Gartner Papers - Box 9

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B09-F43 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 672. The seasonal trends in moisture content, ether extractives, and energy of ponderosa pine and douglas-fir needles. Philpot, Charles W. and Robert W. Mutch Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 566. Modeling management of ponderosa pine forest resources. Baker, Jr., Malchus B. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 568. Why graze semidesert ranges? Martin, S. Clark Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 570. Carbon black increases snowmelt and forage availability on deer winter range in Colorado. Regelin, Wayne L. and Olof C. Wallmo Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 572. Water yield improvement research on the Pacific southwest forest and range experiment station and its usefulness to wildland resource management. Smith, James L. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 574. The San Joaquin site of the grassland biome: its relation to annual grassland ecosystem synthesis. Duncan, Don A. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 576. Germinability of seed reserves in a big sagebrush community. Young, James A. and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 580. Productivity of tall wheatgrass and great basin wildrye under irrigation on a greasewood-rabbitbrush range site. Eckert, Jr., Richard E., Allen D. Brunner, and Gerard J. Klomp Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 584. Economic benefits from small livestock ranched in north-central New Mexico. Gray, James R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 586. Improvement of mountain meadows in Nevada. Eckert, Jr., Richard E. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 587. Revegetating coal mine spoils in New Mexico: a laboratory study. Aldon, Ear. F. amd H.W. Springfield Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 595. The properties of important agricultural soils as criteria for mined land reclamation. Omodt, Hollis W., Fred W. Schroer, and Donald D. Patterson Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 597. Slope stability of overburden spoil dumps from surface phosphate mines in southeastern Idaho. Jeppson, Roland W., Robert W. Hill and C. Earl Israelsen Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 604. Test pit stabilization and revegetation study Consolidation Coal Company, Roundup, Montana. Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 624. Rearing and training deer for food habits studies. Reichert, Donald W. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 629. A study of the effectiveness of specific teaching on conservation to children in selected elementary schools of Butte County, California. Gladen, Frank H. and Helen S. Carkin Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 635. Losses from natural hazards. Russell, Clifford S. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 638. Vegetation changed on semi-desert range during 10 years of summer, winter, and year-long grazing by cattle. Martin, S. Clark Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F38 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 647. Lodgepole pine (Pinus controta Dougl.). Kotok, E.S. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F38 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 649. Planned program of tree and shrub planting enhances beauty of Americas Great Plains. Davidson, Walter H. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F40 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 658. Silviculture of southwestern mixed conifers and aspen: The status of our knowledge. Jones, John R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F40 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 659. Handbook for inventorying downed woody material. Brown, James K. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F41 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 661. Effects of chaparral-to-grass conversion on wildfire suppression costs. Brown, Thomas C. and Ron S. Boster Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F43 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 675. Quantification of outdoor recreationists preferences. Driver, B.L. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 464. Forest insects and diseases. Despain, Don G. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 465. Yellowstone wolves (Canis lupus irremotus). Cole, Glen F. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 466. Mission-oriented research in natural areas of the National Park Service. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 476. Progress in restoring a natural grizzly bear population in Yellowstone National Park. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 487. Chaparral shrub control as influenced by grazing, herbicides, and fire. Murphy, Alfred H. and Oliver A. Leonard Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 489. The Great Plains wet or dry. Schumacher, C.M. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 500. Effect of snow fence height on wind speed. Rabler, Ronald D. and Donald L. Veal Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 503. Status report of the larkspur study on Targhee National Forest 1974. Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 504. Tax loss cattle investments. Carman, Hoy F. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 507. Diets and gains of steers under various grazing systems on three pasture types in southeastern Colorado. Bose, Dan R., Herb Mann, and C. Wayne Cook Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 511. Soil water distribution on a contour-trenched area. Doty, Robert D. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 513. Sheep can control sagebrush on seeded range if ---. Frischknecht, Neil C. and Lorin E. Harris Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 518. The southwestern pinyon-juniper ecosystem: a bibliography. Aldon, Earl F. and H.W. Springfield Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 522. Estimating understory plan cover with rated microplots. Morris, Meredith J. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 524. Sagebrush control with herbicide has little effect on elk calving behavior. Ward, A Lorin. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 531. Foods of the Rocky Mountain mule deer. Kufeld, Roland C., O.C. Wallmo, and Charles Feddema Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 533. Contour trenching effects on streamflow from a Utah watershed. Doty, Robert D. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 537. Effect of snow depth on mule deer in Middle Park, Colorado. Gilbert, Paul F., Olof C. Wallmo, and R. Bruce Gill Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 539. Effects of level of wintering and pasture system on performance of beef females through four calf crops. King, H.H., R.A. Moore, G.B. Haiwick, L.B. Embry, C.R. Krueger, and J.E. Olson Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 544. An insulated evaporimiter, Van Haveren, Bruce P. and Eugene E. Farmer Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 545. A pump-manometer for ground water studies. Richardson, Bland Z. and Edward R. Burroughs, Jr. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 548. Institutions for effective management of the environment.Environmental Study Group Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 550. Relative importance of variables in water resources planning, James, II, I.C., B.T. Bower and N.C. Matalas Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 558. Provisional tree and shrub seed zones for the Great Plains. Cunningham, Richard A. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 563. Population regulation and the consequences of artificially feeding wild animals. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 565. Briefing schedule Biologists. National Park Service, Yellowstone National Park Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 585. Early development of range grass inflorescence. Cable, Dwight R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 588. Dryland sodding with native grasses for permanent erosion control. Sindelar, Brian W. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 592. Land use aspects of the energy crisis and western mining. Copeland, Otis L. and Paul E. Packer Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 596. Mineral rights management by private landowners in the Great Plains states. Voelker, Stanley W. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 601. Chemical reclamation for sodic strip-mine spoils. Doering, E.J. and W.O. Willis Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B09-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 602. Vegetation response to fertilization, grazing and deferment of grassland communities in Buggy Creek State Grazing District. Ryerson, Don and Roy Roath Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B09-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 605. Surface mined land reclamation research in Montana. Sindelar, Brian W., Richard L. Hodder, and Mark E. Majerus Folder 197
