Gartner Papers - Box 10

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B10-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 676. Fertilizer response of alkali sacaton and fourwing saltbush grown on coal mine spoil. Aldon, Earl F., H.W. Springfield, and David G. Scholl Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 678. An improved recording gage for blowing snow. Jairell, Robert L. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 682. Range management and its ecological basis in the ponderosa pine type of Arizona: The status of our knowledge. Clary, Warren P. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 687. Rehabilitation research and its application on a surface mined area of eastern Montana. Richardson, Bland Z., Eugene E. Farmer, Ray W. Brown, and P.E. Packer, u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 688. Forest and forestry. Habeck, James F. and Robert Mutch Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 691. Fire management: a definition. Barney, Richard J. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 693. Some important native shrubs of the west. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 694. Shrub Sciences Laboratory. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 695. Fire in multiple use management applying research results. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 699. Chaparral conversion potential in Arizona: Part I: Water yield response and effects of other resources. Hibbert, Alden R., Edwin A. David and David F. Scholl Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 708. Building a natural area system for Montana. Schmidt, Wyman C. and W.P. Buster Dufour Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 719. Watershed management in the Black Hills: the status of our knowledge. Orr, Howard K. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 725. The role of herbicides in management of pinyon-juniper woodlands. Evans, Raymond A., Richard E. Eckert, Jr., and James A. Young Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 732. Growth after thinning ponderosa and Jeffrey pine pole stands in northeastern California. Oliver, William M. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 736. Are existing measurements of precipitation input to watersheds adequate for management decisions? Rechard, Paul A., u Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 738. Economics of big game resource use in Nevada. Garret, J.R., G.J. Pon, D.J. Arosteguy Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 743. People and the Gallatin elk herd. Lovass, Allan L. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 744. Five California campgrounds conditions improve after 5 years recreational use. Magill, Arthr W. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 746. Annuals and biennials for Wyoming high altitudes. Dahl, Otto Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B10-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 748. Perennials for Wyoming high altitudes. Dahl, Otto Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B10-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 750. South Dakota forage legume variety trials: 1941-1970. Rumbaugh, M.D. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 751.Herbage dynamics and net primary production in certain ungrazed and grazed grasslands in North America. Sims, P.L. and J.S. Singh Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 753. Protecting the forests from fire. USDA, Forest Service, Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 755. Forestry research highlights 1969. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 759. Thinning practice for conifers in the lake states and the northeast in the United States. McCulley, Robert D. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 762. Prescribed fire for maintaining fuel-breaks in the central Sierra Nevada. Schimke, Harry E. and Lisle R. Green Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 769. Rehabilitation potentials and limitations of surface mined lands. Bay, Roger R. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 771. Extended field use of screen-covered thermocouple psychrometers. Brown, Ray W. and Robert S. Johnston Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 774. Principles and concepts of forest soil fertility. Powers, Robert F. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 775. Vandalism and outdoor recreation: symposium proceedings. USDA Forest Service Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 779. Soil moisture response to spraying big sagebrush: a seven-year study and literature interpretation. Sturges, David L. Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 782. Multi-resource management research in the southwest The Beaver Creek program. Carder, D. Ross Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 790. Great Basin Station sixty years of progress in range and watershed research. Keck, Wendell M. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 791. Revegetation of acid mining waster in central Idaho. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 806. Germination of winter annual species from a rangeland community treated with Paraquat. Evans, Raymond A., James A. Young, and Burgess L. Kay Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 810. Lightning agent of change in forest ecosystems. Taylor, Alan R. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 812. Economics of brushland wildfires. Kuykendall, Hardy G. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 821. Retardant salt concentration measured in the field. George, Charles W. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 822. Measuring the energy-release rate of a spreading fire. Frandsen, William H. and Richard C. Rothermel Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 823. Seedfall from young-growth ponderosa pine. Sundahl, William E. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 826. Vegetation management on a forested recreation site. Beardsley, Wendell G. and J. Alan Wagar Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 827. Elk and deer use are related to food sources in Arizona ponderosa pine. Clary, Warren P. and Frederic R. Larson Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 829. Evaluating product potential in standing timber. Barger, Roland L. and Peter F. Ffolliott Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 834. Deer. Montana Fish & Game Department Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B10-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 837. Silviculture of central and southern Rocky Mountain forests: A summary of the status of our knowledge by timber types. Alexander, Robert R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 847. A hydrologic model of aspen-conifer succession in the western United States. Jaynes, Richard A. Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B10-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 848. Effects of fire on temperate forests and related ecosystems: southeastern United States, Komarek, E.V. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 681. Grazing management of ponderosa pine-bunchgrass ranged of the central Rocky Mountains: The status of our knowledge. Currie, Pat O. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 684. Ecology and management of southwestern semidesert grass-shrub ranges: The status of our knowledge. Martin, S. Clark Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 686. Range management in the central and southern Rocky Mountains: A summary of the status of our knowledge by range ecosystems. Paulsen, Jr., Harold A. