administrative: National Council for Science and Environment Folder 2010-2012
UA 5.3: B11-F27 Administrative: South Dakota Agriculture Bulletin No. 70 Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B11-F28 Administrative: South Dakota Beef Industry Council Folder 2010-2012
UA 5.3: B11-F30 Administrative: Synergies of Indigenous International Collaboration Folder 2010
UA 5.3: B12 SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 12 Box
UA 5.3: B12-F03 Administrative: North Central Ag Research Lab Folder 2011
UA 5.3: B12-F05 Administrative: Wheat Fiscal Year 2012 Folder 2011
UA 5.3: B12-F07 Administrative: Northeast Research Station 2011 Annual Progress Report Folder 2012
UA 5.3: B12-F08 Administrative: Fiscal Year 13 SDBIC Research Funding Proposals Folder 1 of 3 Folder 2012
UA 5.3: B12-F09 Administrative: Fiscal Year 13 SDBIC Research Funding Proposals Folder 2 of 3 Folder 2012
UA 5.3: B12-F16 Administrative: Agreement: MOA Delano No Neck Scholarship, College of Agricultural and Biological Sciences at SDSU Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F25 Administrative: Extension Vision for the 21st Century Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F29 Administrative: Lease: Orrin Korth Northeast Research Station Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F30 Administrative: Maps: Ag Research Field Stations SD and Surrounding States Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F35 Administrative: N.E. Hansen's Contributions to Alfalfa Breeding in North America Folder undated
UA 5.3: B12-F44 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Letters and Etc. Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B12-F49 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Correspondence Folder 1996
UA 5.3: B13-F06 Administrative: Animal Resource Wing Planning Group Folder 2 of 2 Folder 1997-1998
UA 5.3: B13-F10 Institutional Program Reviews: Departmental Review Dairy Science Folder 1993-2005
UA 5.3: B13-F16 Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service: CSRS/USDA Correspondence Folder 1995-2002
UA 5.3: B13-F20 Institutional Program Reviews: Review of Department of Dairy Science Folder 1999
UA 5.3: B13-F22 Institutional Program Reviews: Animal and Range Sciences Folder 1 of 2 Folder 2000
UA 5.3: B13-F23 Institutional Program Reviews: Animal and Range Sciences Folder 2 of 2 Folder 2000