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UA 53.21: B12-F28 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1213. Computers, climatology, and fire use. Bradshaw, Larry S. and William C. Fischer |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F28 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1214. Estimating duff moisture from meteorological measurements. Frandsen, William H. and Larry Bradshaw |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F29 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1216. Soil solution chemistry and slash disposal. Hart, George E., Norbert V. and Robert W. Hennes |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F30 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1223. Patch clearcuts to manage snow in lodgepole pine. Gary, Howard L. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1232. A computer system for scheduling fire use Part I: The system. Bradshaw, Larry S. and William C. Fischer |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1233. A computer system for scheduling fire use Part II: Computer terminal operators manual. Bradshaw, Larry S. and William C. Fischer |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F01 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1077. Livestock interactions with fish and their environments a symposium summary. Platts, William S. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F01 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1078. Natural fuel loadings in ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests of the southwest. Sackett, Stephen S. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F02 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1081. Recovery potential of fire-damaged southwestern ponderosa pine. Dieterich, John H. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F02 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1082. User guide to soils mining and reclamation in the west. USDA Forest Service |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F02 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1083. User guide to vegetation mining and reclamation in the west. USDA Forest Service |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F03 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1088. Potential effects of stable versus fluctuating elk populations in the aspen ecosystem. DeByle, Norbert V. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F04 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1093. Using fire weather data in prescribed fire planning: two computer programs. Furrhan, William |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F04 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1094. Duration of snow accululation increases after harvesting in lodgepole pine in Wyoming and Colorado. Gary, Howard L. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F05 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1097. A new fire management policy on forest service lands. David, James B. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F06 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1101. Effects of fire on soil: a state-of-knowledge review. USDA Forest Service, 1978 (2 c |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F06 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1103. A cooperative elk trapping program in Wind Cave National Park. Lovaas, Allan L. |
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1973 |
UA 53.21: B12-F07 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1106. Probabilities of sequences of wet and dry days in South Dakota. Feyerherm, A.M., L. Dean Bark, and W.C. Burrows |
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1965 |
UA 53.21: B12-F07 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1110. Range ram a long-term planning method for managing grazing lands. Jansen, Henricus C. |
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1976 |
UA 53.21: B12-F08 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1111. Effects of fire on fuels a state-of-knowledge review. Martin, Robert E., Hal E. Anderson, William D. Boyer, John J. Dieterich, Von J. Johnson, and W. Henry McNah |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F08 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1112. Protect your pines from mountain pine beetles. USDA Forest Service |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F08 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1113. Livestock interactions with fish and aquatic environments: problems in evaluation. Platts, William S. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F08 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1114. Problems associated with management of native woody plants in the western Dakotas. Severson, Kieth E. and Charles E. Boldt |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F09 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1118. Effects of burning on chaparral soils: I. Soil nitrogen. DeBano, Leonard F., Gary E. Eberlein, and Paul H. Dunn |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F09 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1119. Effects of burning on chaparral soils: II. Soil microbes and nitrogen mineralization. Dunn, Paul H., Leonard F. DeBano, and Gary E. Eberlein |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F10 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1121. Landslide occurrence in the western and central northern Rocky Mountain physiographic province in Idaho. Megahan, Walter F., Norman F. Day, and Timothy M. Bliss |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F10 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1123. Light burning and the nutrient value of forage. Stark, N. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F11 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1126. Range sites and soils in the United States. Shiflet, Thomas N. |
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1973 |
UA 53.21: B12-F13 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1136. Effects on fuels and trees of a large intentional burn in ponderosa pine. Lindenmitj, Jr., A.W. |
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1962 |
UA 53.21: B12-F13 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1137. A survey of effects of intentional burning on fuels and timber stands on ponderosa pine in Arizona. Lindenmuth, Jr., A.W. |
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1960 |
UA 53.21: B12-F13 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1138. Fire as an ecological factor in the boreal forest of Alaska. Lutz, H.J. |
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1960 |
UA 53.21: B12-F13 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1139. Earlu effects of a prescribed fire in spruce-fire slash on some soil properties. Leska, G.L. |
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1971 |
UA 53.21: B12-F14 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1141. Predator control 1971. Advisory Committee on Predator Control |
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1972 |
UA 53.21: B12-F16 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1153. 1967 Fire danger in the northern Rocky Mountains. Fischer, William C. |
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1969 |
