Gartner Papers - Box 9

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B09-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 564. A comment on the history of the northern Yellowstone elk. Houston, Douglas B. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 575. Microenvironment of a dynamic annual community in relation to range improvement. Evans, R.A., B.L. Kay, and J.A. Young Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 577. Germination of Italian ryegrass seeds. Young, James A., Raymond A. Evans, and Burgess L. Kay Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 578. A chemical-fallow technique for control downy brome and establishment of perennial grasses on rangeland. Eckert, Jr., Richard E. and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B09-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 581. Stand management in endangered prairie woodlands. Boldt, Charles E. Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B09-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 590. Preliminary range resource Tanner Creak study area. DePuit, Edward J., W.H. Willmuth, and J.G. Coenenberg Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 594. Trend surface analysis of Powder River Basin, Wyoming Montana. Yamamoto, Teruo Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 598. Rehabilitation potentials and limitations of surface-mined land in the northern Great Plains. Packer, Paul E. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 599. Strip mine reclamation research located at Decker Coal Company, Decker, Montana. Dollhopf, Douglas J., and Mark E. Majerus Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 600. Fringed sagewort (Artemisia frigid) control in eastern Montana, Ryerson, D.E. and J.E Ranney Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 603. Peabody Coal Company Big Sky Mine reclamation research. Hodder, Richard L. and Richard G. Atkinson Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 608. Larger pits aid reseeding of semidesert rangeland. Slayback, Robert D. and Dwight R. Cable Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 610. Water potential measurements in trees. Wiebe, Herman H., Ray W. Brown, T.W. Daniel and Eric Campbell Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 611. The effects of spring and fall grazing on sagebrush-grass ranges in eastern Idaho. Laycock, William A. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 613. Economics of multiple-use. Lloyd, R. Duane Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 614. A system for measuring total sediment yield from small watersheds. Brown, Harry E., Edward A. Hansen, and Norman E. Champagne, Jr. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 625. Forest road standards as related to economics and the environment. Gardner, R.B. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 626. Burning trials in shrubby vegetation desiccated with herbicides. Bentley, Jay R., C. Eugene Conrad, and Harry E. Schimke Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 628. Prediction of herbage yields of tall bluebell and white polemonium from height of and number of stems. Laycock, W.A. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 636. Distribution of plant communities in southeastern Montana Badlands. Brown, Ray W. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 640. Douglas-fir fertilizer trials in Humboldt County. Krohn, R.F., J.A. Rydelius, and T.M. Little Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F38 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 648. Snow fences for watershed management. Tabler, Ronadl D., and Kendall L. Johnson Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F39 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 651. Limited gypsum applications on sodic soils. OConnor, G.A. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F40 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 657. Silviculture of southwestern ponderosa pine: The status of our knowledge. Schubert, Gilbert H. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F42 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 669. The release of water from forest snowpacks during winter. Haupt, Harold F. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F42 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 670. The fire environment concept. Countryman, Clive M. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 463. Fire as an ecological force in Yellowstone ecosystems. Despain, Don G. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 468. Status and management of grizzly bears in Glacier National Park, Montana. Martinka, C.J. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 471. Ecosystems of National Parks. Houston, Douglas B. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 472. Elk and the Yellowstone ecosystem. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 475.Wildfires in northern Yellowstone National Park. Houston, Douglas B., u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 480. A literature review of timber-harvesting effects on stream temperatures: research needs for the southwest. Patton, David R. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 481. Reactivating soil ripping treatments for runoff and erosion control in the southwestern US. Aldon, Earl F. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 483. An annotated bibliography of range management publications from the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station. Laycock, William A. Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B09-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 485. Soil and vegetation inventory of near-pristine sites: Montana. Ross, Robert L., Earl P. Murray, and June G. Haigh Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 491. Uses and capabilities of electronic capacitance instruments for estimating standing herbage: Part 1. History and development. Neal, D.L. and J.L. Neal Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 492. Uses and capabilities of electronic capacitance instruments for estimating standing herbage: Part 2. Sown ranges. Currie, P.O., M.J. Morris, and D.L. Neal Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 496. Fuel management planning and treatment guide: prescribed burning. USDA, Forest Service Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 505. Range research 1973. Busby, Frank E. (Fee) and Joan K. Shaw Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 506. Grazing research in southeastern Colorado 1974. Bose, Dan R., Herb Mann, and C. Wayne Cook Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 508. Establishment, production, and nutritive value of Russian wildrye in southeastern Colorado. Bose, Dan R., Herb Mann, and C. Wayne Cook Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 509. The history of range research at the Southeastern Colorado Research Center 1956-1973. Cook, Wayne C., Herbert O. Mann, and Dan R. Bose Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 517. Habitat types and regeneration. Pfister, Robert D. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 527. Food habits of deer in the Black Hills. Schneeweis, James C., Keith E. Severson, and Lyle E. Petersen Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 534. Precipitation characteristics of summer storms at high-elevation stations in Utah. Farmer, Eugene E. and Joel E. Fletcher Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 540. Protecting South Dakotas environment. South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 541. The Austrians call it Landwirtschaftlichebetreid. Reynolds, Hudson G. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 542. Remote sensing for evaluating flood damage conditions The Rapid City, South Dakota Flood, June 9, 1972. Myers, Victor I., Fred A. Waltz, and Jack R. Smith Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 551. A new policy direction for American agriculture. Clawson, Marion Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 553. Recreation site management: how to rehabilitate a heavily used campground without stopping visitor use. Beardsly, Wendell G., Roscoe B. Herrington, and J. Alan Wagar Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 554. Plants of the highest Santa Lucia and Diablo Range Peaks, California. Griffin, James R. