Gartner Papers - Box 10

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B10-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 727. The Black Hills (South Dakota) flood in June 1972: impacts and implications. Orr, Howard K. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 728. Control of pinyon saplings with picloran or karbutilate. Young, James A. and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 729. Integration of resources for beef cattle production. Society for Range Management Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 734. Range cattle impacts on stream water quality in the Colorado front range. Johnson, Steven R., Howard L. Gray, and Stanley L. Ponce Folder 1978
UA 53.21: B10-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 745. Wyomings farm custom rates 1969. Stevens, Delwin M. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 756. Research Progress 1969. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 764. A fire potential assessment model for brush and grass fuels. Can Gelder, Randall J. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 773. Elk behavior in relation to timber harvest operations and traffic on the Medicine Bow Range in south-central Wyoming. Ward, A. Lorin Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 785. Ponderosa pine bibliography III: 1971 through 1974. Axelton, Elvera A. Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 799. Some effects of competition from cheatgrass brome on crested wheatgrass and bluestem wheatgrass. Rummell, Robert S. Folder 1946
UA 53.21: B10-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 801. Downy brome intruder in the plant succession of big sagebrush communities in the Great Basin. Young, James A. and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 802. Temperature requirements for seed germination in an annual-type rangeland community. Young, James A., Raymond A. Evans, and Burgess L. Kay Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 809. Some effects of pine needle or grass smoke on fungi. Parmeter, Jr., J.R. and B. Uhrenholdt Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 813. Let the forests burn? Alexander, Martin E. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 814. Some fires can help the forest! New Mexico Agricultural Extension service Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 816. Comments on the history of controlled burning in the southern United States. Komarek, Sr., E.V. Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 817. Wildland fires and dwarf mistletoes: a literature review of ecology and prescribed burning. Alexander, Martin E. and Frank G. Hawksworth Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 824. Effects of wildfire on elk and deer use of a ponderosa pine forest. Kruse, William H. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 833. Cooperative management of smoke from slash fires. Cramer, Owen P. and Howard E. Graham Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 850. Characteristics of backfires and headfires in a pine needle fuel bed. Beaufait, William R. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B10-F01 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 677. Effect of thinning on the foliage and forest floor properties of ponderosa pine stands. Wollum, II, A.G. and Gilbert H. Schubert Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F02 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 683. Alpine range management in the western United States Principles, practices, and problems: The status of our knowledge. Thilenius, John F. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 701. Publications of the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 1953-1973. Nickerson, Mona F. and Glen E. Brink Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F06 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 703. Deer nutrition problems in the USA. Nagy, J.G. and O.C. Wallmo Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 712. Forect recreation research publications. USDA, Forest Service Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 714. Soil wettability and fire in Arizona chaparral. Scholl, David G. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 720. Hydrologic relations on undisturbed and converted big sagebrush lands: the status of our knowledge. Sturges, David L. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 722. Toxins and teratogens of higher plants. Keeler, Richard F. Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B10-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 730. Recreational carrying capacity: an annotated bibliography. Stankey, George H. and David W. Lime Folder 1973
UA 53.21: B10-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 735. The sharp-tailed grouse in Nebraska: a research study. Sisson, Leonard Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 737. The effect of hydrophobic substances on water movement in soil during infiltration. DeBano, Leonard F. Folder 19711
UA 53.21: B10-F13 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 740. A technique for sampling low shrub vegetation by crown volume classes. Bentley, Jay R., Donald W. Seegrist, and David A. Blakeman Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F14 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 741. Germination and establishment of fourwing saltbrush in the southwest. Springfield, H.W. Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 747. Trees, shrubs, roses, and vines for Wyoming high altitudes. Dahl, Otto. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B10-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 749. Ecology and management of subalpine ranges on the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. Pond, Floyd W. and Dixie R. Smith Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 752. Yield or even-aged stands of ponderosa pine. Meyer, Walter H. Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B10-F16 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 754. Forests in South Dakota. Choate, Grover A. and John S. Spencer, Jr. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 757. Reducing fire hazard in ponderosa pine thinning slash by mechanical crushing. Dell, John D. and Franklin R. Ward Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 760. Thinning in conifers of the western United States. McCulley, Robert D. Folder 1969