UA 53.21: B12-F16 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1154. Spring and autumn broadcast burning of interior douglas-fir slash. Steele, Robert W. and William R. Beaufait |
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1969 |
UA 53.21: B12-F16 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1155. Range burning. Wright, Henry A. |
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1974 |
UA 53.21: B12-F17 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1156. A quantitative method of habitat description. James, Frances C. and Henry Herman Shugart, Jr. |
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1970 |
UA 53.21: B12-F17 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1159. Short duration grazing. Allen, Dale D. |
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undated |
UA 53.21: B12-F18 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1164. Tolerance of South Dakota plants to flooding and to wet soils. Schumacher, C.M. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F19 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1166. Soil heating in chaparral fires: effects on soil properties, plant nutrients, erosion, and runoff. DeBano, Leonard F., Raymond M. Rice, and C. Eugene Conrad |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F19 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1167. Silviculture and visual resources. Litton, Jr., R. Burton and Philip M. McDonald |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F19 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1168. A digitized systematic classification for ecosystems with an illustrated summary of the natural vegetation of North America. Brown, David E., Charles H. Lowe, and Charles P. Pase |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F20 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1174. Bluestem haying. Hyde, Robert M. and Clenton E. Owensby |
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1971 |
UA 53.21: B12-F20 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1175. Graze first-year native grass plantings. Laumchbaugh, John |
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1976 |
UA 53.21: B12-F22 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1182. Artificial reseeding on oak-brush range in central Utah. Price, Raymond |
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1938 |
UA 53.21: B12-F22 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1184. Economic impact on southwestern Wyoming of recreationists visiting Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Kite, Rodney C. and Willard D. Schutz |
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1967 |
UA 53.21: B12-F23 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1186. How to reseed parks and openings in the ponderosa pine zone in Colorado. Johnson, W.M. and A.C. Hull, Jr. |
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1950 |
UA 53.21: B12-F23 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1187. A preliminary guide for range reseeding in Arizona and New Mexico. Price, Raymond |
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1949 |
UA 53.21: B12-F24 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1191. 1972 Evaluation of state school lands. Dvorak, Darrell |
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1973 |
UA 53.21: B12-F25 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1196. Management implication of elk and deer use of clear-cuts in Montana. Lyon, L. Jack and Chester E. Jensen |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F25 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1200. Impact of backcountry recreationists on wildlife: an annotated bibliography. Ream, Catherine H. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F26 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1202. Land management fire management policies, directives, and guides in the national forest system: a review and commentary. Barney, Richard J. and David F. Aldrich |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F26 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1205. Hand-hel-calculator programs for the field forester. Shepperd, Wayne D. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F27 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1209. Bibliography of seam publications. Colling, Gene |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F28 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1211. Indians & Fire. Barrett, Stephen W. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F28 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1215. Lightning that ignites forest fires. Fuquay, Donald M. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F29 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1220. Phenology of common forest flora of the northern Rockies 1928 to 1937. Schmidt, Wyman C. and James E. Lotan |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1230. Predicting postfire plant succession for fire management planning. Kessell, Stephen R. and William C. Fischer |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1235. Publications of the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 1974-1979.Litten, Sharon M. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F33 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1237. Effects of mountain home developments on surface water quality: a case study. Gary, Howard L., Stanley L. Ponce and Jim D. Dedrick |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F33 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1239. Effectiveness of thinning ponderosa pine stands in reducing mountain pine beetle-caused tree losses in the Black Hills Preliminary observations. McCambridge, W.F. and R.E. Stevens |
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1982 |
UA 53.21: B12-F01 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1076. Fire management: a component of land management planning. Egging, Louis T. and Richard J. Barney |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F02 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1084. User guide to engineering mining and reclamation in the west. USDA Forest Service |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F03 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1086. Determining the moisture content of some dead forest fuels using a microwave oven. Norum, Rodney A. and William C. Fischer |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F04 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1091. Upland sandpiper nesting and management in North Dakota. Kirsch, Leo M. and Kenneth F. Higgins |
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1976 |
UA 53.21: B12-F04 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1092. Effects of protection from livestock grazing on a bottomland wildlife habitat in northeastern Colorado. Crouch, Glenn L. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F05 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1100. Effects of types and rates of nitrogen fertilizer on range herbage production under drought conditions. Fulgham, Kenneth O., Gary B. Donart, Res D. Pieper, Marvin Lentner, and Don D. Dwyer |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F06 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1102. Introduction of prescribed burning to Wind Cave National Park. Lovaas, Allan L., 1976 (2 c |
