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UA 53.21: B12-F07 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1107. Soil fertility levels of South Dakota soils: a summary of soil tests. Ward, Raymond C. and Paul L. Carson |
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1975 |
UA 53.21: B12-F07 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1108. Directory of selected forestry-related bibliographic data bases. Evans, Peter A. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F07 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1109. Evaporation and transpiration. Ziemer, Robert R. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F09 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1116. Integrating fire with land management planning and action a process. Barney, Richard J. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F09 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1117. Nature of land and resource classification a review. Bailey, Robert G., Robert D. Pfister, and Jan A. Henderson |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F10 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1122. Wildlife habitat investigations and management implications on the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Gruell, George E. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F11 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1129. Fires effect on physical and chemical properties of chaparral soils. DeBano, L.F., F.H. Dunn, and C.E. Conrad |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F11 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1130. Fires effect on biological and chemical properties of chaparral soils. Dunn, Paul H. and Leonard F. DeBano |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F12 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1131. Climatic features as a fire determinant. McCutchan, Morris H. |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F14 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1142. Soil temperatures during forest fires in the longleaf pine region. Heyward, Frank. |
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1938 |
UA 53.21: B12-F14 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1143. Loss of nitrogen from the forest floor by burning. Knight, H. |
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1966 |
UA 53.21: B12-F17 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1157. Field instruction in prescribed burning techniques at the University of Minnesota. Irving, Frank D. |
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1970 |
UA 53.21: B12-F18 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1163. Herd organization and movements of elk in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. Varland, Kenneth L., Allan L. Lovaas, and Robert G. Dahlgren |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F18 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1165. Logging slash: its breakdown and decay at two forests in northern California. Wagener, Willis W. and Harold R. Offord |
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1972 |
UA 53.21: B12-F20 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1172. Fires influence on wildlife habitat on the Bridget-Teton National Forest, Wyoming Volume I Photographic record and analysis. Gruell, George E. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F21 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1177. Ruminants as food producers now and for the future. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology |
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1975 |
UA 53.21: B12-F21 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1179. Energy in agriculture. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology |
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1973 |
UA 53.21: B12-F21 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1180. Grazing regulations for the public lands. Hickel, Walter J. |
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1969 |
UA 53.21: B12-F23 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1188. Intermediate wheatgrass for reseeding southwestern ponderosa pine and upper woodland ranged in the southwest. Lavin, Fred |
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1953 |
UA 53.21: B12-F23 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1190. How to reseed southern Idaho range lands. Hull, Jr., A.C. and G. Kenneth Pearse |
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1943 |
UA 53.21: B12-F24 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1193. Ash leachate can reduce surface erosion. Holcomb, George J. and Philip B. Durgin |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F27 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1206. Effects of road salting on aquatic invertebrate communities. Molles, Jr., Manuel C. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F27 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1208. The role and use of fire in the semidesert grass-shrub type. Wright, Henry A. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F29 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1219. Measuring and interpreting fire behavior for correlation with fire effects. Rothermel, Richard C. and John E. Deeming |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F30 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1221. Environmental effects of surface mining of minerals other than coals: annotated bibliography and summary report. Richardson, Bland Z. and Marilyn Marshall Pratt |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F30 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1224. Reducing natural ponderosa pine fuels using prescribed fire: two case studies. Sackett, Stephen S. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F31 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1226. Management of ponderosa pine in even-aged stands in the southwest. Alexander, Robert R. and Carleton B. Edminster |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F31 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1227. Whats that chewing in my woodpile? McCambridge, W.F. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1234. Aspen community types on the Bridger-Teton National Forest in western Wyoming. Youngblood, Andrew P. and Walter F. Mueggler |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F33 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1236. Proceedings of the Fire History Workshop. Stokes, Marvin A. and John H. Dieterich |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F01 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1079. Managing vegetation to increase flow in the Colorado River basin. Hibbert, Alden R. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F03 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1087. Influence of fire on vegetation production in the aspen ecosystem in western Wyoming. Bartos, Dale L. and Walter F. Mueggler |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F03 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1090. Habitat management considerations for prairie chickens. Kirsch, Leo M. |
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1974 |
UA 53.21: B12-F05 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1096. Riparian woodlands in jeopardy on northern high plains. Boldt, Charles E., Daniel W. Uresk, and Kieth E. Severson |
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undated |
UA 53.21: B12-F06 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1105. A systems approach to range beef production. Cook, C. Wayne, E.T. Bartlett, and Gary R. Evans |
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1974 |
UA 53.21: B12-F08 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1115. Fire RD&A Program: research-land management link. Noble, Delpha |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F10 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1125. Evaluation of sheep losses on a range lambing operating in southeastern New Mexico. DeLorenzo, Donald G. and V.W. Howard, Jr. |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F11 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1127. Animal use of ponderosa pine forest openings. Patton, David R. and D.J. Neff |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F12 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1134. Effect of grazing intensity and range condition on hydrology of western South Dakota ranges. Hanson, Clayton L., Armine B. Kuhlman, and James K. Lewis |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F12 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1135. Control by fire of dwarf mistletoe in black spruce. Irving, F.D. and D.W. French |
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1971 |
UA 53.21: B12-F13 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1140. The effect of certain site and soil factors on the establishment of douglas-fir on the Tillamook burn. Lowry, G.L. and C.T. Youngberg |
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1955 |
UA 53.21: B12-F15 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1146. Some effects of fire and ash on the infiltration capacity of soils. Burgy, R.H. and V.H. Scott |
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1952 |
UA 53.21: B12-F15 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1147. The effect of surface cover on soil moisture losses by evaporation. Russel, J.C. |
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1939 |
UA 53.21: B12-F16 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1151. Forage response to month of burning. Lewis, Clifford E. |
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1964 |
UA 53.21: B12-F17 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1158. Factors affecting regeneration of western Montana clearcuts. Steele, Robert W. and William R. Pierce |
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1968 |
UA 53.21: B12-F17 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1160. Principles of rest-rotation grazing and multiple-use land management. Hormay, August L. |
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1970 |
UA 53.21: B12-F19 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1169. Inventory of slash fuels using 3P subsampling. Beaufait, William R., Michael A. Marsden and Rodney A. Norum |
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1974 |
UA 53.21: B12-F19 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1170. Procedures recommended for overburden and hydrologic studies of surface mines Thunder Basin Project. Barrett, James, Paul C. Deutsch, Frank F. Ethridge, William T. Franklin, Robert D. Heil, David B. McWhorter, Alv D. Youngberg, and Grant |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F20 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1173. Livestock distribution tools. Hyde, Robert M. and Clenton E. Owensby |
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1975 |
UA 53.21: B12-F22 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1181. Recreation facilities a personal history of their development in the national forests of California. Bachman, Earl E. |
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1967 |
UA 53.21: B12-F22 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1183. Recommendations for range reseeding in Utah. Utah State Agricultural College, u |
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undated |
UA 53.21: B12-F23 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1189. Guide for reseeding summer rangelands on Colorados western slope. Doran, Clyde W. |
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1951 |
UA 53.21: B12-F24 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1195. Classifying forest habitat types based on potential climax vegetation. Pfister, Robert D. and Stephen F. Arno |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F25 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1198. Postharvest residue burning under alternative silvicultural practices. Steele, Robert W. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F26 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1201. Fire ecology of Lolo National Forest habitat types. Davis, Kathleen M., Bruce D. Clayton, and William C. Fischer |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F26 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1203. Establishment, survival, and growth of selected browse species in a ponderosa pine forest. Dietz, Donald R., Daniel W. Uresk, Harold E. Messner, and Lowell C. McEwen |
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1980 |