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 556. Ponderosa pine progenies: differential response to ultramafic and granitic soils. Jenkinson, James L. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 461. Some considerations in the use of exclosures to assess the biotic effects of herbivores and departures from natural conditions in Yellowstone National Park. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 478. Snow fences improve highway safety. Tabler, Ronald F. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 479. Information sheet on Yellowstone fishing. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 490. Producing high-quality negatives from ERTS black-and-white transparencies. Myhre, Richard J. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 493. Over the Badlands wall. Evans, Keith E. and James C. Cruse Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 495. Energy and agriculture: economic perspectives. Youde, J.G. and H.O. Carter Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 510. Noxious brush and weed control research highlights-1973. Wright, Henry A. and Ronald E. Sosebee Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 515. A preliminary characterization of the habits of Mertensia (bluebells) in Utah. Matthews, Verl B. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 516. Wilderness: a management framework. Lucas, Robert C. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 523. Economics of containerized conifer seedlings, Colby, Marilyn K. and Gordon D. Lewis Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 526. Creeping sage a slow burning plant useful for fire hazard reduction. Phillips, Clinton B., Louis E. Gunter, Grant E. McClellan, and Eamor C. Nord Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 530. New snow fence design controls drifts, improved visibility, reduced road ice. Tabler, Ronald D. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 536. Snowmelt lysimeters perform well in cold temperatures in central Colorado. Schultz, Robert W. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 538. Legal research in water resources. Renne, Roland R. and Glen D. Fulcher Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 547A. Lead concentrations of plants, soil, and air near highways. Ganje, T.J. and A.L. Page Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 547B. A 10-year range study shows brush conversion costs and returns in San Louis Obispo County. Weitkamp, Jr., W. H., F.F. Frank, and W.J. Clawson Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 549. Water intake on midcontinental rangelands as influenced by soils and plant cover. Rauzi, Frank, C.L. Fly, and E.J. Duksterhuis Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B09-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 552. Negotiation and land conversion. McBride, George A. and Marion Clawson Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 555. Selected bibliography of wildlife and habitats for the southwest. Patton, David R. and Peter F. Ffolliott Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 557. Vegetation responses to grazing, rainfall, site condition, and mesquite control on semidesert range. Cable, Dwight R. and S. Clark Martin Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 559. Phytotoxic grass residues reduce germination and initial root growth of ponderosa pine. Rietveld, W.J. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 561. Publication recreation on private lands. Watt, James F. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 562. Morphogenesis and management of woody perennials in the United States. Plummer, A. Perry Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 567. Preparing aspen increment cores for ring counts. Truillo, David P. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 579. Enhancing germination of dormant seeds on downy brome. Evans, Raymond A. and James A. Young Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 582. Revegetating devastated sites in New Mexico with western wheatgrass transplants. Aldon, Earl F,. O.D. Knipe, and George Garcia Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 583. Effects of cattle grazing on ponderosa pine regeneration in central Colorado. Currie, Pat O., Carleton B. Edminster, and F. William Knott Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B09-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 589. Rangeland fertilization in Montana a literature review. Ryerson, D.E. and J.E. Taylor Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 591. Revegetation research on the Decker Coal Mine in southeastern Montana. Farmer, Eugene E., Ray W. Brown, Bland Z. Richardson, and Paul E. Packers Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 593. Mine spoil reclamation research at the Belle Ayr Mine, northeast Wyoming. Orr, Howard K. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 606. Surface mined land reclamation research at Colstrip, Montana. Sindelar, Brian W., Richard Atkinson, Mark Majerus, and Ken Proctor Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 616. Fertilizing to improve elk winter range in Montana. Basile, Joseph V. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 617. Infiltration in contour trenches in the Sierra Nevada. DeByle, Nobert V. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 621. Watershed management in the United States: Concepts and principles. Packer, P.E. and W.A. Laycock Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 622. Converting gambel oak sites to grass reduces soil-moisture depletion. Tew, Ronald K. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 632. Growing fourwing saltbrush transplants for field planting. Aldon, Earl F. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 633. Predicting yields of two bunchgrass species. Wright, Henry A. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 637. Space photos for land use and foresty. Aldrich, Robert C. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 639. Competition and successional patterns on Thurber fescue grasslands of western U.S.A. Paulsen, Jr., Harold A. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F37 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 643. Seed dispersal in relation to rodent activities in seral big sagebrush communities. La Tourrette, Joseph E., James A. Young, and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F39 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 655. Storage does not affect crude protein content of forage samples. Pond, Floyd W. and Henry A. Pearson Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F40 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 660. Silviculture of subalpine forests in the central and southern Rocky Mountains The status of our knowledge. Alexander, Robert R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F41 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 663. Guides for fuel-breaks in the Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer type. Green, Lisle R. Harry E. Schmike Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F41 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 664. Regeneration of ponderosa pine in the northern Rocky Mountain Intermountain region. Foiles, Marvin W. and James D. Curtis Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F41 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 665. Equations and computer subroutines for estimating site quality of eight Rocky Mountain species. Brickell, James E. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F42 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 666. Commercial thinning to produce ponderosa pine sawlogs in the inland empire. Foiles, Marvin W. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F42 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 667. Fire whirls why, when, and where. Countryman, Clive M. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F43 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 671. Ponderosa pine seed for animals or trees? Schmidt, Wyman C. and Raymond C. Shearer Folder 1971