UA 53.21: B09-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 607. Coal mine land reclamation research located at Western Energy Company, Colstrip, Montana. Hodder, Richard L., Brian W. Sindelar, James Buchholz, and D.E. Ryerson Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 609. Leaf sampler for relative water content measurements: design and application. Brown, Ray W. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 612. Aerial color and color infrared photography some applications and problems for grazing resource inventories. Driscoll, Richard S. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 615. Do contour trenches reduce wet-mantle flood peaks? DeByle, Norbert B. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 618. Influence of contour trenching on snow accumulation. Doty, Robert D. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 619. Length- and weight-diameter relations of serviceberry twigs. Lyon, L. Jack Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 620. Protecting our environment and natural resources in the 1970s. Kneese, Allen V. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 623. Annual cycle of leaf water potential in Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa at timberline in Wyoming. Lindsay, J.H. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 627. Alternatives to dryland farming other crops, and irrigation, may or may not be worth the change. Frey, Leland S. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 630. Rooting cuttings of shrub species for plantings in California wildlands. Nord, Eamor C. and J.R. Goodin Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 634. Improvement of deer habitat on southwestern forest lands. Reynolds Hudson G. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B09-F37 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 641. Factors influencing effectiveness of two surfactants on water-repellent soils.Mustafa, M.A. and J. Letey Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F37 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 642. Can there be a good forest fire? Claiborne, Robert Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F37 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 644. Soil water and tree growth in a Great Plains windbreak. Sander, D.H. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F38 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 646. Cottonwood (Populus species), McKnight, J.S Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F38 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 650. Vertical profiles of windspeed in a pine stand. Bergen, James D. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F39 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 652. Wedgeleaf ceanothus canopy does not affect total herbage yield. Gaylord, Vernon J. and Stanley E. Westfall Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F39 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 653. Estimating yields of gambel oak from foiage cover and basal area. Hutchingings, Selar S. and Lamar R. Mason Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F39 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 654. The fuels buildup in American forests: a plan of action and research. Wilson, Carl C. and John D. Dell Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F40 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 656. Integrated fire management on national parks. Kilgore, Bruce M. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F41 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 662. Physical fuel properties of ponderosa pine forest floors and cheatgrass. Brown, James K., 1970 (c Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F42 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 668. In wildness is fire. Eastman, John Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F43 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 673. This humidity business: what it is all about and its use in fire control. Countryman, Clive M. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F43 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 674. Recovery from soil compaction on bluegrass range in the Black Hills. Orr, Howard K., u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 462. Brucelloisis in Yellowstone bison the controversy. Meagher, Mary Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 467. Grizzly bear-elk relationships in Yellowstone National Park. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 469. Preservation and management of grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 470. Fishing in a national park. National Park Service, u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 473. The status of research on ungulates in northern Yellowstone National Park. Houston, Douglas B. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 474. A boundary control program for Yellowstone bison. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 477. Winter weather as a population regulating influence on free-ranging bison in Yellowstone National Park. Meagher, Mary Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B09-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 482. The Santa Rita Experimental Range: your facility for research on semidesert ecosystems. Martin, S. Clark and Hudson G. Reynolds Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 484. How heavy grazing and protection affect sagebrush-grass ranges. Laycock, William A. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B09-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 486. History of the Ekalaka Project. Soiseth, Ronald J., u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 488. Santa Rita Experimental Range. Martin, S. Clark, u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 494. Reestablishment of wooded waterways and associated upland shrub communities in surface coal mining areas of the northwestern Great Plains. Orr, Howard K. Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B09-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 497. Use and development of outdoor recreation resources in northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B09-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 498. Some effects of continuous grazing on forage production. Martin, S. Clark Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 499. A new tree for eastern Nebraska. Read, Ralph A. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B09-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 501. Livestock grazing not detrimental to meadow wildflowers. Ratliff, Raymond D. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B09-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 502. Soil temperatures during burning related to postfire seedbeds on woodland range. Bentley, J.R. and R.L. Farmer Folder 1958
UA 53.21: B09-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 512. Water management forestry - a model approach. Anderson, Henry W. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B09-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 514. Chromatographic characteristics and phylgenetic relationships of Artemisia, section Tridentatae. Hanks, David L., E. Durant McArthur, Richard Stevens and A. Perry Plummer Folder 1973