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 689. Coordinating forestry and elk management in Montana: initial recommendations. Lyon, L. Jack Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F04 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 692. Fire ecology questions survey: candid expressions of research needs by land managers and scientisis in western North America. Taylor, A.R., R.N. Kickert, D.H. Firmage, and M.J. Behan Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 696. An attempt (and failure) to correlate duff removal and slash fire heat. Albini, Frank A. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 697. Broadcast burning in larch-fir clearcuts: the Miller Creek-Newman Ridge study. Beaufait, William R., Charles E. Hardy, and William C. Fischer Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 700. Chaparral conversion potential in Arizona: Part II: An economic analysis. Brown, Thomas C., Paul F. OConnell, and Alden R. Hibbert Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 702. More water from mountain watersheds. Leaf, Charles F. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 706. Ecology of lodgepole pine Pinus contorta Dougl. Pfister, Robert D. and R. Daubenmire Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 710. The probability of consecutive rainless days. Farmer, E.E. and J.W. Homeyer Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 713. A descriptive analysis of Montanas forest resources. Schweitzer, Dennis L., Robert E. Bensen, and Richard M. McConnen Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 715. Can soil amendments aid revegetation of New Mexico coil mine spoils? ALdon, Earl F., H.W. Springfield, and George Garcia Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 721. Watershed management problems and opportunities for the Colorado front range ponderosa pine zone: The status of our knowledge. Gary, Howard L. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 724. Forest goals and decisionmaking in the Forest Servcie. Alston, Richard M. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 726. Interpretation of trend in range condition from 3-step data. Reppert, Jack N. and Richard E. Francis Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 731. Management involving grizzly and black bears in Yellowstone National Park 1970-75. Cole, Glen F. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 733. Timber products in the Rocky Mountain states, 1966. Setzer, Theodore S. and Alvin K. Wilson Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 739. Inhibiting effect of ponderosa pine seed trees on seedling growth. McDonald, Philip M. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 742. Weather variations on a mountain grassland in southwestern Montana. Mueggler, W.F. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 758. An experimental prescribed burn to reduce fuel hazard in chaparral. Green, Lisle R. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 772. Habitat types: an improved system for classifying Montanas forests. Arno, Stephen F. and Robert D. Pfister Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 778. Ecology, uses, and management of pinyon-juniper woodlands. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Station, Forest Service, USDA Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 780. Wildlife effects on a ponderosa pine ecosystem: an Arizona case study. Campbell, R.E., M.B. Baker, Jr., P.F. Ffolliott, F.R. Larson, and C.C. Avery Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 781. Importance, preservation and management of riparian habitat: a symposium. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 784. Selecting plants to rehabilitate disturbed areas. Monsen, Stephen B. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 788. Protective spray tests on three species of bark beetles in the western United States. Smith, R.H., G.C. Trostle, and W.F. McCambridge Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 793. Aspen sucker regeneration following burning and clearcutting on two sites in the Rocky Mountains. Schier, George A. and Robert B. Campbell Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B10-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 796. Forest habitat types of Montana. Pfister, Robert D., Bernard L. Kovalchik, Stephen F. Arno, and Richard C. Presby Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 803. Microsite requirements for establishment of annual rangeland weeds. Evans, Raymond A. and James A. Young Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 808. The use of fire: an historical background. Komarek, E.V. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 815. Range ecosystem management for natural areas. Cosby, Hugh E. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 818. South Dakota Conservation Digest Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 819. Origin of soil mounds associated with clumps of Ribes velutinum. Saunders, Dale V., James A. Young, and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 825. Soil water availability in an Arizona mixed conifer clearcutting. Embry, Robert S. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 828. Fire stimulated aspen sprouting in a spruce-fir forest in New Mexico. Patton, David R., and Herman D. Avant Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 835. Forage fires. Janson, Reuel Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 838. Early height growth of ponderosa pine forecasts dominance in plantations. Oliver, William W. and Robert F. Powers Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 839. Scheduling prescribed fires to alter smoke production and dispersion. Beaufait, William R. Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B10-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 840. Grazing on national forest system lands: cost of increasing capacity in the northern region. Horvarth, Joseph, Dennis Schweitzer, and Enoch Bell Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B10-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 844. Forest fire. Taylor, Alan R. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 679. Techniques for establishing native plants on coal mine spoils in New Mexico. Aldon, Earl F. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 680. Submerged burlap strips aided rehabilitation of disturbed semiarid sites in Colorado and New Mexico. Heede, Burchard H. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 685. Range management in the chaparral type and its ecological basis: The status of our knowledge. Cable, Dwight R. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F03 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 690. Installation of neutron probe access tubes in stony and boulder forest soils. Cline, R.G. and B.L. Jeffers Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F05 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 698. Silviculture of ponderosa pine in the Black Hills: The status of our knowledge. Boldt, Charles E. and James L. Van Deusen Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 704. Clearcutting and burning slash alter quality of stream water in northern Idaho. Snyder, Gordon G., Harold F. Haupt, and George H. Belt, Jr. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 707. Fire cycles and community dynamics in lodgepole pine forests. Brown, James K. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 709. Ecological aspects of lightning in forests. Taylor, Alan R. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 711. New fire research frontiers in Montana forests. Norum, Rodney A., Nellie Stark, and Robert W. Steele Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 716. Seasonal food habits of mule deer in southeastern Wyoming. Goodwin, Gregory, A. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 717. Important game animals and related recreation in arid shrublands of the United States. Wallmo, Olof C. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 723. Responses of weed populations to human manipulations of the natural environment. Young, James A. and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1976