UA 53.21: B10-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 761. Cantilever scales for measuring weight changes. Murray, John R. and Clive M. Countryman Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 763. Perennial grasses reduce woody plant seedlings on mixed conifer fuel-break. Schimke, Harry E., Lisle R. Green, and Danny Heavilin Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F18 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 765. National forest landscape management. Forest Service, USDA Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 766. Some social concepts for outdoor recreation planning. Stankey, George H. Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 767. Fuelbreaks and other fuel modification for wildland fire control. Green, Lisle G., 1977 (2 c Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 768. Effects of a prescribed fire in an Arizona ponderosa pine forest. Ffolliott, Peter F., Warren P. Clary, and Frederic R. Larson Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 770. M Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 776. Forests and water: effect of forest management on floods, sedimentation, and water supply. Anderson, Henry W., Marvin D. Hoover, Kenneth G. Reinhart Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 777. Fire effects on water supply, floods, and sedimentation. Anderson, Henry W. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 783. Personality, outdoor recreation, and expected consequences. Driver, B.L. and Richard C. Knopf Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 787. Hydrologic and soil properties of coal mine overburden piles in southeastern Montana. Farmer, Eugene E. and Bland Z. Richardson Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F23 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 789. Low concentration of lindane plus induced attraction traps mountain pine beetle. Smith, R.H. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 792. The historical role of fire on the Bitterroot National Forest. Arno, Stephen F. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 794. Avian use of livestock watering ponds in western South Dakota. Evans, Keith E., and ROgert Kerbs Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 795. Managing public rangelands: effective livestock grazing practices and systems for national forests and national grasslands. Driscoll, Richard S. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B10-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 797. Fire management and land use planning today: tradition and change in the forest service. Mutch, Robert W. Folder 1976
UA 53.21: B10-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 798. Use of fire in land management. Kayll, A.J. Folder undated
UA 53.21: B10-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 800. Plant communities and secondary succession in south-central South Dakota. Tolstead, W.L. Folder 1941
UA 53.21: B10-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 804. Alien plants in the Great Basin. Young, James A., Raymond A. Evans, and J. Major Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 805. Control of annual grasses and revegetation in ponderosa pine woodlands. Christensen, M. Dale, James A. Young, and Raymond A. Evans Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F27 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 807. Fire and wildlife grazing on African Plateau. Lemon, Paul C. Folder 1968
UA 53.21: B10-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 811. The use of fire on Arizona rangelands. Pase, Charles P. and Carl Eric Granfelt Folder 1977
UA 53.21: B10-F29 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 820. Aerial ignition of Idaho elk ranges. Leege, Thomas A. and M. Clark Fultz Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 830. Building firelines with liquid explosive some preliminary results. Dell, John D. and Franklin R. Ward Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 831. Oscillating sprinklers backup for burnout. Dell, John D. and George I. Schram Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 832. Vegetal development following prescribed burning of douglas-fir in south-central Idaho. Lyon. L. Jack Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 841. Research looks at air quality and forest burning. Murphy, James L., Leo J. Fritschen and Owen P. Cramer Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B10-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 842. Water transpired by trees is indicated by heat pulse velocity. Swanson, R.H. Folder 1971
UA 53.21: B10-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 843. Managing a ponderosa pine forest to increase water yield. Rich, Lowell R. Folder 1972
UA 53.21: B10-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 845. I thought forest firest were black! Mutch, Robert W. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 846. Habitat research cornerstone in management. Reynolds, Hudson G. Folder 1974
UA 53.21: B10-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 849. Wildland fires and ecosystems a hypothesis. Mutch, Robert W. Folder 1970