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1976 |
UA 53.21: B12-F06 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1104. Cool season grasses in Kansas. Kansas Cooperative Extension Service |
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1973 |
UA 53.21: B12-F10 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1124. Preliminary assessment of predator damage to the sheep industry in southeastern New Mexico. Howard, Jr., Volney W. and Richard Ellis Shaw |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F11 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1128. The effect of fire on vegetation in ponderosa pine forests a state-of-the-art review., Wright, Henry A. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F14 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1144. Economics of range improvements a ranchers handbook to economic decision-making. Nielsen, Darwin B., 1977 (2 c |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F15 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1148. Relative infiltration rates of burned and unburned upland soils. Scott, V.H. |
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1956 |
UA 53.21: B12-F15 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1149. Effect of mulches on soil properties. Stephenson, R.E. and C.E. Schuster |
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1944 |
UA 53.21: B12-F18 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1161. Prescribed burning effective control of sagebrush and open juniper. Ralphs, Michael, David Schen, and Fee Busby |
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1975 |
UA 53.21: B12-F20 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1171. Fires influence on wildlife habitat on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming Volume II Changes and causes, management implications. Gruell, George E. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F21 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1178. Informing the nonagricultural public about agricultural science. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology |
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1972 |
UA 53.21: B12-F22 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1185. Preliminary guide to reseeding pinyon-juniper lands of western Colorado. Hull, Jr., A.C. and Clyde W. Doran |
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1950 |
UA 53.21: B12-F24 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1192. High-fire-risk behavior in critical fire areas. Folkman, William S. |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F24 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1194. Winterfat (Ceratoides lanata). Stevens, Richard, Bruce C. Giunta, Kent R. Jorgensen, and A. Perry Plummer |
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1977 |
UA 53.21: B12-F25 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1197. Fire management techniques for the 1980s. Fischer, William C. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F25 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1199. Fire ecology and prescribed burning in the Great Plains a research review. Wright, Henry A. and Arthur W. Bailey, 1980 |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F26 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1204. Ponderosa pine provenances for the northern Great Plains. Van Duesen, James L. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F27 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1210. Forest fire history in the northern Rockies. Arno, Stephen F. |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F28 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1212. Effects of burning on the aspen ecosystem. Bartos, Dale L. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F29 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1217. A screen-caged thermocouple psychrometer and calibration of chamber for measurements of plant and soil water potential. Brown, Ray W. and James M. Collins |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F29 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1218. Growing Colorado plants from seed: a state of the art Volume I: Shrubs. Vories, Kimery C. |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F30 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1222. Hydrologic relations of sagebrush lands. Sturges, David L. |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F30 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1225. Arizona range reference areas. Turner, Raymond M., Lee H. Applegate, Patricia M. Bergthold, Steve Gallizioli and S. Clark Martin |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F31 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1228. The effects of fire and other disturbances on small mammals and their predators: an annotated bibliography. Ream, Catherine H. |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F31 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1229. Effects of sheep grazing on a riparian-stream environment. Platts, William S. |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F32 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1231. A computerized bibliography of selected sagebrush species (Genus Artemisia) in western North America. Harniss, Roy O., Stephen J. Harvey and Robert B. Murray |
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1981 |
UA 53.21: B12-F33 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1238.Studying snowdrifting problems with small-scale models outdoors. Tabler, Ronald D. and Robert L. Jairell |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F33 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1240. The esthetis effects of prescribed burning: a case study. Anderson, Linda M., Daniel J. Levi, Terry C. Daniel, and John H. Dieterich |
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1982 |
UA 53.21: B12-F01 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1080. Riparian and wetland habitats of the great plains. Forestry Committee, Great Plains Agricultural Council |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F02 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1085. The role and use of fire in sagebrush-grass and pinyon-juniper plant communities: A state-of-the-art review. Wright, Henry A., Leon F. Neuenschwander, and Carlton M. Britton |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F03 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1089. Forestry research west. USDA Forest Service |
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1980 |
UA 53.21: B12-F04 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1095. Effects of fire on air: a state-of-knowledge review. USDA Forest Service |
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1978 |
UA 53.21: B12-F05 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1098. Urban users of wildland areas as forest fire risks. Folkman, William S. |
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1979 |
UA 53.21: B12-F05 |
Collected Publications [Indexed]: 1099. Solar radiation as a forest management tool: a primer and application of principles. Halverson, Howard G. and James L. Smith |
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1979 |